How Does Coconut Oil work for Eyelashes

Long and thick eyelashes will make a person’s eyes look more beautiful and attractive. Eyelashes not only draw attention to the eyes but also protect them from dust, allergens and other debris from falling into the eyes by simply acting as sensors.

Perfect length of eyelashes will help to control the airflow and the rate of evaporation on the surface of the cornea which in turn helps to keep the eyes moist for a longer time and keep the dust particles away. So, it has been proved that longer eyelashes are not only for beauty conscious but also related to health.

But due to certain factors like age, nutritional deficiency, genetics, hormonal imbalance, certain medical problems, eye infections, rubbing the eyes roughly, sleeping without removing eye makeup, etc. will delicate the lashes to fall off and make them thin.

Are you suffering from thin eyelashes? Do you want to grow them naturally without using cosmetic methods (like mascara or fake eyelashes)? Then you are at the right place. Here in this article, you can regrow your eyelashes effectively.

Coconut oil is the best natural remedy for promoting both eyelashes and eyebrows growth. It makes the eyelashes look bolder and thicker without harming your eyes. Always look for cold pressed virgin coconut oil for healthy eyelashes and regular follow up of this coconut oil will definitely make you observe before and after coconut oil use for eyelashes.

Why Coconut Oil?


Still, have a doubt – how does coconut oil promote longer eyelashes? Here we are providing some of its properties that clarify your doubts and thus make you try this oil for longer and thicker eyelashes.

    Coconut oil is natural oil that can be safely used around the eyes including lashes. Unfortunately, if this oil gets into the eyes, then also it won’t cause any harm to eyes or vision, unlike the usage of cosmetic products.
    It acts as a natural moisturizer to the lashes (just like it does to hair) to prevent the dust and allergens getting into the eyes.
    It contains medium-chain fatty acids like lauric, caprylic, capric and myristic acid which are meant to be essential building blocks for every cell including eyelashes in the human body.
    It is composed of vitamin E, minerals and other essential nutrients that moisturize the area and stimulate the growth of eyelashes.
    It penetrates the eyelash follicles to stimulate its hair growth. It is a non – comedogenic that helps not to clog the skin pores.
    It is very capable of fighting against the hair related issues like dandruff, itchiness, and other fungal infections in which some people will get them on their lashes.
    It provides a natural lubricant to the eyes and also acts as a cosmetic that makes the lashes soft and shine.
    It strengthens the lashes to prevent them from falling or breaking and thus promote its growth.
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How to use Coconut Oil for Eyelashes:

Long, thick and lush eyelashes are the dream for every woman and coconut oil will definitely fulfill their dream or desire of having long and shiny eyelashes. All you have to do is to follow the below mentioned best coconut oil methods.

Method – 1: (Coconut Oil Eyelash Serum)

DIY coconut oil eyelash serum is a natural cosmetic that makes the best usage of coconut oil for eyelashes growth. Coconut oil acts as a natural pulling agent that draws out the impurities and make the eyelash follicles to stimulate regrowth. Lemon oil helps for cleansing and stimulating the growth whereas lavender oil nourishes the lashes and follicles.

Steps to be followed…

    Pour virgin coconut oil into roller bottle till it filled up to 1/4 inch from the top of the bottle.
    Then add 1 drop each of lemon essential oil and lavender oil in this coconut oil.
    Stir well and push the roller lid on the top of the bottle.
    Shake it well to make the serum ready to use.
    Apply this serum to your eyelashes with the roller ball of the bottle at night before bedtime to prevent greasy looking for daytime usage.
    Usage of roller ball will help to keep the eyes from being contaminated. So, use roller ball rather than touching with your fingers.
    Be sure that to blot your lashes with a clean cloth, if there is too much oil on your eyes.
    Make sure that there won’t be any oil dripping into the eyes.
    Let it sit for overnight to make the lashes feel well moisturized and rinse it off in the next morning.
    Continue applying this oil serum daily at night time till you achieved the desired results of long and thicker eyelashes.

How to use Coconut Oil for Eyelashes:


    Be sure to cleanse your face with coconut oil based soap and water and dry it with a clean and soft cloth.
    Skip using any other eyelash products or serums or any other eye creams while using this natural oil serum.
    This recipe is used as a mascara remover by just applying this serum with a clean cloth and then rinse your eyes thoroughly with water.
    Alternatively, mix 2 – 4 drops of lavender oil in 1/2 teaspoon of coconut oil. Stir well and apply this mix on the eyelashes (from roots down to the ends) with a cotton swab.
    Or melt 1 tablespoon of coconut oil and add fresh lemon juice (1/4 lemon) and 1 teaspoon of lavender oil in it. Stir well and let it sit for few minutes. Pour this mix into an airtight glass jar. Apply it to the clean eyes by using a clean mascara brush. Massage gently and leave it for overnight. Repeat regularly.
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Method – 2: (Coconut Oil)

Coconut oil alone can be used effectively to grow your eyelashes. It provides strength and thickness to eyelashes.

Steps to be followed…

    Dip a clean cotton swab in virgin coconut oil.
    Dab it on the eyelashes and massage it gently with your fingers by closing the eyes – downside and opening your eyes – upside.
    Leave for a few hours and then wash your face with water.
    Be sure that not to apply too much oil on the lashes.
    Repeat the same process regularly.

Also, Read How to Grow Eyebrows using Coconut Oil

Method – 3: (Coconut Oil with Other Carrier Oil)

Due to many reasons like the weakening of the skin tissues around the eyes, lack of nutrition, etc. eyelashes will fall out or disappear. If left like that, it might lead to sloppy skin and makes it hard for eyelashes to stick. So, to clear this problem, use a combination of coconut oil with other carrier oils.

Steps to be followed…

    Add a few drops of castor oil and grapeseed oil in 1/2 teaspoon of coconut oil.
    Stir well and apply this oil mix onto the eyelashes.
    Let it sit for about an hour or two and then rinse off with water.
    Dry the area and repeat it daily for few weeks to obtain best results.

Method – 4: (Coconut Oil Eyelash Extensions)

This homemade eyelash growth serum contains castor oil (natural source of Omega – 6 fats, vitamins, and proteins that promote hair growth), emu oil (moisturizes and nourishes), vitamin E oil (enhance strong hair growth) and coconut oil that helps for healthy, shiny, long and lustrous eyelashes.

Steps to be followed…

    Add 1 teaspoon each of castor oil and emu oil, vitamin E oil from 2 capsules and 1/2 teaspoon of coconut oil in a small dropper bottle.
    Stir all these ingredients in the bottle.
    Squeeze a drop or two of this serum onto your finger or cotton swab.
    Dab it on eyelashes and massage it gently on the lash line at night time.
    Leave it on for overnight and wash it off in the next morning.
    Use this eyelash growth serum daily for best results.

Tips and Precautions:

Here are some additional tips and precautions to follow for getting longer and luxuriant eyelashes.

    Avoid wearing fake eyelashes with an adhesive, as it may cause some allergies or irritation to the eyes (especially to contact lenses wearers).
    Application of cosmetics around the eyes will make them red and irritated but the usage of coconut oil won’t cause any harm to eyes and helps for the growth of eyelashes when applied around the eyes on a regular basis.
    Wash your eyes at night before sleeping to remove the makeup, dust and also to relieve the stress on your eyes which in turn help for the growth of lashes.
    Make sure to toss out your old mascara, as it grows bacteria after usage of 3 – 4 months of time.
    If the coconut oil gets into your eyes than your vision may go blurry for a couple of minutes but won’t cause any harm to your eyes or the eyesight.
    Remember that coconut oil acts as a natural lubricant to the eyes and a non – comedogenic that won’t clog the skin pores and make you glow naturally.
    Coconut oil is natural and safe when used in a moderate amount, it won’t cause any side effects or skin interactions.
    You can use coconut oil as your eye makeup remover or treating eye related problems like pink eyes, itchy eyes and red eyes.
    In a study, it is found that coconut oil is the best one that reduces the protein loss of hair and thereby prevent it from getting dry and damaged. The fatty acids in coconut oil will prevent breakage and enhance healthy hair growth when compared to other oils.
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Have you ever tried coconut oil as a natural remedy for growing eyelashes? If not, give a trial to this oil rather than harmful cosmetics or creams. Share your experience with us.


Are there any side effects of using mascara or fake eyelashes?

Yes, either using mascara or fake eyelashes will result in drying out the eyelashes and thereby make it look thin. The regular usage of mascara will break the eyelashes and make them fall over time and coming to fake eyelashes, the glue or adhesive used to apply fake eyelashes may cause allergies or irritations on the sensitive skin of your eyes.

Over time, the usage of eyelash extensions will cause falling out your real lashes. So, go natural and use coconut oil methods to grow your eyelashes.

How to choose and select the best quality coconut oil?

Coconut oil is enriched with essential saturated fats, vitamins, and antioxidants that make it versatile and used as the best remedy for treating various health and beauty problems. Refined coconut oil doesn’t have the health benefits as a pure form of coconut oil has.

So, always choose organic, unrefined, cold pressed virgin coconut oil for eyelashes growth. You can easily find this virgin coconut oil from your grocery stores or health stores or online stores.

Are there any side effects of using coconut oil on the eyes?

No, it won’t cause any side effects or interactions on the skin. In rare cases, especially to those who are hypersensitive may get any allergic reactions upon applying coconut oil. It is natural and safe to apply even on the sensitive skin areas like eyelashes.

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