pokemon sun and moon how to get surf

Find all the Technical Machines to teach your Pokemon new moves.Reading: pokemon sun and moon how to get surf

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A huge part of any Pokemon game are Technical Machines. Also known as TMs for short, these excellent items allow you to teach moves to your Pokemon.Sometimes moves taught by TM are moves that a Pokemon can’t even learn naturally, meaning that you can really change up the move set of your Pokemon to make them more useful in battle or even change what types of Pokemon they’ll be naturally effective against.A big change that Pokemon fans who haven’t played the most recent releases won’t have seen from a few games back that continues in Sun and Moon is that TMs last forever. While they were one-time use in earlier games, in this game once you own a TM you can use it as much as you like. This makes matters a lot easier – you’re not going to have to buy the same TM repeatedly, but instead just have to find ’em all… much like the Pokemon themselves.The task of finding them all isn’t exactly easy, however. We’ve learned that in our time with the game the hard way! Thanks to our suffering we can help you with it all, mind. Some are bought, some are found – and we’ve got the lot. Here’s where all 100 TMs are in the game. Good luck, trainers!pokemon_sun-moon-pscree_23

Pokemon Sun & Moon Guide: All TM Locations & Prices


TM01 – Work Up Location

This TM can be found in Hau’oli City and is received as part of the story as a gift – you’ll get it when you defeat all the trainers at the Trainer School

TM02 – Dragon Claw Location

This TM can be found on Poni Island in the Vast Poni Canyon. Inside the cavern look out for a tiny hole in the rocks at one of the right edges. You’ll find the Poke ball containing the TM just inside a tiny alcove.

TM03 – Psyshock Location

This TM is on Ula’ula Island and is found in the easily-skippable Lake of the Sunne area just off Route 16. Head to the Lake of the Sunne – there’s a Fly point right outside it. Head north and into the ruins and explore around – this TM is just sitting in a corner.

TM04 – Calm Mind Location

This TM is found on Poni Island at the Seafolk Village – it’s for sale inside that village’s Pokemon Centre. It’ll set you back a cool 10,000 Pokebucks.

TM05 – Roar Location

Roar is available on Melemele Island’s Kala’e Bay. When you’re at the bay, head as far south as you can on the beach towards the cliffs. The TM is just down there, waiting for you to grab it.

TM06 – Toxic Location

Toxic can be nabbed from Aether’s Paradise – just carefully explore the dock area and you’ll find it off to one side.

TM07 – Hail Location

Hail can be grabbed on Akala Island’s Battle Royal Dome, which the story will take its time to introduce you to. There’s a Pokemon Centre right by the Dome – this TM is for sale for a whopping 50,000 Pokebucks in there.

TM08 – Bulk Up Location

Bulk Up can be found in Akala Island’s Konikoni City. Head into the Pokemon Centre there and hit up the store – it costs 10,000 Pokebucks.

TM09 – Venoshock Location

TM 09, Venoshock, can be found in Akala Island’s Konikoni City. Head into the Pokemon Centre there and hit up the store – it costs 10,000 Pokebucks.

TM10 – Hidden Power Location

Hidden Power is a pretty interesting TM in that as its name suggests its effects are hidden and vary greatly depending on the Pokemon using it. It has a whole NPC dedicated to it – the Hidden Power checker. She’s found inside the Pokemon Daycare at Paniola Ranch on Akala Island. She’s the girl on the left, and when you first speak to her she’ll hand over TM10.

TM11 – Sunny Day Location

Sunny Day can be grabbed on Akala Island’s Battle Royal Dome, which the story will take its time to introduce you to. There’s a Pokemon Centre right by the Dome – this TM is for sale for a whopping 50,000 Pokebucks in there.

TM12 – Taunt Location

On Ula’Ula Island’s Route 13 you’ll see some caravans in a sort of clearing area with a small circular lake in the middle of it. Inside one of the caravans you’ll find a Team Skull member who’s scared of your reputation, and he’ll hand over TM12 to avoid a fight.

TM13 – Ice Beam Location

This one won’t be available until quite late in the game, but Ice Beam can be found exploring Ula’Ula Island’s Mount Lanakila – the site of a future Pokemon League.

TM14 – Blizzard Location

TM14 is available on the last island you visit, Poni Island. It’s in the Seafolk Village Pokemon Center. Head to the store there and you’ll find you can pick this TM up for 30,000 Pokedollars.

TM15 – Hyper Beam Location

Hyper Beam is available on the last island you visit, Poni Island. It’s in the Seafolk Village Pokemon Center. Head to the store there and you’ll find you can pick this TM up for 50,000 Pokedollars.

TM16 – Light Screen Location

Light Screen is another TM that currently we only know how to buy – you can find it in the Pokemon Center in Akala Island’s Heahea City. It costs a measly 10,000 pokebucks.

TM17 – Protect Location

Protect is an incredibly useful move in more competitive Pokemon battles and as such is a must-have TM. You can find it in the Pokemon Center in Akala Island’s Heahea City. It costs just 10,000 pokebucks.

TM18 – Rain Dance Location

Like its counterpart Sunny Day, Rain Dance can be grabbed on Akala Island’s Battle Royal Dome, which the story will take its time to introduce you to. There’s a Pokemon Centre right by the Dome – this TM is for sale for a whopping 50,000 Pokebucks in there.

TM19 – Roost Location

Roost is a staple move for flying-type Pokemon and can be found in the Pokemon Centre in Malie City on Ula’ula Island. The Pokemon Centre is right near the ocean. It costs 10,000 Pokedollars.

TM20 – Safeguard Location

Safeguard is another TM that currently we only know how to buy – you can find it in the Pokemon Centre in Akala Island’s Heahea City. It costs 10,000 pokebucks.

TM21 – Frustration Location

TM21 is found in Malie City on Ula’ula Island. You’ll want to head to the Malasada shop, which is just to the left of the Pokemon Center and park that dominates the city. Inside there’s an Oranguru – the psychic gorilla Pokemon. Talk to it – it’ll give you the TM.

TM22 – Solar Beam Location

Hyper Beam is available on the last island you visit, Poni Island. It’s in the Seafolk Village Pokemon Center. Head to the store there and you’ll find you can pick this TM up for just 10,000 Pokedollars.

TM23 – Smack Down Location

Smack Down can be found in the Pokemon Centre in Malie City on Ula’ula Island. The Pokemon Centre is right near the ocean. It costs 10,000 Pokedollars.

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TM24 – Thunderbolt Location

TM24 is found in the Poni Plains area of Poni Island. When you enter the Poni Plains, there’s a slope to your immediate left. Follow the slope up and around all the way to the left, and TM24 will be at the end of this pathway.

TM25 – Thunder Location

This TM is found on Poni Island at the Seafolk Village – it’s for sale inside that village’s Pokemon Centre. It’ll cost you 30,000 Pokebucks.

TM26 – Earthquake Location

This very useful powerful multi-target attack is found in the Resolution Cave on Poni Island. It’s hidden behind rocks in the cave – use Tauros to smash them. This cave can only be reached after becoming the champion via the Ancient Poni Path.

TM27 – Return Location

Return is found in Malie City on Ula’ula Island. Like with TM21, you’ll want to head to the Malasada shop, which is just to the left of the Pokemon Center and park that dominates the city. Inside there’s an Oranguru – the psychic gorilla Pokemon. Talk to it – it’ll give you the TM.

TM28 – Leech Life Location

Leech Life is found on Akala Island’s Route 9. You’ll want to look for a dead-end path in the far lower right end of the island – the TM is just sitting in the open for the taking.

TM29 – Psychic Location

Psychic has long been one of my favourite TMs, and it’s actually given to you as part of the story. When you visit Aether’s Paradise for the first time, NPC Wicke will give it to you as a parting gift.

TM30 – Shadow Ball Location

Read more: how to wear a straw hatTM30 is a handy combat move and is found on Route 14, which is on Ula’ula Island. At the lower left of the island just south of the ruined supermarket there’s an area where you can use Lapras to head out onto the water. In this water area there’s a ruined building – head to it and the TM is inside.

TM31 – Brick Break Location

Brick Break is found on the first island of the game, Melemele Island. It’s inside the Verdant Cavern – where you do the trial with a lot of Digletts and the Totem Raticate. It’s in the first room of the cavern.

TM32 – Double Team Location

TM 32 can be found in Akala Island’s Konikoni City. Head into the Pokemon Centre there and hit up the store – it costs 10,000 Poke dollars.

TM33 – Reflect Location

The very useful TM for Reflect is found in the Pokemon Centre in Akala Island’s Heahea City. It costs 10,000 pokebucks.

TM34 – Sludge Wave Location

Sludge Wave’s TM is found in the Seafolk Village Pokemon Centre on Poni Island. Head to the store there and you’ll find you can pick this TM up for just 10,000 Pokedollars.

TM35 – Flamethrower Location

The TM for this iconic Fire-type move is found on Poni Island’s Ancient Poni Path. You’ll want to look out for a tiny gap on the left hand side of the path just below a trainer. Press A to crawl through and you’ll find this TM on the other side.

TM36 – Sludge Bomb Location

TM36, Sludge Bomb, is found in the aptly-titled Shady House on Ula’ula Island. This is in Po Po City, the abandoned area where you fight your way through a slew of Team Skull goons. It’s in one of the rooms in the mansion.

TM37 – Sandstorm Location

TM37 Sandstorm can be grabbed on Akala Island’s Battle Royal Dome, which the story will take its time to introduce you to. There’s a Pokemon Centre right by the Dome – this TM is for sale for a whopping 50,000 Pokebucks in there.

TM38 – Fire Blast Location

Fire Blast is available on the last island you visit, Poni Island. It’s in the Seafolk Village Pokemon Centre. Head to the store there and you’ll find you can pick this TM up for just 10,000 Pokedollars.

TM39 – Rock Tomb Location

Rock Tomb is a TM that you nab out in the wild – it’s found on Akala Island’s Route 7. It’s out in the open, and is right near a spot where you can sue your Pokefinder.

TM40 – Aerial Ace Location

Smack Down can be found in the Pokemon Centre in Malie City on Ula’ula Island. The Pokemon Centre is right near the ocean. It costs 10,000 Pokedollars.

TM41 – Torment Location

TM41 Torment can be found on Route 5, which is on Akala Island. There’s a sort of alcove with a rocky floor and a raised ledge – the TM is up there.

TM42 – Facade Location

You can nab Facade from the Pokemon Centre in Malie City on Ula’ula Island. The Pokemon Centre is right near the ocean. It costs 10,000 Pokedollars.

TM43 – Flame Charge Location

Flame Charge is found on Akala Island – on route 8, to be specific. This TM isn’t found on the route, but is given to you by Colress, an NPC found there.

TM44 – Rest Location

Rest is a deceptively useful move, and it can be found at the Thrifty Megamart on Akala Island. This is the giant Supermarket; it’s hard to miss. Chat to a Hypno in there and that Pokemon will hand over this TM as a gift.

TM45 – Attract Location

Attract is found in the Hano Grand Hotel at the Hano Grand Resort on Akala Island. The game funnels you towards this location anyway, but it’s the one big hotel resort in the game with a Pikachu hanging out on a deck chair outside it. Inside the hotel there’s a Machamp with two girls.. chat to it. You might be surprised by what happens, and you’ll get a TM.

TM46 – Thief Location

Brick Break is found on the first island of the game, Melemele Island. It’s inside the Verdant Cavern – where you do the trial with a lot of Digletts and the Totem Raticate. This one is in the very back of the cavern where the totem boss takes place, and you’ll have to return here once you have the ability to ride Tauros to smash the rocks there.

TM47 – Low Sweep Location

This handy fighting-type move has quite a lot of utility. It’s found in Akala Island’s Konikoni City. Head into the Pokemon Center there and hit up the store – it costs 10,000 Poke dollars.

TM48 – Round Location

TM48 is found near a store but thankfully is actually a freebie! You’ll want to head to Melemele Island’s shopping district – it’s found within Hau’oli City. Inside this large building just down the street from the Pokemon Center is a man standing near a Grimer. Chat to him and complete his little side quest – the TM is the reward.

TM49 – Echoed Voice Location

This TM is also found within Melemele Island’s Hau’oli City. You’ll notice a lot of the buildings here have little gardens where you can encounter wild Pokemon. Check the garden nearest the Marina – this TM is inside.

TM50 – Overheat Location

You won’t be able to get this TM until after you become champion. Once you have, return to the Poni Island’s Ancient Poni Path. This’ll lead you to the Poni Meadow, and this TM is loot inside this area.

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TM51 – Steel Wing Location

Steel Wing is found on Ula’ula Island and is yet another TM you have to buy from the Pokemon center – this in Malie City. It costs 10,000 Pokebucks.

TM52 – Focus Blast Location

This TM is found on Poni Island at the Seafolk Village – it’s for sale inside that village’s Pokemon Centre. It costs 30,000 Pokebucks.

TM53 – Energy Ball Location

Just off Route 5 you’ll find the Lush Jungle – the site where you take on the Grass trial as part of your island challenge. When you first visit this place you’ll spot a huge boulder you’re unable to move. Return when you can page Machamp for a ride in order to grab this TM.

TM54 – False Swipe Location

The kindly Professor Kukui will woop and holler and give you this TM as part of the story. Finish up the tasks on Melemele Island and this will naturally happen.

TM55 – Scald Location

You’ll find this TM in one of the earlier parts of the game, on Route 5. Route 5 is marked with a few pools, and this TM is found in grass to the right of the second one of the pools.

TM56 – Fling Location

Fling is another TM that’s given to you as a gift, though this one is easy to miss. On Melemele Island pay a visit to the Hau’oli Cemetery just off Route 2. A woman is being carried by a Machamp – have a chat to her and she’ll gift you Fling.

TM57 – Charge Beam Location

Charge Beam’s TM can be nabbed on Akala Island’s Route 5. It’s again found among the pools, and is clearly visible from the main path – you’ll just have to take a detour to grab it.

TM58 – Sky Drop Location

At the far right-hand end of Akala Island’s Route 8 you’ll find a trainer who won’t battle you until you’ve defeated everybody else on the route. Do so then revisit him. He’ll offer up a more challenging battle and when defeated give you TM58 Sky Drop as a reward.

TM59 – Brutal Swing Location

This is yet another TM that’s found in the maze-like Route 5 before you drop down towards the Pokemon Center. This one is on a raised ledge. Again, it’s easy to see but will require a minor detour to actually reach.

TM60 – Quash Location

TM60, Quash, is found in Poni Island’s Poni Plains. There’s a trainer towards the south of this area that won’t battle you until you defeat everyone else in the area. Once you do, battle him and beat him – TM60 is your reward.

TM61 – Will-O-Wisp Location

This little TM is a big one – this move is absolutely amazing when used well. For this you’ll need access to Diglett’s Tunnel on Akala Island. You’ll want to look for an alternate route out of the tunnel to the West. When you exit, you’ll find an NPC and this TM nearby.

TM62 – Acrobatics Location

Players of the demo for Pokemon Sun & Moon will recognize this TM’s location – it’s the area where the demo wraps up. In the final game this is the room at the end of the optional Ten Carat Hill mini-dungeon on Melemele Island. This TM is there.

TM63 – Embargo Location

This TM is offered as a gift from an NPC who has a Magnemite with him. The NPC is found inside the Geothermal Power Plant on Ula’ula Island.

TM64 – Explosion Location

This TM is found on Melemele Island, but you won’t be able to access it until later in the game. Later on, explore the sea around the volcano area of the island with your Sharpedo ride. Smash the rocks to find a cave entrance at the side of the volcano. Head inside to find this TM – in an appropriate location, if you ask us.

TM65 – Shadow Claw Location

Shadow Claw is found on Akala Island. It’s inside the Konikoni City Pokemon Center, for sale. It costs 10,000 Poke dollars.

TM66 – Payback Location

Read more: how to spoof in pokemon go 2018TM66 Payback is found on Ula’ula Island, and you’ll never guess where… Yep, it’s inside the Pokemon Centre in Malie City. The Pokemon Centre is right near the ocean. It costs 10,000 Pokedollars.

TM67 – Smart Strike Location

Smart Strike is found on Akala Island inside the Lush Jungle, the location of the grass-type trial. Professor Kukui will give you this when you defeat that trial’s captain.

TM68 – Giga Impact Location

This TM is found on Poni Island at the Seafolk Village – it’s for sale inside that village’s Pokemon Center. It costs 30,000 Pokebucks.

TM69 – Rock Polish Location

Rock Polish is found on Ula’ula Island and is yet another TM you have to buy from the Pokemon center – this in Malie City. It costs 10,000 Pokebucks.

TM70 – Aurora Veil Location

Safeguard is another TM that you have to actually buy – you can find it in the Pokemon Center in Akala Island’s Heahea City. It costs 10,000 pokebucks.

TM71 – Stone Edge Location

TM71 Stone Edge is found on Poni Island at the Seafolk Village – it’s for sale inside that village’s Pokemon Center. It’ll set you back a cool 10,000 Pokebucks.

TM72 – Volt Switch Location

Volt Switch is found on Ula’ula Island’s Route 10 – that’s in the mountainous area. It’s just off the beaten path on the right – you’ll have to dash through some bushes dodging wild Pokemon to get to it, but it’s otherwise out in the open.

TM73 – Thunder Wave Location

TM73 can be grabbed on Akala Island just off Route 7. You’ll see some sea out there and once you can swim with Lapras you’ll want to head out into the island in the middle of the sea area you can explore. The TM is on that island.

TM74 – Gyro Ball Location

Gyro Ball’s TM is another found out in the wild, this time on Route 11 on Ula’ula island. You’ll see this route’s road split into two paths with trainers around. In the middle of these two paths are a bunch of plants, and the TM is off both paths among the trees.

TM75 – Swords Dance Location

Swords Dance is found on Ula’ula Island and is yet another TM you have to buy from the Pokemon center – this in Malie City. It costs 10,000 Pokebucks.pokemon_sun-moon-pscree_03

TM76 – Fly Location

Fly was once a HM, but with Pokemon rides replacing HMs permanently it’s now merely a TM instead – but it’s still a useful battle move. Fly is given to you as a gift by an NPC – just chat to a girl wearing a big hat inside Malie City’s Library.

TM77 – Psych Up Location

We’ve had a few of these now, but TM77 is yet another TM that you’ll have to display your battle prowess to get your hands on. Head to Route 12 on Ula’ula Island – there’s a trainer there who won’t fight you until you defeat everyone else. Do that, then defeat him, and nab Psych Up as a reward.

TM78 – Bulldoze Location

You can grab TM78 Bulldoze from the Pokemon Centre in Malie City on Ula’ula Island. The Pokemon Centre is right near the ocean. It costs 10,000 Pokedollars.

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TM79 – Frost Breath Location

This TM is found on the Ancient Poni Path on Poni Island, and you’ll reach it via the Poni Breaker coast area. This TM is hidden in plain sight – it’s just behind a wall next to some long grass. The main challenge is risking an encounter while dashing through the grass.

TM80 – Rock Slide Location

This classic Pokemon combat move is found out in the Melemele sea just off the edge of Melemele Island. There’s a few rocks out here you’ll need to use your Sharpedo ride to smash, and that leads you to the TM.

TM81 – X-Scissor Location

X-Scissor is found on Route 16 on Ula’ula Island. Near the Pokemon center you’ll see a small caravan-like building to the right and will be able to see the TM in plain sight. To get to it head to the caravan’s opposite side – you’ll be able to crawl through a gap to get to the blocked-off area and reach the TM.

TM82 – Dragon Tail Location

TM82 Dragon Tail is found on Akala Island. It’s inside the Konikoni City Pokemon Center, for sale. It costs 10,000 Poke dollars.

TM83 – Infestation Location

The TM for Infestation is actually one of the very first you’ll see in the game, since it’s on Melemele Island’s Route 3, one of the first roads on your adventure. You won’t be able to reach it, however – you’ll need Tauros to smash some rocks. When you’ve got the Tauros ride, return here and do what you have to.

TM84 – Poison Jab Location

Poison Jab is found in an area it’s easy to rush through – the area leading to Team Skull’s lair in the ruins of an abandoned city. THis is on Ula’ula Island’s Route 17. As you approach the entrance to the closed-off city you’ll see a raised mini-mountain on the right with golden grass. Head up there – this TM is on the far left of the mountain area.

TM85 – Dream Eater Location

A move I always associate with Gengar, this Pokemon staple is found in the Haina Desert which is just off Route 13 on Ula’Ula Island. The desert is a maze in the style of Zelda’s Lost Woods. To reach the TM, go Up, Right, Up, Right, Left and then Down.

TM86 – Grass Knot Location

TM86 Grass Knot is found in the Lush Jungle area of Akala Island – where the ingredient-gathering trial takes place early in the game. Look for a grassy area with a suspicious patch in front of a tiny hole in the area wall. You can crawl through and find the TM in a tiny area on the other side.

TM87 – Swagger Location

This TM is another handy gift – this time from the mother of NPC Guzma. Their house is found on Melemele Island’s Route 2 – just drop in, chat to Guzma’s mum and she’ll hand over this rather appropriate TM.

TM88 – Sleep Talk Location

This TM is in Akala Island’s Route 6. You’ll want to head to the far right of the town, down the main road that stretches down the town’s flank. This heads to Paniola town. There’s some grass to the left here, and a path hidden behind the grass. That leads to the TM.

TM89 – U-Turn Location

U-Turn is another TM that has to be purchased, and it’s in the Pokemon Centre in Malie City on Ula’ula Island. It costs 10,000 Pokedollars.

TM90 – Substitute Location

Substitute can be found in the Pokemon Centre in Malie City on Ula’ula Island. The Pokemon Centre is right near the ocean. The TM costs 10,000 Pokedollars.

TM91 – Flash Cannon Location

This TM is found on Poni Island at the Seafolk Village. Head into one of the boats on the right – the long silver one. You can exit the boat from a bottom door inside to reach a fishing spot, and this TM is also there.

TM92 – Trick Room Location

TM92 Trick Room is found in the Hano Grand Hotel Resort – that’s on Akala Island. This one can’t be picked up until you become the champion. When you do, just chat to Kahili and it’ll be yours for the taking.

TM93 – Wild Charge Location

Wild Charge is found on Ula’ula Island’s Route 15 – it’s at the very top of the route, on a platform all to itself in the middle of all the swimmable water.

TM94 – Surf Location

Once arguably the most useful HM in the Pokemon series, Surf is now relegated to TM status thanks to the new ride system. It’s available from the Poni Breaker Coast on Poni Island. You’ll find two swimsuit-clad women at the water’s edge – defeat them in battle and you’ll get this TM as a reward.

TM95 – Snarl Location

TM95 Snarl is found on Route 10 on Ula’ula Island. This is another battle-based TM – you’ll have to defeat all the trainers on Route 10 before this guy at the top of the path near the Pokemon Center will battle you. Beat him and he’ll hand over the TM for Snarl.

TM96 – Nature Power Location

Akala Island’s Route 5 is where you’ll find the TM for Nature Power. You’ll again find another trainer here who won’t battle you until you beat everyone else in the area. Do so and return to him, smack him down and get Nature Power as your reward.

TM97 – Dark Pulse Location

The TM for Dark Pulse is found on Poni Island’s Poni Coast area. There’s a ledge here that takes you off the beaten path – that’s never ideal, but doing so here will lead you to this TM.

TM98 – Waterfall Location

Another one-time HM, Waterfall is actually found in the same place as TM94, Surf. It’s available from the Poni Breaker Coast on Poni Island. You’ll find two swimsuit-clad women at the water’s edge – defeat them in battle and you’ll get this TM as a reward.

TM99 – Dazzling Gleam Location

Dazzling Gleam is found on Poni Island’s Vast Poni Canyon. You’ll want to look for another small hole you can head through – that’ll lead to a tiny enclosed area that’s home to nothing but this TM.

TM100 – Confide Location

The final TM of the bunch in Pokemon Sun & Moon is found on the very first island, Melemele Island. It’s in the Hau’oli cemetery – just head around to the far right of the cemetery and you’ll find it just outside the actual cemetery grounds for the taking.Read more: How to cast oculus quest 2 to roku tv

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