How Potato works for Reducing Dark Circles

Dark discoloration of skin under the eyes is referred as dark circles or dark rings or shadows. Studying or working for long hours in front of computers will help to achieve your desired results but leaves you with ugly dark circles under the eyes. This, in turn makes you look tired, exhausted, unhealthy and older, which is not fair.

To challenge this unfair situation, you have to use some effective natural remedies at home. Potato is one among those remedies that widely used to erase the dark under eye circles. Now we are going to know why and how this works as anti – dark circle remedy.

Potato Properties:


    It acts as a natural bleaching agent that lightens the skin when it is used regularly.
    It has vitamins A & C, starch and other enzymes that nourish and moisturize the eye area and relieves that dark or black discoloration.
    The coldness of potato helps to reduce the swelling and inflammation of vessels under the eyes to minimize the dark or tired appearance.
    It has many essential nutrients and anti-oxidant property that keep the skin firm, smooth and bright.

After knowing about potato and its effectiveness on Dark Circles, everyone wants to know how to use this potato for getting rid of the problem. So, here we came up with 3 different but most productive potato methods.

Method – 1: (Potato)

We know that potato alone is a powerful weapon that triggers dark circles. It can be applied in the form of juice, slices or puree.

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Steps to be followed…

    Properly wash the potato to remove soil and other dirt on it.
    Store it in refrigerator to get chilled for few minutes.
    Then take it out and cut it into 2 thick slices.
    Lay down to place these slices over closed eyes but be sure that it has to cover the dark colored circles.
    Let it sit for about 20 – 25 minutes or overnight, if placed at night time.
    After that, remove the potato slices and rinse it with cool water.
    Continue placing potato over your eyes regularly till you reduced dark circles.



    Apply fresh raw potato juice instead of potato slices on affected under eye areas using cotton balls. Rinse it off after 20 minutes with cool water.
    Alternatively, chill some freshly grated potato and wrap it in cheesecloth or gauze. Place over your eyes in such a way that it covers dark circles. Remove and rinse your eyes with cool water after 20 minutes.

Method – 2: (Potato Eye Mask with Honey and Olive Oil)

Honey has anti-inflammatory property that soothes the inflamed eye areas. Olive oil provides the essential moisture and nourishes the skin to prevent dryness. So, this process is very effective in relieving your from the effect of dark circles.

Steps to be followed…

    Chop 1 potato and blend it along with 1 teaspoon of raw honey and 2 teaspoons of extra virgin olive oil till you get smooth paste.
    Apply this mix on the under eye affected areas like a mask.
    Be sure that the mix not to get into your eyes and you have to apply it under the eye areas.
    Leave it on for about 30 minutes and wash the eyes with warm water.
    Gently dry the eyes and repeat this mask application regularly for 3 – 4 times a week.
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Method – 3: (Potato Compress with Lemon Juice)

Lemon tightens the blood vessels to reduce swelling and thus minimizes the accumulation of fluids. Both these ingredients have skin lightening and nourishing properties.

Steps to be followed…

    Place 1 chopped potato, 4 tablespoons each of fresh lemon juice and water in a blender.
    Blend it for few minutes until smooth and refrigerate the mix for few minutes.
    Once it is chilled then soak 2 clean cotton balls in this mix and place the balls over eyes.
    Wait for 15 – 20 minutes and rinse your eyes with cool water after removing the cotton balls.
    For best results, follow the same process for 3 – 4 times a week on regular basis.

Tips and Precautions:

    You can also mix potato with other natural ingredients like apple sauce, almond oil, tomato juice, honey, yogurt, etc. and apply under eyes areas to get relief from the problem.
    Include potato (in limited quantities) in your daily diet to reduce the dark circles from inside the body.
    Always prefer to use fresh and raw potatoes for dark circles treatment.
    Other than using potatoes for dark circles, you have to consume healthy diet, get plenty of sleep, reduce stress with yoga and meditation, do exercises regularly, etc. for preventing its recurrence in future.

Try these potato methods to make your eyes free from dark circles. Tell us which method worked best in dealing with your dark circles.

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