Best Home Remedies for Tattoo Removal

Tattoo has been popular than ever why because most people choose to have them at some point of time in their life. Also, it makes you look different and interesting among the surrounding people with the type of tattoo you wear.

Although there are various reasons to remove the tattoos from the skin like poor design or bad tattoo, breakups or bad memories, obsolete tattoo, wrong message, wrong impression, change in the workplace code, change of the views, wrong place, etc. So, people for those who want to remove these unwanted tattoos then have a look at some of these effective home remedies it naturally.

However there are various treatments and cosmetics available in the market (like laser, dermabrasion and surgical excision), which are quite expensive and painful but the usage of natural remedies will help to fade these tattoos slowly and gradually remove it completely without causing any side effects on the skin.

Home Remedies to Remove Tattoos:


Here in this article, we are going to provide you some best ways of removing tattoos naturally on the skin. So, scroll down to know all of these natural ways and try them as per your convenience to fade and remove the tattoo naturally.

Let’s get started…

Remedy – 1: (Salabrasion)

Salabrasion (salt + dermabrasion) is a common and most simple way that widely used tattoos removal process. The upper layer of the skin (epidermis) will be peeled away gently by using salt compound to lighten up the tattoo and thereby regular follow up will definitely help to remove the tattoo on the skin.

What you need:

    Table salt – 1 to 1 ½ tablespoons
    Abrasive device
    Tap water

What you have to do:

    Start the process by shaving the affected skin area to remove any hair on the skin. This process will help to make it scrubbing less painful and more effective.
    Then rinse the area with mild antibacterial soap to make it free from bacteria and other microbes.
    Now mix table salt in enough water to make a paste and stir well.
    Apply this salt paste directly on the tattoo area and start scrubbing gently with an abrasive material.
    Continue scrubbing until you notice the raw skin but don’t worry if you observe any bruised skin after this scrubbing process.
    Leave it to get dry naturally and then dab some antibiotic cream on the affected area to prevent the risk of getting infection.
    Dress the area with a sterile bandage and remove it after 3 days.
    Repeat this salabrasion after 3 days on regular basis to fade the tattoo appearance.


    Or simply dip a moist gauze sponge in some salt and use it to scrub all over the tattoo affected skin area for about 20 – 30 minutes or till your skin become red. Finally, rinse the area with water.
    Also, dip a clean cloth in warm water and clean the tattooed area. Slather 1/2 cup of salt on the area and use this cloth to rub all over the affected skin area until it turn red. Rinse the area with warm water and dab a cotton ball soaked in hydrogen peroxide (antiseptic) to prevent infection. Let it dry and apply some vitamin E oil and wrap a medical gauze.
    Don’t scrub your skin aggressively and make sure to consult your doctor if you observe any intense pain and redness on the affected skin for proper diagnose to prevent getting infection.
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Remedy – 2: (Aloe Vera)

Aloe vera has various therapeutic properties which make it as an excellent remedy for treating various skin, hair and health related issues. We can use it alone or with other things like paederia tomentosa and vitamin E. It soothes the skin and thereby fades away the skin to remove the tattoo.

What you need:

    Aloe vera juice – 1 to 2 tablespoons
    Paderina tomentosa – 1 tablespoon
    Vitamin E capsules – 2 capsules
    Warm water

What you have to do:

    Take an enough quantity of fresh aloe vera juice/gel in a bowl.
    Then mix paederia tomentosa and vitamin E in this aloe vera gel.
    Stir well till it forms a fine paste and apply it on the tattoo.
    Massage this mix gently on the skin in circular motions for about 10 minutes.
    Finally, rinse off the area with warm water and continue this process daily till the tattoo fades away completely.
    For quick results, repeat the process after shower why because the skin after shower will have enough moisture with open pores.

Remedy – 3: (Grinding Stone and Sand Powder)

After knowing this grinding stone and sand powder, we hope you got an idea that it deals with abrasion. However, some people don’t choose this process why because it erases the unwanted tattoo from the skin in a painful way and thereby leaves your skin weak and thin but only thing is that it removes tattoos at home without making you pay a fortune in parlor.

What you need:

    Grinding stone
    Aloe vera gel

What you have to do:

    Combine some grind sand and grinding stone with enough aloe vera gel.
    Stir well to make a fine scrub paste and use it to rub on the tattoo skin gently for a few minutes.
    Rinse off with lukewarm water followed by cool water.
    Dry the skin gently and repeat the same process regularly to remove the tattoo ink on the skin.

Note: Or you can replace grinding stone with 1 part of apricot scrub (or walnut scrub) but make sure to see the rubbing intensity.

Remedy – 4: (Yogurt with Aloe Vera)

The combination of yogurt and aloe vera will work well in removing tattoos, especially for people with sensitive skin. It will fade away the tattoo by soothing the skin without causing any pain or skin thinning.

What you need:

    Aloe vera gel

What you have to do:

    Combine some plain yogurt in aloe vera gel and stir well.
    Apply this mixture on the tattoo area and rub it gently for a few minutes.
    Let the mixture dry on the skin naturally and then rinse off with water.
    Your skin will observe vitamin E and various other ingredients that make the skin look healthier even after removing tattoo on the skin.
    Continue the application of this aloe vera and yogurt mixture until the tattoo is fades and thereby vanishes completely.
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Remedy – 5: (Salt with Lemon Juice)

The combination of fresh lemon juice and salt will act as an excellent remedy that used to get rid of unwanted tattoo (small and light tattoo’s) on the skin. The salt acts as abrasive ingredient and also contains sodium and chlorine, which penetrates deeply into the skin layers and clear this tattoo.

Lemon has bleaching property that helps a lot in wiping off the ink color and thus removes tinting layers. So, this natural remedy helps a lot in clearing the tattoo on the skin.

What you need:

    Salt – 100 grams
    Lemon juice – 1 lemon
    Clean cotton ball
    Warm water

What you have to do:

    Always use freshly squeezed lemon juice (from 1 lemon) rather than bottled one for best results.
    Mix salt in enough lemon juice and stir well till it forms a paste.
    Apply this paste on the tattoo affected skin area by using a clean cotton ball.
    Rub it gently for a few minutes and rinse the skin with warm water.
    Continue doing the same process regularly until you get a complete relief from the tattoo on the skin.

Remedy – 6: (Honey)

Honey works well in removing tattoos, especially for tiny and light colored tattoos. It removes the tattoos by soothing the skin without causing irritation. Using honey alone will remove the tattoo but the usage of other ingredients like aloe vera, salt and yogurt will help a lot in clearing the tattoo effectively.

What you need:

    Honey – 2 tablespoons
    Aloe vera juice – 2 tablespoons
    Yogurt – 2 tablespoons
    Salt – 2 tablespoons
    Warm water

What you have to do:

    Combine equal quantities of aloe vera juice, salt, honey and yogurt in a bowl.
    Stir well to make a natural tattoo removal cream and apply it on the tattoo affected areas.
    Rub it gently over the skin for a few minutes and rinse off the skin with warm water after 30 – 45 minutes.
    Repeat the same process regularly until you get rid of these tattoos on the skin.

Note: Or simply mix some raw honey with aloe vera gel and use it to massage on the tattoo affected skin areas. Leave for 30 – 45 minutes and then rinse the skin with warm water. Do it several times daily.

Remedy – 7: (Lavender Oil)

Lavender essential oil is effective in removing tattoos, as it fades away the tattoo in a less time by reducing the scars, itching, redness and irritation on the affected area. You can apply it directly on the affected skin, as it won’t cause any irritation just like other essential oils.

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What you need:

    Lavender essential oil
    Cotton ball

What you have to do:

    Dip a clean cotton ball in lavender essential oil.
    Apply it on the tattooed area by massaging the skin gently.
    Let it dry naturally and repeat the same process for twice daily (once in morning and once at night) till the tattoo is cleared without any pain or side effects on the skin.

Remedy – 8: (Glycolic Acid)

Alpha hydroxy acid or glycolic acid is a well know ingredient for skin rejuvenating and lightening the scars or spots on the skin. This acid contains the concentration of malic acid, lactic acid and tartaric acid that are considered as a repellent of tattoo ink.

The application of this acid will inflame the skin and expels the ink out of the skin to make you enjoy desirable results.

What you need:

    Glycolic acid
    Cotton ball

What you have to do:

    Dip a cotton ball in glycolic acid and dab it gently on the tattooed skin.
    Massage gently for a couple of minutes and leave it to dry naturally.
    Do the same process regularly until you get a complete relief from the problem.

Tips and Precautions:

    Removing your tattoo with laser will cause a lot of pain, burning sensation, draws ink from the skin by going into a bloodstream, gives weird look and are costly to treat.
    Although, all these natural remedies are effective in removing tattoos on the skin but make sure to consult your dermatologist before using these remedies to know all about your skin type and how they work on the skin.
    If you’re allergic to any of the above mentioned home remedies then avoid using that natural remedy and proceed to use another one to get rid of tattoos on the skin.
    Covering your tattoo is another good option rather than exposing it out till you get rid of them on the skin.
    Always remember that the results may vary from one person to another and patience is the key to get effective results of removing your tattoos from the skin.
    Be sure to rinse and clean the skin before starting any of these natural remedies why because it clean the skin area and open up the skin pores to get best and quick results.
    The usage of other natural remedies like scrubbing gently hot condensed milk, onion dipped in vinegar, sand paper dipped in alcohol and baking soda paste (mixed with lemon juice and dish soap) on the tattoo area for a few minutes will definitely help you to get rid of tattoos.

Final Word:

All these natural remedies will give best results in gradually fading and removing tattoos on the skin. Do you know any other successful natural ways to remove tattoos on the skin? Then share your experience with us in the below comments section.

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