DIY Healthy Smoothies for Arthritis

Suffering from severe pain in the joints? It might be the symptom of arthritis.

Arthritis is a condition which causes stiffness in the joints and makes them difficult for movement. It majorly affects the elbows, jaws, knees, hips, hands and fingers.

Arthritis is mainly of 2 types rheumatoid and osteo. Rheumatoid arthritis occurs when the white blood cells attacks the joints i.e. the immune system becomes week and causes inflammation in the joints along with severe pain. Whereas, osteoarthritis usually occurs in the aged people due to wear and tear in the joints.

Also, both of these have similar symptoms that include swelling, redness, pain and fatigue.

Arthritis treatments are highly pricy so, you can easily reduce the pain and swelling by including the below mentioned smoothies in your regular diet. Apple, ginger, banana, broccoli, strawberry etc. have the pain and swelling reducing agents. So, they are helpful in treatment of arthritis.

In the below article we have mentioned top 10 easy recipes to prepare smoothies and get relief from arthritis.

Top 10 easy and healthy smoothies for arthritis:

Recipe 1: Pineapple smoothie:

Pineapple contains an enzyme called as bromelain that works as anti-inflammatory agent and avoids the swelling near the joints. The presence of vitamin C in this fruit boosts the immune system of the body and fights against the rheumatoid arthritis.

Turmeric contains curcumin, which is very useful in treatment of arthritis as it has anti-inflammatory properties that reduce the inflammation along with the pain. It helps in relieving the stiffness of the arthritis.

Ginger has 2 major compounds gingerol and shagoal that has anti inflammatory properties, which reduces the swelling of joints. The presence of anti-oxidants helps in treatment of arthritis.

Carrots are rich in vitamin C and beta carotene that reduce the pain and stiffness of the arthritis.

Cucumber is rich in vitamin A, B, C, D, magnesium, folate and calcium, which controls the level of uric acid in the body and reduces the pain of arthritis.


    2 inch fresh ginger
    1 ½ inch turmeric root or you can use turmeric powder
    1 large cucumber (peeled and chopped)
    3 carrots (peeled and chopped)
    2 cups pineapple pieces.

How to prepare?

    Take a juicer and add all the ingredients into it.
    Now, switch on the juicer and run it for 4-5 minutes.
    Check whether it is ready, then pour the juice into a glass and consume it.
    Regular consumption of this juice will reduce the pain and swelling of arthritis.

Alternative method:


    1 peeled orange without seeds
    1 ½ cup pineapple pieces
    1/2 inch ginger
    2 chopped carrots
    1 tablespoon chia seeds
    Handful of spinach
    8-10 ounces of water

How to prepare?

    Pour all the ingredients into a juicer and run it for few minutes.
    Afterwards pour it into a glass and consume it.
    Repeat the consumption for several weeks to get rid of arthritis.

Recipe 2: Pineapple with beetroot and lemon

Pineapple has various health benefits and is found to be helpful in treatment of arthritis. Lemon has vitamin C that balances the production of uric acid and helps in relieving the swelling and pain of the joints.

Beetroot is rich source of silica that makes your body to use the calcium and maintain strong and healthy bones.


    1 beetroot chopped finely
    1 pineapple (peeled and chopped)
    1 cucumber peeled and chopped
    1 Lemon wedge

How to prepare?

    Put all the above ingredients into a juicer along with 3-4 tablespoons of water.
    Run the juice for 4-5 minutes and then, transfer the smoothie into a glass.
    Consume it regularly for about 3 times per week and stay away from joint pains.
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Recipe 3: kiwi, kale and mango smoothie:

Kiwi has various health benefits that allow the enzymes to enter the bloodstream and break the inflammation causing particles such as proteins. Thus, kiwi is helpful reducing the pain and problems of arthritis.

Kale is rich in the nutrients that provide healthy joints. It is also rich in beta-carotene, vitamin C and calcium that keep your bones strong and healthy. The presence of the magnesium reduces the pain and swelling.

Mango and orange are rich in carotenoids and vitamin C that provides relief against arthritis and helps you to get rid of this problem.


    2 kiwifruits peeled
    1-2 cups of chopped kale
    1 peeled mango ripen
    1 peeled orange without seeds
    5-6 ounces of water

How to prepare?

    Take a juicer and all the ingredients into it. Make sure you remove the seed from mango.
    Start the juice and run it for few minutes then, put the smoothie into a glass and consume it.
    Repeat the consumption of this for few weeks and stay away from arthritis.

Recipe 4: Green smoothie:

Pumpkin seeds have various health benefits that provide relief against the pain and swelling of the joints.

Green apple, green tea, kiwi, parsley and spinach are full of beneficial nutrients and are rich in carotenoids and quercetin that reduces the pains and reduces arthritis.

Apple cider vinegar has anti-inflammatory properties that reduces the swelling and provides strength to the bones. Thus, this green smoothie is very helpful in treatment of arthritis.


    1 cup green tea
    ¼ cup chopped spinach
    ½ cup pineapple pieces
    ½ a green apple
    1 peeled kiwi

How to prepare?

    Take a large juicer and pour all the above ingredients into it.
    Now, blend them for few minutes.
    After that open the cap of juicer and add 1 tablespoon of pumpkin seeds, a cup of parsley and ½ teaspoon of apple cider vinegar to it.
    Again repeat the blending process and pour this juice into the glass.
    Consume it regularly in the breakfast and repeat this for several weeks.

Recipe 5: Strawberry, guava and banana:

Strawberry has anthocyanin chemicals which acts as anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant agents that helps in reducing the pain, swelling and redness near the joints. They also balance the uric acid in the body that reduces the pain and swelling.

Guava is rich in vitamin C and carotene that improves the immunity of the body and helps in reducing the arthritis problem.

Banana has anti-inflammatory properties that reduce the swelling and pain of the joints. The vitamin B and C helps in restoring the strength of the bones and helps in treating arthritis.


    1 cup strawberries
    ½ cup guava
    4 cup chopped spinach
    2 bananas peeled and sliced
    5-6 ounces of water

How to prepare?

    Take a juicer and add all the ingredients into it.
    Run the juicer for 3-4 minutes and afterwards pour the juice into a glass.
    Consume it repeatedly for few weeks and get rid of joints pain.

Alternative method:


    2 cups cantaloupes
    2 pieces mango
    6 strawberries
    2 cups spinach
    2 chard leaves
    1 celery stalk
    5-6 ounces water

How to prepare?

    Pour all these ingredients into a juicer and run it for about 2 minutes.
    Once, the juice is ready you can drink it immediately.
    Repeated consumption of this smoothie helps to get rid of arthritis.
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Recipe 6: Parsley, coconut and strawberries

Parsley has high amounts of magnesium, calcium and vitamin K that helps the bones to absorb the calcium and stay stronger. It also helps in reducing the pain and swelling of the arthritis.

Coconut has polyphenols and fatty acids that reduce the pain and stiffness in the bones. The anti-inflammatory property of coconut reduces the swelling in the affected area.

Celery flushes out uric acid from the body and prevents arthritis. Carrots has vitamin C that improves the immune system and acts as anti-inflammatory agent.


    1 carrot chopped
    Handful of strawberries
    5 parsley branches
    ½ inch ginger
    ½ cup pineapple pieces
    1 celery stalk

How to prepare?

    Pour all these substances into a blender and blend them thoroughly.
    Now, add 1 tablespoon of organic oil, 1//2 teaspoon turmeric powder and ½ cup of almond milk to it and blend again.
    Once, the juice is ready you can put it into a glass and consume it.
    Continue drinking this juice to get rid of arthritis pain.

Recipe 7: Banana, strawberry and orange:

Strawberries are not just the tasty fruits but they are filled with anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties that are beneficial for treating arthritis.

Banana and orange are rich source of vitamin C and has anti-inflammatory properties that reduce the swelling of the joints.


    1 banana peeled and sliced
    5 strawberries
    1 orange peeled and deseeded
    2 cups of chopped spinach
    1-2 ounces of water
    Ice cubes

How to prepare?

    Take a blender and put all the above ingredients into it.
    Now, turn on the blender and run it till there are no lumps in the juice.
    Then, add 1 or 2 ice cubes and consume it regularly.

Recipe 8: Mango, peach and pineapple smoothie:

Mango and pineapple are helpful in getting rid of arthritis. Peach has magnesium, vitamin and various nutrients that boost up the system of the body. It is also helpful in making bones stronger and healthier.

The presence of turmeric in this smoothie is helpful in reducing the pain and swelling of the joints. Turmeric has different compounds that are beneficial in treatment of arthritis problem.


    1 cup mango pieces
    2 peach deseeded and sliced
    ½ cup coconut milk
    2-3 cups of water
    1 cup pineapple slices
    ½ teaspoon turmeric powder
    ½ teaspoon lemon juice
    Salt and pepper flakes

How to prepare?

    Pour all the ingredients into a blender and run it for couple of minutes.
    Once, your smoothie is ready you can consume it directly.

Recipe 9: Broccoli, cucumber and kale smoothie:

Broccoli has anti-oxidants that fights against the joints pain and helps in getting rid of arthritis. Cucumber and kale has all the beneficial necessary for treatment of arthritis. They also improve the immune system and reduce arthritis.


    Handful of broccoli
    Handful of chopped kale
    ½ cucumber peeled and chopped
    1-2 inch ginger
    1 cup apple juice

How to prepare?

    Take a blender and add all the ingredients to it and blend thoroughly.
    Once, it is done pour it into a glass and consume it.

Recipe 10: Blueberry and cherry smoothie:

Blueberry and cherry improves the blood circulation in the body and reduces the stiffness in the joints. Vitamin C in cherry helps in boosting up the immune system and reduces the pain associated with arthritis.


    Handful of spinach
    ½ cup of cherries
    ½ cup blueberries
    1 banana
    10-12 almonds
    1 tablespoon of flaxseeds powder
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How to prepare?

    Pour all the ingredients into a juicer and blend them thoroughly to make a thick and consistent form of juice.
    Consume it in your breakfast and get rid of arthritis.

Tips and precautions to prevent arthritis:

    Consume the foods that are rich in vitamin C, calcium, magnesium and fatty acids, which improve immune system of the body and reduce the arthritis.
    Have a look on your weight and try not to be overweight, if your weight increases then follow some regular diet and exercise to reduce the weight.
    Do not neglect joints pain; it is always to consult your doctor in the initial stages of pain.
    Make sure you wash all the fruits and vegetables before using to remove all the chemicals and pesticides from them.
    Try to drink the fresh smoothies because if you store them you will lose the nutrients and these smoothies will not be helpful. It is better to have them in your breakfast, which allows your body to absorb the nutrients easily.
    You can also include these fruits in your regular diet for getting relief from arthritis.
    Along with these smoothies you can also drink lots of water daily to remove the uric acid from the body and reduce the swelling and pain.
    To reduce the pain and swelling of arthritis you should rest for long time, go for regular exercise and go for regular massage.
    You can also replace juicer or blenders with centrifugal juicers that are helpful to obtain a consistent and smooth juice. Sometimes, blenders may run at very high speed and produce heat in the juice. This may destroy the vitamins, nutrients and minerals from it. Whereas, blenders have lower rotation rate then the blenders.

Frequently asked questions 

What foods to avoid for arthritis?

The foods that trigger arthritis pain and swelling are red meat, fried foods, gluten, alcohol, processed foods etc. which increases the pain and worsen the arthritis condition.

Is arthritis permanent?

Arthritis is a chronic condition that is not curable. It affects the joints in the hands, legs and specially the knees. The pain and the swelling can be reduced if it is treated in the early stages.

What is best exercise for arthritis?

The best exercises for arthritis are walking, swimming, cycling etc. which provides strength to your bones and reduces arthritis. These exercises also help in maintaining cardio vascular health and reduce the weight.

Can we do diet and get rid of arthritis?

Arthritis has no cure but you can just reduce the weight and minimize the pain and swelling in the joints. However, there is no such specific diet but include the foods that are rich in vitamin c, magnesium, fatty acids etc. that provides relief against the pain and swelling.

What are the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis?

Joint pain, fatigue, joint stiffness, redness, swelling, joint tenderness etc. are the symptoms of arthritis. However, the symptoms may differ from person to person.


Arthritis is very painful and everyone wants to get rid of the pain and swelling. So, in the above article we have mentioned 10 different recipes of smoothies that are helpful in treatment of arthritis.

If you have any doubts please write down in the comment section. Our team of experts will clarify them as soon as possible.

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