Baking Soda for Treating Constipation

Baking Soda for Treating Constipation

Constipation – occurs due to lack of proper fiber intake and dehydration which makes the feces to remain in the colon and gets harden. Thus it becomes more difficult to defecate. However if it is not treated on time, then it lead to stomach ulcers, bleeding and anal fistulas.

Other than using over the counter laxatives, try some natural one to get rid of constipation naturally with less cost and no side effects. Baking soda is one such natural DIY laxative that helps to move the hard stools or trapped feces.

Baking soda is a versatile ingredient that lies at the heart of home remedies. It works well for constipation and other digestive problems. Here are some of its properties mentioned that explains you on how it works to cure constipation.

    Baking soda acts as a natural antacid that helps to re – alkalizes the stomach and neutralizes its acid content for proper digestion and thereby regular bowel movement.
    It encourages the air to pass comfortably which in turn helps to relax the intestinal and digestive system.
    It effectively cleanses the colon for free flow of feces and relieves you from constipation.
    It acts as a natural laxative that loosens the bulky stools to pass it easily with less painful.
    It pulls water into the digestive tract and promotes muscle contractions to relieve the pain and ease the bowel movement.
    When it gets ingested then it brings salt, carbon dioxide and water into the digestive system and this reacts with the stomach acids that help to cleanse the colon and cure your constipation and its symptoms.
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How to use Baking Soda for Constipation:


Discover these amazing ways of using baking soda for constipation. All you have to do is to follow these methods regularly without any interruption.

Method – 1: (Baking Soda)

Baking soda alone is very effective in treating the constipation due to its mild laxative property.

Steps to be followed…

    Add 1 teaspoon of baking soda in ¼ cup of warm water (or normal water).
    Stir well and drink it immediately for moving up the things.
    Prefer to drink it in the morning on an empty stomach to break down the left over food and help it to pass more easily through the colon.
    But remember to drink plenty of water while using this method to prevent constipation.
    Repeat the same process once again after 4 hours, if you didn’t get any sign of bowel movement.

Baking Soda to Treat Constipation

Method – 2: (Baking Soda Bath for Constipation)

Baking soda bath helps to relieve rectal pain that was associated with constipation. It also relaxes the anal sphincter to produce a bowel movement.

Steps to be followed…

    Fill the bath tub with warm water and add 2 ounce of baking soda in it.
    Stir well and soak yourself for about 20 – 25 minutes.
    Dry your skin and repeat this bath regularly to relax the anal sphincter and to get rid of the constipation.

Method – 3: (Baking Soda with Apple Cider Vinegar)

Both baking soda and apple cider vinegar have mild laxative property that helps to treat constipation along with other digestive problems.

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Steps to be followed…

    Add 1 teaspoon of baking soda and 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in a bowl.
    Stir well and consume this mix for once or twice daily, depends upon your severity.
    Do the same process regularly till you got complete relief from constipation.

Baking Soda for Treating ConstipationNote:

    Or you can also add a pinch of sea salt in the above mix to enhance the bowel movement. But avoid overtaking it, as it causes diarrhea.
    Alternatively, add 2 tablespoons of cider vinegar and 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda in 1 glass of water. Stir well and drink it regularly to prevent constipation.

Method – 4: (Baking Soda with Lemon Juice)

Lemon has citric acid that helps to stimulate the intestine and flushes out the toxins (or impurities) that build up in colon walls. Baking soda helps to neutralize the acidity of lemon juice to prevent any excess acid that left in the digestive tract that causing pain and discomfort.

Steps to be followed…

    Add 1 teaspoon of baking soda and juice of half a lemon in 8 oz glass of water.
    Stir well till the fizz stops and drink it to relieve from all intestinal problems including bloating, constipation, upset stomach and gas.
    Drink this mix whenever you’re suffering from constipation to get relief from it.

Note: Or you can also add a pinch of salt to this mix before drinking to prevent constipation.

Tips and Precautions:

Here are few tips to follow for clearing constipation.

    Do some skin patch test before using baking soda to know whether it causing any allergic reaction like irritation or burning sensation on the applied areas.
    Drink plenty of water and consume fiber rich foods daily to get rid of constipation.
    Avoid over usage of laxatives or baking soda, as it reverses the condition and causes diarrhea or other digestive problems that in turn worsen gastrointestinal issues.
    Exercise regularly, consume healthy and easy to digest foods, sleep for at least 6 hours, don’t stop the urge to have bowel movement, have some warm water baths, do some yoga, etc. to get relief from constipation now and then.
    Consuming too much baking soda will cause some side effects like constipation, vomiting, ruptured stomach, muscle weakness, frequent urination, muscle spasms, diarrhea, irritability, etc.
    Baking soda is high in sodium content so consuming too much can raise some health problems. Also, people who are having high blood pressure, kidney or heart diseases, strictly follow low sodium diet, etc. should avoid using baking soda for constipation.
    Consult your doctor if you’re not getting regular bowel movements after using these natural remedies, for immediate treatment and medication to get relief from constipation.
    Be sure to avoid calcium rich food or supplements like milk, yogurt or cheese while using baking soda for constipation.
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Stop worrying in silence and have regular bowel movement with this baking soda. Hope you’ll find relief from baking soda and tell me your experience with us.

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