How to Cure Yeast Infection using Apple Cider Vinegar

Yeast infection or Candida is a horribly painful problem that was caused due to a group of microscopic fungi or yeast known as Candida albicans. It is most common in people who live in hot and humid climatic conditions. It mainly affects the intestinal tract like vaginal area, in the mouth and a little less on the lower abdomen, under the breasts, around dentures and beneath skin folds (armpits).

Weak immune system and hormonal imbalance will thrive the yeast to grow in the body and cause this infection. Itching, irritation, burning or swelling are some of the signs you experience while you’re suffering from yeast infection.

There are many natural home remedies that eliminate the infection quickly and safely rather than over the counter medications. One such effective natural remedy is apple cider vinegar (ACV). It has many health and skin benefits in which Hippocrates has believed that cider vinegar has many amazing medical uses.

Here are some of the vinegar properties which make it as an effective remedy for yeast infection.

    It acts as a natural antifungal and antibiotic agent that kills the fungus or yeast, bacteria or virus causing infection.
    It re-colonizes the intestines and vagina with friendly bacteria that in turn acts as a powerful guard to stop the Candida from returning.
    It is acidic in nature and the yeast can’t survive in the acidic environment. It keeps the natural pH balance of vagina that prevents the growth of yeast infection.
    Proteins, nutrients, friendly bacteria and enzymes rich cider vinegar will boost up the immune system and thus help to prevent the yeast infection when taken orally.
    It reduces the blood glucose levels and thus controls the blood sugar along with fighting against the fungal infections. So, the usage of cider is more beneficial for diabetic patients.
    Malic and acetic acids in vinegar contain antifungal and antibacterial properties that fight against the yeast to prevent the infection.
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Now, we are going to learn about 3 best and different ways of using apple cider vinegar for treating the yeast infection effectively.

Method – 1: (Apple Cider Vinegar – Internal Intake)


How to Cure Yeast Infection using Apple Cider Vinegar

Include apple cider vinegar in your daily diet to prevent the infection from inside by balancing the pH levels and hindering the fungal growth.

Few ways to include cider vinegar in the diet…

    Add 1 – 2 tablespoons of cider vinegar in 1 glass of filtered water. Stir well and drink this mix regularly for 2 – 3 times a day (once on an empty stomach and before or after meals).
    Use cider vinegar as a salad dressing as coleslaw, to marinate meat, drizzle on baked potato or fries and also pickling agent.
    Mix some apple cider vinegar in fresh fruit or vegetable juices or in herbal teas. Drink this to get rid of the infection.
    Take ACV in supplement forms such as tablets, pills, capsules, in tonic form and any of its extracts to get relief from the infection by taking prior and proper advice from your doctor to prevent side effects.
    Continue using ACV daily for few days to cure the infection in a healthy manner.

Method – 2: (Apple Cider Vinegar Bath)

This method is widely used to treat vaginal yeast infection and the improvements should be seen after 3 soaks.

Steps to be followed…

    Add 2 cups of ACV in your bathtub.
    Allow lukewarm water into the bathtub and stir it.
    Soak yourself in this water for about 15 minutes.
    Dry your skin thoroughly after completing the treatment to remove moisture, as moisture will promote the fungal growth.
    Repeat this bath for twice daily till the infection has cleared completely.
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    Also, you can sit in the bathtub to get rid of vaginal yeast infection.
    Or simply soak a clean cloth in diluted cider vinegar for 2 – 3 minutes. Take out and wring to remove excess vinegar and place it on the yeast infected skin areas. Let it sit for few minutes and do the soaking process regularly.
    Alternatively, tea tree oil is another effective ingredient for yeast infection, so including few drops of tea tree oil in ACV mixed warm water in your bathtub. Have this bath for twice daily to clear the infection.

Method – 3: (Apple Cider Vinegar Douche for Vaginal Yeast Infection)

Douching with ACV will acidify the vagina to make it as inhospitable for the yeast to thrive in and cause the infection.

Steps to be followed…

    Add 3 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in 2 quarts of warm distilled water.
    Stir well and pour this mix in a douche applicator.
    Then start doing douche with this solution, same like you douche regularly.
    This process reduces the symptoms like vaginal discharge, irritation, and itching.
    Do the same process for once or twice daily until the discharge and symptoms of the infection has lessened.



    Alternatively, use a tampon that dipped and soaked in diluted apple cider vinegar inside the vagina for 10 – 20 minutes. After that, clean the area with warm water and dry it immediately. This process will provide a close contact to vaginal walls and cures the infection and its symptoms effectively.
    Avoid overdoing this process after treating yeast infection, as it also clears the good bacteria and disturbs the healthy environment in the vaginal areas.
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Tips and Precautions:

    Always choose raw, organic, unfiltered and unpasteurized apple cider vinegar that contains mother in it, rather than normal cider vinegar.
    If you can’t tolerate the burning sensation, then dilute ACV by mixing equal parts of vinegar and water and apply this mix on the affected areas to get relief from the itching, burning and irritation.
    Remember to shake the bottle well each time before using it to distribute the good elements.
    Avoid the intake of sugary foods and eat yogurt and other probiotic rich food with active cultures to enhance the lost good bacteria and thereby to cure the infection.
    Wear loose fitting panties and cotton clothes to reduce the irritation and to keep the area dry.
    While drinking ACV, it’s preferred to use a straw to prevent the tooth problems. Also, wash your mouth after drinking this vinegar.

Try these ACV methods to cure your problem and let me know which one worked well in treating your infection by sharing your experience with us.

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