Home Remedies for Black Spots and Acne Marks or Scars on the Face

Are you feeling embarrassed to interact with the people in your peer group due to dark spots, pimple scars, acne marks and uneven skin tone? Who doesn’t want a clear, fair and flawless skin? So, most of us prefer to use various cosmetic products to enhance their beauty and to get rid of these spots and scars on their skin (especially on the face).

Are you one among those group of people who tired these chemical based cosmetic skin products to get relief from marks, scars, and spots? Then you definitely know that how harmful these creams are and also how they cause some side effects to the skin if used in long run.

Dark spots and scars are caused mainly due to acne, blackheads, and blemishes and thereby enhanced due to the increased exposure to sun’s harmful UV rays. Don’t worry about these scars, marks or black spots on the skin, all you need is to take some regular care on your skin, consume a healthy diet to detox your body and change few lifestyle habits.

So, instead of using cosmetic creams or products for treating the skin problems why don’t you choose natural ways to get rid of these skin ailments. Here we are providing you with some best natural remedies that help to clear the problem from inside and thereby give you long-lasting results.

How to Get Rid of Black Spots, Acne Marks and Pimple Scars on the Skin:


Have a look at some natural home remedies that work out well in making your skin free from black spots, pimple marks or acne scars. Always remember that caring your skin is essential. So, give a trial to these natural remedies to get rid of these skin problems.

Iced Green Tea for Acne Scars:

Iced green tea will provide a refreshing effect on the skin and relaxes the tired skin. The essential nutrients and oils in this tea will help to recharge the epidermis and dermis layer of the skin and thereby make the skin to breathe freely.

The antioxidant, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties of green tea will clear the bacteria or germs causing infections on the skin, combat the effect of free radicals on the skin and finally gives a natural glow to the skin. The icy cooling effect will open up the pores and regenerate the skin cells.

    Place 1 green tea bag (or 1 teaspoon of green tea leaves) in 1 cup of hot water.
    Stir and steep for about 5 – 7 minutes to remove the green tea leaves or bag.
    Then pour this green tea into an ice tray and allow it to freeze for a few minutes.
    Now steam your face to open up the skin pores and then glide this green tea ice cubes on all over the face and neck.
    Repeat this action for a few minutes and leave for a couple of minutes to rinse your face with water.
    Continue this action regularly until you get a complete relief from acne scars.

Green Coconut Water for Acne Marks:

We all love to drink coconut water to get refreshment and soothing effect on the scorching heat and also to quench the thirst in the blistering summers. Coconut is fully loaded with several antioxidants that help to soothe and relieve your skin from the acne marks and scars.

    Take some coconut water in a bowl and dip a cotton ball in this water.
    Use it to swipe all over the skin and repeat the same process for up to 2 – 3 weeks till you eliminate the acne scars.

Tea Tree Oil for Acne Marks:

Tea tree oil helps a lot in clearing the stubborn acne marks on the skin due to its antibacterial, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties that help you in grabbing lighter and clearer skin.

    Pour a few drops of tea tree oil in 1 teaspoon of carrier oil (or water) and stir well.
    Dip a cotton ball in this oil mixture and dab it on the acne affected skin areas.
    Let it sit for about 10 minutes to dry the oil mixture and rinse off with lukewarm water.
    Practice this action daily to clear the excess oil from the face and to get rid of these scars and marks.
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Neem Leaves:

The antiseptic, antimicrobial and natural calming effect of the neem leaves will help to keep the skin hydrated and well moisturized by clearing the microbes causing these marks and spots on the skin.

    Take a handful of fresh neem leaves and blend it to make a fine paste.
    Apply this paste on the acne affected skin areas.
    Leave it for a few minutes to get dry and rinse off with water.
    For best results, add some turmeric powder to this neem paste before application to lighten the scars and spots and thereby to make your skin glow with an even tone.

Note: Or simply munch on 2 – 3 fresh neem leaves in the morning to improve the functioning of digestive system and to maintain a healthy glowing skin.

Tomato for Black Spots:

Tomato exfoliates and unclogs the skin to remove the layer of dead skin cells and other impurities causing acne and blemishes. It has alpha hydroxy and salicylic acid helps to destroy the bacteria in the skin to prevent breakouts.

    Take a medium sized tomato and squeeze its juice.
    Then add 1 tablespoon of lemon juice to this tomato juice and stir well.
    Apply it on the face and leave it to dry for about 20 minutes.
    Rinse the face with warm water and continue the same process to erase dark spots.

Aloe Vera for Dark Spots:

The anthraquinone in aloe vera exfoliates the skin to remove dead skin cells and other impurities. It has all essential vitamins, enzymes and lignin component that helps to moisturize and maintain skin’s elasticity.

    Take a fresh aloe vera leaf and extract its gel.
    Leave it to dry in the sun for about 5 minutes and then mix a few drops of lemon juice to this dried pulp.
    Finally, apply this mix on the face and let it sit for about 15 – 20 minutes.
    Finally, rinse off with water and repeat regularly to get best results.

Onion Juice for Acne Marks:

The antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties of onion juice will help to remove the acne related scars which are caused by microbes and germs.

    Take a medium sized onion and cut it into various pieces.
    Grind them and squeeze it to separate the onion juice.
    Apply this juice on the acne affected skin areas and let it sit for about a few minutes.
    Finally, rinse off with water and repeat the same process to get rid of the problem.

Note: Or prepare a DIY concoction by mixing 1/2 tablespoon of vinegar in 1 tablespoon each of freshly extracted onion juice and garlic juice. Use this mixture to rub on the dark spots and acne scars and rinse off after 20 minutes with chilled water. Repeat the same regularly to get relief from the problem.

Sandalwood for Dark Spots and Pimple Scars:

Sandalwood has antibacterial, antioxidants, anti-inflammatory and skin soothing properties that help you in dealing with acne scars and dark spots. It also clears the skin disorders like redness, inflammation, itching, and irritation caused by this acne and blemishes.

    Mix 2 tablespoons of sandalwood powder and a pinch of turmeric powder in 3 tablespoons of fresh thick milk to make a smooth paste.
    Apply this paste on the face and leave it to dry for about 20 – 30 minutes.
    After that, rinse off your face with lukewarm water.
    Pat dry the skin and repeat the same process to get a complete relief from the black spots and pimple marks.

Note: Or mix a few drops of rose water in 2 tablespoons of sandalwood powder till it forms a paste and apply it on the face by concentrating more on the spots and scars. Rinse off the face after it dries.

Lemon Juice and Turmeric for Acne Marks:

The curcumin content in turmeric will exhibit antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties that clear the acne causing bacteria and soothe the irritated skin. Lemon juice exfoliates the skin to clear the dead skin cells and to unclog the skin pores by shrinking the excess oil and dirt from the skin pores.

    Add a pinch of turmeric powder to some freshly extracted lemon juice.
    Stir well till they form a fine paste and dab this mix on the acne marks by using a cotton swab.
    Allow it to sit for about a few minutes and rinse off with water.
    Repeat the same process daily to observe visible results quickly.
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    Or simply apply the fresh lemon juice on the dark spots directly by using a cotton ball and wash off after a few minutes.
    Oatmeal will exfoliate the skin and clears the dead cells and other impurities by controlling the production of oil. So, mix an oatmeal powder with fresh lemon juice to make a paste. Apply it on the spots and scars and scrub gently. Finally, rinse with lukewarm water and repeat it twice a week.
    Alternatively, prepare a paste by mixing a few drops of lemon juice in fuller’s earth and apply it to the marks and skin spots. Rinse off with water after it dries naturally.

Raw Honey and Potato Juice for Dark Spots:

Potato has natural bleaching property that helps to fade away these spots, scars, and blemishes. Honey moisturizes and cleans the skin to promote a quick relief from the problem.

    Grate a small potato and mix it with some raw honey.
    Apply this mixture as a pack on the face or simply dab on the dark spots affected skin areas.
    Leave it for 15 – 20 minutes to get dry and rinse off with water.
    Dry your skin and repeat the same action regularly until you get a complete relief from these dark spots.


    Or apply potato juice or rub the potato slice on the dark spots affected skin areas. Rinse off after 15 – 20 minutes. Reapply it to work well in clearing the problem.
    Also, mix 1 tablespoon of yogurt in 2 teaspoons of raw honey. Apply it on the face by concentrating on the dark spots. Rinse off after 20 minutes and reapply it as needed to get rid of the problem.

Milk and Cucumber for Dark Acne Marks:

The combination of raw milk and cucumber will help to rejuvenate the skin and soothes the irritated skin to get rid of acne marks.

    Grate a medium sized cucumber and add some milk to it.
    Stir well by mixing some lime extract till it forms a fine paste.
    Apply this paste on the affected skin areas or all over the face as a mask.
    Leave it for 10 minutes and rinse off with water.
    Continue this process daily until the dark acne marks are cleared from the face.


    Or apply some cold raw milk (saffron soaked milk) on the face by using a cotton ball. Rinse off with lukewarm water after 15 minutes to lighten up the spots. Prefer to do it in every morning.
    For removing acne marks, soak 1 tablespoon of clean red lentils in enough raw milk for overnight. Grind it in the morning to make a grainy paste. Rub it all over the face and rinse off after 20 minutes. Then scrub with your wet hands and wash with lukewarm water. Do it twice a week for best results.

Papaya for Dark Spots and Acne Marks:

Papain is an enzyme in papaya that helps to clear the acne marks and fades away the dark spots upon regular usage. It soothes the irritated skin and moisturizes the area.

    Take a ripe papaya and mash it thoroughly.
    Spread this papaya pulp on all over the dark spots and acne affected skin areas directly.
    Wait for 15 – 20 minutes to rinse off this pulp from the skin with cold water.

Buttermilk for Acne Marks and Dark Spots:

The alpha hydroxy acid (AHA) and lactic acid in buttermilk helps to exfoliate the skin gently to remove the excess oil, dirt, dead cells and other impurities and thereby fades the spots and cures acne.

    Pour buttermilk in a small bowl and add some fresh lemon juice to it.
    Stir well and apply it on the skin by using a cotton ball.
    Rinse off after it dries completely and repeat it regularly.

Note: Or simply apply buttermilk directly on the skin to get relief from these marks and spots on the skin.

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Egg White for Dark Acne Spots:

The egg white helps a lot in exfoliating the skin and also provides the essential nutrients to nourish the skin and thereby promotes quick healing.

    Separate an egg white and beat it thoroughly.
    Apply this white mixture on the spots directly by using a cotton ball.
    Let it sit for 2 – 4 minutes and then again apply another layer of this egg white on the skin.
    Reapply this egg mixture layers for 3 – 4 times and peel off this egg white layer after it dries completely.
    Finally, rinse your water and repeat it twice daily to clear the dark acne spots.

Fenugreek Seeds for Acne Marks:

Fenugreek seeds help to give a fair and even toned complexion with its rich nutrients and skin soothing properties. Here we are using these fenugreek seeds for clearing acne marks on the face.

    Take 2 teaspoons of fenugreek seeds and boil them in 1 cup of water for about 10 minutes.
    Let it cool for a few minutes and grind it to make a fine paste.
    Spread this paste on the spots and massage gently with your clean fingers for about 3 – 5 minutes.
    Rinse off with water after 10 minutes and repeat to get relief from the problem.

Nutmeg with Milk for scars:

Nutmeg exhibits natural skin healing properties and also controls the excess production of melanin on the skin, which in turn, helps a lot in reducing the scars or spots on the skin. Milk moistures and nourishes the skin.

    Pour enough raw milk in 1/2 teaspoon of nutmeg powder and stir well to make a runny paste.
    Spread this paste on the spots and scars affected facial area.
    Leave it to dry naturally and then reapply this mixture on the face.
    Make sure to reapply 4 – 5 layers as a pack on the face and let it sit for dry completely.
    Finally, rinse off with water and continue this process for once or twice daily.

Tips and Precautions:

    The usage of vitamin E oil (or vitamin E rich natural oils like almond oil, olive oil or coconut oil) will help a lot in clearing the acne marks, scars or spots on the skin with its antioxidant and moisturizing properties. So, apply vitamin E oil with castor oil on the dark spots and wipe off with a damp cotton ball after 20 – 25 minutes. After that, rinse off with water.
    Drink plenty of water to flush out the toxins from the body and also to stay hydrated. This process will help to boost up the natural rejuvenation process and thereby fade away the dark spots.
    Even the oil massage will work well in lightening the spots and scars and also treating the acne marks by clearing the bacteria and soothing the irritated skin.
    Applying natural moisturizers like shea butter or cocoa butter will help to nourish the skin and helps to regain its regenerative power. So, apply it once or twice daily on a clean face to get rid of acne marks and spots.
    The usage of pH balancers like baking soda or apple cider vinegar will help you in curing the acne marks, spots or scars on the skin. So, apply baking soda or apple cider vinegar after diluting in the water on the affected skin areas and rinse off after a few minutes.
    Protect your skin from the sun’s harmful UV rays by applying sunscreen and wear long sleeves and hat on the head before stepping out.
    Rinse your face for twice daily, particularly once at night before bedtime to remove the makeup completely and to get better sleep.
    Exercise regularly and also practice yoga, meditation, and deep breathing exercises to reduce your stress levels and to stay healthy.
    Consume a healthy diet by reducing oily or processed foods from your diet.

Final Word:

Follow all these natural remedies to get relief from the acne marks, scars and dark spots on the skin? Do you know any other effective remedies to get rid of these skin problems? Then share your experience with us in the below comments box.

Source link wallx.net

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