9 Effective Remedies to Get Rid of Vaginal Itching

One of the most embarrassing moments in women’s life is suffering from vaginal itching and burning sensation around the vulva. However women of all ages will experience this problem but it is also seen in men and pre-teen.

Before going to know the natural remedies for treating this vaginal itching, let’s know about the causes and symptoms of vaginal itching.

Causes for Vaginal Itching:


Have a look at some of the causes of vaginal itching.

    Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)
    Yeast infection due to vaginal candidiasis
    Weak immune system
    Usage of certain medications
    Chemical irritants such as laundry detergents, condoms, creams, etc.
    Lichen sclerosis
    Bacterial vaginosis
    Vaginal pinworm infections
    Pregnancy or hormonal imbalance

Symptoms of Vaginal Itching:

Pain, itching and burning sensation in and around vagina and vulva is quite common symptoms experienced by people suffering from this problem. Now, let’s know some other symptoms…

    Vaginal discharge and fishy odor
    Redness around the vulva
    Constant itching and scaling on the vaginal area
    Vaginal bleeding
    Pain and inflammation of the vagina
    Painful urination or intercourse

Women and children are more prone to this problem in which the itching, burning or irritation in the sensitive skin areas will make them really uncomfortable and embarrassing.

However there are various over the counter medications and treatments available for curing this vaginal infections & itching but the usage of natural remedies will help you in dealing with this itching.

Remember that other than using these remedies, you should maintain proper skincare hygiene, well – balanced diet and follow a healthy lifestyle to stop this vaginal itching or burning sensation.

Home Remedies for Vaginal Itching:

Here are some simple yet effective natural remedies that help you in dealing with this vaginal itching and give relief from its symptoms.

Let’s get started…

Remedy – 1: (Apple Cider Vinegar)

Apple cider vinegar (ACV) contains antibacterial, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties that help to clear the infection causing microbes. It also helps a lot in neutralizing the pH balance of the vagina and gives you relief from the itching and irritation.

You can use this apple cider vinegar both internally and externally.

Method – 1: (External Application)

Rinsing with apple cider vinegar will help you to clear the microbes causing this itching and irritation.

What you need:
    Apple cider vinegar – 2 tablespoons
    Warm water – 1 glass
What you have to do:
    Combine raw and unfiltered apple cider vinegar in warm water.
    Stir well and use this apple cider vinegar water to rinse your vagina.
    Let it dry naturally and repeat the same process for twice daily until the infection and itching is cleared completely.

Note: Or simply rub this water diluted apple cider vinegar mix on the itchy skin by using a cotton ball and leave it. Repeat this application for once daily till you get relief from the problem.

Method – 2: (Internal Application)

Internal intake of ACV will help to strengthen your immune system and thereby clear the infection causing microbes.

What you need:
    Apple cider vinegar – 1 tablespoon
    Raw honey – 1 teaspoon
    Warm water – 1 glass
What you have to do:
    Combine apple cider vinegar and raw honey in warm water and stir well.
    Consume this apple cider vinegar drink to strengthen your immune system and to balance your vaginal pH level.
    Continue the intake of this apple cider vinegar till you get a complete relief from this itching and irritation in the vaginal area.

Remedy – 2: (Cold Compress)

A cold compress will give an instant relief from the vaginal itching by simply numbing the affected area. It helps to reduce the irritation, pain, itching and inflammation by soothing the affected skin area.

What you need:
What you have to do:
    Take a few ice cubes and wrap them in a clean cloth.
    Tie it thoroughly as a pack and place it on the vagina.
    Leave it for a few minutes and then take a break of about 30 – 40 seconds and reapply it.
    Continue doing this process until you find itching, irritation and inflammation in the vaginal area has stopped completely.

Note: Also, use cold water to rinse your vaginal area for a few times daily to get rid of vaginal itching.

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Remedy – 3: (Salt Water Bath)

Most of us know that salt will inhibit the growth of microbes causing the infection and itching. All you need is to enjoy a salt water bath to relieve the itching on those sensitive skin areas.

Method – 1: (Salt Water Rinse)

This rinse will give you a complete relief from this itching by clearing the bacteria or other microbes causing the infection and itching.

What you need:
    Salt – 1/2 cup
    Warm water
What you have to do:
    Pour salt in your bathtub and run warm water over it.
    Stir well and sit in this warm salt water in a squatting position for about 10 – 15 minutes.
    This process will help to clear the microbes and thereby soothes the skin to clear itching and irritation.


    Or simply stir 1 tablespoon of salt in 1 glass of water and use this salt water to rinse your vagina whenever you feel itching to get instant relief.
    Never ever apply or use salt remedies where the skin tears or having open sores.

Method – 2: (Salt with Carom Seeds)

Both salt and carom seeds will give a quick relief from this vaginal itching and irritation.

What you need:
    Sea salt – 1 teaspoon
    Crushed carom seeds – 1 teaspoon
    Water – 1 cup
What you have to do:
    Add sea salt in boiling water and wait for 5 minutes.
    Now add carom seeds to this water and leave the mix to get cool down till it reaches room temperature.
    Then apply this mixture on the irritated skin area with the help of cotton ball
    Leave for a few minutes and rinse the area with water.
    Continue doing the same process to get relief from the vaginal itching.

Note: Or add a few drops of eucalyptus oil to this mix to rinse your vaginal area. But this method is not recommended for pregnant women and people suffering from central nervous system disorders or high blood pressure.

Remedy – 4: (Yogurt)

The active cultures in plain, unsweetened yogurt will help to stop itching and burning sensation in and around the vagina. These cultures and probiotic content will help to control the spread of infection, kill the yeast and bad bacteria in the body by enhancing the growth of good bacteria.

What you need:
    Yogurt – 1/2 cup
What you have to do:
    Take a tampon and dip it in yogurt for a couple of minutes.
    Take out the tampon and insert it in the vagina.
    Let it sit for about 2 hours and discard the tampon.
    Repeat the same process for twice daily until you get a complete relief from the problem.

Note: Or simply consume a few cups of plain and unsweetened yogurt daily to strengthen your immune system and to clear this itching.

Remedy – 5: (Garlic)

The antibiotic, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties of garlic will help to kill the microbes like bacteria and yeast. It also strengthens the immune system and thereby helps to body to clear the infection and itching.

Method – 1: (Garlic Oil)

Garlic will help to treat various skin and health related issues, including vaginal yeast infection and itching.

What you need:
    Garlic oil
    Vitamin E oil – 1 teaspoon
    Warm water
What you have to do:
    Pour a few drops of garlic oil in vitamin E oil and dilute it thoroughly.
    Stir and apply it on the affected skin area.
    Leave it for about 10 minutes and rinse off with warm water.
    Dry the area and repeat the same process for twice daily for a few weeks until you get relief from the problem.

Method – 2: (Garlic with Turmeric)

Both of these ingredients exhibits antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that help to prevent the infection and itching caused in and around the vaginal area.

What you need:
    Crushed garlic cloves – 1/2 teaspoon
    Turmeric – 1/2 teaspoon
What you have to do:
    Combine crushed garlic cloves and turmeric powder till it forms a paste.
    Mix enough water to this paste to get a homogenous mix.
    Dab this mixture on the irritated skin area by using a cotton ball.
    Let it sit for about 10 – 15 minutes and rinse off with water.
    Continue doing the same process for twice daily till you get relief from the problem.
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Note: Or simply chew 3 – 4 cloves of raw garlic everyday (or) take garlic supplements after consulting your doctor (for proper dosage as per your health condition) to strengthen the immunity and thereby to get rid of vaginal itching and irritation.

Remedy – 6: (Indian Lilac)

Indian lilac (or neem) acts as an excellent remedy for those people who are suffering from itching or irritation. It has antibacterial, antimicrobial, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties that help a lot in fighting against the infection and thus reduces itching and other symptoms caused by vaginal itching.

Here are a few ways of using neem for treating vaginal itching.

Method – 1: (Indian Lilac Rinse)

What you need:
    Neem leaves – handful
    Water – 2 to 3 cups
What you have to do:
    Pour a handful of fresh neem leaves and water in a pan.
    Boil it for a few minutes and strain the neem water.
    Let it cool for a few minutes and use this Indian lilac water as a rinse for the vagina area.
    Continue doing the same process for once or twice daily until you get a complete relief from this vaginal itching and irritation.

Method – 2: (Neem Oil)

Neem oil is another effective natural antibiotic and antiseptic agent that helps a lot in combating the microbial action and thereby clears the infection along with itching and irritation.

What you need:
    Neem oil
    Lukewarm water – 1 bowl
What you have to do:
    Pour a few drops of neem oil in lukewarm water and stir well.
    Use this neem oil solution to wash the vaginal area.
    Let it dry naturally and continue the same process twice daily for a couple of weeks.

Note: Or simply mix a few drops of neem oil with coconut oil and apply this oil mixture on the vagina and its surrounding areas and let it sit for about 15 – 20 minutes and wipe it off thoroughly.

Method – 3: (Indian Lilac with Turmeric)

Both turmeric and neem contains antibacterial, antimicrobial, antiseptic and anti-itching properties that help to give relief from the itching and irritation in the vaginal area.

What you need:
    Indian lilac leaves – 1 cup
    Ground turmeric – 1 tablespoon
What you have to do:
    Pour neem leaves and turmeric powder in a blender and grind them to make a fine paste.
    Apply this paste on the irritated skin area and let it sit for about 15 – 20 minutes.
    Finally, rinse off with cold water and repeat the same process for a few times a week until you get complete relief from itching.

Note: Or simply take neem capsules (or) neem tea after consulting your doctor for proper dosage and treatment.

Remedy – 7: (Kefir)

Kefir is a fermented dairy product which is enriched with probiotics that help to maintain the vaginal pH balance and thereby relieves you vaginal itching and irritation.

The lactobacillus and bifidus are the probiotic bacteria in kefir helps a lot in getting rid of bacterial and yeast infection that causing itching and irritation. This dairy will help to boost up the immune system to get a complete relief from these infections.

What you need:
What you have to do:
    Take a tampon and dip it in the kefir mixture for a couple of minutes.
    Insert this tampon into the vagina and leave it for two hours.
    Discard the tampon and continue doing the same process for twice daily until you get rid of vaginal itching and irritation.

Note: Or drink 1 – 2 cups of kefir regularly to enhance the immune system and to get relief from the problem.

Remedy – 8: (Honey)

The usage of raw and unpasteurized honey will help to stop itching and soothes the irritated skin. It has antifungal, antibacterial, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties will combat the action of microbes causing this problem.

What you need:
What you have to do:
    Take raw and unpasteurized honey and spread it on the affected area as a soothing ointment.
    Let it sit for about 30 – 45 minutes and then take your bath by using warm water.
    Dry your skin gently and repeat the same process for at least twice daily till the symptoms get cleared completely.
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    Or simply stir 1 – 2 tablespoons of raw and unpasteurized honey in 1 glass of warm water and consume it for twice daily.
    Or else mix 1 teaspoon each of baking soda and honey to form balls of about half a centimeter in diameter and place it on a plate. Cover these balls with foil and refrigerate them. Finally, place a ball in the vagina once in every morning, afternoon and evening. Leave it to dissolve to get rid of itching.

Remedy – 9: (Cranberry Juice)

Cranberries create a hostile acidic nature that helps to treat vaginal itching and irritation by simply inhibiting the growth of bacteria, yeast and other microbes. Make sure to drink unsweetened cranberry juice to prevent urinary tract and other bladder infections.

What you need:
    Unsweetened cranberry juice – 2 glasses
What you have to do:
    Drink unsweetened cranberry juice to boost your immunity and to keep your vaginal area infection free.
    Continue the intake of 2 glasses of this juice daily till you feel itching and irritation has stopped completely.

Note: If you didn’t find cranberry juice then simply take cranberry tablets after consulting your doctor for proper dosage as per your health condition.

Tips and Precautions:

    Boric acid exhibits antifungal, antimicrobial and antiseptic properties that help to reduce the relief from vaginal itching and irritation. So, simply dilute some boric acid in enough water to make a fine solution. Apply it all over the affected area and rinse off with warm water thoroughly after a couple of minutes. Do it once daily for a few weeks.
    Make sure to keep your vaginal area dry why because the moisture will worsen the problem and thereby causes severe itching and irritation in and around the vaginal area.
    Wipe away the vaginal area from front to back after using toilet and also maintain good hygiene to clear this vaginal itching.
    Always wear only cotton underwear and change it for twice daily. Also, sleep without wearing your underwear to reduce and prevent itching.
    Avoid the usage of scented sanitary pads and other chemical irritants along with bubble baths to reduce the itching and irritation in and around the vaginal area.
    Avoid the douching or usage of harsh soaps to rinse the vaginal area and also resist the temptation of scratching the area.
    Stop participating in sexual intercourse till you get a complete relief from the itching and burning sensation.
    Always wear loose clothing but not tight clothes or fabrics why because the loose clothes will allow air to keep the body dry and relieves your sweat.
    The use of other natural remedies like tea tree oil, chamomile tea, coconut oil, sea salt or Epsom salt, basil leaves, rosemary leaves, patchouli essential oil, aloe vera gel, oregano oil, dandelion, etc. will help you in getting relief from the vaginal itching.
    Take your shower regularly for twice daily, especially after swimming or exercising.
    The intake of healthy diet, especially foods rich in vitamin C will help to strengthen your immune system and thereby to reduce the infections. Also, reduce the intake of sugar while suffering from this vaginal itching caused by yeast or any bacterial infections.
    Make sure to consult your doctor if you didn’t find complete relief from this vaginal itching for proper diagnose and treatment.
    Drink plenty of water and avoid the intake of refined carbohydrates, wines (or alcohol), sweetened or carbonated drinks. Consume a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables along with fermented foods to prevent the infection causing microbes.

Final Word:

Although, most of the cases, vaginal itching is no cause for concern unless if you’re suffering from extreme itching and irritation. Try these natural remedies to get relief from the itching and irritation in and around the vaginal area.

Do you know any other successful natural remedies for relieving your vaginal itching and burning sensation? Then share your experience with us in the below comments section.

Source link wallx.net

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