How to Cure Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) Naturally

You may have noticed many diseases related to sexual organs like HIV, genital warts, gonorrhea, genital herpes, Chlamydia, hepatitis, trichomoniasis, syphilis, etc. which are dangerous and can spread easily from one to another through sexual intercourse. This group of diseases is termed as sexually transmitted diseases (STDs).

STDs are serious health disorders and should have to be treated quickly after it recognized to prevent damage caused by these diseases in the body. the main drawback is people who are suffering from certain STDs was unable to recognize its presence until the immune system is weakened and gets damaged in the reproductive organs or heart or vision along with other organs.

What are the Causes of STDs?


STD is infected by every kind of microbes like STD caused by bacteria (Chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphilis), STD caused by a parasite (trichomoniasis), STD caused by the virus (HIV, hepatitis B, genital warts, genital herpes).

In general, the germs causing STDs will hide in vaginal secretions, semen, blood and sometimes saliva which make the STDs get transmitted through oral, anal and vaginal sex. In certain cases, germs causing genital warts or herpes will spread through skin contact and also gets infected with the contact of damp or moist objects used by an infected person (such as wet clothing, toilet seats, towels) beside sexual contact.

It is also caused at certain cases like having sex with more than 1 partner, having sex who has many partners, not using a condom during the sexual intercourse, sharing needles while injecting drugs into the body, etc. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) suggests that the misuse of technology will also become one of the causes of STDs among teenagers and young adults.

Do you know that up to 65 million Americans are suffering from an incurable STD and there are 10 million new cases every year? In which half of the cases are among people who are at the ages of 15 – 25 years.

Symptoms of STDs:

Each of the STD problem exhibits its specific symptoms. So, you should be aware of them and treat these problems immediately without any delay.

Let’s have a look at its symptoms as per the specific STD.

HIV Symptoms – HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) exhibits no symptoms at the beginning but at the first stage it shows some signs and symptoms like a headache, sore throat, fatigue, swollen lymph glands, rashes, fever, diarrhea, weight loss, shortness of breath, etc. but in later years it exhibits the symptoms in severe or chronic form.

Chlamydia – A bacterial infection of the genital tract that doesn’t show any signs and symptoms after 2 – 3 weeks of infecting the body. It exhibits lower abdominal pain, pain during sexual intercourse, painful urination, discharge from their sexual organs, etc.

Read More about Chlamydia, its Symptoms, and Natural Treatments.

Gonorrhea – A bacterial infection that affects genital tract but can grow in eyes, mouth, anus, and throat. It shows signs and symptoms like anal itching, painful bowel movements, pain during urinating, painful and swollen testicles (men), heavy menstrual bleeding or bleeding between periods (women), thick cloudy discharge from the penis or vagina, etc.

Trichomoniasis – A parasitic infection caused by trichomonas vaginitis which infects the urinary tract and vagina. It shows signs and symptoms that include painful urination, strong vaginal odor, vaginal itching or irritation (inside the penis), yellowish or greenish vaginal discharge ( also from the penis), etc.

Click on to know more about Trichomonas Vaginitis.

Wondering how to deal with this STDs and how to prevent you from getting these sexually transmitted diseases? Although there are many over the counter medications, creams or treatments available and your doctor may suggest you some antibiotics and other medications as a course to treat your problem.

The only drawback is they work on the disease-causing microbes and clears the problem but the thing is that you have to enhance your immune system and stimulate the hormones to function properly to get rid of these diseases in a natural way with a healthy diet, healthy lifestyle and a safe sex with a single partner.

Home Remedies for Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs):

Here are some best natural remedies that are widely used to treat various forms of STDs. But make sure to consult your doctor for proper diagnose before using any remedy for clearing the STDs.

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Have a look at these most common natural remedies that help you to cure STDs effectively.

Remedy – 1: (Garlic)

Being rich in antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties, garlic is considered as a great remedy that used to treat STDs. The allicin content in garlic has natural healing qualities that prevent the risk of getting STDs and also helps in purifying your overall system.

Here are few ways of using garlic for STDs cure.

    Simply chew 1 – 2 cloves of fresh garlic for once or twice daily to strengthen your immune system.
    Take 500 mg of garlic supplements daily to clear the infection along with its symptoms completely.
    Swallow 1 teaspoon of freshly minced garlic with water to fend off these infections and diseases.
    Include garlic in your foods like curries, soups, salads, rice items, bread, etc.

Remedy – 2: (Lemon Juice)

Lemon juice exhibits mild antimicrobial, astringent and antioxidant properties that help you to get rid of the STDs. It reduces the itching, pain, and inflammation which are associated with the STDs.

    Take a lemon and cut it to squeeze its juice freshly.
    Apply it to the infected areas of the skin by using a cotton ball.
    Let it sit for few minutes and rinse the area with lukewarm water.
    Dry the skin gently and repeat the same process for once or twice daily until you get complete relief from the STDs and its symptoms.


    Or mix fresh garlic juice in lemon juice before application on the infected areas of the skin to get rid of microbes causing infection.
    Alternately, use vinegar instead of lemon juice to treat STDs. Vinegar exhibits antimicrobial, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and immune boosting properties that help to clear the microbes causing infection.

Remedy – 3: (Aloe Vera)

Aloe vera has antimicrobial, antiseptic, astringent and skin soothing properties that help you in getting rid of these sexually transmitted diseases and its symptoms. It soothes the skin to prevent you from the itching, burning sensation, and soreness in the genitals.

    Take an aloe vera leaf and cut it to extract its gel freshly.
    Apply this fresh aloe gel to the affected parts of the body.
    Let it sit for about few minutes until the gel dries up completely.
    Leave it or rinse the affected areas with lukewarm water.
    Dry the area and repeat the application for twice daily until you get rid of these STDs along with its symptoms.

Note: avoid applying aloe vera gel to the open sores and also wear gloves while applying this gel to prevent the spread of infection.

Remedy – 4: (Neem Tree)

Neem tree has certain compounds that help to stimulate the immune system which in turn helps to prevent the recurrence of these diseases. It has various therapeutic properties like antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal and anti-inflammatory properties that help you in dealing with these infections.

Regular usage will destroy and eradicate all sorts of microbes causing STD and heals you quickly from this condition.

    Take some neem leaves and boil it in water for about 12 – 15 minutes.
    After that, turn off the heat and leave it until the water turns to warm.
    Then use this neem water to take your bath, which helps to remove microbes and soothes the skin.
    Dry your skin gently and repeat the same process daily until you get relief from the painful manifestations of STDs.


    Or consume 5 neem leaves and a bit of mishri in every morning for getting quick and effective relief from STDs.
    Also, application of neem oil with any carrier oil will give instant relief from itching and irritation caused by these STDs.

Remedy – 5: (Tea Tree Oil)

Tea tree oil has various medicinal properties that used to treat a wide range of diseases and infections, including STDs. It exhibits antibacterial, antiviral, antimicrobial, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties that help to deal with this STDs and its symptoms like pain, itching, irritation, burning sensation, and others.

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Here are few ways of using tea tree oil for treating sexually transmitted diseases.

    Take some pure tea tree oil in a small bowl. Dip a cotton ball in this oil and use it to apply it on the affected areas. Let it sit for few minutes and rinse the area with lukewarm water. Do it twice daily.
    If you observe any burning sensation by using undiluted tea tree oil then dilute the oil with any carrier oil and apply it on the affected area. Massage gently and leave it for overnight.
    Pour a few drops of tea tree oil in your bathtub filled with warm water and stir well to soak in this bathwater for about 15 – 20 minutes. Regularize this bathing process for once daily until you get complete relief from STDs.
    For women who are suffering from this STDs, prepare a douche by mixing few drops of tea tree oil in your douche mix and use it to remove itching, swelling, irritation and burning sensation. Repeat the process for once in a week to get relief from the symptoms of STDs.

Remedy – 6: (Suma)

Suma is a sprawling herb that contains antibacterial, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties that help you in dealing with this STDs by strengthening the immune system. It contains saponins that have phytochemicals which help to kill all the microbes and germs along with revitalizing the body and boosting the immunity.

    For this problem, you can use the leaves, bark, root, and fruits of Suma.
    Take 15 grams of suma root and pour it in 1 liter of water.
    Boil it for about 10 minutes and strain it.
    Drink 1 cup of this suma tea decoction for twice daily till you get rid of STDs (gonorrhea & syphilis).
    If you unable to taste the tea due to its bitterness then add 2 teaspoons of honey to this suma tea before drinking.

Remedy – 7: (Baking Soda)

Baking soda has antibacterial, antimicrobial, astringent and anti-inflammatory properties along with balancing your skin’s pH level that helps to kill the infection causing microbes and germs. It also soothes the itching and inflammation caused by STDs.

    Take some baking soda and sprinkle it on the affected areas or wounds or sores which are caused by genital herpes or syphilis.
    Leave it for few minutes to soothe the itching, irritation, and inflammation.
    Wipe off the baking soda after a few minutes and repeat the same process for once or twice daily.

Note: Or use cornstarch instead of baking soda, which exhibits similar properties to treat these STDs.

Remedy – 8: (Diet)

A healthy diet will boost the immunity and thereby prevent the body from getting infections. Here are a few suggestions on how to plan your daily diet. Consult your healthcare provider for best nutritional diet.

    Drink plenty of water and other healthy fluids like herbal teas (green tea or black teas), smoothies, fresh fruits & vegetables, soups, etc. to stay hydrated and to flush out the toxins from the body.
    Also, consume immune – boosting healthy foods like licorice (presence of glycyrrhetinic acid), more of fruits and vegetables, cereals containing less or no cholesterol, triglycerides rich foods, some varieties of fishes, green leafy vegetables like alfalfa, wheat grass, barley grass, etc.
    Avoid consuming foods like sugar, lettuce, refined or processed foods, parsley, citrus fruits, alcohol and caffeinated beverages, meat, milk & dairy products (except yogurt), egg yolks, vegetable oils, animal fat, butter and other high cholesterol foods.
    The intake of adequate amount of multivitamins (B, C, E & K) in your daily diet will help to boost your immune system and thereby keep the infection at bay. Also, include foods that are rich in folic acid and zinc to stimulate the healing process.
    Drinking fresh cranberry juice, which is enriched with essential vitamins and minerals will help to reduce the pain and irritation caused by STDs. So, drink this daily or take its supplements by consulting your doctor.

Other Effective Remedies:

    The intake of Echinacea herb in the form of the supplement of 200 mg as daily dosage will help to boost the immune system, stimulate hormone secretion and thereby reduce the inflammation, pain, and itching in the sexual organs. Regular usage will clear the microbes causing these infections.
    Oregano oil has germ killing agent that clears the microbial action and also soothes the skin to get rid of itching and inflammation. So, mix oregano oil with olive oil and apply it on the affected parts for 2 – 4 times daily to get rid of these STDs.
    The usage of antibiotics will disturb the natural flora in the digestive tract. So, the intake of probiotic-rich foods like yogurt will help to remove the harmful bacteria, enhance good bacteria that aids in proper digestion and balance natural pH levels along with enhancing the immune system to fight off the microbes causing STDs.
    Goldenseal exhibits excellent antimicrobial, immune – strengthening and anti-inflammatory properties that help you in getting rid of STDs and its symptoms. This herb is effective in treating bacterial vaginosis, gonorrhea and genital warts. You can consume goldenseal in fresh form or capsule or other supplement forms. Consult your healthcare provider for its dosage as per your health condition.
    Lemon balm helps to deal with STDs that are caused by a virus. So, use lemon balm containing topical creams or gels to apply on the affected areas for 2 – 3 times daily. Also, drink lemon balm tea for thrice daily to strengthen your immune system.
    The rich content of silymarin in milk thistle will help you in dealing with some forms of STDs (especially trichomonas vaginitis). So, consume 400 mg of milk thistle supplement for thrice daily to remove harmful bacteria or parasites causing infections in the body.
    Wrap few crushed ice cubes in a plastic bag and apply it on the inflamed genitals. Let it sit for another few minutes and repeat the same process for a couple of times daily to get rid of genital herpes and warts. But never ever overdo it why because the overexposure to ice is not good for those sensitive parts of the body.
    Anthocleista is a powerful herb that helps to deal with STDs. Take Anthocleista roots and wash them thoroughly. Boil it for an hour and drink 1 cup of this concoction for once daily until you get relief from these sexually transmitted diseases. You can also use leaves and bark of Anthocleista.
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Tips and Precautions:

    Placing a cool used black tea bag on the infected and its surrounding areas for few minutes will help you to relieve the painful symptoms of STDs and also clear the infection. Do it twice daily.
    Perform some physical exercises like walking, jogging, cycling, dancing, swimming, localized exercises, yoga and other bodybuilding or aerobic exercises which help to improve the blood flow and thereby strengthen the immunity.
    Avoid any sexual contact with a person who has genital sores, rash, discharge or other strange symptoms. Also, use latex condoms while having sex why because it restricts the risk of getting pregnant and these STDs.
    Make sure to clean the parts before and after your sexual intercourse. Also, get tested for these STDs before getting into the relationship.
    Consult your doctor immediately before getting into a relationship and get tested properly. If you’re suffering from any STDs after proper diagnose then get treatment (or course period) to get complete relief from the problem.
    Avoid any sexual contact till you or your partner get complete cure from the infection, even though using medications or treatment time.
    Apply turmeric paste to the affected areas or drink turmeric milk daily to clear the infection causing microbes, itching, and irritation with its antibacterial, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties.

Final Word:

All these remedies and tips will help you in dealing with these sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). A nutritional diet with regular exercises and having sex with a single partner will definitely help you to live happily and healthily.

Hope you will find relief from the STDs in a natural way by following these remedies. Do you know any other successful natural home remedies for sexually transmitted diseases? Then share your experience with us in the below comments box.

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