Best Ways of using Coconut Oil to Heal Burns

Skin is the largest organ and is an essential part that makes the body to function properly. Burn refers to a skin condition that occurs when a part of the body gets affected due to chemical, thermal, electrical, cold temperature, heat, radiation, liquid scald, tar or hot plastic burns. It can be categorized into 3 types, depending upon their severity like first degree (minor – affecting the outer skin layer), second degree (moderate – a few deep layers of the skin with some pain) and third-degree burns (severe – requires specialized care or hospitalization).

There are many over the counter medications, creams, and treatments available for treating these burns but most people prefer to choose natural home remedies for burns to soothe their skin immediately with less pain.

Virgin coconut oil is one most widely used natural remedy for treating burns due to its amazing skin healing properties. it not only speed up the healing process and prevents secondary infections but also moisturizes the skin and reduces the scars or marks on the skin (caused by burns).

Always remember that coconut oil is recommended to treat only first degree burns and some second degree burns like sunburns, rope burns, acid burns, water burns, minor chemical burns or radiation burns but not only for severe second and third-degree burns. As already mentioned, third-degree burns are life threatening which should be treated with specialists but you can use coconut oil after medical treatment to minimize the scar formation.

Let’s go through this article to know how and why coconut oil is used for curing burns.

Is Coconut Oil good for Burns?


Have a look at some of the best benefits of coconut oil for curing burns and it is most commonly used as a topical treatment for burns in most of the coconut cultivated countries. In a study, it is stated that the usage of coconut oil will protect the skin from infections, soothes your pain and inflammation, enhance the healing process and keep the area cool and well moisturized to reduce scarring.

    It has antiseptic and skin penetrating properties that help for the speed healing of mild and moderate burns on the skin by simply stimulating the flow of blood and thereby oxygen and nutrients to the burned areas.
    It accelerates the skin regeneration and activates the collagen fiber to produce more within the tissues to get repaired.
    It has anti-parasitic, infection-fighting and non-toxic properties help a lot in healing the burnt skin and its scars.
    It has anti-inflammatory and soothing properties that help to give relief from the pain, discomfort, and irritation caused by burns on the skin.
    The rich content of polyphenolic compounds, vitamin E and antioxidant property in coconut oil helps to promote the production of collagen and strengthen the dermal tissues to promote regrowth and thus accelerate the skin’s recovery from burns, skin abrasions and other trauma.
    It moistures the skin and acts as a defensive barrier against the environmental and free radical damages which help to prevent further damage and heals the burnt skin.
    It has medium chain fatty acids like lauric acid, capric acid, caprylic acid and myristic acid that exhibits antibacterial, anti-carcinogenic and anti-fungal properties to enhance the immune system which in turn helps for faster healing and fades scars.
    It has analgesic and cooling effect on the skin and when applied generously then it keeps the skin supple, moisturized and thus prevents it from peeling, blistering and scarring.
    The regular application of coconut oil will protect the exposed burns from various irritants, pathogens, and pollutants (from the external environment) and thus prevent the risk of getting dangerous secondary infection.
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How to use Coconut Oil for curing Burns?

We came to know that coconut oil will reduce scaring and enhance the new skin with elasticity to prevent the burns and scars on the skin. Now, here we are providing you with the best coconut oil methods that effectively cure burns without any scars on the skin.

Method – 1: (Coconut Oil)

This process uses coconut oil alone for treating burns and its symptoms.

Steps to be followed…

    Before starting the process, submerse the burn in running water for about 5 – 10 minutes, as cold water will soothe the pain and irritation that associated with burn and also avoid scars formation.
    Then dry the wound or burnt skin with soft towel and apply virgin coconut oil thoroughly on it.
    Leave it like that as a thin layer on the burnt skin to get well moisturized and soothes the irritated skin.
    It also stimulates the blood flow to the affected area and aids in quick healing.
    Continue doing the same at regular intervals for a few days till you healed the burns completely without forming any scars on the skin.

Coconut Oil good for Burns

Note: Or you can add 5 – 6 drops of lavender oil to 1 tablespoon of virgin coconut oil and apply it gently on the burns to get rid of the stinging sensation and also avoid scarring. Cover the area and rinse off after 15 minutes. Repeat it daily until your burn heals completely.

Method – 2: (Coconut Oil Salve for Burns)

Coconut oil helps to heal the burnt areas of the skin very quickly by keeping the area free from attacking skin infection. This process is just like a homemade Neosporin mix that used to heal the burns and open wounds.

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Steps to be followed…

    Add a few drops of frankincense oil, lavender oil and tea tree oil in coconut oil.
    Stir it well and apply this on the burn affected areas of the skin.
    Leave it like that and repeat its application as needed on daily basis to cure the burnt skin.

Method – 3: (Coconut Oil with Lemon Juice)

Both coconut oil and lemon juice helps to treat minor burns by cooling the irritated skin along with lightening up its scars. This combination is used to treat burns and scars.

Steps to be followed…

    Mix 1 tablespoon of organic coconut oil and 1/2 tablespoon of fresh lemon juice in a bowl.
    Stir well and apply it gently on the dried burns and its scars.
    Leave it like that and continue the application of coconut oil for few times on daily basis to facilitate faster healing.

Method – 4: (Coconut Oil with Apple Cider Vinegar)

The rich content of acetic acid in ACV will help to heal the burns and soothes your skin. The coconut oil will help to moisturize the irritated skin and this combination will work well in curing your burns (especially for sunburns).

Steps to be followed…

    Take a clean cloth and soak it in cold water.
    Then splash some ACV on it and use this cloth to gently rub on the sunburn affected skin area.
    Leave for a couple of minutes to get dried and then apply enough coconut oil on the skin.
    Let it sit for about 20 minutes for the oil to get absorbed by the skin.
    Repeat the same process to promote quick healing and thereby eases the skin peeling and reduce redness.
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Coconut Oil for Chemical Burns:

Chemical burns like acid burn can cause peeling of the skin along with irritation and pain. The affected area swells and becomes reddish due to the expose of the tissues and blood vessels to external environment. Also, coconut oil is used to treat radiation burn caused to those who undergo chemotherapy treatment for cancer. Just simply apply coconut oil on the affected areas continuously till you got relief from burns.

Tips and Precautions:

    Always prefer to use organic, cold pressed virgin coconut oil for treating the burns and its scars on the skin.
    You can also use coconut oil for sunburn treatment, just simply add 1 teaspoon of vitamin E oil in 1 cup of coconut oil and apply it on the sunburn affected areas for deep moisture and nourishment to the skin.
    However coconut oil is mostly used to treat first degree and second degree burns (minor and moderate burns) but you have to consult your doctor for severe third degree burns for immediate treatment.
    If you didn’t find any relief from the burns and its symptoms then immediately consult your doctor for treatment to get relief from the problem.
    Be sure to apply virgin coconut oil for several times a day regularly until you got complete relief from burns without any scars on the skin.
    Other than applying coconut oil, you have to follow some nutritious healthy diet, sufficient sleep, hydrate the body, etc. will help in faster recovery from the burns.
    Always make sure to run cold water over the burn and thereby pat dry the skin gently by using a clean cloth.
    Also, include coconut oil as a part of your diet (cooking oil) to grab its benefits and to strengthen your immune system to get rid of these problems.

Use coconut oil whenever you have small and minor burns and try these methods for curing burns and scars on the skin. Do you know any other successful methods or queries related to coconut oil for burns? Then share it with us in the below comments box.

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