7 Best Home Remedies to Treat Chlamydia Naturally

Do you know there are 3 million cases of Chlamydia are reported every year in the United States? According to statistics, 1 in every 6 people around worldwide contract the sexually transmitted diseases and one higher form of STD is chlamydia. Another statistic indicates that nearly 2/3rd of new infections are occurring in young adults whose age is between 15 – 24 years.

So, it is a most common sexually transmitted disease that infects both men and women. Unfortunately, most people don’t experience the chlamydia symptoms, which make it difficult to recognize, treat and thereby it spread easily.

It causes some serious and permanent damages to the reproductive system and thereby makes it complicated to get pregnancy (also ectopic pregnancy). Also, remember that a woman having chlamydia while pregnant then there is a possibility to get the baby infected during birth and may result in premature birth, severe eye infection or pneumonia.

So, when you’re infected with chlamydia then it is crucial to continue chlamydia treatments until the infections cleared completely. Most people don’t know what is chlamydia and how to identify (signs and symptoms).



It is a very common sexually transmitted disease that easily spreads through incidental contact, vaginal, oral and anal sex. Most of the young adults are getting the victim to this disease, many doctors are suggesting people should get tested before practicing a safe sex to protect themselves and their partner.

Testing chlamydia is an easy task, just a urine sample will tell whether you’re suffering from chlamydia disease or not. If your doctor suspect then he may order a culture test (gather fluid using a swab) in certain areas like eye, rectum or throat.

Signs and Symptoms of Chlamydia:

As per the Centers for Disease Control estimates that 75% of women and 50% of men don’t recognize the symptoms of chlamydia. So, here we are explaining you the signs and symptoms of chlamydia which helps you to recognize the problem early.

Chlamydia symptoms in women include lower abdominal pain, painful urination, painful sexual intercourse, vaginal discharge, bleeding after sex and between periods, inflammation or infection in the eyes, rectal pain and discharge, persistent sore throat, fever, nausea, lower back pain, etc.

Chlamydia symptoms in men include painful urination, testicular tenderness, and swelling, rectal pain and discharge, cloudy or thick discharge from the penis, sore throat, redness or itching along with swelling at the opening of the urethra, etc.

The most common risk factors for chlamydia include improper usage of condoms, multiple sexual partners, having unprotected sex, being sexually active or having a partner who is considered at high risk, etc. However, the study brings to light new information about the potential risk factor is that the exact reason behind this disease is unclear till now. In general, if you’re diagnosed with chlamydia then your doctor will prescribe an oral antibiotic for a period of 5 – 10 days (depends on the severity of infection).

Until this course of antibiotics completed, you should refrain from sexual contact why because within this period also, there is a possibility of spreading chlamydia to your partner. The most commonly prescribed antibiotics for chlamydia are erythromycin, doxycycline, azithromycin, levofloxacin, etc. but the main drawback is that they contain some serious side effects and can’t cure the disease completely.

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So, most people are choosing natural remedies to treat chlamydia, which are not only safe to cure but also gives long lasting results. Here in this article, we are explaining you the best natural remedies that help you in getting rid of chlamydia completely.

Home Remedies to Get Rid of Chlamydia:

These natural home remedies will ease the chlamydia symptoms and stop the growth of bacteria naturally in a safe and cost-effective manner.

Let’s get started…

Remedy – 1: (Garlic)

Due to its pungent aroma and culinary merits, garlic has been used as raw garlic for thousands of years to treat various health problems. The natural antibiotic and antiviral properties of garlic will help to alleviate chlamydia and its symptoms.

It has natural chemicals like allicin in raw garlic exhibits antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral and antiprotozoal properties that help to kill the bacteria and thereby clear the infection.  Regular consumption of garlic will definitely help you in treating various health and beauty problems, including chlamydia & other STD’s.

Incorporate more garlic in your daily diet to boost up your immune system and thereby to prevent these infections or its recurrence. Simply consume 2 – 4 raw cloves of garlic per day (chopped or crushed) before or during a meal.

You can also take garlic capsules, which are easily available in health food stores after consulting your doctor for proper dosage and timing. The main drawback of consuming raw garlic is that it causes bad breath or body odor.

Never exceed consuming garlic (3 – 4 cloves) or its equivalent quantity per day why because too much consumption will result in diarrhea, vomiting, nausea, upset stomach, etc. So, consume the recommended quantity without any excess to get rid of the problem without any side effects before using.

Remedy – 2: (Sage)

Sage is a perennial herbal remedy that widely used to ward off chlamydia by cleaning the immune system quickly. It is an excellent remedy used to treat genital infections along with soothing the discomforts which are associated with the disease with its antibacterial, antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties.

Prepare a sage tea by steeping 1 teaspoon of dried sage leaves powder (few fresh sage leaves) in 1 cup of boiling water. Cover it and let it steep for a couple of minutes. Strain and drink this warm sage tea for 2 – 3 times daily for a few weeks until you get relief from the chlamydia symptoms without any side effects.

Remedy – 3: (Goldenseal)

Goldenseal contains a plant alkaloid called berberine that helps to fight against the bacteria and virus with its antimicrobial properties. It is also effective in treating chlamydia of the eye by using eye drops prepared from berberine.

It is a natural antibiotic and used as an immune system stimulant (increases white blood cell count) that helps a lot in treating this chlamydia and its symptoms. It is recommended to consume up to 1000 mg of this goldenseal herb for thrice daily to get safe and effective results.

For treating vaginal or rectal infection, prepare a douche with this herb to remove the bacteria from the genitals and other discomforts, itching and other symptoms associated with chlamydia.

Pour powder from 1 goldenseal capsule and 1/4 teaspoon of salt in 1 cup of warm water. Stir well till all the ingredients are mixed thoroughly. Let it sit for at least 5 minutes before using this douche. Finally, clean with the douche for twice daily until it eliminates the bacteria completely.

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Prefer to perform both consumption and douching of goldenseal regularly (not more than 3 consecutive weeks) to get complete relief from the chlamydia.

Remedy – 4: (Echinacea)

Echinacea is another effective remedy used to treat various problems like sore throats, snake bites, cough, cold, intestinal upset, pain, etc. It works well in treating STDs (that includes chlamydia or gonorrhea with its antimicrobial properties.

You can take Echinacea in either capsule or a tincture form for getting rid of this infection. It acts as a lymph cleanser and immune booster that kill off various ranges of pathogens, including the bacteria causing chlamydia.

The recommended dosage is to take up to 30 drops of a tincture (or) 200 – 500 milligrams in capsules form (or) as a tea (or) in powdered form for 3 – 4 times per day regularly for at least 10 days to clear the infection completely from the body.

Regular consumption of 10 mg per kilogram of body weight for over 10 days will help to clear the infection and occasional intake of this herb will prevent the recurrence.

Remedy – 5: (Oregano Oil)

Oregano oil is another effective remedy used widely to cure chlamydia and other STDs because of its antimicrobial properties that help to treat microbial action in the body. It has two essential healing compounds such as thymol and carvacrol that acts as a natural infection fighter. But remember that over usage of ingesting oregano oil will cause some harm like irritation and itching to the skin.

Add 1 – 2 drops of oregano oil in 1 cup of water (at room temperature) and stir well till the oil mixed thoroughly in water. Then consume this water immediately (if you let the oil-water sit then oregano oil gets separated from the water), which in turn makes it hard to consume.

Adults can take an oregano oil capsule of 45 mg daily but make sure that pregnant and breastfeeding women should avoid the intake of oregano oil. Regular intake will give relief naturally.

Note: Or simply you can apply tea tree oil diluted any carrier oil on the affected area regularly to get relief from the problem (or) mix few drops of tea tree oil in 2 cups of water and use it to rinse the genital area.

Remedy – 6: (Saw Palmetto)

Saw palmetto contains antibacterial and antiseptic properties that help to clear urinary tract infections along with other genital infections, including chlamydia. It has rich content of fatty acids and phytosterols that not only helps to eliminate bacteria but also heals the infected tissues faster and clears reproductive illness.

Simply take capsules of saw palmetto (which you can find at local health stores) directly on regular basis after consulting your doctor for proper dosage to clear this infection.

Remedy – 7: (Diet Plan)

Diet doesn’t have any direct connection with chlamydia but helps the body to prevent the growth of bacteria and thereby getting worse. So, consuming a healthy diet will help to boost up the immune system and produces more of white blood cells to get faster recovery and aids in treating chlamydia.

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Here are some food items that you should include in your daily diet till chlamydia infections clear completely.

    Probiotics rich foods which help to enhance the level of healthy bacteria and lowers the bad bacteria to fight chlamydia and support healthy digestive system along with strengthening the immune system. So, consume probiotic-rich foods and drinks as a part of your daily diet.
    Include leafy greens like alfalfa, wheat grass, kale, chlorella or barley grass to enhance your immunity and to get relief from the problem.
    Fiber-rich and alkaline forming food (like whole grains, nuts, beans or seeds) will help to hasten the recovery and treatment of chlamydia.
    Fresh fruits and vegetables, fresh fish, etc. which are full of vitamins, minerals or proteins have to be included in your diet.
    Make sure to avoid certain foods like sugar, caffeine, butter, alcohol, red meats, processed or refined foods, canned foods, junk foods, whole fat dairy products and fast foods why because it may enhance the bacterial growth and thereby worsen the infection.
    Drink plenty of water and other healthy fluids like lemon juice, honey water, herbal teas or any healthy fruit juices, etc. which help to stay hydrated and assist the body in flushing out these toxins causing this infection and allow the body to function properly.

Tips and Precautions:

    Make sure to take chlamydia test before engaging in a sexual activity to know whether you’ve knocked down the infection.
    Regular application of neem oil or crushed neem seeds or neem based creams regularly on the infected areas will help to clear the infection completely. Also, drink neem tea or go for neem douche to cure the infection.
    If chlamydia left untreated then it causes some serious health problems like cervicitis, proctitis, urethritis, pelvic inflammatory disease, tubal factor infertility, ectopic pregnancy, etc.
    Avoid sex with multiple partners or with an infected partner as this will definitely result in spreading this bacterial infection from this one to another. Always perform safe sex practices to get rid of this infection.
    You can also use other natural remedies like cat’s claw (500 mg for 3 – 4 times daily), olive tree extract (orally or topically), turmeric (add to your diet), Usnea (take as tea or capsules), etc. will help to treat chlamydia disease and its symptoms.
    Test yourself regularly especially after intercourse with a new partner or anytime you had unprotected sex.
    Consult your doctor if you didn’t get any relief from these signs and symptoms of chlamydia for proper diagnose and treatment.
    Avoid douching with any OTC or commercial vaginal products, as it kills good bacteria along with the infection. Remember to maintain an honest relationship with your partner and also take proper measures to ensure anal, oral or vaginal sex is done in a safe and protected way.
    Also, use dental dams or condoms to prevent the infection and be careful that not to perform any unprotected sex.

Final Word:

Try these natural ways to clear these sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) that include chlamydia. Do you know any other successful home remedies to treat chlamydia naturally? Then share your experience with us in the below comments box.

Source link wallx.net

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