How to Clear Sinus Infection with Apple Cider Vinegar

Sinus infection is one of the most frustrating and annoying problems faced by numerous people, especially in the cold season.

Sinuses are small cavities in the skull that produce mucus to keep the nasal passage free from allergies, dust, and pollutants. Sinus infection or sinusitis is an inflammation or swelling of the lining of the sinuses. It is caused due to the blockage of sinuses with fluids, on which bacteria grow and thereby results in the nasal congestion and pain.

Feeling pressure or pain on the face (around the forehead, nose, and eyes), headaches, nasal congestion, thick yellow discharge from nose, fever, cold, cough, etc. are some of the symptoms faced by people suffering from sinusitis.

People suffering from sinusitis will constantly seek some medical attention and try various medications to get relief from their sinus infection but do you know most of these medications will solve their problem on a temporary basis and also may cause some side effects on the health.

Don’t fret, the mother nature has provided so many natural remedies for treating various health, skin and hair problems, including sinus infection. Apple cider vinegar (ACV) is one best remedy in those fabulous natural remedies.

Apple Cider Vinegar for Sinus Infection:


Apple cider vinegar (ACV) is an excellent ingredient used by the father of medicine called Hippocrates to cure various health and beauty related problems. So, it is an ancient home remedy that works well in treating sinus infection without causing any side effects.

All you need is to use a raw, organic, unfiltered and unpasteurized form of apple cider vinegar which has the mother content for grabbing its best results and thereby to get quick relief from the problem.

Does Apple Cider Vinegar Really Work for Sinus Infection?

Yes, it works because of its excellent properties. Let’s find out its properties and how it works for treating sinusitis.

Antimicrobial Property – Apple cider vinegar is loaded with antibacterial, antifungal and antimicrobial properties that kill the bacteria and other germs causing infection in the sinus cavities. It is also effective in preventing the recurrence of this infection in the sinuses.

Clean the Sinus Cavities – Apple cider vinegar is an excellent remedy that contains essential vitamins (A, B1, B2 & E) and minerals (iron, magnesium, and calcium) that helps to boost up the immunity and thereby clean up the mucus in the sinus cavities. It also relieves your sinusitis and its symptoms.

Thins the Mucous – The high pH level of cider vinegar will help to break up the mucus which in turn, thins out the mucous and clears the airways. So, this will relieve your congestion in the nasal cavity.

Prevent the Growth of Bacteria – However, it is a constant problem faced by the people whose who are suffering from this infection. So, the acidic nature of apple cider vinegar will prevent the growth of bacteria and thereby prevent the infection from getting worse. It also helps to clear breathing difficulties.

Anti-inflammatory Property – Pain and swelling are most common symptoms experienced by people while suffering from this sinus infection. Apple cider vinegar has an anti-inflammatory property that helps to reduce your pain, swelling, and inflammation caused by sinusitis. It also soothes the irritated area to give relief from the problem.

Acid–Alkaline Balancer – Apple cider vinegar helps to balance your pH levels and thereby strengthens your immunity to clear the impurities causing infection in your sinus cavities.

After knowing all about apple cider vinegar and its properties for treating sinus infection, why don’t you give a try for clearing the sinus infection?

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How to use Apple Cider Vinegar for Sinus Infection:

Here we are providing you some of the best ways of using apple cider vinegar for treating your sinus infection. Apple cider vinegar, when mixed with water, will work well in treating this sinus infection. Have a look at these natural remedies and follow them regularly until you get a complete relief from the problem.

Method – 1: (Apple Cider Vinegar Drink)

This is one of the simplest and most effective methods of using ACV for sinus infection, allergies and sinus headache.

What you need:

    Apple cider vinegar – 2 tablespoons
    Water – 8 ounces

What to do:

    Pour 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in 1 glass (8 ounces) of water.
    Stir well and drink it to get relief from the infection.
    Regular consumption of this apple cider vinegar water throughout the day will help you a lot in keeping the infection at bay.

ACV For Sinus InfectionNote:

    Or use this apple cider vinegar drink to gargle for 2 – 3 minutes for preventing the congestion and thereby to clear the airways or nasal passage.
    Alternatively, prepare an apple cider vinegar tonic for sinus infections by mixing 1/2 cup of cider vinegar in 16 oz of lukewarm water. Sip this water throughout the day for 2 – 4 days.
    Or simply consume 1 tablespoon of cider vinegar directly for 3 times daily till you got relief from infection.

Method – 2: (Apple Cider Vinegar Steam)

Steam provides warm, moist air which drains out the mucus and clears the congestion. Apple cider vinegar steam will help to clear the bacteria or other microbes causing infection in the sinus cavities. This steam process is a safe, natural and effective method for curing your sinus infection.

What you need:

    Apple cider vinegar – 1/2 cup
    Water – 1/2 cup

What to do:

    Combine raw apple cider vinegar and water in a saucepan and stir well.
    Heat this mixture on the stove over medium heat for a few minutes.
    Turn off the heat and now inhale the steam for 3 – 5 minutes by covering your head with towel and eyes closed.
    Try inhaling the steam as long as you can to get relief from the sinusitis.
    Regular follow-up of this process will definitely help you in curing sinus infection and its symptoms.


Method – 3: (Apple Cider Vinegar Rinse for Sinusitis)

Cider vinegar clears all the impurities along with bacterial or fungal infection in the sinus cavity with this effective rinse.

What you need:

    Apple cider vinegar – 2 tablespoons
    Warm water – 1 cup

What to do:

    Combine both apple cider vinegar and water and stir well.
    Then snort 1 tablespoon of this liquid into one nostril by closing the other.
    Tilt your head back to allow the liquid to run down the back of the nose and down to the throat.
    Now you can either spit it out or swallow the mix.
    Repeat the same with the other nostril.
    Continue doing the process for twice daily as needed to get rid of the problem.

Note: If you know how to operate the neti pot for sinus infections then you can simply pour this mixture in the neti pot and use it to rinse your nasal passages and thereby to get relief from this sinusitis.

Method – 4: (Apple Cider Vinegar and Honey Drink)

Most of us like this combination why because honey used here not only acts as antibacterial and anti-inflammatory but also enhance the taste of apple cider vinegar.

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This drink not only kills the bacteria or other microbes causing the sinus infection but also soothes your painful and irritated throat. This will strengthen your immune system and thereby prepare the body to fight against these types of infections by preventing its recurrences.

What you need:

    Apple cider vinegar – 2 tablespoons
    Raw honey – 1 tablespoon
    Warm water – 8 ounces

What to do:

    Add apple cider vinegar and raw honey in 1 glass of warm water.
    Stir well and consume this drink to get relief from the pain and irritation caused by sinus infection.
    Regularly intake will definitely help you in dealing with this sinus infection quickly.

Note: Or combine 2 tablespoons each of orange juice and apple cider vinegar. Then mix some flaxseeds and a little of honey to it. Stir well till all these ingredients are mixed properly. Finally, use this mixture to drizzle over the salad before eating. Do it regularly till you get complete relief from the sinus infection.

Method – 5: (DIY Apple Cider Vinegar Decongestant)

We all know that decongestant will work well in treating sinusitis by simply clearing the excess mucus from the chest to get rid of congestion and thereby treats sinusitis. Here we are preparing a homemade apple cider vinegar decongestant by using cayenne pepper, lemon juice, honey and ginger along with cider vinegar.

The capsaicin in cayenne pepper will help a lot in clearing the nasal congestion along with reducing the inflammation that causes narrowness in the nasal passage. Lemon juice is loaded with an immune-boosting antioxidant called vitamin C that helps to treat sinus infection effectively.

Honey has antibacterial and soothing properties that help to relieve your from the irritation and pain in the throat and sinus facial areas. Ginger is an excellent antibacterial, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties that help a lot in treating this sinus infection by simply clearing the bacteria and relieving your pain and irritation.

What you need:

    Apple cider vinegar – 1/4 cup
    Fresh lemon juice – 1/4 cup
    Raw honey – 3 tablespoons
    Powdered ginger – 1/2 teaspoon
    Cayenne pepper – 1/2 teaspoon

What to do:

    Pour raw, unpasteurized apple cider vinegar and fresh lemon juice in a pot and stir well.
    Place the pot on a stove and simmer the mix for a few seconds.
    Then add cayenne pepper, powdered ginger, and honey to this mix and combine all these ingredients properly.
    Pour this mixture into a jar to store it in a cool dark place.
    Finally, whenever you infected with this sinusitis then simply take 1 – 2 tablespoons of this decongestant to get relief from the problem.

Note: Or simply add a pinch of turmeric powder to make this decongestant more effective why because turmeric is fully loaded with antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.

Method – 6: (Apple Cider Vinegar with Honey and Cayenne Pepper)

Cayenne pepper has capsaicin that clears the nasal congestion and reduces the inflammation caused due to the narrowness of nasal passage. Honey has an antibacterial property that kills the bacteria causing infection and lemon boost the immune formation. This combination will strengthen the immunity and provide relief from sinusitis.

What you need:

    Apple cider vinegar – 1/4 cup
    Honey – 1 tablespoon
    Cayenne pepper – 1 tablespoon
    Water – 1/4 cup
    Lemon juice

What to do:

    Mix raw apple cider vinegar and water in a bowl and stir well.
    Then add honey and cayenne pepper to this mixture and give a fine stir.
    Now squeeze a few drops of lemon juice on the top of this mix.
    Drink this juice regularly for twice daily to clear the sinusitis.
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Remedy – 7: (Apple Cider Vinegar Nasal Spray)

Apple cider vinegar spray will help you in eliminating the mucus that clogging the sinus cavities and thus clears the nasal passage. This spray is effective in giving instant relief from the sinus infection along with preventing its recurrence.

What you need:

    Apple cider vinegar – 1/4 teaspoon
    Distilled water – 1 tablespoon
    Empty Nasal Sprayer

What to do:

    Mix 1/4 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar in 1 tablespoon of distilled water.
    Pour this mix in an empty nasal sprayer and stir.
    Spray this water to the infected nostril to clear the blocked sinus cavities.
    Continue this process for 2 – 3 times daily until it healed completely.

Tips and Precautions:

    Most people can’t withstand the taste of apple cider vinegar. So, for those people can take this cider vinegar in supplement form, extracts, pills or capsules form by consulting their doctor for proper dosage as per the severity of their health problem to clear this sinusitis.
    It can react with certain medications and over usage will lower the blood sugar levels along with causing irritation in the esophagus, damage your teeth and causes a sore throat.
    It’s best to use cider vinegar in diluted form rather than direct usage. Also, pregnant or breastfeeding women should avoid taking vinegar, as it may harm their baby.
    Other than using ACV, drink plenty of water (prefer warm water) to flush out the bacterial and fungal buildup in the throat and also to thin the mucus.
    Consume healthy and nutritious rich food (prefer including foods which are rich in vitamins A & C), quit smoking and avoid drinking alcohol and caffeinated drinks, never ever take dairy products or chilled items, and consume warm soups and herbal teas to get quick relief from a sinus infection.
    Rest will make your body to reset properly. So, take plenty of rest for getting speedy recovery from this sinus and other respiratory problems.
    Regular application of warm compress on your face throughout the day will thin the mucus and clear the nasal congestion.
    Consult your doctor to get diagnose and treatment (as per your health condition), if you don’t find any relief from the infection after using cider vinegar for 4 – 6 days.
    Direct consumption of apple cider vinegar will help you while dealing with the sinus infection. Simply, consume 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar thrice daily will not only cure this infection but also prevent it from recurring.
    Always keep your nose moist by using saline sprays frequently for at least you get relief from this sinus infection.
    Avoid the intake of chilled items like chilled drinks or ice creams why because it causes mucous and phlegm and thereby worsen the problem.
    Avoid using apple cider vinegar for sinus infection during pregnancy or breastfeeding why because it may interact with certain medication and not recommended. So, consult your doctor while suffering from sinusitis during pregnancy or breastfeeding.
    Excessive intake of apple cider vinegar may result in some side effects like damaging tooth enamel, irritating the esophagus, upset stomach, dizziness, irregular heartbeat, potassium depletion, and interacting with certain drugs (like diuretics, insulin).

Final Word:

Try these natural apple cider vinegar methods to get an effective cure for sinus infections and its symptoms. Do you know any other effective apple cider vinegar methods for sinusitis? Then share your experience with us in the below comments box.

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