How to use Rockwool Cubes for Growing, Seed Starting, and Cutting Propagation

Rockwool is the primary growing medium for commercial hydroponic growers, primarily those implementing drip irrigation systems. Originally used as insulation and also known as mineral wool or rock wool, rock wool was developed in Denmark in the 1970s for gardening. It holds moisture well, holds oxygen well, never interferes with root growth, it is chemically inert and comes in a variety of sizes and shapes. These benefits contribute to its popularity among growers, which can accommodate almost any plant they are growing.This is my favorite Rockwool brand.Read: how to use grodan rockwool

What is block rockwool?


Similar in texture to steel wool, rockwool is a dense rug composed of long natural fibers. Basalt and chalk are combined and then melted at very high temperatures (about 3000°F) to form lava. The lava is then thrown into a rotating chamber to create the fibers in a process akin to making cotton candy. Due to the firing process, the rockwool blocks are chemically and biologically inert. This makes an ideal growing medium for hydroponic growing systems where, after the fibers are spun, they are mixed with a binder and pressed into large mats. The mats are then cut into various cube and slab sizes to be sold to customers as growing media. When the fibers are spun, it creates a structure perfectly suited to hold water while retaining more oxygen than conventional soil media. The increased water and oxygen holding capacity in the root zone is particularly beneficial at the start of seeding and rooting propagation cuttings. This is because they are derived from basalt and chalk are natural ingredients. Their inert nature also means that growers can quickly adjust conditions in the rhizosphere to meet the needs of their crops. Non-existent cation exchange capacity (CEC) prevents nutrients from being altered by the growing medium or tied up and unavailable for uptake by plants. These blocks can also be quickly washed with fresh water, washing away the fertilizer salts. Cotton blocks come in a variety of sizes. The smallest ones work well in starting seeding and propagating cuttings and leaves; Larger cubes are used by growers to grow more compact plants.

Do’s and Don’ts when using Rockwool Cubes

One of the drawbacks to using rockwool blocks is the special care and consideration that needs to be taken when working with them. While they are a useful resource for hydroponic growing systems, they have some important drawbacks that need to be addressed.

  • DO Take the time to properly prepare the rockwool blocks before starting to plant seeds or attempt to take cuttings. Their natural pH is too high for optimal plant growth and will create problems and instability in a hydroponic system if left at that alkaline level.
  • DO Wear protective gear to keep yourself safe when handling rockwool materials. These fibers are irritating to the skin, lungs and eyes, so you need to protect yourself. At a minimum, wear a dust mask to prevent inhaling the fibers into your lungs. You should also wear eye protection and long sleeves if there is a chance of prolonged contact with your skin.
  • DO Sterilize the feeding solution before flowing it back through the rockwool blocks. Despite being a man-made, inert material, it can still be susceptible to algae and bacterial growth that can contaminate hydroponic systems if the feed solution is recirculated without proper treatment.
  • DO Dispose of the materials properly after you are done using the cubes. Unlike other planters, rockwool is not composed of natural materials so it won’t break down over time. If it gets to the landfill, it will stay there indefinitely. Instead of throwing them away, break up the pieces and plant them in your garden or potting soil to help increase their water holding capacity.
  • DO Heat treat rockwool blocks if you plan to reuse them for a consecutive growing season or even multiple seasons. This can be done by steaming them or pouring boiling hot water over them to kill any bacteria or fungi that may have resided on the fibers of the cube. Some websites recommend using a chemical treatment to disinfect cotton balls for reuse, but this can be dangerous unless you are absolutely sure you have rinsed all of the chemicals off. sterilization out of the fabric fibers.
  • DO NOT Squeeze the blocks while they are still wet. If you need to remove some of the water from them after preparing them in a pH controlled solution, it’s best to shake them gently. Cubic rockwools are known for their internal structure that gives them excellent water retention and oxygen movement; force them to be structurally tight and thwart the benefits for which they are so famous.
  • DO NOT forget that rockwool is completely inert and cannot provide any nutritional value to the plants growing in the block. Everything the plants need comes from the nutrient solution that provides them.
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How to prepare Rockwool

Before using your rockwool in a hydroponic system, it is important to prepare it for use. Unlike other pH-neutral hydroponic growers such as Hydroton and Coco Coir, Rockwool has a naturally high pH, ​​usually around 8.0, due to the way it is manufactured. During this process, a lot of lime is deposited on the fibers; Lime naturally neutralizes acidity, raising the pH. A pH of 8.0 is not optimal for plants to grow, so it needs to be adjusted to a level more suitable for growth. A higher pH will make many of the plant’s essential nutrients unavailable for absorption by the plant, causing deficiency symptoms. Most plants prefer to grow in slightly acidic conditions and it would be beneficial if the pH of the rockwool blocks was lowered to a more acidic level. . Therefore, you will need several days to prepare the rockwool before it can be used. The first step when preparing rockwool blocks is to soak them in acidic water to lower the pH. The acidic water will dissolve the lime formed on the fibers during the manufacturing process and the pH will drop to a better level. It is best to use distilled water because of its purity but tap water can perform poorly if that is the only thing available. Adjust pH slowly until desired 5.5 is reached; It is important that the pH does not drop below 5.0 as it will begin to damage the rockwool fibers when it becomes too acidic. When the soaking is complete, remove them from the water and carefully add them to the hydroponic system and allow the system to run without any plants until the pH of the system remains between 5.5 and 6. ,0 – this means the blocks are stable and can be used.Read more: How to get Chroma 2021 | Top Q&A This video will teach you how to properly prepare rockwool.

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What is the use of Rockwool block?

Rockwool blocks hold a large amount of water for their size, providing a buffer against power outages that cause pumps or timers to shut down. They also on average hold at least 18% oxygen between the fibers providing a large amount of oxygen to the root zone, as well as making over-watering the plants extremely difficult. hydroponic systems: seed germination and propagation of new cuttings. Typically, 1.5” square blocks are used to initiate seeding or propagate cuttings. Some larger cubes (up to 4″) are also used as compact growing media, but on a much smaller scale.


Starting the seed can sometimes be a nerve-wracking adventure. It’s a constant balance between keeping them wet enough to promote germination without letting them get so wet that they stagnate and die. Rockwool blocks are popular for seed germination because of their excellent moisture holding capacity – they are great at helping to keep seeds or seedlings from drying out but not leaving them in a waterlogged environment. Persistence is an important factor in seed germination. Water enters the seed through the seed coat or small hole called the pore. The presence of water activates enzymatic reactions within the seeds that begin to germinate.

Clone new tree

New plant propagation is the process of taking an existing plant part (usually a leaf or stem cut) and growing it into an entirely new plant. This method produces an identical copy of the original and is cheaper than buying seeds and starting from scratch. Maintaining a high level of humidity around the cut is crucial for successful propagation. Plants need to be kept from drying out; Without enough moisture, the plant goes into self-protection mode and stops trying to grow new roots. Growing new plants through propagation needs to take place in a sterile environment, free of bacteria or fungi. Rockwool blocks are completely inert because of the heating they undergo during manufacturing. This ensures they are sterile and free of any harmful microorganisms that could interfere with the propagation process.

Step-by-step instructions Using Rockwool to plant seeds and cut propagation

  • Prepare the rockwool blocks to use, making sure to soak them in pH adjusted water to lower their pH from 5.5 to 6.5.
  • To sow the seeds:
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  • Insert 2 seeds into the hole in the top of the rockwool block. Use a toothpick or other similar object to press the seeds into the bottom of the hole.
  • Pinch the hole closed.
  • Place these blocks in a nursery tray and cover with a damp dome to retain moisture.
  • Maintain at 70 – 80°.
  • Keep rockwool blocks moist by watering sparingly every few days or misting them with a spray bottle as they begin to dry.
  • Remove from the moist dome and place in the light as soon as the seeds germinate.
  • Cut off the tops of seeds in each block (if you plant 2 seeds per block) that are not the strongest or tallest. Do not pull them out as it may invalidate the healthier seedlings at the same time.
  • Transplant when seedlings reach 2-3” tall.
  • To propagate cuttings
  • Fully water the plant the night before starting the propagation process.
  • Cut off a twig 3-4 inches above the main stem of the plant, cutting as close to the main stem as possible without damaging the node.
  • Dip the end of the cut in rooting hormone.
  • Place the cut into the rock wool block making sure it doesn’t stick out from the bottom of the cube.
  • Fill the nursery tray with perlite or vermiculite.
  • Place rockwool blocks on top of the potting medium.
  • Cover the nursery with a damp dome to lock in moisture.
  • Maintain close to 80°.
  • Crack the moist dome when the roots begin to sprout, gradually increasing the next day.
  • Remove the damp dome a few days after the roots first appear.
  • Transplant when the roots begin to emerge from the bottom of the cube.
  • Inference

    Rockwool cubes are an indispensable product in the hydroponic vegetable growing industry. Natural basalt and chalk are melted at really very high temperatures in molten lava. This lava is then fed into a rotating chamber to produce long fibers, which are later shaped into blocks or cubes for easy handling. Cubic rockwool are favored because they retain moisture and oxygen well and they never interfere with root growth. With a variety of sizes and shapes available, they can be adapted to almost any grower’s setup. Read more: How to transfer litecoin from coinbase to bittrex

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