How To Get A Stubborn Ex Back

getting back with a stubborn exOne of the most stubborn questions we get from clients is “What if my ex never contacted me?” The client is always scared, or reluctant to let go of the reins and let the universe take the wheel for a while. They don’t want to relinquish control of the situation and place it in the hands of whatever force pushes people to do what they do. They believe that if they don’t do something about the situation immediately, their ex will be gone forever. “I have to prove to them that I want them back!” “I’m showing them all the love and affection one could wish for!” “I’m doing everything to change them!” Read: How to Get a Stubborn Ex back And Even After All That. After all the efforts they’re making to get their ex back, they can’t muster a shred of trust or confidence to trust. they will get back with their exHowever, some of our clients have good reason to feel this way as they are dealing with a very stubborn and stubborn ex who refuses to listen, does not compromise and simply is that they won’t give them the time of day to even consider the thought of getting back together. If you are in “my ex is very stubborn”, The situation is a bit more complicated than getting back with an ex. You will have to break it down and get your ex to reduce it little by little and step by step. Right now, it’s not quite “how to get my ex back”, rather, it’s “how to get a stubborn ex back”.

My ex is stubborn do I stand a chance?


In addition to the fact that you don’t need to worry about the possibility that an ex may never reach out, some clients make their lives more uncomfortable by worrying unnecessarily if they ever get the chance to get back together. with an ex, or if by any chance they can learn how dealing with a stubborn ex, or that their stubborn ex is coming back or considering getting back together. This question makes no sense because it assumes that you will only act to get back with your ex if given the chance. You might say, “Of course! Why would I waste my time and energy trying to accomplish something that isn’t going to happen, especially if my ex is too proud to come back? “My answer to that is that you probably don’t want your ex back as much as you think. Do you flirt with your ex just because someone told you they liked you and thought you were hot? Do you carry them around because you know it’s in your pocket? Maybe you didn’t. At some point, someone had to initiate romantic feelings and pursue them afterward. Read more: how to recover deleted photos from samsung note 4. make them come to a, like you as a person, like you as a potential boyfriend or girlfriend, and c, make them fall in love with you . Honestly, it doesn’t get any more stubborn than that. As long as you’re not doing something REALLY bad (we’re talking inherent crime here), there’s ALWAYS a chance. Don’t forget that your ex is also human. You may have placed them on a pedestal or created an idea in your head about how they are the best that has existed since sliced ​​bread. But they are still human beings with the same mental and emotional mechanisms as you and I, and still susceptible to the ideas and techniques we have developed. that they are sticking with their decision, following through and doing what they were told they would do. But I repeat, your ex is still human, and as long as your past relationship hasn’t been abusive or hurtful, it will be very difficult for your ex to let it go. maybe it never existed.

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4 steps to know how to get back with a stubborn ex

1/ Never try to give your ex’s excuses to you. The truth won’t help him/her come back

At this time, consider your ex-lover as an immutable object. And the most characteristic of stubborn people, they won’t believe anything you say, even if it’s true. In finding a way get a stubborn ex back, any attempt to argue will happen as if you were begging and seemingly desperate. This will not help your case and just make you look less attractive than they seem.

2 / Forget the old relationship, create a new relationship, friendship and harmony first

Your stubborn ex’s perception of your previous relationship will also affect the future. If you’re saying, “My ex is so stubborn,” and it’s hard for them to change their mind about you, you won’t have much success doing that in relation to your ex. . Therefore, you need to start something new and fresh with them. A clean slate, unmarked by relics of your past and shared history. If you establish a new momentum by showing them you are a new and improved version of your old self.getting back with an old lover

3/ Show your changes (specific actions that changed your life)

One of the biggest causes of a person’s attempt to get their ex back is that they are always trying to TALK instead of UNDERSTANDING. Here’s the key to knowing how to get a stubborn ex back and re-connect with my previous point of trying to reason with your ex. Shouting the truth into a megaphone won’t work on a stubborn person. I’m talking about hyperbola, but it’s just to illustrate the value of “speak softly and carry a big stick” when you’re demonstrating and demonstrating the concrete, real-life changes you’ve made. Now, you’re letting all of that be the go-to person. One stubborn person who doesn’t want to be talked to or talked to. So just don’t. Be an alternative performer!

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4/ Take your time! time to attract an ex and never talk about engagement

You must take a yin and yang approach when dealing with a stubborn person, especially an ex. Upturned heads won’t work with them, so you need to have the opposite attitude. Learning how to get a stubborn ex back doesn’t mean you have to lie down and let them go, or worse, plowing all over you. But you need to fight their stubbornness with an easygoing nature and not forcing things, or more specifically, being stubborn about the situation. So take your time and focus, but be patient. Patience means you’re great. And if you’re great, you’re at a high level. And top level means reasonable and reasonable.

My ex is very stubborn, should I give him/her a chance

The unfortunate part of knowing how to get a stubborn ex back is that in the journey towards reconciliation, everything can change from olive branch offers to horizontal swats and then wars. comprehensive picture. You can say, “my ex is stubborn” but if you are not cautious and let your own emotions and stubbornness work to your best, you are simply proving an points or to deftly maintain your pride, your efforts may backfire. friend. And what is the ending? Sometimes, when dealing with an ex, we have to be willing to make room for a little wiggle room and be ready to mold ourselves. We have to give them a chance or a chance for them to come around. And if you really love this person, you will do your best to practice patience and a little trust in them. We tell our customers that as counterintuitive as it may sound, sometimes the only thing people – especially the most stubborn – react to is a willingness to walk away.No contact’? What if they never reach? ” These questions make a person hesitant to do the whole “Do Not Contact”. But you have to ask yourself, why would you want to be in a relationship that isn’t willing to go out of their way and let their stubbornness and pride deprive them of their own chances of happiness? At what cost, is keeping your ego subtly worth it? So always keep the end goal in mind. But don’t be too focused on immediate results to work towards that goal. You will miss the forest for the trees and attracted to the stubbornness of the ex-lover. Remember that with a stubborn ex, it will be a marathon, not a sprint. You need to remove them carefully and patiently. You need to present yourself in a different light in their eyes, so that they see that they are not treating the same person. You need to let your stubborn ex realize on its own that there is a chance for the two of you to have a fulfilling and happy future together. Your best bet is to let your ex come to the conclusion you already know. get a stubborn ex back. Please let us know! Coach Steven Read more: how to modify the red laser pointer for recording

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