How to Fight Cold using Garlic

Cold is a common respiratory problem that caused due to the virus, which penetrates into the mucous membrane and leads to this viral infection.

It happens mostly due to allergic disorders, virus attacks from an infected person through personal contact or sudden weather changes. It exhibits certain symptoms like runny nose, sore throat, nasal congestion, sneezing, cough, headache, etc.

Instead of using those commercial cold medications which may result in side effects, why don’t we use a natural remedy that is safe, simple and effective like garlic?

Want to know a detail description at why and how it works? Then have a look at its properties and methods that used to cure a cold.

Why Garlic for treating Cold?


    Garlic exhibits a powerful antiviral, antimicrobial and antioxidant properties that fight against the virus causing cold.
    It has antiseptic properties that strengthen your immune system to prevent the attack of your cold virus.
    It contains an enzyme called alliinase (or alliin), which converts into allicin that has sulfur-containing compounds. They are essential for boosting for disease-fighting white blood cells to counteract the virus causing cold or flu.
    Garlic contains some oils that act as a natural decongestant effect which breaks up the mucus and clears cold and congestion.
    It has vitamin C, enzymes, amino acids and minerals (like sulfur, selenium) which help to heal your body from common cold by reducing the viral load.

How to use Garlic for Treating Cold:

Scroll down to know some best ways of using garlic for treating cold effectively.

Method – 1: (Raw Garlic)

Consuming raw garlic is the best way to grab the maximum benefits from it.

    Crush a garlic clove and suck on it.
    Consume 1 – 2 garlic cloves for every 4 hours to get quick relief from the cold.
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    Or include garlic in your daily diet like in cooking recipes, soups, etc.
    Or mix the 2 minced garlic cloves in 1 glass of water. Drink it daily to get rid of common cold.
    Also, mix some minced garlic and 1 – 2 tablespoons of lemon juice (or honey) in 6 – 8 ounces of water. Stir well and drink it to relieve your cold symptoms.

Method – 2: (Garlic with Honey)

Both garlic and honey have antimicrobial and antioxidant properties that fight against the cold virus. They also boost up your immunity to reduce its severity.

    Take 7 cloves of garlic and mince them.
    Then mix the minced garlic with 1 tablespoon of organic honey.
    Consume 1 teaspoon of this mix once daily till you get relief from cold and its symptoms.


    Or pour few garlic cloves in a jar and add honey over it. Let it infuse for several days and refrigerate it. Consume 6 cloves along with 1 tablespoon of honey regularly.
    Also, spread some raw honey and minced garlic on the toast and consume it to treat cold.

Method – 3: (Garlic with Olive Oil)

Garlic leaves you with a feel of warmth and also helps to thin the mucus to clear this respiratory infection.

    Mix 2 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil in 3 minced garlic cloves.
    Stir well and keep it aside for 30 minutes.
    After that, use this mix to rub on your soles of the feet thoroughly.
    Now wear socks and leave it for overnight.
    Repeat the same process, if needed to get relief from cold.
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Method – 4: (Garlic Tea)

Intake of hot garlic tea will help with the decongestion and treat your cold very effectively.

    Pour 3 cloves of garlic and 3 cups of water in a pan.
    Boil it for few minutes and turn off the heat.
    Then add 1/2 cup each of honey and fresh lemon juice (with its seeds and rind, rich in vitamin C) to it.
    Stir well and drink this warm tea.
    Refrigerate the leftover tea and drink 1/2 cup of this warm garlic tea.
    Repeat it 2 – 3 times daily by reheating it.

Note: Or boil 1 cup of water and then add 2 minced garlic cloves and 1 teaspoon of grated ginger in it. Simmer for 5 minutes and turn off the heat. Steep it for 10 minutes and strain it to drink by adding some honey.

Do’s and Don’ts:

    Use garlic infused oil (infuse raw garlic in cooking oils) in your cooking but be sure to prepare it freshly without preservation.
    Regularly have some hot garlic soup (or pour garlic in your soups) to get rid of this upper respiratory problem.
    The recommended dosage of garlic for cold is one clove of raw garlic for 2 – 3 times per day and its supplements range from 600 – 1200 mg per day. But consult your doctor before taking its supplements to know all about your health condition.
    Garlic exhibits certain drawbacks if taken in excess amounts like bad breath, indigestion, body odor, mouth irritation or thins your blood, etc.
    People who are allergic to onions or garlic family should avoid using garlic for preventing cold.
    Never ever over cook the garlic, as this process destroys its medicinal properties. So, always use crushed or minced or raw garlic cloves.
    Other than using garlic, drink plenty of water, consume a well-balanced diet and get plenty of rest to get quick relief from cold.
    It may interact with certain medications like blood thinners or drugs that lower blood sugar, etc. so, consult doctor prefer using garlic.
    Run a humidifier to add moisture to your air and thereby to get rid of cold, cough and nasal congestion.
    Always keep yourself warm by drinking hot healthy liquids but be sure to avoid dairy products (increase mucus).
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Try these garlic methods to cure your cold. Do you know any other successful garlic methods for a cold? Then share it with us in the below comments box.

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