Home Remedies to Heal Sores in the Nose

Those who suffer from frequent colds are aware with the woes of painful sores in and around the nose.

These sores or blisters are caused due to various reasons. One of the common causes of nasal sores is infection caused by the herpes simplex virus (HSV-1 and 2). This is a highly contagious condition and the sores can spread to outer areas of the nose and around the mouth.

Sores inside the nose may also be caused due to dry and cold weather that breaks the skin inside the nose and makes it vulnerable to infections caused by the staphylococcal bacteria.

Whatever might be the cause, the good news is that these painful nasal sores can be treated efficiently and quickly with some home remedies.

Following a balanced diet, maintaining proper hygiene and managing stress and fatigue can also help to prevent the recurrence of cold sores.

Home Remedies to Heal Sores in the Nose

Saline Nasal Spray – Salt and water solution helps to relieve inflammation and kill the infection-causing bacteria in and around the nose. It also helps to open up nasal congestion and treat sinus problems.


    Prepare a saline solution by adding a tablespoon of salt to a glass of clean warm water
    Mix the salt in the water thoroughly
    Pour the solution in a clean squirt bottle and pass it through one nasal opening and squirt it through the other

Ginger Paste – The potent anti-inflammatory properties of ginger speeds up the healing process of the nasal sores and scabs and prevents further infections.


    Take a piece of fresh ginger, peel and wash it thoroughly
    Crush it to make a paste; you can add a few drops of warm water to it
    Apply this paste to the sores inside your nose using a q-tip
    Let it sit for 20 minutes and then rinse your nose with lukewarm water

Witch Hazel – Witch Hazel works as a natural astringent that helps to heal common skin irritations and treat cold sores caused by bacteria. It speeds up the healing process and prevents the blisters from spreading to other parts of the face.

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    Dip a clean q-tip in witch hazel essential oil
    Apply the oil to the nasal sores using this q-tip
    Leave it on to dry

Honey – The powerful antimicrobial and antibacterial properties of raw honey can treat sores in the nose caused by the herpes simplex virus. Being a natural humectant, it also prevents irritation in the nose caused by dry weather.


    Take a clean cotton bud and apply a small amount of honey to it
    Apply it to the cold sores inside your nose
    Leave it on for 30 minutes and then rinse your nose with lukewarm water

Coconut Oil – Coconut oil contains powerful antimicrobial and antibacterial properties that can treat painful blisters inside the nose caused by bacterial infections. Coconut oil can be used alone or combined with tea tree, sandalwood or peppermint essential oils for this remedy.


    Add 2 drops of tea tree essential oil to a tablespoon of coconut oil
    Apply this mixture to the sores inside your nose using a clean cotton swab
    Leave it on to dry

Petroleum Jelly – Petroleum jelly adds moisture to the nasal passage and prevents irritation and pain caused due to drying of the blisters.


    Clean your hands thoroughly
    Take a small amount of petroleum jelly on your index finger
    Apply it inside your nose and on the sore gently
    Leave it on for an hour
    Now clean inside your nose gently using a clean cotton swab

Vitamin A and D Ointment – Ointments and oils containing vitamins A and D kill harmful bacteria and are often used for treating various types of skin ailments. It can be used for nasal sores as well because it is safe for application inside the nose.


    Take a little amount of vitamin A and D oil or ointment
    Apply it to the sore inside your nose using a clean q-tip
    Leave it on
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Water-Based Zinc Solution – Mineral zinc has the capacity to counteract the growth of the herpes simplex virus that causes cold sores inside and around the nose. For this remedy, you can opt for a water based zinc solution available at drug stores. Choose one that contains a maximum of 2% zinc-oxide.


    Take some of the zinc solution in a cotton ball
    Dab it onto the cold sores inside the nose and leave it until it dries
    Wash your nose with lukewarm water after the zinc solution has dried out completely

Foods to Treat Sores in the Nose

Vitamin C Rich Foods – Vitamin C has the capacity to prevent cold and flu and its associated symptoms such as cold sores and blisters. Some of the best food sources of vitamin C are citrus fruits such as lemons, oranges, sweet lime, etc. along with strawberries, tomatoes.

Lysine Rich Foods – Amino acid lysine found in certain foods reduces the healing rime of sores and scabs caused by herpes simplex virus infection and prevent recurrent cold sore infections. Lysine is naturally found in fish, chicken, cheese, beans, etc.

Probiotic-Rich Foods – Cold sores and scabs are a recurrent problem that tends to come back frequently. This happens due to the overgrowth of harmful bacteria that lingers in the system. Adding probiotic-rich foods in your daily diet will help to promote the growth of beneficial bacteria in your gut and restore the balance of your gut microflora which in turn will stop the recurrence of cold sores and infections.

Drink Plenty of Fluids – Water and other healthy beverages such as green tea, herbal tea and fruit and vegetable juices help to keep the body hydrated and flush out toxins. It also helps to prevents cold sores from becoming infected or inflamed. Other than water you can also drink juices of cucumber, orange, pineapple, grapefruit, etc. to speed up the healing of cold sores

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Ways to Prevent the Recurrence of Sores in the Nose

Avoid physical contact with someone having herpes virus infection – If cold sores and nasal sores are caused by the herpes virus then it is best to stay away from the infected person till he/she is completely healed because infection caused by herpes virus is highly contagious.

Clean your hands often – If you are someone close to you has cold sores and even if it’s in your nose, make it a point to wash your hands with an antiseptic soap or hand wash before and after touching your or someone else’s infections. This will prevent the virus from spreading.

Use separate utensils – Whenever you have a sores or blisters breakout, separate your utensils and items from everyone else and avoid sharing items with family members. This will reduce the risk of spreading the virus to other areas of the skin and to other persons.

Manage Stress and Fatigue – Stress and fatigue are two of the main reasons of having cold sore outbreaks. Organize your everyday schedule in such a way that you have some time to relax and unwind. It will help you to reduce stress and relieve fatigue. Get regular exercise and have a good 7 to 8 hours of sleep every night.

While there are antibiotics that can bring immediate relief from sores in the nose by killing the infection causing bacteria and viruses, but they also end up killing the beneficial bacteria in the body and increases the chances of recurrence of cold sores in future. So, it is best to opt for these home remedies that heal the sores gently without causing any damage to your body.

Source link wallx.net

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