Apple Cider Vinegar for Removing Warts

How to use Apple Cider Vinegar for Warts

A small non-cancerous growth caused due to human papilloma virus (HPV) on the skin is termed as warts. These are harmless, painless but contagious skin problem from one body part to another and from one person to another. The virus simply enters into the body through tiny cuts and breaks in the skin.

It is a skin tumor that occurs alone or in large packs on any part of the body but most commonly on the hands and feet. Rather than using procedures like cryotherapy, laser therapy, duct tape, compound w, freezing kits and over the counter medications that has salicylic acid, you can simply follow the best and effective natural remedies at home that are safe and gives long lasting results.

Apple cider vinegar (ACV) is one among those natural home remedies for warts. Don’t you believe it, here we are presenting you the properties of apple cider vinegar which help you to know how it works on warts. Have a look on it.

    Apple cider vinegar is acidic in nature that attacks the surface of warts and makes it to drop off.
    It cures warts without forming any scars on the skin.
    It has antivirus, antimicrobial and antiseptic properties that control the HPV and makes it not to spread quickly.
    It has anti-inflammatory property that soothes the skin and cures warts without any pain or irritation.

How to use Apple Cider Vinegar for Warts:


There are many warts of using apple cider vinegar for removing warts. Here are 2 best apple cider vinegar methods for treating warts without any side effects.

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Method – 1: (Apple Cider Vinegar)

Apple Cider Vinegar alone can be used widely for treating warts on all over the skin. This process will turn the wart into black and then removes from the skin.

Steps to be followed…

    Gently scrub the wart with a pumice stone and wash off with water.
    Be sure that not to break any healthy skin and to cover it, apply Vaseline around the areas of the wart.
    Dip a cotton ball in apple cider vinegar and dab it over the wart, ensure that it covers the entire area.
    Then secure the cotton ball with a band aid and leave it on for few hours to overnight.
    Remove the cotton ball and repeat the same process regularly till the wart is eradicated.
    For best results, do this process in every night before bed time and remove it in the morning.

Note: For treating Genital warts, soak a toilet paper in ACV and place the paper directly on the warts with tweezers. Cover it with a band aid and remove the toilet paper after 4 – 5 hours.

Method – 2: (Apple Cider Vinegar with Water)

This process is used to treat common warts (warts on hands or fingers) and plantar warts (warts on the sole of the feet). Regular usage of apple cider vinegar will not only helps to remove warts but also reduces the chance of getting warts.

Steps to be followed…

    Mix equal parts of organic ACV and warm water in a large bowl.
    Stir well and soak the warts affected areas in this water for not less than 15 minutes.
    After that, remove the hands or feet and dry it thoroughly.
    Continue doing the same process regularly until you cleared warts from the skin.
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Note: Or add 5 – 8 tablespoons of ACV in your bathtub. Run warm water over it and soak yourself in this water for few minutes. Also, you can add this vinegar in a bucket of warm water and have your bath with this water for twice daily.

Tips and Precautions:

    Always use petroleum jelly or any other moisturizer for protecting the healthy skin around the warts from apple cider vinegar, as it irritates the skin a little bit.
    However constant usage of apple cider vinegar might cause some side effects like swelling and throbbing of the wart in certain cases. So, if you’re experiencing it then discontinue the use of ACV for warts.
    Never ever pick or pull the warts, it should fall off naturally or else it leads to the development of further warts and make the situation worse.
    You have to use organic apple cider vinegar daily until your warts have gone completely. But don’t peel off the outer layer of the warts why because sometimes the outer core of the wart has not been removed completely.
    Always prefer to use raw, organic, unfiltered and unpasteurized apple cider vinegar with mother in it for treating warts or any health or skin problems.
    For dry and sensitive skin people, dilute more of water in apple cider vinegar to prevent redness and pain caused due to acetic and malic acid in apple cider vinegar.
    Make sure to rinse your hands and clean the scratches or cuts regularly while applying ACV on warts. Consult your doctor if you didn’t find any relief from warts or it spreading to other parts.
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Use apple cider vinegar for treating these ugly warts or do you know any other apple cider vinegar methods for removing warts? Then share your experience with us.

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