How To Get Your Ex Girlfriend Back When She Has Moved On With Someone Else

So, how can you get your ex back if she has moved on?In this video, I’m going to give you 5 tips on how to get your ex-girlfriend or ex-wife back if she has moved on after the breakup with you.Reading: how to get your ex girlfriend back when she has moved on with someone else

1. Interrupt the process of her moving on


So, what does it mean to interrupt the process of her moving on?It’s not about being needy and pestering her and saying, “Hey – give me another chance!” or saying, “Hey – please let me show you that things will be different,” or, “Hey – I still have strong feelings for you. Can we give this another try? Do you think you’re going to break up with the new guy soon? Are you missing me?” and so on.It’s not about doing those sorts of things.Instead, it’s about interacting with her and creating a spark of attraction inside of her, then letting that grow inside of her as she thinks about you and misses you.Getting an ex back who has moved onAfter the call, she then has to live with the fact that she has interacted with you and felt a spark of attraction.She felt some respect for you.She felt some love.She now feels differently about you than she did when she broke up with you.When she broke up with you, she thought that it was over.She thought that she was done and that there was no chance that you and her were going to get back together.Yet, now that she’s interacted with you, it doesn’t feel like it’s over.It feels like there’s something between you because she feels that attraction.She’s feeling drawn to you.There’s something there.Now, if your ex has moved on with a new guy or she’s just very happy without you, it might seem like it’s almost impossible to get her to change her mind.Yet, what you need to do is focus on changing how she feels about you rather than trying to change her mind about her decision to break up with you.Her decision not to be with you is simply based on how she feels about you.When she broke up with you, she felt a certain way about you.When you interact with her again and you make her feel a renewed sense of respect and attraction for you, she’s going to feel differently about you.She’s going to start looking at you in a more positive light.When you do that, you interrupt the process of her moving on.She thought that it was over.She thought that it was finished.She thought that there was nothing between you and her, yet there is.She is thinking about you now.She’s missing you.She’s thinking about your positives.She’s thinking about things about you that she likes.She’s thinking about how the new you makes her feel now.You are now able to interact with her and make her feel attracted in ways that you didn’t before, when you were in a relationship with her.You’re not the same guy that she broke up with.You have improved.You’ve become a better man and when you interact with her and you let her experience that and see that she actually does feel differently about you now, what happens is that you interrupt the process of her moving on.

2. Make her feel attracted to the new you

To get an ex back who has moved on, you absolutely must interact with her and make her feel attracted to the new and improved you.Unfortunately, many guys struggle to heal from the pain of being dumped.As a result, they lose confidence in themselves and when they interact with their ex woman, she can sense that or pick up on it and it turns her off.She then either doesn’t want to talk to him again, blocks him or asks to be left alone.He then loses even more confidence in himself and not only can’t he get her back, but he also struggles to attract a new woman when he wants one.So, what is the solution in a case like that?Unfortunately, a lot of guys assume that the solution is to just stop contacting her, stop contacting her for maybe 30 or 60 days and during that time, a guy hopes that he will heal and he’ll be ready to interact with her and get her back.Yet, what I’ve found by helping guys for many years now on how to get an ex back, is that guys who use the same strategy of not contacting their ex woman usually find it very difficult to get over her during the No Contact period.What happens is that they spend most of their time missing her.They really can’t focus very well on other things in life because they’re just thinking about her most of the time.He wants to get back with her.He misses her.He is worried that she is going to forget him, or that she’s going to move on without him.As a result, he doesn’t fully heal from the breakup.His confidence, his happiness, his sense of identity and sense of worthiness is attached to her wanting him back.Yet, when she doesn’t contact him during those 30 or 60 days, he starts to lose confidence in himself.He starts to think, “Well, maybe I can’t get her back. Maybe she doesn’t want me. Maybe I’m not good enough for her.”As a result, he isn’t healing and becoming stronger by not contacting her.He’s just becoming more and more insecure.Then, if he does actually contact her, she will be able to pick up on the fact that he is missing her and he lacks confidence and he doesn’t fully feel worthy of her.She will sense that in the way that he’s talking and in the way that he’s coming across to her.Women are very good at picking up whether or not a guy is confident.If you think about the example of guys meeting women for the first time, women can sense very quickly whether a guy lacks confidence in himself simply by observing his body language.If a woman isn’t sure whether a guy is confident or not, all she really has to do is give him an unimpressed look while she’s talking to him and most guys will panic at that point when they’re interacting with a woman.They’ll think, “Oh, no! I’m losing her!”Then the guy will start trying to impress her and she’ll realize, “Okay. He isn’t so confident after all. He was just acting confident when, in reality, he’s putting on a front of confidence and hoping to get a chance with me.”The same thing applies when getting an ex back.If you’re putting on a fake front of confidence, your ex can easily test you and find out whether you truly are confident without her or not.For example: If you call her up on the phone, she can act indifferent.She can be cold and distant and even rude, to see how you’re going to react.A confident guy will react by laughing at her and the situation and turning it into something to laugh about together.For example: He might laugh and then say, “Oh, gee. Well, you’re very cheery today, aren’t you? You’re so much fun to talk to. This is great.”Alternatively, he might say, “Oh, yeah. I forgot. You’re my ex-girlfriend. Oh, right. That’s why you have to be really cold and mean and bitchy and rude to me. Right. I get it,” and have a laugh with her about that.Alternatively, he might laugh and say, “Hey. It’s okay for us to have a quick talk and have a laugh. You don’t need to be so serious. Relax. Everything’s cool. I’m not trying to get you back. It’s all good. So you don’t need to put on the mean and nasty ex-girlfriend,” or if it’s his ex-wife, “The mean and nasty ex-wife attitude.”Alternatively, he might laugh say, “Oh, someone’s in a bad mood today. Jeez.”Essentially, by saying something like that to her, she can see for herself that he can handle the fact that she’s being cold, distant or even rude to him.He doesn’t become angry.He doesn’t lose confidence in himself and he doesn’t seek pity from her for how he is feeling as a result of how she is behaving.Instead, he turns what could be an awkward or uncomfortable moment into something that they can laugh about together and more importantly, something that can make her feel a bit more easygoing and lighthearted as she talks to him.As a result, her guard comes down.She sees that it’s possible for him and her to laugh together and feel good around each other.Therefore, she is more open to meeting up with him in person.She can see for herself that if she meets up with him in person, it’s most likely not going to be awkward and stressful and uncomfortable.He has the type of confidence to turn an awkward or uncomfortable situation into something that they can both laugh about together.She thinks to herself that, “Hey…he’s not so bad after all. Things aren’t so awkward between us.”Then when a guy meets up with his woman in person, he needs to make sure that he creates a spark of attraction in person.He needs to make sure that he is building on her feelings by the way that he talks to her and interacts with her.Read more: How to Compose Cinematic MusicHe needs to create that spark of sexual and romantic attraction, that special thing that brings a man and a woman together and keeps them together.It doesn’t matter if she had already moved on or if she had no interest in him when he initially contacted her.Getting an ex back who has moved onWhat matters is how he now makes her feel when he interacts with her.Does he create a spark of sexual and romantic attraction?Does he create that special feeling that brings a man and a woman together and keeps them together?If he creates that when he interacts with his ex, she will feel drawn to him.Her guard will come down and she will want to explore her new feelings for him.That is how a confident guy gets his ex woman back.He creates a spark of attraction.He has the confidence to make it happen.He’s not afraid of any potential initial resistance.He makes her have feelings for him again and he confidently guides her back into a relationship with him.On the other hand, a guy who lacks confidence in his worthiness of his ex will find it difficult to deal with her coldness or distance or rudeness on a phone call.She will be able to pick up on the fact that he doesn’t feel confident when he’s talking to her.As a result, she will lose even more respect and attraction for him.Women do not feel respect and attraction for guys who are emotionally weak.Women feel respect and attraction for emotional strength in men.So, when you’re interacting with your ex, you must ensure that you are displaying confidence.Confidence is one of the things that makes up emotional attractiveness.Emotional attractiveness is what women place most importance on.It’s essentially how you make her feel when you interact with her.If a woman is interacting with a guy who’s being insecure and self-doubting, then she’s going to feel awkward and tense and turned off by that.On the other hand, if a woman is interacting with a guy who is being confident and he’s exuding his natural charisma by being himself and believing in himself and he’s also being emotionally masculine, then she’s going to naturally feel attracted to him.Being emotionally masculine is essentially about having that emotional toughness rather than being emotionally sensitive.So, with tip number 2 here, make her feel attracted to the new you.If you go in and do that, you need to make sure that you prepare yourself to attract her in the ways that were lacking when you were in a relationship with her.For example: Sometimes a guy will be in a relationship with a woman and he’ll become too neutral.He’ll treat her more like a friend and like a buddy, like one of the guys.He won’t really treat her like his woman and make her feel girly and feminine around him.As a result, the spark between them will start to die out.It’ll start to get boring.The sex life will dry up and she just won’t be as affectionate and loving anymore.So, when he interacts with her again, he must ensure that he’s not being that neutral guy she broke up with.He’s got to be the sort of guy who makes her feel that spark of attraction, that special something that happens when a man and a woman interact with each other and the man is being manly.As a result, he allows the woman to be feminine and girly.Women don’t go around admitting that they want that, but if you watch women who are the happiest with a guy and they’re most excited and turned on, it’s when they’re allowed to be a feminine, girly woman around him. So that’s one example.Another example is where a guy is being insecure in a relationship and too emotionally sensitive.When he interacts with his ex woman again, he’s going to need to make sure that she senses that he has that emotional toughness now.He’s not the emotionally sensitive guy that she dumped.

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3. Don’t be her text buddy when she needs comfort

A big mistake that I see guys make when they’re trying to get an ex woman back who has moved on is that they will stay in touch with her by text as a friend.They’ll be her text buddy.Whenever she’s feeling a little bit down, she’ll send a text and he will reply and talk to her like a friend, say, “Hey – how you been?”She’ll talk about what she’s been up to and he’ll say something like, “Oh, that’s really nice. That’s great.”He’ll just talk to her in that neutral way. He won’t be interacting with her in a way that creates a spark.Sometimes he might joke around with her and have a bit of a laugh back and forth via text, but it never really goes anywhere.He’ll try to continue texting with her and eventually, she will stop.The text will go cold and she’ll stop replying.Alternatively, she might reply to some texts, but not all.He will essentially be placed in the friend zone with his ex.So, if you want to get your ex back who has moved on, I don’t recommend that you remain her text buddy.It’s okay to text back and forth with her a little bit, but make sure that it actually gets to a phone call.For example: If you’re texting back and forth with her and it’s going well, just hit call.The thing is, she may or may not answer the phone. That doesn’t matter.It doesn’t matter if you call and she doesn’t answer the first time.If you call her and she does answer, great – get on a call, re-attract her, get her to meet up with you and get her back into a relationship with you, get her to break up with the new guy.If you try to call her and she doesn’t answer, don’t worry about it.Just go through the process again.Interact with her, press call and hopefully, the next time she answers.The reason why I say call is that you have to be able to let her see that she feels differently when she interacts with you.She hears your voice over the phone and she can sense the changes in you.Whatever mistakes you were making in the relationship that were turning her off, you have now changed those things about yourself and become a better man.You’re able to attract her in ways that you weren’t able to do in the relationship or you were able to do initially, but you stopped doing later on in the relationship.When she interacts with you on the phone and you’re making her laugh and smile, she then sees that interacting with you in person isn’t going to feel awkward.It’s most likely going to be fun.She can also see that when she interacts with you on the phone, you’re not pressuring her to get back into a relationship with you.You’re simply talking to her and she’s feeling good.She’s feeling attracted to you.She likes the new you and as a result, she opens up to wanting to meet up with you in person.It may seem comfortable and easy to just stick with text and be patient, but what I’ve seen by helping hundreds of guys to get their ex back is that being a text buddy just doesn’t work.You’ve got to move things forward.When you are interacting with her in person and you’re getting her to hug you and kiss you, that’s when things are changing.She is feeling attracted to you in person, there’s a physical connection between you and her again and if she has a new guy, then she’s going back to her life missing you.She is around him, thinking about you, comparing him to you, thinking about how much you make her feel attracted now and as a result, she starts to feel drawn to you.She starts to feel like maybe it isn’t over between you and her.Maybe she should catch up with you again.Maybe she did make a mistake by breaking up with you.Maybe you and her should get back together and give it another try.

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4. Make her new guy react in an unattractive way

When you interact with your ex and you actively make her feel attracted to you again, her behavior around him is most likely going to change.She may also tell him that you and her have been interacting lately and she’s feeling a bit confused.As a result, he’ll most likely react in an unattractive way.He may start to become insecure, controlling, jealous and needy.Then she starts comparing him to you and realizing that he isn’t so good after all.She’s feeling turned off by him now.Read more: How to wire a killswitch on a lawn mowerHe is feeling threatened by you because she has feelings for you again.What you and her had is not over in her mind.She’s starting to feel drawn to you again.She’s confused.This is why it’s so important to interact with her and make her feel attracted to you again.One of the reasons why is that when a woman breaks up with a guy, she’s usually over it. She doesn’t feel respect, attraction and love for him and she wants to be out of the relationship.So, when she breaks up with him and he stops contacting her, most women just use that time to move on.They don’t really care about the fact that their ex isn’t contacting them. It doesn’t really matter.In your case, if you’re watching this video and your ex has already moved on, you most likely know that.You most likely tried not contacting her and hoping that she would come back and she didn’t.Alternatively, you may have made the mistake of constantly begging and pleading and chasing and trying to get her back in that desperate way, which also doesn’t work.What does work to get a woman back is where after a breakup, you give her 3 to 7 days of space.During that time, you improve yourself, you get back to an emotionally attractive place, then you interact with her, you re-attract her and you guide her through the rest of the ex back process.You make her want the relationship, you reconcile, you get back together, you stay together.That is what works.So, if you’re watching this video and your ex has already moved on, you most likely did not use that approach.You most likely went down the route of either ignoring or you were the needy, desperate, insecure, begging, “Please, please, please” type of ex.As you would know, both of those approaches don’t work.Now that she has moved on without you, you need to make sure that from this moment onwards, you focus on what works.What works is making her feel attracted to you again, is creating a spark of attraction inside of her and letting that grow as she thinks about you and misses you.If you do that while she’s with a new guy, he will most likely see the changes in her behavior and then react in an unattractive way.For example: He becomes jealous, needy, insecure or controlling.Then she starts to think about you in a more positive light.She starts to think that, “Hang on. Maybe this new guy isn’t so good after all.” Maybe she should just catch up with you and give you another chance.

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5. Believe in yourself and get her back

When getting an ex back, it’s so important that you believe in yourself.You believe in your attractiveness to her, you believe in your worthiness of her and you believe that you can do it.If you don’t believe that you can get her back and you don’t believe in yourself, then you’re not going to take action when you need to.You’re going to miss out on opportunities to text her and call her and meet up with her and get her to hook up with you.You’re going to be doubting yourself.Additionally, if you don’t believe in yourself, then it’s going to come across to her.She’s going to be able to pick up on it.She’s going to be able to sense it.She’s going to be able to see it in your body language.She’s going to be able to hear it in your tonality and she’s going to be able to pick up on it based on the words that you use and how you react to her.She’s going to be analyzing how you’re coming across.The easiest way to succeed with women is to believe in yourself.This applies whether you’re picking up new women, you’re on a date, you’re in a relationship or you’re getting an ex back.You have to believe in yourself.Women respond positively to guys who believe in themselves.On the other hand, women respond negatively to guys who don’t believe in themselves, guys who have self-doubt and insecurity and nervousness.It’s just not attractive to women.It’s not what their primal instinct of attraction is looking for.Women are looking for confidence in a man.So, if you’re going to get your ex back, you must believe in yourself.You must believe in your attractiveness to her, your worthiness of her and that you can actually get her back.You have to believe in yourself.

Learn More?

I hope you’ve enjoyed this video and learned something from it.If you need more help to get your ex back and you would like to follow a step-by-step process to get her back, I recommend that you watch my program Get Your Ex Back Super SystemThe steps of the system apply whether an ex woman has moved on or not.The same rules apply.You must focus on making her feel attracted to you again.Do not worry about any other guy in the picture. What matters is how you make her feel.It’s about you and her. Everyone else is irrelevant.You’ve got to make her feel attracted to you.When she’s feeling attracted to you, that feeling inside of her will grow.She’ll start to think about you in a more positive light.When you do that, you also need to make sure that you have the confidence and the knowhow to guide her through the process.You’ve got to know what to say and do at each step of the process.All of that is explained in the program.You will learn exactly what to say and do to get her back.

You Can Get Her Back

One final point that I want to make for you in this video is that it may seem difficult for you to get her back.You might doubt yourself.You might feel like it’s not possible for you to get her back when she has moved on.She seems so happy without you. She seems like she doesn’t need you. She seems like she’s not interested in you anymore.If you are focusing on that and you believe in that, then you’re not going to have the confidence to take action and get her back.You’re also not going to have the confidence to re-attract her when you interact with her.What you need to understand is that you actually have a lot of control over how you make her feel.When you interact with her on the phone or in person, you’re either going to be turning her off or turning her back on.For example: If you are interacting with her and you’re doubting yourself, being insecure, just being neutral and are not really being your true confident self, then she’s not going to feel a spark for that.However, if you can interact with her and exude your natural charisma by believing in yourself and letting your real self come through, while also being confident and joking around and getting her smiling and laughing, then she’s going to feel a spark for you.Making your ex feel that special something that brings a man and a woman together and keeps them togetherShe’s going to feel attracted to you.When you make her feel attracted to you again, she then has to live with the fact that she does feel drawn to you, that it doesn’t feel over.She thought that the relationship was finished, she thought that she was over you, but something has changed inside of her.She now feels like she’s open to getting back with you.You can make your ex feel that way.You can make her feel attracted to you again, so make sure that you stay strong.Make sure that you believe in yourself.Make sure that when you interact with her, you are ready to re-attract her.You are at a place where you are emotionally attractive again.You’re able to make her feel that spark.You’re able to make her feel that special something that brings a man and a woman together and keeps them together.You make her feel that attraction and you have the confidence to get her back and enjoy a better relationship than you had before.You can do it, so go and get her back.Read more: how to cancel amazon gift card reload

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