Healthy Morning Smoothies For High Blood Pressure

A healthy smoothie in morning can stabilize your blood pressure levels. So, give up your coffee and start your day with tasty and healthy smoothies to lower your high blood pressure (or hypertension).

Blood pressure (BP) with a reading of 140/90 mm Hg or above is considered as high blood pressure. If left untreated, it can result in serious heart problems, kidney failure, eye damages, blood vessels, arteriosclerosis, etc. So, if you’re suffering from high BP then always monitor your diet, lifestyle, and health.

Here we are going to know how this make healthy and tasty potassium-packed smoothies at home and have it to get control over your blood pressure levels. Let’s get started.

Smoothie – 1: (Strawberries with Banana and Milk)


Intake of foods that are rich in potassium and vitamin C helps to lower your high blood pressure. The antioxidants in vitamin C (strawberries, oranges, grapefruit, and kiwi) help to neutralize the free radicals and thus relax the walls of your blood vessels.

Potassium (banana, strawberries) reduces the systolic blood pressure and ground flaxseed has rich fiber content. Dairy products added in these smoothies will lower your blood pressure and also reduces the risk of heart or brain or kidney failures.

There are few combinations to prepare the strawberry breakfast smoothie for treating your high blood pressure. Have a look at these strawberry smoothie recipes.

Recipe – 1: (Strawberries with Kiwi, Banana, Flaxseed and Milk)

    Pour 1/2 cup each of skim milk (or coconut milk or almond milk) and low-fat yogurt, 1/2 cup of sliced strawberries, 1 sliced banana, 1 teaspoon of ground flaxseeds (or soaked chia seeds) and 1 kiwi (peeled and chopped) in a blender.
    Blend the mixture for a couple of minutes and add chopped garden cress to it.
    Blend again and pour this smoothie into a glass.
    Enjoy it to normalize your blood pressure.
    Drink it daily in the morning to stay healthy.
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Strawberries with Banana and Milk Smoothies For High Blood Pressure

Recipe – 2: (Strawberries with Beets, Orange and Banana)

    This recipe not only stabilizes your blood pressure levels but also aids in detoxification. Beets and spinach are rich in vitamin A, C, iron, nitrates, and magnesium that open up your blood vessels and lower your pressure in your blood flow.
    Pour 1 cup each of chopped beets, whole strawberries, 1 orange (peeled and deseeded), 1 banana (peeled), 3 cups of fresh baby spinach and 8 ounces of fresh almond milk in a blender.
    Blend it thoroughly and drink this smoothie daily in the morning.

Recipe – 3: (Strawberries with Grapefruit, Orange and Banana)

    Pour 2 cups of whole strawberries, 1 red grapefruit (peeled and deseeded), 1 orange (peeled and deseeded), 1 frozen banana (peeled and sliced), 2 chard leaves, 2 cups of fresh baby spinach and 6 – 8 ounces of filtered water in a blender.
    Blend all these ingredients and pour into a glass.
    Enjoy your morning smoothie daily to get rid of high blood pressure.

Recipe – 4: (Strawberries with Cantaloupe, Chard Leaves and Cacao Powder)

    Place 8 medium strawberries, 1 peeled banana, 3 large chard leaves, 1 cup of cantaloupe, 1 tablespoon each of cacao powder and chia seeds (soaked) and 8 ounces of almond milk in a blender.
    Blend these ingredients well and enjoy your morning smoothie.
    Have it daily in the morning to get rid of high blood pressure.

Smoothie – 2: (Peach with Carrot and Apricots)

Peaches have a rich amount of potassium and a less sodium content which helps to regulate the water balance in your body and thus lowers your high blood pressure. Carrots are high in beta-carotene and potassium that normalize your blood pressure.

    Place 2 medium carrots (chopped), 2 peaches, 2 apricots (pitted), 1/2 – 1 teaspoon of pure vanilla extract, 1 head butter lettuce and 4 – 6 ounces of fresh water in a blender.
    Blend it finely to make it as a smoothie and pour it into a glass.
    Drink it to get control over your high blood pressure.
    For best and quick results, have it daily in the morning.
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Note: Or mix 5 large strawberries, 1 frozen banana, 1 large peach (pitted), 1 ½ cup of frozen papaya cubes and 8 ounces of almond milk in a blender. Blend it and drink it to get lower your high BP.

Smoothie – 3: (Chocolate with Peanut Butter and Banana)

Peanut butter can be used to lower or raise your blood pressure with the intake of its quantity. Peanuts are filled with potassium, magnesium, amino acid and fiber that help to lower your high blood pressure. Dark chocolate (cocoa) has antioxidant flavonoids that taken up to 30 calories per day will help to lower your blood pressure levels.

    Pour 1 sliced frozen banana, 2 tablespoons of peanut butter (skip, if you’re allergic to it), 1 tablespoon of dark chocolate (or cocoa), some honey and 2 cups of milk in a blender.
    Blend all these ingredients for a couple of minutes.
    Then take out and pour this mix into a glass.
    Drink it daily in every morning to get relief from high blood pressure.

Smoothie – 4: (Pomegranate with Mango and Watermelon)

Pomegranate reduces the act of converting angiotensin into enzymes which in turn reduces the blood pressure level (especially on systolic BP). Mango has a rich amount of vitamin C which will prevent the free radicals effect to recover the damage done to artery walls and thus lowers your high BP.

    Put 1 cup of pomegranate seeds, some mango chunks, raspberry crush and 4 ounces of watermelon juice in a blender.
    Blend then thoroughly and drink it smoothie daily in the morning.
    Regular follow-up will definitely yield best results of reducing your high blood pressure.

Smoothie – 5: (Blueberries with Banana and Baby Spinach)

Blueberries have antioxidants (anthocyanins) that will restrict the production of nitric oxide and thus reduces the inflammation of blood arteries. This smoothie has all essential potassium, dietary nitrate, and probiotics which are required to stabilize your blood pressure levels.

    Put 1cup of frozen blueberries, 1 ripe banana (peeled and sliced) and 1 cup each of plain nonfat yogurt and baby spinach in a blender.
    Blend this mix for a couple of minutes and pour it into a glass.
    Drink it daily in the morning to get relief from the problem.
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Tips and Precautions:

    Other than drinking these smoothies, consume a well-balanced diet, limit the sodium intake, cut down your caffeine and alcohol intake, reduce your stress and exercise regularly to get relief from hypertension.
    Remember that these smoothies are an adjunct treatment to your problem but don’t forget to take your blood pressure medicines prescribed by your doctor regularly.
    Intake of foods that are rich in anthocyanins (like wild blueberries, strawberries, hibiscus tea, frozen bing cherries), nitrates (arugula, rhubarb diced, baby spinach, beetroot), potassium (banana, mashed sweet potato, avocado, coconut water) and probiotics (Greek yogurt, cottage cheese, tempeh, kombucha) as a part of your daily diet will help to stabilize the blood pressure levels.
    Drink plenty of water along with these smoothies to get faster relief from hypertension.
    Reduce your overweight with the help of these smoothies which in turn reduces your high blood pressure.
    If you want to extract maximum amount of nutrients, vitamins and minerals from the fruits or vegetables, then use a twin gear juicers. This type of juicers open up the cell membranes of the fruit or vegetable to release the deep-seated nutrients and essential vitamins.

Try these healthy morning smoothies at home and have it regularly for grabbing many health benefits. Do you know any other smoothies for blood pressure? Then share it with us in the comments box.


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