Home Remedies to Get Black Hair Naturally

Do you know that people spend $2.56 billion per year on hair beauty products worldwide? It’s quite interesting  to know how much people care for their hair. But on the other side, get habituated to these profit-oriented commercial products.

There is a belief that women look beautiful with long black hair. Due to the modern lifestyle, age, genes, stress, and pollution at very young ages the color of  your hair changes. The commercial hair beauty products make use of chemicals like Parabens, Formaldehydes that can cause severe allergic reactions  and is not safe for your eyes & skin.

You can easily get black hair with the use of home ingredients in a short time. Here in this article we come up with a solution to your problem by providing genuine information about how to use the natural ingredients to darken your hair color.

For more information read the full length article.

Home Remedies for Black Hair

Here are some effective home remedies that help  you to have shiny black hair from and also protect from  harmful toxins. Regular follow up of these remedies every fortnight will help you to make your hair look shiny, attractive and healthy.

Remedy-1 (Coconut Oil)

Coconut oil is a plant based oil that is high in vitamin E, vitamin K, fatty acids, lauric acid and capric acid. When you apply coconut oil to your hair, these compounds help to retain moisture levels and penetrates the hair shaft. It is highly beneficial for nourishing black hair by producing strong and shiny hair. Here we discussed some possible combinations of coconut oil to get black hair naturally.

Raw Honey and coconut oil combination do wonders for dull hair. Together works well as moisturizing and rejuvenating agent. It is also good to apply in require amounts on your hair to gain black color.

For this mix both the ingredients and apply it on dry hair. Massage with your fingers to distribute the mixture evenly on hair. Let it be settled on your hair for 15-20 minutes and wash with water.

Curry leaves are a great flavored leaves mostly used by the south Indian people. High vitamin B content in curry leaves added with coconut oil helps to nourish your hair. Firstly, boil the coconut oil in medium flame and add curry leaves to it. Boil until the leaves become black and turn off the flame to cool for some time. Apply the solution on your hair, stay overnight and the very next day wash with shampoo.

Simply mix a tbsp of Lemon Juice and coconut oil in a small bowl and massage on your hair with fingers. After 1 hour or so wash with a natural shampoo.  Do this process for every 2-3 days  for your strong and darkening hair.

In other cases, you may also use castor oil, olive oil which also serves best to make your hair black  and strengthens the thick hair roots.

Remedy-2 (Henna)

Henna is a natural dye prepared from the henna tree known for its hair repairing properties. It is used as a natural home remedy for black hair over the years by the ancient Indian women. A PPD (Paraphenylenediamine) compound is responsible for the blackening of hair. A simple and easy procedure to make henna as a natural home remedy for black hair is given below.

    Firstly, pour henna powder in a bowl made with steel or plastic.
    Add coffee powder, 2 tbsp of lemon juice and curd simultaneously to the henna and stir well. The Polyphenol in coffee powder neutralizes the reddish color nature of the henna.
    Apply the mixture on your hair and do it at least twice a week.
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Hibiscus, Henna and Amla trio combination is fully packed with antioxidants and proteins helps to get black hair growth very quickly. All these 3 ingredients added to form a thick paste, is applied to hair and scalp. Massage gently with fingers in a circular motion to  apply evenly touching the deep roots of hair.

For a quick change in your hair color, use Henna and Soap nut combination daily for a week.

Remedy-3 (Lemon)

Black pepper and lemon juice combination rejuvenate the scalp to promote blackening hair growth. For this take 2-3 tbsp of pepper and 1 tbsp of lemon juice. Blend them to form a thick paste. Apply it on your scalp and allow it to dry for 10-15 minutes. Now rinse your hair with cool water. Repeat the process for every 2-3 days. This is just done before you attend kitty parties to form a silky black hair that looks stunning.

Lemon and Almond oil are added together in a small bowl to form a thick paste and do massage with this thick paste on your hair for 15 minutes. The vitamin E and antioxidants rich in Almond oil help to prevent from hair spoiling and makes your hair look black, shiny.

Remedy-4 (Amla)

Amla on hair has positive impacts over millions of people. Many of the commercial hair products uses Amla added with harmful chemicals to make hair black. It is not good to use and results in some severe allergic reactions when applied to your hair. So its better to use Amla powder (Tannis and Polyphenols) used to treat several problems like hair darkening.

Prepare the solution simply by adding Amla powder to  a cup of water and 1 tbsp of lemon juice. Apply this wonderful solution to make your hair black once or twice a week. For better results you can also add henna and lemon juice as ingredients to the Amla powder.

Amla, Hurd and Bahara is another great trio-combination that helps to blacken your hair naturally at home when applied in required quantities. Over dosage of these ingredients on your hair may result in some severe allergic reactions.

Remedy-5 (Black Tea)

Black tea extracted from the leaves has very strong flavor that suits for your hair. The antioxidants and antiseptic properties of  black tea will revive the brittle hair follicles.

    A simple procedure to make use of black tea for your hair is by taking a black tea bag and a cup of water.
    Boil the water in medium flame for 5 minutes and dip the black tea bags in the hot water.
    Now separate the tea particles from the hot tea by using tea strainer.
    For better results you can also add 2 tbsp of lemon juice to the hot tea.
    Apply it on your hair, scalp and massage with your fingers in circular motion for 5 minutes.

Remedy-6 (Sesame Seeds)

Black sesame seeds contain a good source of vitamin E, lecithin and protein are good for your growing  and blackening hair. When you use this method for black hair problems, it may not happen overnight; takes weeks to months time to notice black hair. For this, soak the sesame seeds in a bowl of water and  then make it into a fine paste using Grinder. Apply this thick paste on your hair and scalp which results in a better quality of hair growth and looks lustrous.

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Remedy-7 (Onion Paste)

Many people avoid chopping onions as it releases strong flavor that burns your eyes. Apart from this it also acts as a wonderful remedy for treating your hair naturally. You can directly apply the onion pulp on your hair touching the roots and follicles.

Another method using onion pulp and lemon juice combination is given below….

    Take out onion pulp and extract the juice from it.
    Now add 2 tbsp of lemon juice to the onion extracts.
    Stir well and apply it on your scalp and hair follicles.
    Allow the mixture to dry for 30-45 minutes and clean with a mild shampoo.
    Repeat the procedure daily for a month till you observe the difference.

 Remedy-8 (Carrot)

Till now you heard about the health benefits of carrot juice. You will be surprised to know the amazing benefits of carrots for  your black hair. Drinking a glass of carrot juice in the early morning is a wonderful remedy to make your hair black.

Some crazy people apply carrot juice directly on hair which does not give much impact on hair coloring than drinking the juice. Consume the fresh juice daily for a month or so toll you see the difference in your hair.

Remedy-9 (Ribbed Gourd)

Many of you know that ribbed gourd is a  healthy vegetable that helps to cure several health problems.    It is absolutely true and much benefitted for your hair. This veggie is full of fiber-rich that helps to make your hair color black.

For this peel off the ribbed gourd and cut into small pieces using a knife or  chopper. Insert the gourd pieces into a Mixer and grind it for 2 minutes. Take out the juice and filter all the unnecessary extracts from it. Now store the juice in a glass and add a small cup of coconut oil to it.  Heat the mixture and apply oil on your hair and scalp deeply. Do again this process until you see the changes in your hair.

Remedy-10 (Orange Juice)

A cup of raw orange juice contains 112 calories, 20 grams of sugars and provides citric acid, vitamin C, potassium, folate and thiamin when consumed. Using orange juice is an effective way to have healthy, thick and dark hair.

Take an orange and peel off so that it can is converted into a pulp. Now add Amla powder to the orange juice and mix well. You can see the change in color of the juice when mixed with Amla powder. Apply the solution that brilliantly works to create a black and thick hair.

Remedy-11 (Mango)

Raw mango is helpful for gaining black color of your hair. For this take some handful of leaves, unripe mangoes and peel off the skin. Now blend them very well by adding  2-3tbsp of oil to it.  Allow the mixture to get direct sunlight for a long time and then apply it on your hair that works as a wonderful natural solution.

Instead of this thick paste you can apply mango stone oil to get black hair which magically turns white hair into black hair. If you apply this oil before you attain certain age, will stop the hair from turning white color and prevents dandruff problem.

Remedy-12 (Ghee with Mulethi)

For this you need to take 1 kg of ghee or butter, 1 liter of Amla juice and 250 grams of Mulethi in a big bowl or container. Heat the ingredients well in low-medium flame for 20-30 minutes. Allow the water to evaporate completely from the mixture and the actual content is ready for you to use. Store the obtained mixture in a glass and use this hair mask every day you go for a shower bath. It is very useful and effective remedy to bring black color to your hair.

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Remedy-13 (Sage)

As the sage leaves fully comprises of antioxidant and antiseptic properties,helps to promote black hair growth and prevents from premature graying.  A simple procedure to make use of sage leaves to get black hair is given below..

Take a handful of sage leaves and soak them in a  bowl containing water. Boil the leaves for some time (say 15-20 minutes). Now transfer the solution into the spray bottle and gently spray the solution on hair gently before you apply oil to your hair. Rinse your hair with lukewarm water. For amazing results, repeat the process 2-3 times a week.

Remedy-14 (Earth water)

It may look awkward, but gives fantastic results when applied to your hair. Take out soil from the garden in a bowl and add water to it. Now filter the insects and small stones from it. You may use cotton cloth or  strainer to filter the water and other contents in a separate  jar. Now apply this liquid  solution directly on your hair  and do massage evenly with fingers.  After some hours of time take a shower bath with cold water. It will gradually reduce headaches, sleeplessness and makes your hair look long lustrous.

Remedy-15 (Aloe Vera)

Aloe vera is known for its moisturizing and nourishing properties of hair. It is a traditional Ayurvedic medicine that  contains Aloin compound to treat skin and hair problems. You just need to have a lot patience to use aloe vera as natural remedy that does not give instantaneous results.

For this you can add  1tbsp of Brahmi leaf powder to the 2 tbsp of aloe vera gel and apply it on your hair. If necessary, you can add 2 tbsp of Amla juice to the mixture. Let the mixture be dry for some time and wash with cool water. If you don’t find Brahmi leaf powder at stores, you can directly apply aloe vera gel to the hair without adding any other ingredient.

Precautions and Tips

    Avoid using hair products that contain harmful toxins.
    Consult a doctor or dermatologist if the problem is very severe.
    Always take a shower bath when you swim in a chlorinated water pool.
    Whenever you prefer a natural remedy, wash off your hair with cold water.
    Avoid smoking and alcohol consumption as tit diminishes the hair growth and color.
    For obtaining natural hair color, simply grind guava leaves and apply it on your hair.
    Do regular exercise and yoga to relieve from stress and improves blood circulation levels.
    Apply herbal hair oils regularly to prevent from hair problems like dandruff, hair loss and greying.
    Drink plenty of water to stay strong, healthy and to prevent from severe side effects like allergies, infections and headaches.
    Henna and indigo is a great combination for your hair turning black color, but be sure to wash your hair immediately with natural shampoos as indigo contains harmful chemicals that damages your hair growth.

Have you tried any of these safe, natural methods for attaining black hair? Please share your experience with us in the comment section given below.

Source link wallx.net

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