Home Remedies to Treat Acid Reflux and Heartburn Naturally

Are you suffering from any burning sensation in the chest or feeling nauseous after having a heavy meal? Then you’re experiencing heartburn or acid reflux.

Heartburn is a feel of action and acid reflux is the action done in the stomach. The chronic form of acid reflux is known as Gastroesophageal Reflux disease (GERD).

What is Acid Reflux?


Acid reflux (or heartburn) is generally caused due to the backflow of stomach acid into the esophagus and leads to indigestion. In certain times it is caused by not having enough acids or an overload of H. pylori (Helicobacter pylori) bacteria in the stomach.

So, it is the side effect of the stomach that digests the food due to its low levels of the acid then the content spills upwards or towards the esophagus.

In general, our stomach has 2 sphincters with acid content – the top of the stomach known as lower esophageal sphincter (LES) and the bottom known as a pyloric valve. So, the stomach content will come up for digestion when there is less acid.

Avoid Antacid or Acid Blockers during Acid Reflux:

There are several medications available for treating acid reflux and it has become a world’s one of the top selling drugs, why because almost everyone gets affected with this problem for at least few attacks in their lifetime.

Do you know that antacids will cause more harm to the body rather than relieving your acid reflux or indigestion? Always remember few things before you pop an antacid. In general, they are not prescribed for people suffering from acid reflux but for people who are suffering from severe ulcers.

The intake of these acid blockers will reduce the acid content and causes reflux but actually, the stomach needs more of acid to keep the body well balanced and digested. The acid will break down the proteins, activates the digestive enzymes, prevent the overgrowth of bacteria and has proper absorption of nutrients by the body.

All this process will result in indigestion, chest pain, burning sensation in the throat, nutritional deficiencies, acidic blood, etc. which further results in constipation, depression, fatigue, fractures, anxiety, dementia, anemia, fractures, osteoporosis and so on.

So, it’s always better to avoid the intake of acid blockers (antacids) while suffering from acid reflux or heartburn.

Causes of Heartburn (Acid Reflux):

Now we will know what are the factors that cause heartburn in detail.

The main causes for acid reflux are the intake of certain foods and lifestyle habits. So, avoid certain foods like citrus, spicy, fried, processed or raw foods, alcohol, coffee, excessive fiber and other hard to digest foods from your diet list.

Some lifestyles will also contribute to heartburn like obesity (or overweight), food sensitivities, drinking and smoking, stress, sedentary lives, food allergies, overeating, etc.

To get the best solution, you should find out the root cause that aggravating the heartburn and then eliminate it to clear the symptoms.

Now, let’s know about some natural remedies that are widely used to treat acid reflux safely at home. Here we are discussing some natural remedies, diet and lifestyle changes that have to be followed for treating your acid reflux.

Natural Remedies to Get Rid of Heartburn:

These are some best natural remedies that widely used for treating acid reflux. have a look at them and follow it to get rid of the problem.

1. Yellow Mustard

Yellow Mustard For Acid Reflux and Heartburn

Mustard has zinc, vinegar, and turmeric that help to neutralize the acid content in your stomach. It stimulates the stomach to produce enough acid required for proper digestion of food with its vinegar content.

It enhances the pH level of the digestive system and its essential nutrients will help for proper digestion and thus prevents acid reflux. The vinegar content of mustard helps to stimulate the production of saliva, which in turn aids in proper digestion and prevent the backflow of acid into esophagus tube.

Methods to use Yellow Mustard for Heartburn:

    Eat 1 – 2 teaspoons of yellow mustard directly whenever you suffer from acid reflux.
    Consume mustard containing foods like a sandwich, hot dogs, etc.
    Drink by mixing 1 – 2 teaspoons of mustard powder in 1 glass of buttermilk.
    Stir 2 teaspoons of yellow mustard and 1 teaspoon of raw honey in 1 glass of lukewarm water. Drink this water immediately to get rid of heartburn.
    You can also drink some mustard tea regularly (or whenever you suffer from the attack of acid reflux).
    If you’re unable to taste the strong taste of mustard then you can wash it down with some warm water or consume it with a saltine cracker.
    While using these mustard methods, you initially feel worse but it will set down in few minutes.
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Suggestions for Best Results:

2. Probiotics:

Probiotics For Acid Reflux and Heartburn

The probiotics (or good bacteria) is essential for maintaining a healthy functioning of your digestive system. The daily intake of probiotics will allow the food and thereby nutrients to get digested properly along with reducing the amount of harmful H. pylori bacteria in the system to prevent the attack of heartburn.

We all know that good bacteria will help to balance the natural flora in the small intestine and thus prevents the buildup of gas and bloating. This, in turn, avoids the backflow of food or acids into the lower esophagus of the stomach.

Probiotics help to replenish the good bacteria that lost due to certain medications or intestinal problems. Also, remember that probiotics will not only relieves the symptoms of acid reflux but also deals with the root cause of it and keep the GI tract back to working properly.

So, include probiotic – rich foods in your daily diet to get rid of acid reflux and other digestive disorders.

Method to use Probiotic for Acid Reflux:

    Include natural probiotic – rich foods like water or milk kefir, plain yogurt, sauerkraut, kombucha drinks, fermented foods, etc. in your daily diet.
    Also, you can take probiotic supplements (or quality probiotic capsules) which are available in local health food stores or online, after consulting your doctor for proper dosage.

Suggestions for Best Results:

3. Baking Soda:

How to Treat Acid Reflux using Baking Soda

Baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) creates an alkaline environment (balances the pH levels) that clears the bacteria causing heartburn and also aids in proper digestion to get rid of acid indigestion and sour or upset stomach.

Methods to use Baking Soda for Acid Reflux (Heartburn):

    Mix 1 teaspoon of baking soda in 1 glass of lukewarm water (room temperature). Drink it once daily for a month to get rid of the problem.
    Stir well 1 teaspoon each of baking soda and raw honey (or lemon juice) in 1 cup of warm water and drink it to prevent the attacks of acid reflux.

Suggestions for Best Results:

4. Organic Apple Cider Vinegar:

How to Treat Acid Reflux using Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar (ACV) is acidic in nature that helps to provide the essential acid in the stomach for proper digestion and also clears the reflux causing bacteria in the gut. It balances your pH levels and calms down the irritated stomach.

It effectively builds up the alkaline environment in the body and helps for the proper digestion and thereby absorption of vital nutrients by the body. Also, for best results, use organic, raw, unfiltered apple cider vinegar with the mother content in it.

Methods to use Apple Cider Vinegar for Acid Reflux:

    Mix 1 – 2 teaspoons of raw ACV in 1 glass of water (prefer lukewarm water) and drink it before each meal to get rid of the problem. Also, mix some honey in this water to enhance its taste.
    Stir 2 tablespoons each of ACV and raw honey and consume it slowly to get relief from the attack of acid reflux.
    Try to hold ACV mix in your mouth for few seconds and swallow it to stimulate the production of saliva and to aid in proper digestion.
    If you’re using ACV for the first time, then pour 4 – 6 drops of vinegar onto your tongue for faster relief.

Suggestions for Best Results:

5. Calcium:

Calcium is an essential mineral that required for treating your GERD by aiding in proper digestion. It is a good pH balancer that alkalizes the body to prevent acid indigestion. Also, it is one of the main ingredients that used in the many over the counter antacids.

Remember that vitamin D and magnesium are also needed for proper absorption of calcium by the body. So, make sure that you have to take the supplements of these nutrients along with calcium for treating acid reflux.

Method to use Calcium for Heartburn:

    Take 1000 mg of calcium orotate supplements per day along with at least 2000 IU’s of vitamin D3. Regular intake will prevent you from getting this acid reflux attacks.
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Suggestions for Best Results:

6. Aloe Vera Juice:

Aloe vera soothes the irritated or inflamed esophagus tract and intestine from the effect of stomach acid with its anti-inflammatory property. It helps to improve the blood circulation for the proper functioning of the digestion and thereby heals heartburn or acid reflux.

It is enriched with essential vitamins, minerals, glucomannam, amino acids, antioxidants and many more that helps to treat this acid reflux and prevent its recurrence.

Methods to use Aloe Vera for Acid Reflux:

    Drink 2 – 3 ounce of aloe vera juice 15 – 20 minutes prior to your meal to reduce the attack of acid reflux.
    Stir some aloe vera juice in 8 ounces of coconut water (or) any fresh fruit juices (or) smoothies and have it to clear the heartburn.
    Mix 1/2 teaspoon of manuka honey, 1 tablespoon of aloe vera juice and 2 tablespoons of raw apple cider vinegar. Stir well and drink it with a straw to get rid of the problem.
    Simply, mix 1 teaspoon of aloe vera gel (or juice) in 1/4 cup of water and drink a small dosage and refrigerate it to store the remaining gel or powder and use it regularly, not only in plain water but also in milkshakes, smoothies or fruit juices.

Suggestions for Best Results:

7. Almonds:

The high oil content in almonds will help to soothe the stomach acids and thereby reduces the backflow of acid or food particles from the esophagus. It is enriched with fiber that aids in proper digestion and clears this acid indigestion.

It is rich in omega – 3 fatty acids, calcium and other essential nutrients that help to contract LES properly and aids in proper digestion to get rid of acid reflux.

Organic almond milk is the best alternative to the raw almond nuts. You can consume a mix prepared by cooking oatmeal with almond milk and top it with banana slices and raw honey to provide enough acid to the stomach for proper digestion.

Method to use Almonds for Heartburn:

    Consume 4 – 5 raw almonds after each meal and if you’re suffering from severe heartburn then eat a handful of almonds to get relief in about 30 minutes.

Suggestions for Best Results:

8. Fennel Seeds:

Fennel seeds are enriched with all essential nutrients and dietary fiber that widely used for proper digestion. So, consume them after your meals to get rid of acid reflux by preventing the backflow of acids or food particles into the throat.

The Anethole compound in fennel helps to relax the stomach and thus clears spasms and flatulence. It is also safe to use by pregnant or nursing women and children. In times, it also used to treat colicky newborn babies.

Methods to use Fennel Seeds for Acid Reflux:

    Try some fennel tea by steeping 1 teaspoon of fennel seeds in 1 cup of warm water for 6 – 8 minutes. Then strain the tea and drink it by adding some honey after your meal to get rid of heartburn.
    Simply chew 1 teaspoon of whole fennel seeds slowly after your each meal to prevent the acid backflow and also aids in proper digestion.

Suggestions for Best Results:

9. Pickles and Pickle Juice:

In olden days, either pickle or its juice is used to treat heartburn (or acid reflux). It is all due to the vinegar content that helps to neutralize the pH levels in your stomach within few minutes.

It is even a safe remedy for treating acid reflux or its symptoms in pregnant or nursing women. Pickles will help you to clear the heartburn symptoms effectively.

Method to use Pickle for Heartburn:

    Consume few pickles (or) simply drink pickle juice whenever you suffer from active heartburn. You can get relief from heartburn within 10 – 15 minutes.

Suggestion for Best Results:

Fruits and Vegetables – Include in your Diet:

Fresh fruits and vegetables (Except the citrus one) will help you in a great way to combat the acid reflux symptoms.

So, include some fruits and vegetables like banana, apples, celery, cabbage, papaya, etc. should be added that soothe your stomach and thereby acid reflux.

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Let’s get started…

1. Celery:

Celery has natural alkaline that helps to balance the pH levels in the stomach. It has mild sedative properties that soothe the stomach lining and its muscles.

2. Apples:

An apple a day keeps the acid reflux away. It has malic and tartaric acid that balances your stomach pH levels. It contains a natural fiber source called pectin that aids in proper digestion. So, whenever you feel an attack coming on (or after having a heavy meal) then consume an apple to clear that acid reflux problem.

3. Bananas:

Banana is enriched with all essential vitamins and minerals, fiber and other enzymes that help for proper digestion, eliminate bacteria causing acid reflux, ease spasms and soothe the stomach lining & its muscles from the effect of stomach acid.

It restricts your stomach from churning the acid violently with its natural antacid property. It is also used to combat high blood pressure and prevent heart strokes with its high content of potassium and low content of sodium.

4. Papaya:

Papaya has an effective enzyme that dissolves protein and carbohydrates, called papain. This enzyme helps to speed up the metabolism, aids in proper digestion, reduces the inflammation and thus treats constipation.

 5. Ginger:

Ginger helps to regulate the flow of juices in your digestive system to ensure the proper absorption of food. It effectively soothes the irritated and inflamed esophagus and stomach. It has many effective properties that help to treat many gastrointestinal disorders.

It also destroys H. pylori bacteria, reduces the inflammation, reduces the feeling of nausea and calms down the stomach muscles with its amazing properties that help to treat acid reflux completely.

6. Cabbage:

Cabbage is very effective in killing the H. pylori bacteria, which is responsible for acid reflux and other gastrointestinal problems. It also reduces the irritation, pain or inflammation due to its anti-inflammatory property.

Intake of fermented cabbage (kimchee) along with other fermented foods will help you a lot in treating heartburn or acid reflux.

Method to include fresh fruits and vegetables for acid reflux:

    Add some chopped raw cabbage, banana slices, natural plain probiotic yogurt, a small ginger piece, apple slices and pure water in a blender.
    Blend it on high speed till smooth and drink it quickly to get rid of acid reflux.
    Also, it’s best to include these fresh fruits and vegetables in your daily diet to get rid of acid reflux.

Check out Orange Pineapple Smoothie for Acid Reflux

Lifestyle Changes:

1. Chew Gum:

Chewing a sugar-free gun will help to produce saliva and thereby activates the digestive process. However, it is an unnatural digestion stimulator but it is the best remedy that fixes your acid reflux problem quickly. So, chew a gum after your meals to prevent the attack of heartburn and aids proper digestion.

2. Stay Upright and Sleep on your Left Side:

To prevent the attack of heartburn, you should avoid eating any foods 2 – 3 hours before going to sleep why because it digests the food properly and makes you sleep normally. Also, avoid any citrus food before going to sleep.

For best results, you should turn onto your left side when you lay down. So that this position won’t allow the stomach acid to get back into the esophagus and cause this reflux.

3. Eat Smaller Meals but Frequently:

If you consume heavy meals then it’s become hard for the stomach to digest that meal. It takes much time and has to work hard to break that food at once.

Also, if your stomach is full then there is more chance for the acid to toss back into the esophagus. So, chew your food slowly and more frequently before swallowing.

Remember that the process of digestion will begin in the mouth so, the more you chew the more you help the body for proper digestion and thus prevent acid reflux attack.

Final Word:

Different methods will work better for different people. All these natural ways will clear your acid reflux (or heartburn). All you need is to do trial and error method and set the best remedy for relieving heartburn (acid reflux).

Don’t forget to share your experience with us in the below comments box.

Source link wallx.net

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