Best Home Remedies to Reduce Wrinkles Naturally
Wrinkles are sign of aging which affects both men and women equally. Nowadays skin will be saggy and cause wrinkles because of the unhealthy diet, excessive stress, genetic predisposition and pollution. However to look young and stop wrinkles you many start using lasers and medications which are expensive and harmful due to the chemicals in it, But home remedies are one of the best option to reduce wrinkles and stop new wrinkles.
Home Remedies To Get Rid OF Wrinkles
Here are some of the best remedies that will help to treat wrinkles and fine lines by tightening your skin. All you need is to follow them regularly until you get complete relief from these wrinkles on the skin.
Remedy – 1: Aloe Vera
Aloe vera has rich content of malic acid and antioxidant property, it improves the skin elasticity and will helps to prevent the signs of anti aging of skin by damaging the free radicals on the skin. Also aloe vera will prevent the formation of wrinkles by rebuilding the collagen in a faster way.
What You Need
- Aloe vera gel – 1 tablespoon
Egg white – 1
Steps To Be Followed
- Take aloe vera gel and egg white.
Stir it well till it becomes the paste.
Apply it on the wrinkles affected areas.
Leave it for 30 minutes.
Repeat the process regularly to get relief from wrinkles.
- Take aloe vera gel by extracting from aloe vera leaf, apply it on the wrinkles affected skin areas and massage it for few minutes. Leave it for overnight and repeat it daily.
Mix 1 teaspoon of aloe vera gel and 1 tablespoon of olive oil in 1/4 cup of brown sugar. Apply it on the skin and massage for few minutes. Rinse with lukewarm water and dry your skin. Do it thrice a week to get relief from wrinkles.
Take 1 teaspoon of aloe vera gel and add vitamin E oil extracted from vitamin E capsule. Stir and apply it on the affected skin area. Massage it gently and rinse it off with lukewarm water after few minutes. Repeat regularly till vanish your wrinkles.
Remedy – 2: Olive Oil
Olive oil has a rich source of vitamins E & A along with antioxidant property that helps to fight against the free radicals damaging the skin and also moisturizes your skin. It penetrates deep into the skin and repair the cells.
What You Need
- Olive oil – 2 tablespoons
Lemon juice – 1 tablespoon
Tiny bowl
Steps To Be Followed
- Take a tiny bowl add olive oil and lemon juice
Mix them equally.
Apply the mix on the wrinkles affected areas.
Leave it for few minutes.
Rinse it off with water.
Repeat the same process regularly to get glowing and wrinkle free skin.
- You can directly apply the extra virgin olive oil on the wrinkles affected skin areas at night before bedtime. Massage it gently for few minutes till the oil absorbed into the skin, leave it for overnight and wash your skin next day morning. Repeat the process regularly to get relief from wrinkles.
Mix few drops each of olive oil, raw honey and glycerin (milk cream) and stir it well. Apply it on the wrinkles affected areas on the skin. Massage for 5 – 10 minutes and wipe off. Rinse the skin with water and continue this process for twice daily.
Remedy – 3: Fenugreek
Fenugreek oil, leaves or seeds is an excellent remedy for treating various skin problems, because of its rich vitamins and minerals which are easily absorbed by the body and treat wrinkles. It will also help the skin to regain its elasticity, firmness and thereby keeps it young and beautiful.
What You Need
- Fenugreek leaves – handful
Tiny bowl
Steps To Be Followed
- Take a tiny bowl add fenugreek leaves and water in it.
Grind or crush them well to make a paste.
Apply the paste on the wrinkles affected areas before going to bed.
Leave it for overnight.
Wash it off with lukewarm water in the next morning.
Repeat the process daily to get away from wrinkles.
- Take a handful of fenugreek seeds in 1 glass of water and boil them for few minutes. Strain this water and use this lukewarm water to wash on wrinkles affected skin areas. Repeat the same process until wrinkles will reduce.
Take enough fenugreek oil and use them to massage on the wrinkles affected areas of the skin, Leave the skin to absorb the oil completely. Repeat the same process daily to reduce the appearance of wrinkles on the skin.
Remedy – 4: Honey
Honey is one of the most effective ancient remedy to treat many skin and beauty problem, including wrinkles. It helps to balance your skin’s pH levels and enhance the production of collagen to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines on the skin. It removes dead cells and other impurities with its sticky nature and makes your skin look young and glowing.
What You Need
Steps To Be Followed
- Take plain raw honey
Apply it on the wrinkles affected area and massage it for few minutes.
Leave it for 15 minutes.
Rinse it off with water.
Repeat the same process daily once in a day to get rid of wrinkles.
Note: Both honey and lemon act as an effective remedy for treating wrinkles with its antimicrobial, antioxidant and skin soothing property. Mix equal quantities of honey and lemon juice and apply it on the skin. Wait for 15 – 20 minutes and rinse with water to get rid of the problem.
Remedy – 5: Almonds
Almonds have an excellent content of iron, vitamin E, zinc, fiber, folic acid, calcium and oleic acid that helps you to look ageless and treats wrinkles.
What You Need
- Raw milk – 1/4 cup
Almonds – 6 to 7
Tiny bowl
Steps To Be Followed
- Take a bowl add raw milk and almonds in it.
Soak it for overnight.
In the next morning, remove the almond skin and grind them to make a thick paste.
Apply it on the affected areas.
Leave it for 30 minutes.
Rinse off your skin with lukewarm water.
Repeat the same process once or twice daily to get rid of wrinkles.
Remedy – 6: Banana
Bananas have rich content of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants which will help to combat the causes of wrinkles and fine lines. It moisturizes and rejuvenates the skin to clear wrinkles in a natural way.
What You Need
- Papaya
Banana – 1/2 piece
Steps To Be Followed
- Take a small amount of papaya and banana in a bowl.
Blend in it until you get a smooth paste.
Apply it on the wrinkles affected areas.
Leave it for 20 minutes.
Rinse it off with water.
Repeat it thrice a week regularly to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines on the skin.
Note: Take 2 ripe bananas and mash it into a thick paste. Then spread this paste on the wrinkled skin areas and wait for 30 – 45 minutes and rinse with lukewarm water. Follow it with a moisturizer for best results.
Remedy – 7: Pineapple
Pineapple has bromelain enzymes, fiber, vitamin C and antioxidants that help to clear dead cells, free radicals and enhance the collagen production to maintain skin’s elasticity.
What You Need
- Pineapple chunks – 1 cups
Olive oil – 1 tablespoon
Tiny bowl
Steps To Be Followed
- Take a tiny bowl add Pineapple chunks and olive oil in it.
Blend it till you get a smooth paste.
Then apply it on the wrinkles affected area.
Leave it for 20 minutes.
Rinse it off with lukewarm water.
Repeat the same process thrice a week to get relief from wrinkles.
Note: Take a chunk of fresh pineapple and use it to massage the wrinkle affected areas on the skin. Leave it for 10 minutes and then rinse it off with lukewarm water. Repeat the process daily to clear wrinkles and tone your skin.
Remedy – 8: Coconut Oil
The antioxidants and antibacterial properties in coconut oil will help to protect your skin from free radicals and get rid of wrinkles.
What You Need
Steps To Be Followed
- Take small amount of coconut oil.
Apply it on the wrinkles affected areas before going to bed.
Massage it gently for few minutes.
Leave it for overnight.
Rinse it off with water in the next morning.
Repeat the process daily before going to bed to get rid from wrinkles.
Remedy – 9: Lemon Juice
Lemon juice have vitamin c which will rebuild collagen in skin and helps to treat the wrinkles.
What You Need
- Lemon juice – 1 tablespoon
Honey – 1 tablespoon
Steps To Be Followed
- Take a bowl add lemon juice and honey in it.
Stir it well to mix properly.
Apply the mix on the wrinkles affected area.
Leave it for 20 minutes to dry.
Rinse it off with water.
Repeat the process daily to get relief from wrinkles.
Remedy – 10: Carrots
Carrots contain vitamin A it will promote collagen and make your skin look smooth and younger.
What You Need
- Carrots – three
Honey – 1 teaspoon
Steps To Be Followed
- Take carrots and boil them to be soft.
Now blend the carrots by adding honey in it to get paste.
Apply the paste on the wrinkles.
Leave it for 20 minutes.
Rinse it off with lukewarm water.
Repeat the process regularly for smooth skin and to avoid wrinkles.
Remedy – 11: Turmeric Mask
Turmeric is one of the ancient remedy to treat any type of skin infection, the antioxidants property in this will help to treat wrinkles.
What You Need
- Turmeric powder – 3 teaspoons
Sugarcane juice – 6 teaspoons
Tiny bowl
Steps To Be Followed
- Take a tiny bowl add turmeric powder and sugarcane juice in it.
Stir it well to mix properly.
Apply it on the wrinkles.
Leave it for 10 minutes.
Rinse it off with water.
Repeat the same process daily to treat wrinkles.
Remedy – 12: Baking Soda
Baking soda is one of the best remedy to reduce wrinkles, because it will remove the dead cells on your skin pores and improve the blood circulation.
What You Need
- Baking soda – 3 teaspoons
Water – 3 teaspoons
Tiny bowl
Steps To Be Followed
- Take a bowl add baking soda and water.
Stir it well till you get paste.
Apply the paste on the wrinkles affected areas.
Scrub it well for few minutes.
Rinse it off with water.
Repeat the same process to treat wrinkles.
Remedy – 13: Tomato Mask
Tomato mask is of the easy and best remedy to treat wrinkles and fine lines.
What You Need
- Tomato – 1
Sea salt – 6 teaspoons
Steps To Be Followed
- Take a tomato and cut it into two pieces.
Dip the inner half in the sea salt.
Scrub it on the wrinkles affected area.
Leave the tomato pulp on your skin for 10 minutes.
Rinse it off with water.
Repeat the process regularly to stop wrinkles.
Remedy – 14: Egg White
Egg white helps to tighten your skin and get relief from wrinkles, if you have oily skin then this one of the best remedy.
What You Need
Steps To Be Followed
- Take a egg white and apply it on the wrinkles affected area.
Leave it for few minutes till it dry.
Rinse it off with water.
Repeat the process regularly to stop wrinkles and fine lines.
Remedy – 15: Homemade Wrinkle Removal Cream
DIY homemade wrinkle cream is one of the best creams to treat wrinkles. In this cream we are using frankincense oil which helps to slow down the appearance of wrinkles and lemon essential oil which clears facial wrinkles by boosting the blood circulation.
What You Need:
- Calendula oil – 30ml
Beeswax – 3/4 oz
Sweet almond oil – 40ml
Dried calendula flowers – handful
Herbal infusion – 2 ½ tablespoons
Frankincense oil – 1/2 teaspoon
Lemon essential oil – 1/4 teaspoon
Boiled Water – 300ml
Steps To Be Followed
- Take a jar with boiling water add dried calendula flowers in it.
Close the jar and store in refrigerator for few minutes to cool.
Take a vessel to melt beeswax, now add calendula oil and sweet almond oil.
Stir it well to mix properly.
Now pour herbal infusion in a slow trickle and turn off the heat.
Stir continuously until the mix gets cooled to body temperature.
Then add frankincense oil and lemon essential oil in the mix.
Stir well till the cream cooled completely.
Store this cream into an airtight container and place it in a clean dark place.
Apply this cream to your face after cleaning.
Massage it all over the face, neck from the base to chin at night before bedtime.
Leave for overnight.
Rinse off in the next morning.
Repeat the process regularly until you get relief from wrinkles.
Tips and precautions:
- Try to drink plenty of water to keep your body hydrated and moisturized, or else your skin may look older when it is dehydrated.
Avoid caffeinated, alcoholic and carbonated drinks, as they dehydrate the body and make your skin look older.
Include vitamin C rich foods like oranges, pineapple, bell peppers, kale, broccoli, blueberries to promote the formation of collagen and fights off the free radicals on the skin.
Intake of vitamin A and omega – 3 fatty acids will produce collagen and help you in clearing wrinkles on the skin.
Limit your exposure to harmful sun’s rays, particularly when the sun is strong i.e. from 9 am to 4 pm, as it damages your skin and makes it look old with the formation of wrinkles.
Try to apply sunscreen with an SPF of 30 before stepping out in the sun.
Have some skin care hygiene like rinsing your face at night before going to sleep, get sound sleep for 7 hours, avoid washing your face too often, follow a skincare routine, control your facial expressions (like frowning or squinting to reduce the overwork on the facial muscles), etc. to get rid of the appearance of wrinkles at an early age.
You can also follow some other simple techniques like rubbing a fresh watermelon chunk or fresh tomatoes, applying egg white or cucumber juice mixed with yogurt or fresh lemon juice or carrot paste or avocado pulp or turmeric powder mixed with sugarcane juice on the wrinkled skin will help to clear the problem. Drink green tea or tomato juice or garlic or cabbage juice to heal your skin from inside.
Perform yoga, meditation, and deep breathing exercises regularly to keep your stress levels under control and thereby prevent wrinkles formation on the skin.
Avoid consuming dark chocolate (or cocoa), spicy or fried or salty or sugary foods, oily foods.
Always prefer to use organic skin care products rather than harsh chemical based products to prevent the damage of your skin.
Vaseline helps to lock the moisture in your skin and prevent wrinkles. So, apply a thin layer of Vaseline at night before bedtime. Leave for overnight and wash your face with lukewarm water in the next morning. Repeat regularly until you get relief from wrinkles and fine lines on the skin.
Final Word:
As you age you can see wrinkles on the skin, by using above home remedies you can reduce wrinkles and stop getting wrinkles. Let us know which remedy you have tried to treat wrinkles and what is the result after trying it in the below comments box.
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