DIY Remedies For Dark Neck Skin

9 out of 10 people are facing problem of dark neck skin.

This will decrease the self esteem and make you feel low confident to wear collar less dress. So, everyone wants to get rid of it.

Why exactly is dark skin?

Dark skin neck is a pigmentation disorder and is medically termed as acanthosis nigricans, where you can observe dark coloured skin all over the neck. Dark neck skin is neither a disease nor an infection and it is not even contagious.

Now a days, every individual suffers from dark skin neck due to heavy exposure to sun light, aging, weigh gain, poor diet, usage of cosmetics, allergic to metal, unhealthy life style etc. This leads to imbalance in the hormone, which further increases the production of melanin in the body and makes skin colour darker.

Apart from creams and treatments there are various natural remedies that can be done from the comfort of your home. Moreover, these natural methods are safe and economical. Using lemon juice, baking soda, aloevera etc exfoliates your skin by removing the dead skin cells and allowing growth of new skin cells around the neck.

In the below article we have mentioned top 10 most effective remedies to get rid of dark neck. Follow these methods properly and stay confident with even skin tone.

Dark Neck

Top 10 easy and effective methods to get rid of dark neck:

Method 1: Lemon Juice and rose water:

Lemon juice contains high amount of citric acid, which works as bleaching agent and brighten up the affected area. The presence of vitamin C in the lemon juice removes the dead skin cells and clears the skin pores by removing the oil and dirt from the skin. The antioxidant property of the lemon juice fights against the free radicals of the skin and prevents further damage to the skin. Thus, lemon is helpful in lightening the skin tone and making it even.

Rose water is beneficial in maintaining the skin’s pH and it controls the oil production of the skin. It is combined with lemon juice to reduce the acidic property of the lemon and also prevent skin from any irritation or inflammation.

Things you need:

    1 teaspoon lemon juice
    1 teaspoon rose water

Steps to follow:

    Take a small bowl and add equal quantities of rose water and lemon juice.
    Mix it thoroughly and apply this mixture on the neck by massaging slightly.
    It is recommended to use during the bed time and leave it untouched overnight.
    Next day morning you can wash it using normal water.
    Follow this regularly for about 1 month and you can observe change in your neck skin tone.

Lemon Juice Remedies for Dark Neck

Alternative methods:

    You can replace rose water with honey or tomato juice and follow the same procedure.
    Take a teaspoon of lemon juice and add a pinch of turmeric powder to it. Now, apply this mixture on your neck and leave for 10-15 minutes. Afterwards, you can wash using war water and pat dry the area.
    If your skin is not so sensitive and you can use lemon juice without dilution then, apply lemon juice directly on the neck and later wash it using water.
    Take a small bowl and add 2 teaspoons of lemon juice, 1 tablespoon of honey, 2 tablespoons of milk and 1 teaspoon of almond oil. Mix it well and apply on the neck. Then, leave for 15-20 minutes and wash it off using warm water.

 Method 2: Oats and tomatoes:

Oatmeal has natural exfoliating property that removes the dead skin cells from the skin and provides good environment for growth of new cells. The antioxidant property of this is helpful in preventing the damages to the skin and it also helps in regaining the damaged skin. It also has anti-inflammatory property that avoids swelling of the skin and also reduces itching and irritation. The moisturizing and healing property of the oatmeal is effective in soothing the sunburn.

Tomato juice maintains the pH level of the skin and it helps in tightening the skin pores. the special soothing property of the tomato juice is helpful in treatment of sunburns and irritating skin. You can make use of tomato juice to get rid of acne problems too. Thus, tomato juice and oatmeal together are helpful brightening the dark neck.

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Things you need:

    2 teaspoons slightly grounded oats
    1 teaspoon tomato juice

Steps to follow:

    Take a bowl and put 2 teaspoons of coarse oat powder and a teaspoon of tomato juice.
    Mix it thoroughly and make a paste of it.
    Now, apply this on the neck by massaging gently and allow it to sit for 15 minutes.
    Afterwards, start scrubbing the skin and push your fingers in circular motions for about 3-4 minutes.
    Then, wash it off using water and dry your skin using soft towel.
    Lastly apply moisturizer to your skin and repeat this method twice a week for about a month.

Alternative method:

    You can mix oats powder and milk to form a thick paste and apply it all over the neck. Leave it for about 10-15 minutes and wash using warm water. This is also helpful in getting rid of dark neck.

Method 3: Yogurt and Lemon Juice:

Yogurt contains lactic acid that removes the dead skin cells from the neck. It removes all the dirt and oil particles from the skin and helps in lightening the dark neck. Yogurt can be used as moisturizer and it provides relaxation the skin against the acne and sunburns.

Lemon juice has citric acid and vitamin C that removes the dead skin cells from the skin and brightens up the dark neck.

Things you need:

    1 teaspoon fresh lemon juice
    ½ cup yogurt

Steps to follow:

    Take a bowl and add a teaspoon of lemon juice and ½ cup of yogurt to it.
    Mix it well and put on the paste as a neck mask.
    Leave it untouched for about 10-15 minutes until it gets dried completely.
    Later, wash it using water and pat dry your skin.
    For quick results you can repeat this procedure 2-3 times per day.

Yogurt Remedies for Dark Neck

Alternative methods:

    Take a bowl and add 1 teaspoon of yogurt along with 1 teaspoon of turmeric powder. Mix it well to form a paste and apply it on your neck and leave for about 20 minutes. Then, rinse off using warm water and repeat the same process for light coloured neck.
    You can also combine yogurt and milk to form a paste and apply it all over the neck. Using your finger tips you can massage gently and wash using warm water.

Method 4: Baking soda:

Baking soda has exfoliating property that removes all the dead skin cells from the body. It acts as cleanser and clears the pores by cleaning the dirt and oil present in the skin pores. Baking soda is slightly acidic in nature and the anti-bacterial property of this helps in killing the acne causing bacteria. So, regular usage of baking soda on the neck can help in achieving the light and bright coloured skin tone.

Things you need:

    1 teaspoon water
    1 tablespoon of baking soda

Steps to follow:

    Take a bowl and add 1 tablespoon of baking soda along with a teaspoon of water.
    Now, add both the ingredients properly to make a thick paste of it.
    Then, apply this paste on your neck and massage gently over the dark area.
    Leave it for about 20 minutes and rinse off using water.
    Then, pat dry the skin and apply natural moisturizer over it.
    For best results you can follow this method twice a week.

Baking Soda Remedies for Dark Neck


    Baking soda is very strong substances so do not leave it overnight on your neck or any part of your body.

Method 5: Natural oils:

There are several natural oils that are beneficial for skin. Natural oils contain the compounds, which provide moisturization and nourishment to the skin. The nutrients and vitamins present in these oils are helpful in treating various different kinds of skin problems. They are also helpful in removing the dead skin cells from the body and provide bright and even skin tone near the neck.

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Few methods of using natural oils for treatment of dark neck are mentioned below:

    Mix vitamin E oil along with the warm almond oil and apply it on the neck. Use your finger tips and massage slightly. Leave it for about 15-20 minutes and then wash using warm water.
    Take a bowl and add almond oil, olive oil along with coconut oil. Mix it thoroughly and use it as massaging oil on your neck during bed time. Leave it overnight and wash it off next day morning.
    You can also add coconut oil along with some water and use it to apply over your neck. Rub it gently on your neck and leave it overnight. Next day you can wash it using water.
    Any of the natural oils can be used as massaging oil and rub it on the neck and leave for about 15-20 minutes. Afterwards you can wash them using warm water.

Method 6: Cucumber:

Cucumber contains vitamin C that helps in getting rid of dead skin cells. The anti-inflammatory property of cucumber prevents skin from inflammation and irritation. The high water content of the cucumber provides cooling and soothing effect to the skin. It also helps in controlling the oil production of the skin. The cucumber peel contains the silica compound that tightens the skin. Thus, cucumber helps in brightening the dark neck.

Things you need:

Steps to follow:

    Take a cucumber and chop it into to equal halves.
    Now, grate half cucumber using grater and apply this on the neck.
    Rub using your finger tips and massage smoothly for couple of minutes.
    Allow it to sit for about 15-20 minutes.
    Afterwards, wash using water and dry your neck.
    Then, you can apply rosewater as a skin toner to the neck.
    For best results you can repeat the same process twice a day.

Cucumber Remedies for Dark Neck

Alternative method:

    You can extract the juice out of lemon and apply it directly on the neck. Allow it to sit for about 20 minutes and then wash using water.
    Combine lemon juice along with cucumber juice and rub it on the neck. Leave for about 10-15 minutes and wash off using warm water.

Method 7: Potato:

The catecholase enzyme present in the potato acts as bleaching agent and helps in lightening the skin. Potato is also helpful in removing acne and acne scars from the skin. So,, it is one of the best natural ingredients used in skin treatments and to get rid of dark neck.

Things you need:

Steps to follow:

    Take a potato and cut it into thin slices. (if you want you can refrigerate potato 2-3 hours before chopping).
    Place these slices on your neck rub them on the affected area for about 10 minutes.
    Keep them for about 5 more minutes and then, wash it off using water.
    For best results you can repeat the process and get rid of dark neck.

Alternative method:

    You can also apply the grated potato or the juice extracted from potato to obtain even skin tone of the neck.
    Adding lemon juice to the potato juice is more effective in removing the dark patches. All you need to do is apply this mixture on your neck and leave for about 10-15 minutes. Afterwards wash it using cold water.

Method 8: Milk cream:

Milk is always used as a cleanser because it removes all the dirt and oil particles from the skin. It also removes all the dead skin cells and helps in getting rid of dark neck. Milk cream is also used as moisturizer that provides nourishment to the skin and helps in growth of new cells.

Things you need:

    ½ cup milk cream
    2 tablespoons gram flour

Steps to follow:

    Take a bowl and add 1/2 cup of milk cream along with 2 tablespoons of gram flour to it.
    Mix it thoroughly and apply this mixture on the neck and rub thoroughly.
    Allow it to dry completely and then rinse off using water.
    For best results you can repeat the process to prevent dark neck.
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Alternative method:

    Directly apply fresh cream on your neck and massage thoroughly for about 3-4 minutes. Later wash it off using water.
    Combine fresh milk cream with a pinch of turmeric powder and apply this mixture on the neck. Then, massage slightly and leave for about 10-15 minutes. Afterwards you can wash it using warm water and dry.

Method 9: Aloevera:

Aloevera contains various anti-oxidants that are helpful in repairing the damaged skin. The other compounds present in aloevera helps in removing the dead skin cells and growth of new skin cells. The various enzymes of aloevera promote the skin lightening process and the nutrients and minerals present in the gel are beneficial in keeping skin hydrated and healthy.

Things you need:

Steps to follow:

    Take 2 teaspoons of fresh aloevera gel and rub it all over all the neck.
    Leave the gel for about 10-15 minutes and wash it off using water.

Method 10: Apple cider vinegar:

Apple cider vinegar balances the pH level of the skin and removes all the dead skin cells from the skin. Thus, apple cider vinegar helps in exfoliating the skin and obtain light colour of the skin naturally.

Things you need:

    1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar
    2 tablespoons water

Steps to follow:

    Take a small sized bowl and combine apple cider vinegar and water.
    Mix it well and dip a cotton ball into it.
    Now, place this cotton ball on the neck and rub the apple cider vinegar slightly.
    Leave it for about 15-20 minutes and then wash it off using water.

Tips and precautions for using home remedies for dark neck skin:

    You can also use fruits masks such as apple, orange, banana, papaya etc. that are helpful in getting rid of dark neck skin.
    Apply sunscreen lotions when you are going outside in the sun and also cover your face and neck using cotton cloth to avoid harmful sun radiations.
    If you are allergic to some metal then please be careful and try to stay away from that.
    If you are following lemon juice method then, do not expose to sun light minimum of 1 hour after the process. As lemon juice makes skin sensitive and exposure to sun light may increase the production if melanin.
    You can also use chickpea flour, rice starch, almonds powder etc. to get rid of the dark neck skin and obtain even skin tone.
    To maintain the same skin tone of face and neck, wash your neck along with face, apply creams, scrubs etc. to your neck area to remove the dirt and oily particles.
    Consumption of healthy food, water, regular exercise, eating fresh fruits, taking proper care of skin etc. are some of the regular techniques you can follow to maintain healthy skin.
    If you don’t find any change after using the above mentioned methods then, consult your doctor for proper diagnosis and treatment.
    Massaging at least once in a month is helpful to increase the blood circulation and stay away from the dark neck.
    Sometimes, the black neck may be due to tanning only so, you can follow any of the method such as cucumber, milk cream etc and remove the dark neck.
    If you find any swelling along with the dark neck then, consult your doctor immediately.
    Before using any of the ingredients it is always best to do a patch test and check if you are allergic to that substance.


We have mentioned top 10 homemade remedies that are helpful in getting rid of dark skin. These methods are proved to be safe and more effective. So, you can follow any of the above mentioned remedy and obtain even skin tone.

Have you experienced dark neck? Which method did you follow? How was your experience? Kindly share it in the comment section below.

If you have any queries please write to us in the comment section below. Our team of experts will clarify them as soon as possible.

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