10 Best Remedies to Treat Armpit Rash Naturally

Underarms are particularly vulnerable to rashes due to sweat, dark and more prone to friction and irritation, improper hygiene, bacterial (fungal) infections and as a result of allergic reaction. The rashes in this sensitive part will be irritating and unbearable.

Itching, redness, skin darkening, small bumps on the skin, pain, flakiness and increased odor are some symptoms of armpit rash. However, more severe form of armpit rash can result in cracking, dryness, more pain, and blistering of the skin along with fever (in certain cases) in which you have to take extra care along with consulting your doctor.

Excessive sweating, improper shaving methods, over usage of chemical based products, wearing tight and synthetic clothes, friction, poor personal hygiene, exposure of skin to a hot climate, etc. can also cause the underarm to break out in a rash.

There are some types of armpit rashes like atopic dermatitis (like eczema begins in childhood), contact dermatitis (transfer from the contact with an irritant or allergen), seborrheic dermatitis (overproduction of sebum or skin oils) and candida (fungal or yeast infection – moist areas).

Most of the armpit rashes can be treated at home with some simple natural remedies and proper skin care hygiene. Here, in this article, we will discuss some effective home remedies to get rid of this armpit rash.

Home Remedies for Armpit Rashes:


Have a look at these remedies and try it to get relief from the underarm rash naturally. Let’s get started.

Remedy – 1: (Cold Compress)

We can get rid of itching and burning sensation of armpit rash by using a cold compress. The cold temperature will reduce the irritation and prevent the rash from forming into blisters.

    Wrap few ice cubes in a cotton cloth and hold that cloth on the rash affected armpit areas for a couple of minutes.
    Then take a break for few minutes and repeat the same process.
    Continue doing the same process for 10 minutes for few times daily till you get rid of the armpit rash.


    Also, wash the armpits with cold water for few times daily and pat dry the area completely to prevent the irritation and itching.
    Never ever place ice directly on the skin, as it damages the skin with its coldness.
    Even hot compress also help you in reducing the itching, swelling, burning sensation and other symptoms of the underarm rash. Simply apply hot compress as long as possible on the affected areas. Repeat the same few times in a day. Place cold compress after applying the hot compress for best results.

Remedy – 2: (Aloe Vera)

Aloe vera has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and skin soothing properties that help to cure the rash along with soothes the skin to get rid of itching and redness.

    Scoop out the aloe vera gel freshly from its leaf and apply the gel on the affected area.
    Leave it on for about 20 – 30 minutes and rinse off with cool water.
    Repeat the aloe gel application for 3 – 4 times a day till you get cleared the underarm rash.
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Note: Or simply mix a pinch of turmeric in 1 – 3 tablespoons of aloe vera gel and apply it on the rash affected area and rub it gently. Wash the area with cool water after 30 minutes and repeat twice daily.

Remedy – 3: (Coconut Oil)

Virgin coconut oil reduces the irritation caused by armpit rash. It moisturizes the irritated area with its rich content of healthy fats and vitamin E and also calms the itching and speed up the healing process. It reduces the friction and prevents getting the rash into infection or bumps.

    Mix 1 teaspoon of lavender oil in 4 tablespoons of coconut oil and stir well.
    Dip a cotton ball in this mix and apply it on the affected areas.
    Let it sit for about 10 – 15 minutes and rinse off with cool water.
    Dry the skin using a clean towel and continue applying this coconut oil mix for twice daily until you get relief from the armpit rash and its symptoms.

Note: Or simply dab enough organic coconut oil on the armpits and leave it to absorb the oil completely into the skin before wearing clothes. Do it few times daily.

Remedy – 4: (Tea Tree Oil)

Tea tree oil is very effective in treating armpit rashes caused by skin infections or allergic reaction due to antimicrobial, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. It also soothes the red and irritated sores on the skin.

    Add 5 – 6 drops of tea tree oil in 1 tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil and stir well.
    Clean and dry the affected armpit area properly.
    Then apply it on the rash and rinse with cool water after 10 minutes.
    Continue doing the same process for 2 – 3 times daily to maintain healthy skin which is free from rashes.

Remedy – 5: (Oatmeal)

Oatmeal alleviates the itching and irritation by balancing the skin’s pH level and thereby makes your skin soft and well moisturized. It has antioxidant phenolic compounds that exhibit anti-irritant, skin soothing and anti-inflammatory properties to get rid of armpit rash.

    Remember that for treating rashes effectively, you have to use colloidal oatmeal (finely ground oatmeal).
    Pour 1 cup of colloidal oatmeal in your bathtub filled with warm water.
    Then add few drops of lavender oil (or your favorite essential oil) in it and stir well.
    Soak in this water for about 15 – 20 minutes and be sure that the affected armpit should completely immerse in the water.
    This oatmeal bath has to be followed for once daily till your rash is healed completely.
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Remedy – 6: (Indian Lilac)

Indian lilac is a most common Ayurvedic remedy used for treating various skin problems due to its effective antimicrobial, anti-irritant, analgesic, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. Here you can use both the neem leaves and oil for treating this armpit rash.

    Pour a handful of Indian lilac leaves in a pot of water.
    Turn on the flame and simmer for about 20 minutes and strain it.
    Let it cool for few minutes and then use this water to wash the affected area.
    Continue rinsing the affected armpit with this neem water for 2 – 3 times daily.

Note: Or mix 5 – 6 drops of neem oil in 1 cup of lukewarm water. Stir and apply this mix on the affected area by using a cotton ball. Do this application few times daily to get rid of armpit rash.

Remedy – 7: (Apple Cider Vinegar)

Apple cider vinegar (ACV) exhibits antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties that reduce the bacterial infection and relieves your pain or irritation. It normalizes the skin’s pH levels and thus gives you relief from itching and irritation on the affected area.

    Stir 1 teaspoon of raw, unfiltered ACV in 1/2 cup of water till the ACV diluted completely.
    Use a cotton ball to dab this mix on the rash affected armpit areas.
    Wait for 5 – 10 minutes and rinse off with water.
    Continue this application for few times daily for best results.

Note: Make sure to rinse off the skin if it causing any discomfort or burning sensation due to its acid content. Also, never apply ACV directly on the skin without diluting it.

Remedy – 8: (Lemon)

The citric acid and rich content of vitamin C will help to fight the infection causing skin rashes and speed up the healing process. It not only cures armpit rashes but also keeps the body odor away.

Here are few ways of using lemon for armpit rash.

    Mix 1 part of raw honey in 2 parts of fresh lemon juice and apply it on the rash. Rinse off with cool water after 15 – 20 minutes. Continue this process for twice daily.
    Rub a slice of lemon on the affected armpit and rinse with cool water after 5 minutes. Do it 2 – 3 times daily till you healed the rash on your underarm.
    If you have sensitive skin then dilute fresh lemon juice in water (or rose water or aloe vera gel) and apply it to the affected skin areas.
    Avoid using lemon juice right after shaving (or) on the open wounds of the skin why because it causes irritation and dryness which in turn worsen the problem.

Remedy – 9: (Baking Soda)

Baking soda has alkaline nature that balances the skin’s pH levels and thus relieves the dryness, itching, inflammation.

    Mix 1 part of baking soda in 3 parts of water and stir well to make a paste.
    Apply this baking soda paste on the affected areas thoroughly.
    Rinse off with cool water after a couple of minutes.
    Repeat the same process for once daily to get best results of curing the armpit rash.
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Note: It’s not suggested to leave baking soda on the armpit for a longer time, as it may result in irritation and dryness.

Remedy – 10: (Shea Butter)

Shea butter has deep moisturizing and healing property that helps to calm down the irritation, reduces your itching and burning sensation. Regular usage of this butter will speed up the healing process with its antimicrobial, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory properties.

    Rinse the rash affected armpit area with mild antiseptic soap and lukewarm water.
    Dry the skin with a clean towel gently and then apply shea butter on those affected areas.
    Massage gently to get the butter absorbed well by the skin.
    Do the same process few times daily to get complete relief from the underarm rashes.

Tips and Precautions:

    If you’re suffering from purple rash or rash caused by an allergic reaction or swelling of the face or breathing problems or loss of consciousness then consult your doctor immediately for proper diagnose and treatment.
    Avoid using petroleum jelly or mineral oil or chemical based deodorants, body lotions, fragrances or antiperspirants unless it is prescribed by your dermatologist.
    Always wear loose fitting clothes (prefer cotton) but not tight fitting clothes, so that your skin will breathe properly and also avoid wearing any fabrics that causing sensitivity or allergic reaction.
    Apply calamine lotion and vitamin E rich oils and creams on the rashes and also prevent making the skin feel oily or greasy with the application of oils or creams.
    Maintain some skin hygiene like choose waxing or other hair removal agent instead of shaving, take cool water bath and shower twice daily, sleep in a ventilated and cool area, don’t scratch the armpits, etc.
    Drink plenty of water and consume more of vitamin C to prevent the infection and to speed up the healing process.
    Reduce your stress levels, as stress and anxiety will alleviate some forms of dermatitis and thereby worsen this skin condition.
    Also, you can use chamomile (skin soothing property) by stirring few drops of chamomile oil in any carrier oil and apply it on the rash. Wash the area after it dries completely and repeat the application regularly. Or simply place a wet chamomile tea bag on the rash for few minutes.

Try these natural ways to get rid of the armpit rash and share your experience with us in the below comments box.

Source link wallx.net

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