Face Masks for Oily Skin using Gram Flour (or Besan)

Oily skin is very difficult to manage because of its excess production of sebum with the over active sebaceous glands. Most of the people say that oily skin is a problematic skin type that makes the skin more prone to various skin problems like acne, blackheads, etc.

The oil which is accumulated on the skin’s surface will attract all the dirt and impurities easily and then clogs the skin pores to form as acne or other skin problems. The best way to get rid of these skin problems is to reduce the excess oil production and its accumulation on the skin.

So, to prevent clogged pores, you have to take some special care on your skin not by using commercial chemical based skin care products but with some natural remedies available at home.

Here we are explaining you some face masks for oily skin by using a natural and effective remedy called gram flour (besan).  Gram flour is widely used in India and other Asian countries to reduce the oiliness on the skin and look fresh.

How is Besan Effective in Treating Oily Skin?


    Gram flour has a powerful natural absorbent that effectively soaks away the excess oil and also controls the production of sebaceous glands.
    The natural skin alkalizing property of besan will help to maintain the pH of the skin and thereby controls the excess oil secretion by your sebaceous glands.
    It acts as a natural cleanser that effectively removes all the accumulated dirt, dead cells, oils, dirt and other impurities from the skin.
    It unclogs the skin pores and makes you feel fresh and free from infections.

Best Besan Face Masks for Oily Skin:

Here are some methods of using besan or gram flour for oily skin in which you can use gram flour along or in combination with other natural ingredients to get rid of oily skin.

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Have a look at them and try it at home to get relief from excess oiliness on the face.

Mask – 1: (Gram Flour)

Gram flour removes oil, dirt and other impurities on the skin to make you feel fresh and rejuvenated.

    Pour 2 tablespoons of besan in a bowl and stir it by adding enough water.
     Whisk it till it forms a fine thick paste.
    Spread it on the face as a mask and leave it for few minutes till dry.
    Finally, rinse your face with lukewarm water and pat dry it.
    Continue doing the same process once or twice daily to get rid of excess oiliness on the skin.

Mask – 2: (Gram Flour with Lemon)

Both lemon and gram flour will help to reduce the production of sebum and restores the pH levels of the skin. Lemon juice will shrink the enlarged skin pores with its astringent property.

    Place 2 tablespoons of gram flour in a small bowl.
    Then add 1 tablespoon each of fresh lemon juice and water to it.
    Stir well to make a fine paste and apply it all over the face and neck.
    Wait for 20 – 30 minutes and then rinse your face and neck with water.
    Dry your skin and repeat the same regularly for thrice a week.


    You can replace lemon with tomato (salicylic acid will exfoliate the skin). Blend a large ripe tomato and mix enough besan in it to make a paste. Spread it on the face and rinse off with water after 20 minutes.
    Never go out in the sun for 4 hours after trying this face mask, as lemon will make the skin as photo sensitive and darken your skin tone.

Mask – 3: (Gram Flour with Curd)

Curd (or yogurt) has an astringent property that closes your enlarged skin pores and thereby reduces the sebum production. It also has alpha hydroxy acid and lactic acid that exfoliate the skin to remove the dirt and excess oil.

    Whisk 2 – 3 tablespoons of curd in a small bowl and add 2 tablespoons of gram flour to it.
    Stir well to make a paste and apply it all over the face and neck as a mask.
    Let it sit for 30 minutes and rinse your face and neck with lukewarm water.
    Dry the skin and continue this face mask for once in every 2 days to get relief from oily skin.
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Note: Or use milk instead of curd. Simply, stir 2 tablespoons of besan by adding enough milk till it forms a paste. Apply it on the face and rinse it off with lukewarm water after it dried completely. Do it once daily.

Mask – 4: (Gram Flour with Orange Peel)

Most of the people know that orange peel is one best remedy for treating oily skin, as it absorbs the excess oil from the skin with its rich content of vitamin C. It balances the oil production and thus prevents the skin from getting over oily or dryness.

    Put 1 tablespoon each of gram flour and orange peel powder in a bowl.
    Mix well by adding some water to make a fine paste.
    Apply it on the face and neck thoroughly.
    Massage gently for 5 – 7 minutes in circular motions.
    Wait for 30 minutes and rinse with water.
    Repeat the same for thrice a week on regular basis.

Note: Or you can replace orange peel powder with raw honey or cucumber juice or turmeric with water or rose water to make a fine paste and apply it on the face as a mask to get rid of excess oiliness on the skin.

Bonus Method for you to get rid of Oily Skin….

Gram Flour Scrub with Sugar:

Sugar exfoliates the skin to remove dirt, dead cells, and other impurities and thereby shrink the enlarged pores and unclogs your skin pores. It balances the skin’s pH level to maintain a perfect balance of oil.

    Pour enough water in 2 tablespoons of gram flour in a bowl and stir well to make a paste.
    Then add 1 tablespoon of sugar (prefer brown sugar) to it and mix well.
    Apply this mix on the face and neck.
    Massage gently with your fingers for up to 5 – 8 minutes.
    Let it sit for 15 minutes and rinse off with water.
    Dry your skin and repeat it regularly to clear the excess oil on the skin.
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Tips and Suggestions:

    If you feel that your skin is over drying after these face masks, then apply some water – based moisturizer to moisturize your skin.
    Never ever apply these gram four face packs on your eyelids or under the eyes, as it causes irritation and dries out the skin.
    Always apply a sunscreen to protect the skin while you steep out in the sun after these face masks why because the besan will remove the skin’s layer of dead cells and reveal a new layer, which may prone to tanning.
    Cleansing, toning, and moisturizing should become your daily skin care routine to control the production of excess oil by the sebaceous glands.
    Drink plenty of water and consume a healthy diet to stay hydrated and oil – free.
    Use a foam or gel based cleanser to clean your face for twice daily and exfoliate regularly.
    Always remove the makeup before going to sleep and relax your body to reduce your stress levels, as stress will imbalance the hormonal levels and thereby result in skin or health problems.

Hope these besan face mask will help you in treating the oily skin. Do you know any other successful besan methods for oily skin? Then share it with us in the below comments box.

Source link wallx.net

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