the crew how to make money

Does making $1,000,000 in The Crew take too long? You will need it if you want the fastest cars! Luckily, you can actually do it in a few hours, as long as you know how! At the start of the game, the “dollar” money earned seems a bit slow. But once you know what to do, you’ll be making hundreds of thousands of “dollars” before you know it! This guide will demonstrate how you can easily “earn” money from landmarks and faction quests.

Monetize Milestones (level 1+)


Landmarks can be found around the world of The Crew. Each time you “visit” such a landmark (by pressing enter), you will receive $2000 and 50 XP. This may not seem like much, but you can do them very quickly, once you know how.Crew Hoover Dam Location First you can try to find them and drive there. However, this will take a while and will likely mean you can only find about 6 per hour. However there is a much better way!

Step 1: Unlock a data station in The Crew

The tutorial showed you how to unlock your first data station. However, you will need to find and unlock more! Start by finding and unlocking some of these radar discs.the-crew-guide-how-to-make-money-in-the-crew-radar-diskThe Dish radar in The Crew is the equivalent of a data station.

Step 2: Use the Explore filter in The Crew

After you’ve unlocked a few data stations, it’s time to find some Landmarks. Go back to your map and set the filter to “Explore”. On a PC, you can use the ]key to select a filter.the-crew-guide-how-to-make-money-in-the-crew-explorerarion-filterLandmarks appear all over Chicago and Detroit. Green landmarks were visited.

Step 3: Move quickly to each landmark

crew-guide-how-to-make-money-on-fly-team-quicklyIf you click on a landmark, it will show a fast-travel option (note: It will have to be in part of the explored map). It will now show all landmarks within the coverage of your data station (radar disc)! All that’s left to do now is quickly go to each of them. Depending on your loading speed, you can do it about 1 time per minute. Which means you can earn 60 * 2000 dollars per hour = 120,000 dollars per hour! Not bad right? The only downside is that you can only do this once.

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Earn money by sending your friends on faction missions

Once you reach level 10 and equip your dirty specs, you unlock the ability to join a faction. At first there were only Wolves. Now all Crew little Wolve icons will start popping up (depending on how many data stations you have unlocked). These missions will have very high cash rewards but will take a lot of time. For example in New York you can find The Fugutive which gives 12342 XP and $64504 but takes over 1 hour to complete! Now obviously we’re not going to do that. We’ll use the “Send a Friend” option instead.

Step 1: Find the faction quest on your map

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Step 2: click send Friend


Step 3: Add friends

the-crew-guide-how-to-make-money-in-the-crew-add-friendsNow you can add friends to complete the race for you. The higher your friend’s level, the better your chances of success. After unlocking Las Vegas HQ, you can spend perks to send more friends on quests, thus increasing your chances of success.

Step 4: Launch the mission

crew-guide-how-to-make-money-in-crew-launch-missionWhen you’re satisfied with assigning your friends, just press escape to go back one step, then select Launch Quest.

Step 5 Be patient

the-crew-guide-how-to-make-money-in-the-crew-time-to-completeNow just be patient while the race completes.

Step 6 Get the reward

After 3 hours, you’ll find out if your friends succeeded (note that your friends don’t actually have to drive the mission). If the mission is successful, you will get about $12,000 dollars. This value will increase over time as you gain reputation experience from completing these quests.

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Efficient – spending $1.92 million per hour / $53,333 per hour in real time

There are 10 high paying missions. Two additional faction missions will unlock in each district. Depending on your rank, each will bring you around $16,000. Meaning by investing 5 minutes to send friend you will end up earning $160,000. The efficiency is therefore around €1,920,000 per hour spent sending friends. Compare that to a 60 minute race that gives you €80,000 ;). Just realize that you can only do this about 4 times a day, if you want to get some sleep ;). Therefore, you are limited to more than 4 x 10 x $12,000 = $480,000. After a few days your faction rank will be higher and this will increase to 4 x 10 x $16,000 = $640,000.

Additional source of income

Read more: how to watch moana online for free There are more ways to earn money in The Crew. All of them may not be very time efficient but it would be nice to have at least heard of them…

Daily salary – $1,000-10,000/day

Every day you log in to The Crew you will receive your daily salary. This salary is based on your faction’s position. The higher your rank, the higher your dial salary.


Besides, the license plate unlocking prize also increases your daily salary. Prizes are earned for simply driving around (milestones, visiting unique locations, etc.). Thank Fr8shakerd8n

Exclusive right

Perks can both increase your income and save you money. There are perks that allow you to earn more from quests, skill challenges, and stunts. There are also perks that reduce the cost of buying a new car by up to 30%. The same is true for upgrade parts.Zoey:

  • Misionary: Additional 10% from quests (and xp)
  • Crew: 10% additional barn bonus $ from quests (and xp)
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  • Dealer discount: -30% on all car purchase costs


  • Billing skills: 10% additional $ from skills (and xp)


  • Daredevil: Extra 10% from stunts

The Crew PvP – $96,000/hour

Every time you win a race in PvP, you seem to make around $16,000. Not bad for a 5 minute race right?

Faction Quest – $80,000/hour

Besides sending your friends on side quests, like the previous section in this guide, you can also race against them on your own. At my current rank, a 1 hour race will bring me $80,000 dollars. It can be a bit boring but if you have the time it is definitely worth a try.


Was this guide helpful? Did you find another great way to make money in The Crew? Please share in the comments section. Read more: how to take screenshots on toshiba laptop

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