How to Cure Pink Eye Naturally

Pink eye (or conjunctivitis) is an uncomfortable and irritating eye infection that affects almost everyone but most common in young children.

It is caused when the conjunctiva (outer layer of the eye which covers the white part) becomes inflamed that makes the affected eye to become red, swollen and itchy. Conjunctivitis causes mucus production and cements the eyelids together while sleeping.

Most of us think that pink eye will go away within a week to ten days but do you know that pink eye is a highly contagious that affect people with weak immune system. So, here you have to treat pink eye both internally (boost immune system) and externally (treat and cure conjunctivitis by the topical application).

There are 3 main types of conjunctivitis viz., bacterial, viral and allergic in which bacterial and viral conjunctivitis are highly contagious. Viral pink eye affects one eye and then spread to other after few days by causing clear, watery drainage. Bacterial pink eye produces greenish yellow muck which clogs the eyes and makes it sticky.

Both bacterial and viral pink eye is highly contagious whereas allergic pink eye is not contagious and can be caused by dust, smoke, animal dander, eye drops and seasonal pollens in the air along with the usage of chemical based cosmetic products. This allergic pink eye is more common among people having hay fever and other allergic reactions.

People who are suffering from the pink eye will experience certain symptoms like itching, inflammation, redness, tearing, swelling of the upper eyelid, pain & soreness in the conjunctiva, slightly thick & whitish drainage and burning sensation in the eyes or sensation of foreign body in the eyes.

If you’re suffering from the pink eye that accompanied with some severe symptoms like sensitivity to light, pain, disturbed vision and other symptoms then make sure to consult your doctor for proper diagnosis and treatment to get rid of the problem quickly.

However, most of the doctors will generally prescribe antibiotic eye creams, drops or antihistamines to treat this problem but they are only effective in the case of pink eyes caused by bacteria. Wondering how to fret this pink eye successfully in a safe way, then choose natural remedies to treat the pink eyes (its symptoms and underlying cause) without any side effects.

Home Remedies to get rid of Pink Eyes:


Here are some best natural remedies that help you to treat pink eye at home in a safe and cost-effective manner. Have a look at these remedies and follow them regularly until you get complete relief from this conjunctivitis.

Let’s get started…

Remedy – 1: (Raw Honey)

Honey (either raw or manuka) will exhibit antimicrobial, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and soothing properties that help to clear the microbial infection and also relieves you from the itching and irritation caused due to pink eye.

Honey is an excellent remedy that used to treat various eye disorders, including conjunctivitis. It can be used both internally and externally to clear this infection.

Here are few ways of using honey for pink eye.

    For topical application, mix 1/4 teaspoon of honey with a pinch of sea salt and mix it in 1 glass of warm filtered water. Stir well and pour 1 – 2 drops in each eye by using a clean eye dropper for thrice daily.
    Pour 1 – 2 drops of honey in the affected eye and relax for a couple of minutes. Repeat it once or twice daily.
    Use this honey as a spread or consume it regularly to enhance your immune system and to get rid of the problem.
    Mix 1 tablespoon of honey and 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar in 1 glass of warm water. Stir well and drink it to clear the infection.
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Remedy – 2: (Apple Cider Vinegar)

Apple cider vinegar (ACV) acts as an excellent natural antimicrobial agent that effectively clears the bacterial, viral, fungal or yeast infections. It helps to replenish the supply of good bacteria in the digestive tract and thereby clears pink eye problem internally.

Here are few ways of using ACV for treating pink eye (conjunctivitis).

    Topical Application – Mix 1 tablespoon of ACV in 1 cup of clean warm water and use this solution to wipe all around the eyes and its corners by using a cotton ball (OR) simply squeeze a little solution directly into the eyes and rinse off after few minutes (OR) wash and cleanse the eyes by using ACV, it will sting but give quick relief from conjunctivitis.
    Internal – Mix 1 tablespoon of ACV in 1 glass of lukewarm water and stir well. Drink this ACV water for thrice daily (OR) if you unable to taste this ACV water then add 1 teaspoon of raw honey to this mix and drink it.

Note: Always use raw, organic, unfiltered and unpasteurized ACV for quick and best results to get rid of the problem.

Remedy – 3: (Colloidal Silver)

Colloidal silver has antibacterial and antiviral properties that help to kill the infection causing microbes and clear the infection. Do you know that colloidal silver eye drop solution was used to treat eye infections long before the pharmaceutical ointments are unavailable?

They work well as an external remedy for curing pink eye but make sure to purchase the best form of colloidal silver from the reputed food stores or online stores. Simply pour 1 – 2 drops of this silver using an eye dropper in each eye for every 3 hours (especially at once before bedtime). This will help you to get relief from pink eye within a day or two.

Remedy – 4: (Coconut Oil)

Coconut oil has antibacterial, antiviral, antimicrobial, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties that kill off the microbes causing this pink eye infection. The regular usage of virgin coconut oil will help to treat or cure eye problems, including cataracts, pink eye, glaucoma, etc.

Here are few ways of using coconut oil for pink eye.

    Internal Intake – Consume 1 tablespoon of organic coconut oil either directly or mixed in smoothies or foods or as a spread for 2 – 3 times daily to grab its real power that helps you in treating the current outbreak of conjunctivitis.
    External Application – Take some coconut oil and apply it on the upper eyelid along with tear duct of both eyes (OR) simply pour 2 drops of this melted coconut oil in each eye by using an eye dropper at night before bedtime and leave for overnight to get relief from conjunctivitis.

Remedy – 5: (Warm or Cold Compress)

A cold compress will help to ease the swelling and itching sensation caused by the pink eye (especially when it is caused by allergic conjunctivitis) and warm compress is effective in soothing the irritated eyes and also prevent the discharge from the eyes.

So, you can apply either cold compress or hot compress or the combination of both (not at same time) on the infected eye to get rid of the problem.

    Take a clean cloth and soak it in either hot or cold water for few minutes.
    Wring out to remove excess water and place the cloth on the infected eye.
    Let it sit for about 5 – 10 minutes or till the cloth cools.
    Take out the cloth and repeat the same process for 3 – 4 times daily until you get complete relief from the pink eye.

Note: Never ever place the same cloth on both the eyes, if only one eye is infected with conjunctivitis.

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Remedy – 6: (Boric Acid)

Boric acid (and borax) has strong antimicrobial, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory qualities that help you in getting rid of pink eye infection effectively. It clears various eye problems like tearing, redness, burning sensation, and dryness along with soothing and cleansing the eyes.

    Boil 1 teaspoon of boric acid in 1 cup of water for a couple of minutes.
    Let it cool for few minutes and use it as an eye wash (or) apply it to the eye by using a clean cotton ball.
    Rinse the eyes using lukewarm water and continue the same for 2 – 3 times daily.

Note: Or mix 1/2 teaspoon of boric acid (1/4 teaspoon of borax) in 1 cup of warm filtered water. Use a cotton ball to rinse and clean the infected eye area with this water, also allow the mix to seep into the eyes.

Remedy – 7: (Calendula)

Calendula is an herbal remedy that contains antibacterial and antiviral properties which help to clear the infection and heals conjunctivitis. It also soothes the eye irritation and its discomforts with its anti-inflammatory property.

    Take 2 teaspoons of dried calendula flowers and steep it in 1 cup of hot water for few minutes.
    Let it cool for few minutes and then strain the mix by using a strainer.
    Now use this tea to rinse your eyes for several times throughout the day.


    Or simply dip a washcloth in this herbal tea mix and use it as your hot compress to soothe the irritation and itching.
    Also, try other herbs like chamomile, stinging nettle, Echinacea, ginger or wild oregano, which exhibits antihistamine property that helps you to get rid of pink eyes.
    Or else place used black or green tea bags on the infected eyes (or) soak a cloth in this tea and use it as a warm compress to clear the bacterial or viral infections causing pink eye with its tannins and bioflavonoid.

Remedy – 8: (Saline Solution)

Saline (salt water) solution will work as a natural disinfectant that helps to clear the infection along with soothing the irritated and itchy eyes.

Here are few ways of using saline solution to treat pink eyes.

    Add 1/2 – 1 teaspoon of salt in 1 cup of distilled water and stir well. Boil it for few minutes and let it cool the water to use it as an eyewash by using an eye dropper. Continue this process several times daily.
    Dissolve 1 tablespoon of sea salt in 1 cup of warm water and pour 2 – 3 drops of this solution in the corner of the infected eye by using a cotton ball or eyedropper. Repeat it twice daily until you get relief from the problem.

Remedy – 9: (Eyebright)

Eyebright is an effective herb that widely used to treat various eye problems, including strained eyes, bloodshot (red eyes), sties, weeping eyes and pink eyes with its astringent, antibacterial and antimicrobial properties.

Here are few ways of using eyebright for pink eye.

    Boil and cool 1 cup of water. In that, add 5 drops of eyebright tincture and stir well. Now use this mix to rinse your eyes. Repeat it twice daily till you get relief from the problem.
    Boil 1 teaspoon of eyebright herb in 1 cup of water for 8 – 10 minutes. Let it cool down and strain the mix to use as your eyewash. If needed, add few drops of rose water to soothe your eyes. Repeat it for every 4 hours to get quick relief from the problem.
    Steep equal quantities of eyebright and chamomile in1 cup of boiling water. Let it cool and strain the water. Use this as your eyewash to get relief from the problem.
    Go for a warm compress by mixing 2 drops of eyebright tincture and 2 tablespoons of rose water in 1 tablespoon of boiled water to get soothing relief to your eyes.
    Simply drink eyebright tea or have it in the form of tablet or capsule form.
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Remedy – 10: (Aloe Vera)

Aloe vera contains powerful antiviral, antibacterial, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties that help to clear the problem by fighting off the microbes causing conjunctivitis.

    Take an aloe leaf and cut it to extract its gel freshly.
    Soak few chunks of fresh aloe vera gel in 1 cup of cooled, boiled water for few minutes until they turn into pale green.
    Use a blender to blend these aloe vera pieces along with that water.
    Now use it to rinse your infected eye (or) pour few drops into the affected eye for 3 – 4 times daily.

Note: Don’t use this remedy on infants.

Remedy – 11: (Milk and Honey)

This is an excellent combination that used to soothe and treat pink eye naturally. Warm milk will provide soothing relief to the irritated eyes and calm down the inflammation. Honey exhibits antimicrobial properties that clear the infection-causing microbes.

    Heat slightly 1 tablespoon of whole milk and pour it into a bowl.
    Then add an equal quantity of organic honey to milk and stir well.
    Pour 2 – 4 drops of this warm milk and honey mixture into the affected eye by using an eye dropper.
    Continue doing the same process for several times daily until you heal this pink eye problem completely.

Note: Or simply use it as a warm compress to get relief from the irritation and itching.

Also, Know More about Some Eye Problems.

Tips and Precautions:

    The intake of probiotic-rich foods will soothe the irritated eye by replenishing good bacteria and clearing the bad one which causes conjunctivitis. Human breast milk is loaded with crucial probiotics and pour few drops of breast milk into the child’s eye for thrice daily will help to clear the pink eye effectively.
    Some folks will believe that own urine is also a remedy for treating pink eye why because it contains antibacterial and antiviral properties. So, pee in a small container and dilute the mix with half of the water. Drop a couple of this mix into each eye using an eye dropper.
    You can also use some other remedies like lemon juice, fermented cod liver oil, potato slices, holy basil (leaves boiled water), turmeric water (or drink turmeric milk), neem oil, etc. to get rid of pink eye.
    Always rinse your hands before and after touching or draining or applying any medication to the eyes.
    Avoid wearing contact lenses until the symptoms cleared and the infection gets cured completely. Also, make sure to use a new one after you get complete relief from the infection.
    Rinse your towel, linens, washcloths and other clothes after using them for treating your eye infection and also never ever share these clothes with others, as they may be a chance of spreading infection.
    Don’t use a warm or cold compress for more than once at a time and be sure to use different compress for each eye to get quick relief from the problem.
    Sharing your eye makeup brushes will spread the infection and also be sure to throw the eye makeup products which are used while your eyes are infected and start using new ones.
    Consult your doctor immediately if you didn’t get any relief from the problem for proper diagnose and treatment.

Hope these remedies will definitely help you in treating pink eye and leaves you free from infection. Do you know any other successful remedies for clearing conjunctivitis? Then share your experience with us in the below comments box.

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