Home Remedies for Canker Sores

Canker sores (mouth ulcers or aphthous ulcers) are small red bumps with yellow or white centers that occur inside the mouth, lips, cheeks, tongue and throat.

It is caused due to many reasons like helicobacter pylori (bacteria), unhealthy diet, hormonal imbalances, food allergies or sensitivity, vitamin deficiencies, excessive stress, accidental cheek bites, consumption of spicy foods, genetics, low immunity, certain medications, etc.

They are painful that causes tingling or burning sensation around the affected area but they are not contagious and can be healed within a couple of weeks without any treatment.

For quick relief, you should take some remedial measures when you notice the initial signs or symptoms of the canker sores. To get rid of pain or irritation, most people uses over the counter medicines, but do you know that there are many natural remedies that effectively work to promote faster healing?

Yes, here in this article, we listed some best natural remedies that ease the pain and irritation which are associated with canker sores and thereby promotes faster healing.

Home Remedies for Canker Sores:


Discover the amazing natural remedies that work best in dealing with the pain and irritation caused due to canker sores and also helps for its faster relief.

Remedy – 1: (Baking Soda)

Baking soda has an antimicrobial property that kills bacteria causing canker sores. It restores the pH balance in the mouth and soothes the sores with its anti-inflammatory property.

Here are some ways of using Baking Soda for Canker Sores.

    Mix 1 teaspoon of baking soda in 1/2 cup of lukewarm water. Stir and use it to rinse your mouth for several times daily until you get rid of the problem.
    Mix enough water to 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda to make a paste. Apply it on the canker sores affected areas. Rinse off with water after 3 – 5 minutes.
    Stir equal quantities of baking soda, hydrogen peroxide and salt in a bowl. Use it as a mouthwash to clear the sores. Repeat it 5 times daily till you cleared the sore completely from the mouth.

Baking Soda for Canker Sores

Remedy – 2: (Aloe Vera)

Aloe vera has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and curative properties that help to ease the pain, irritation, and inflammation and thereby speed up the healing process.

Here are few ways of using aloe vera for canker sores.

    Apply a fresh aloe vera gel directly on the sore and leave it like that. Repeat it several times daily.
    Rinse your mouth with freshly prepared aloe vera juice for 3 – 4 times daily.
    Consume 2 teaspoons of aloe vera gel for 2 – 3 times daily for boosting your immunity and to get quick relief from inside the body.
    Rinse your mouth with fresh aloe vera juice and then sprinkle some baking soda directly on the sore. Continue doing the same process for twice daily.
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Remedy – 3: (Hydrogen Peroxide)

Hydrogen peroxide has strong disinfectant and antibacterial properties that fight against the bacteria causing infection. It also dries out the affected area to give faster healing.

How to Treat Canker Sores using Hydrogen Peroxide

Check out more on How to use Hydrogen Peroxide for Canker Sore.

Remedy – 4: (Honey)

Honey has antibacterial and soothing properties that heal the damaged skin and reduces the pain and inflammation that are associated with canker sores.

    Add 1/4 teaspoon of turmeric powder in 1 teaspoon of raw honey.
    Stir well to make a paste and apply it on the canker sores affected areas.
    Let it sit for 10 – 15 minutes and then rinse off with water.
    Repeat it twice daily till you get complete relief from the canker sores.

Honey for Canker Sores

Note: Or simply apply some raw honey all around the canker sores affected areas to ease the pain and inflammation.

Remedy – 5: (Coriander)

Coriander exhibits antimicrobial, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties that help to alleviate the canker sores symptoms. It also helps to reduce the pain and other discomforts caused by canker sores.

    Boil 1 glass of water and pour a handful of coriander leaves (or 1 teaspoon of coriander seeds) in it.
    Boil it for few minutes and strain the water.
    Let the water cool to reach lukewarm and use it to gargle your mouth for 2 – 3 times daily.

Note: Or you can drink the juice prepared from fresh coriander leaves for several times daily (or) apply coriander leaves paste on the affected area.

Remedy – 6: (Milk of Magnesia)

Milk of magnesia will neutralize the acids in the mouth causing canker sores. It also coats and soothes the irritated tissues in the mouth to heal the pain and irritation caused by canker sores.

    Apply milk of magnesia directly on the canker sores by using a cotton swab.
    Leave it on for few minutes and wash off with water.
    Repeat the same process for 3 – 4 times daily.

Note: Or mix equal quantities of milk of magnesia and Benadryl and apply it directly on the sore. Don’t swallow it and rinse off with water and repeat regularly.

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Remedy – 7: (Tea Bags)

The tannic acid in tea bags acts as an astringent that helps a lot in reducing the pain and inflammation. Regular usage will help to speed up the healing process.

    Prepare either black tea or green tea or chamomile or any herbal tea by using tea bags.
    Let the tea cool for few minutes and use it to rinse your mouth.
    Refrigerate the used tea bags for few minutes.
    Then place the wet chilled tea bag gently over the canker sore affected area.
    Let it sit for about 15 – 20 minutes and discard the tea bag.
    Do the same process for 2 – 3 times daily to get complete relief from the canker sores.

Remedy – 8: (Sage)

Sage exhibits calming properties that relieve your pain and other discomforts associated with canker sores. It has astringent and drying effect which helps to dehydrate the sore to ease the pain.

    Mix 3 teaspoons of sage leaves in 2 cups of boiling water.
    Let it steep for about 15 minutes and allow it to cool down for few minutes.
    Then rinse your mouth with this lukewarm sage tea for several times daily.

Note: Or apply dried sage leaves powder directly on the canker sores for few times daily till you get relief from canker sores.

Other Effective Remedies:

    Salt helps a lot in cleaning and dehydrating the sore by removing excess fluids and toxins and thus speed up the healing process. Mix 2 teaspoons of salt in 1 cup of warm water and use it rinse your mouth. Or sprinkle some salt directly on the sore.
    Tea tree oil has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and deep penetrating properties that help to heal the canker sores and its pain. Mix 5 – 10 drops of tea tree oil in 1 glass of water. Use it as your mouthwash for 3 times daily till you healed the sores.
    Ice creates a cooling and numbing sensation that reduces the pain and swelling. Simply apply an ice cube directly on the sore for 30 seconds and remove it (or) rinse your mouth with cool water.
    The eugenol in clove oil is a potent painkiller that relieves your pain and irritation. So, apply a few drops of clove oil directly on the sore and rinse off with water after few minutes (or) mix 4 – 5 drops of clove oil in 1/2 teaspoon of olive oil and apply it on the sore by using a clean cotton ball.
    Alum powder draws out the toxins and other fluids from the sores by drying them thoroughly. So, apply a pinch of alum powder directly on the sore and rinse off after a couple of minutes.
    Slippery elm helps to coat the mucus membranes of the mouth to relieve your pain and irritation. Mix 1 tablespoon of slippery elm powder with enough water and apply it on the sores. rinse off with water after 5 minutes (or) simply suck slippery elm lozenges (or) rinse your mouth with slippery elm tea.
    The capsaicin in cayenne pepper inhibits substance P (pain responses in the body) that provides relief from the pain and inflammation. mix enough water in 1 teaspoon of cayenne pepper to make a thick paste and apply it on the canker sores by using a cotton swab. Repeat it 2 – 3 times daily.
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Tips and Precautions:

    Don’t get confused cold sores with canker sores, as cold sores are caused due to virus and contagious that occurs on the lips and outside the mouth but the canker sores are non-contagious ulcers that formed inside the mouth.
    Drink plenty of water and consume a healthy diet that includes fresh fruits, vegetables and leafy greens. Also, include foods that are rich in B & C vitamins, folate (folic acid), zinc and iron which help to promote faster relief.
    Consume probiotics (like plain yogurt) which helps to restore the good bacterial balance in your mouth (or) simply apply it on the canker sores affected area to get soothing relief from the pain.
    Avoid the consumption of sugary, salty, spicy and acidic foods which causes some pain and burning sensation.
    Use toothpastes and mouth rinses that are free from sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS) which helps to speed up the healing process and prevents its recurrence. Also, use brush with a soft bristles to brush your teeth gently.
    Quit smoking, avoid chewing gums and drinking alcohol, as they irritate the sores and worsens the problem.
    You can also apply vitamin E oil or coconut oil or lemon balm or onion juice or suck on some zinc lozenges, etc. to get rid of the pain.
    Consult your doctor if you didn’t get any relief from the pain or the canker sores even after 10 days, for proper diagnose and treatment.

Try these natural ways to get rid of Canker Sores? Do you know any other successful canker sore remedies? Then share it with us in the below comments box.


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