How to Dissolve Gallstones using Lemon

Gallstones are hard deposits in the gallbladder that formed due to the buildup of hardened cholesterol, bilirubin, calcium deposits and concentration of bile. The size of these stones will range from a grain to golf ball.

We can’t detect these stones easily unless and until the stones obstruct in the opening of the bile duct in your gallbladder, which causes severe abdominal pain (especially on the right side), nausea, bloating, vomiting, chills, back pain, clay-colored stools, etc.

Age (above 60 years), obese, poor diet, genetics, hormonal imbalance, lack of physical activities, diabetes, intake of a high-fat diet, liver problems, etc. are some symptoms of gallstones.

You can treat your gallstones with some natural home remedies like apple cider vinegar, lemon, pears, dandelion, etc. that not only to cure symptoms but also helps to get rid of gallstones.

Here we are going to know all about how to treat gallstones using lemon.

Does Lemon Juice treat Gallstones?


    Lemons reduce calcifications (calcium deposits) in the gallbladder and kidneys, which in turn helps to dissolve and pass the gallstones. It also prevents the recurrence of stones in the gallbladder.
    It is enriched with vitamin C and citric acid that prevents the liver from producing cholesterol and makes the cholesterol more water soluble. This will help in the faster elimination of waste products.
    Pectin in lemon helps to get relief from the pain and bloating that attributed to gallstones.
    It contains antioxidant and antimicrobial properties that combat the infection of gallbladder caused by gallstones.

How Lemons are used for Removing Gallstones:

Discover the best lemon methods that effectively dissolve gallstones naturally. Here we are using lemon juice alone or in the combination of other natural ingredients. Let’s get started.

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Method – 1: (Lemon Juice)

Lemon juice has a compound called terpene that dissolves gallstones and treat spasms that caused due to gallbladder pain.

    Squeeze out the juice of 4 fresh lemons.
    Consume it on an empty stomach and follow it with 1 glass of water.
    Repeat it daily for few days to dissolve gallstones.

Note: Or if you’re unable to drink lemon juice then mix 4 tablespoons of fresh lemon juice in 1 glass of lukewarm water and drink it daily in the morning on an empty stomach.

Method – 2: (Lemon Juice with Olive Oil and Garlic)

Olive oil reduces the solidification of cholesterol to lower its level in the gallbladder. Slight acidic nature of olive and its consistency helps to remove gallstones. This is an Ayurvedic remedy for dissolving gallstones.

    Add 30 ml each of fresh lemon juice and extra virgin olive oil in 5 grams of garlic paste.
    Stir well and consume this mix in every morning on an empty stomach.
    Continue the consumption for at least 40 days to get complete relief from the gallstones.

Method – 3: (Lemon Juice with Apple Cider Vinegar)

Apple cider vinegar with the mother will exhibit malic acid and enzymes that soften the gallstones and removes it easily from the bladder.

    Add 1 tablespoon each of fresh lemon juice and apple cider vinegar in 1 glass of apple juice.
    Stir well and drink it to get relief from the pain in your gallbladder.
    Do it every morning for few days to dissolve the gallstones along with its pain.
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Note: Or you can replace apple juice with lukewarm water.

Method – 4: (Lemon Juice with Pear Juice)

Pears contain pectin that softens the cholesterol filled gallstones and flushes it easily from the body. This combination will work well in eliminating the pain and other symptoms of gallstones.

    Stir 1/2 glass each of hot water and pear juice.
    Then add 1 tablespoon of fresh lemon juice to it and mix well.
    Drink this juice for 3 times a day for few days to get rid of gallstones.

Method – 5: (Lemon Juice with Psyllium)

Psyllium has rich content of soluble fiber that prevents cholesterol and constipation to dissolve gallstones.

    Mix 1 tablespoon of Psyllium and juice of 1 fresh lemon to 1 glass of water.
    Stir well and drink it in every night before bedtime.

Tips and Precautions:

    Mix lemon juice in some herbal teas like peppermint tea, dandelion tea, milk thistle tea, ginger tea, etc. and drink it regularly to remove gallstones.
    Lemon juice is acidic in nature which can damage your teeth enamel. So, rinse your mouth with water after the intake of lemon.
    Also, include plenty of foods that are rich in citrus and vitamin C in your diet to strengthen your immunity and to get rid of gallstones.
    Drink more of water to break down the fat, prevent the excess formation of cholesterol and thus stones in your body.
    Excessive intake of lemon juice may cause GERD, heartburn, stomach upset and ulcers. So, avoid or limit the usage of lemon for gallstones, if you’re suffering from these problems.
    Avoid the consumption of fatty, processed or oily foods and consume spices like ginger, turmeric, black pepper, etc. which stimulate the functioning of gallbladder and liver.
    For best results, always use organic, fresh and raw ingredients for treating any health problem, including gallstones.
    Consult your doctor if you didn’t get any relief from gallstones or pain in your gallbladder, for proper diagnoses and treatment, as lemon is not medically proved as a treatment for gallstones.
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Try these lemon methods for removing your gallstones and share your experiences and queries in the below comments box.

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