How to Delay your Periods Naturally without Side Effects

Getting periods on time is a healthy sign of the body. However having it on important occasions or event can be frustrating. So, many women try to delay their periods for few days by depending on medications. But they can have severe side effects and even hamper the natural menstrual cycle behaviour. If you are looking for natural solutions that don’t impact your reproductive system health then home remedies are the best way.

Home Remedies to Delay your Period Naturally:

Here are the best natural remedies and tips that help you to get control over your cycle in your favour in a safe and effective manner.

Remedy – 1: Gram Lentils

Gram Lentils have substantial effect and can be consumed to get relief from problems like delay of your menstrual cycle. Having some soup prepared by gram lentils will help to postpone your periods and make you enjoy the event tension-free.

What You Need

Steps to be followed

    Take a tiny bowl with some gram lentils and fry them until they become soft.
    Then grind them for few minutes to get a fine powder.
    Use this gram lentil powder to prepare a thick soup.
    Consume the soup.
    The intake of this gram lentil soup daily will restrict the cycle and thereby delays the date of your menstrual cycle.

Remedy – 2: Vinegar

Vinegar is another most effective natural ways to postpone your periods. Sipping vinegar water will help you a lot to delay your period if consumed once daily.

What You Need

    Apple cider vinegar – 4 teaspoons
    Filtered water – 1 glass
    Honey – 1 tablespoon

Steps to be followed

    Take 1 glass of water, mix apple cider vinegar in it.
    Stir it well to mix properly.
    Drink it to delay your menstrual symptoms.
    If it tastes bitter or bad then consider adding some raw honey to it before drinking.
    Drinking this vinegar water once daily will help to delay periods for 3 – 4 days.

Note: Or simply mix equal parts of vinegar and fresh lemon juice, drink it twice daily – once on an empty stomach and another one at night before bedtime to remove toxins from the body and to delay periods.

Remedy – 3: Raspberry Leaf Tea & Angelica Root

Raspberry leaf is popular for its astonishing health benefits that include delaying the menstruation and also improves the health of your reproductive system. Here we are using raspberry leaves as an herbal remedy for delaying the periods without any side effects.

What You Need

    Raspberry leaves
    Hot water – 1 cup

Steps To Follow

    Take few raspberry leaves and dry them thoroughly.
    Steep few leaves in 1 cup of hot water to prepare tea .
    Leave it for 10 minutes.
    Strain it to drink this raspberry tea to delay the periods.
    Regular intake of this raspberry leaves tea for once or twice daily will help you a lot in postponing your periods.


    Or you can use the dried leaves and churned it into a fine powder and thereby prepare it as a tea.
    It will give best results if you boil dried raspberry tea leaves along with the garden sage and angelica root and cool it. Refrigerate the mix and consume 2 spoons of this solution once daily after it reached to room temperature.
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Remedy – 4: Parsley Leaves

Parsley is an effective herbal remedy that helps to postpone your menstrual cycle as per your convenience without any side effects.

What You Need

    Parsley leaves – handful
    Water – 1 cup
    Honey – 1 teaspoon

Steps to be followed

    Take a handful of parsley leaves and chop it.
    Pour them in 1 cup of water and boil it on a low flame for 20 minutes.
    In this boiling process, water will get the flavour of the leaves.
    Then turn off the heat and strain the water into another mug.
    Stir it well by adding 1 spoon of honey.
    Drink this parsley water for once or twice daily and continue sipping this tea until you want to delay your periods.

Remedy – 5: Gelatin

A lot of women prefer to use this remedy for delaying their menstrual cycle naturally. You can use either store bought or gelatin at your home.

What You Need

    Gelatin – 1 packet
    Warm Water – 1 glass

Steps to be followed

    Take a bowl with warm water add gelatine in it.
    Stir it well to mix properly.
    Leave it for a minute.
    Then consume it to delay your periods.
    As per the estimation of certain ladies, drinking this gelatin water will postpone your period up to 4 hours. So, you have to gulp this solution for thrice daily till the time you want to postpone your cycle.

Remedy – 8: Tamarind Pulp

The tingling tamarind will delay your menstruation by regulating your hormonal levels. Prepare refreshing tamarind drink to keep this menses away for few days.

What You Need

    Tamarind – 15 grams
    Water – 260 ml
    Sugar – 1 teaspoon
    Salt – 1 pinch
    Tiny bowl

Steps To Be Followed

    Take a tiny bowl with water add tamarind in it.
    Soak if for overnight.
    Then filter the seeds.
    Add salt and sugar in it.
    Stir it well to mix properly.
    Pour few ice cubes in it.
    Drink it to get relief from periods early.
    Regular intake will help you to delay your menses for few days.

Remedy – 9: Chia Seeds

Chia seeds are most effective in delaying your periods. Most of the women like chia seeds because of its delicious taste.

What You Need

    Chia seeds – 1 teaspoon
    Water – 1 cup

Steps To Be Followed

    Take a cup of water add chia seeds in it.
    Soak it for overnight.
    In the next morning drink it on the empty stomach.
    Try to do this process 5 days before your period date to delay your menses.

Remedy – 10: Lemon

The citric acid in lemon will helps to stop the menstrual cycle and delay your periods. But for some women it may causes some pain during their next menstrual.

What You Need

    Lemon – 1
    Water – 1 glass

Steps To Follow

    Take a glass of water add lemon juice extracted from fresh lemon.
    Stir it well to mix properly.
    Drink the juice 3 or 4 times in a day to delay periods.

Remedy – 11: Cinnamon Tea

Cinnamon tea has astringent properties that help to delay your period, because it offers some relaxation to your body.

What You Need

    Cinnamon stick – 1
    Water – 1 cup
    Tiny bowl

Steps To Be Followed

    Take a bowl with water add cinnamon stick in it.
    Heat it below boiling point for 10 minutes.
    Use the tea strainer to strain the tea.
    Now drink the tea.
    Try to drink before your menses time to delay it.
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Remedy – 12: Scared Fig

Scared fig will delay the periods, it will control the hormone level and make you feel relief from stress.

What You Need

    Scared fig leaves – handful
    Water – 1 cup

Steps To Be Followed

    Take a bowl with water add scared fig leaves in it.
    Use a blender to get juice.
    Drink the juice.
    Continue the same process for a week before your period. 

Remedy – 13: Coriander Seeds

Coriander seeds will also help to delay your periods.

What You Need

    Coriander seeds – 2 tablespoons
    Water – 1 glass
    Tiny bowl

Steps To Be Followed

    Take a tiny bowl with water add coriander seeds in it.
    Boil it for few minutes.
    Leave it for few minutes till the mix cool down.
    Now drink it.
    To avoid periods drink it 4 times in a day.

Remedy – 14: Licorice Root

Licorice root will make hormonal changes in the women body to delay the menses.

What You Need

    Licorice powder – 4 grams
    Drained rice water – 1 cup

Steps To Be Followed

    Take a bowl with drained water add licorice powder in it.
    Stir it well to mix properly.
    Drink the mix for a week before your actual menses time.

Remedy – 15: Mango Bark

Mango bark is used to make medicines for menstruation and also helps to delay your periods.

What You Need

    Mango bark extract – 14ml
    Water – 1 cup

Steps To Follow

    Take a tiny bowl with water add mango extract in it.
    Stir it well to mix properly.
    Store it in refrigerator for 15 minutes.
    Take 1 tablespoon of mango extract for every 4 hours.
    Do this 5 or 6 days before your periods.

Other Effective Remedies:

Avoid the Intake of Spicy Food

Spicy food will boost up your blood flow and generate heat in the body which in turn initiates your menstrual cycle. So, if you want to delay your period then avoid all types of spicy foods (like chilies, cayenne pepper, black pepper, garlic, etc.) completely from your diet.

Get Control On Stress:

Control over your stress will help you to get control over your health. Stress may result in abnormal periods, before the accepted date. So, perform deep breathing exercises, meditation and yoga will definitely bring your control over stress and thereby postpone menstrual cycle.


Certain herbs like yarrow tinctures and shepherd’s purse (dried and ground to a powder) is having the ability to stop your blood flow and delay periods. Then make it as a fluid (mix it with water) and consume this herbal fluid to postpone your periods. The Shepherd purse is widely used to stop the excessive blood flow during hemorrhages and thereby delays your menstrual bleeding.


Emotional stress is one main reason causing menstrual period before time and you can easily combat stress with regular exercises why because the exercise will keep you in a good state of physical fitness. People with less or no physical activities will suffer from a variety of complications like abnormal periods. So, go for walking, jogging, running, swimming, etc. to regain proper physical balance.

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Inadequate drinking of water will also result in many health problems including abnormal periods. So, drink plenty of water to postpone your cycle along with to get normal and lighter periods regularly.

Tips and Precautions:

    It is important to start your treatment from at least 15 days prior to the expected date of menstruation why because the hormonal changes that causing menstruation will start working from 14 days before the start of next cycle.
    You may experience some symptoms like severe period cramps, hot flashes or mood swings on a frequent basis due to some disturbance in your hormonal balance of the body.
    Make sure that postponing your menstrual cycle for long days even with natural home remedies are not good for health. So, never plan to postpone your date of menstruation for a long time and stop using these natural remedies as soon as you completed your work.
    The intake of birth control pills or progesterone supplement or any hormonal pills will affect your health in the longer run.
    Be cautious about the food you’re consuming while willing to postpone your periods naturally. The intake of hot or spicy food will increase the heat in the body and thus pre-pone your periodic cycle. So, drop your habit of consuming hot rice with vegetables and consume meals which are cold to delay the cycle.
    You can easily get your periods postponed by simple massage of your uterus. Yes, it is very effective to postpone your period and also used to reduce the pain (menstrual cramps) during the period time. So, massage the uterus gently for few minutes to enhance its health and delay periods naturally.
    The intake of certain foods like papaya and carrot which are a rich content of vitamin A and beta carotene, which help to stimulate the estrogen levels in the hormones and thereby delays your period.
    Eating 2 bananas after your breakfast at least 4 – 5 days before your period date will help you in halting periods for a good number of days. Make sure to drink 1 cup of water post this binge eating.
    Consult your doctor if you find any serious side effects or using any medications before the usage of these remedies for delaying the periods.
    Stress is another important factor that prepones your periodic cycle. So, control your stress to delay and to avoid irregular menstrual cycles. So, perform yoga, deep breathing exercises, meditation, some physical exercises to tone down the muscles, stabilize the menstrual cycle and regulate your periods.
    But don’t try to postpone your periods again and again, it is harmful for your body.

Final Word:

Altering your menstrual cycle is just going against nature which is risky for health but handling that with natural remedies will definitely lessen the side effects involved in it.

All the above-mentioned home remedies are effective, check the best remedy that works best for you in delaying your periods. Sometimes it may not work perfectly depending on the particular female body.

Do you know any other successful remedies for delaying the menstrual cycle naturally? Then share your experience with us in the below comments box.

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