7 Benefits of Drinking Baking Soda Water on an Empty Stomach

Baking soda or sodium bicarbonate is a chemical salt that reacts with an acid and becomes alkaline when mixed with water. It is widely used for baking, cleaning and deodorizing. Drinking baking soda mixed water will provide you with many undeniable benefits to the body. Drinking this baking soda water on an empty stomach will provide you relief from so many health and beauty problems.

Here in this article, you will find out the benefits which you get after consuming this water. Let’s have a look at them and consume this liquid diet to enjoy miraculous benefits.

Baking soda is not only used to prepare cookies but it provides relief from many unpleasant ailments. It effectively regulates the pH in the body, as we know that a large proportion of serious diseases will be caused due to this imbalance.

1. Antacid Effect:


When there is a backflow of stomach acid into the esophagus and causing a burning sensation in the throat then it leads to acid reflux or acid indigestion. Baking soda balances the pH levels by neutralizing the hydrochloric acid in the stomach. Baking soda will act as an antacid to fix this issue and enhance belching or burping to remove gas through the mouth and induce healing.

So, drinking 1 teaspoon of baking soda mixed in 1 glass of water on a regular basis will help you to get rid of acid reflux, bloating and heartburn.

How to Treat Acid Reflux using Baking Soda

Read More on How to Treat Acid Reflux using Baking Soda.

2. Alkalize the Body:

The imbalance in the pH of the body will make the body suffer from several serious health problems. Our body requires acidity for proper digestion of food but alkaline nature will make your body stay healthy. The reason is that the disease-causing germs or microbes will thrive in an acid environment and also some chronic diseases like cancer, arthritis and osteoporosis are associated with an increased acidity in the body.

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So, drink a glass of water mixed with baking soda on an empty stomach to alkalize your body and blood and thereby will prevent many health problems.

3. Prevent Kidney Stones:

Kidney stones are caused due to an iron deficiency or acidic nature rather than a genetic disorder. In certain cases, the body doesn’t exhibit any signs or symptoms while suffering from these stones. Other main reason for this formation of stones in your kidneys is the lack of proper hydration.

The baking soda helps to alkalize the urine to dissolve the calcium oxalate or uric acid stones which in turn helps to remove kidney stones. It helps to restore the pH of the body and thereby prevents stones formation of the kidneys along with enhancing their functioning.

Mix 1 tablespoon of baking soda in 10 oz of lukewarm water. Stir well and drink it immediately in the morning on an empty stomach. Regular intake of this water will dissolve the stones to a small size and thus pass it off from the body.

Check out more on How to use Baking Soda to clear Kidney Stones.

4. Preventing Urinary Infections:

Poor hygiene, low immunity, pregnancy, certain medications, etc. may result in developing the urinary tract infection (UTI) by simply growing the bacteria easily in the bladder. Baking soda exhibits antiseptic properties that reduce the acid levels in the urine and fight off the bacteria.

It raises the acid – base balance of acidic urine and also neutralizes the urine acidity for a speedy recovery from the problem. Simply mix 1 teaspoon of baking soda to 1 glass of water. Stir well and drink it once or twice daily.

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The best way to prevent this UTI problem is to drink adequate fluid consumption and cleaning the bladder area using bicarbonate of soda.

5. Gout Relief:

Gout is a type of arthritis that affects mostly hands and feet due to the accumulation of uric acid crystals within the joints. Baking soda will raise the pH levels to alkalize the blood, prevent crystallization and deposition in joints. It reduces the joint inflammation causing pains with its anti-inflammatory property.

Mix 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda in 1 glass of water. Stir till the baking soda dissolves completely and drink it immediately to get relief from gout and its pain.

How to Treat Gout using Baking Soda

Click here to know more about How to Treat Gout using Baking Soda.

6. Energy Booster:

Hard and heavy exercise will make you suffer from pain and fatigue. So, you can drink this baking soda to boost up your energy and performance. To prepare this supercharged energy drink, you have to mix 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda, 1 teaspoon of sea salt, 1 tablespoon of fresh lemon juice and 2 tablespoons of raw honey in 4 cups of water. Stir well and drink it.

7. Cleanse the Digestive Tract:

Baking soda, when mixed with lemon juice, will provide amazing results like performance booster, cleanse your gut and balances your pH levels. Mix 1 tablespoon of baking soda and a juice of 1 organic lemon in a clean quart glass jar. Then pour water to fill the jar to the top and cover it properly. Leave for overnight and drink 1 glass of water on an empty stomach and once before bedtime.

The Right Way to Drink Water with Baking Soda:

The urine is more acidic in the morning because the body had worked all night to clean itself, as the saliva pH will range within 7.0 to 7.4 before you drink anything and then it is expected to increase throughout the day. So, drink baking soda with water will help to balance the body.

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Drink baking soda water for twice daily, prefer to drink it on an empty stomach to provide right acids for proper digestion and for a proper functioning of the body parts. It’s best to monitor the pH and can increase the dose (another intake) till you observe improvement in your condition.

Tips and Precautions:

    Repeat the intake of baking soda water regularly to grab these benefits of baking soda.
    Baking soda is high in sodium content so, avoid overdrinking this baking soda, as it leads to some serious health problems.
    Pregnant or nursing women and children below 6 years should not drink baking soda.
    If you’re suffering from kidney problems, liver disease, high blood pressure or edema, etc. then you have to avoid the intake of baking soda.
    Consult your doctor to know whether any of the prescribed drugs may interact with baking soda (or) may cause any problem before drinking baking soda water.
    Avoid the intake of baking soda on a full stomach. Also, the consumption of baking soda will cause some side effects like stomach cramping, diarrhea, increased thirst, etc.

Final Word:

Drink baking soda on an empty stomach will exhibit excellent health benefits without any unpleasant side effects, as it is inexpensive and effective. Try to include baking soda water as a part of your daily routine and share your experience with us in the below comments box.

Source link wallx.net

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