9 Effective Remedies for Pinworm

Pinworm ( an intestinal parasite) is most common infections in humans that cause intense rectal itching. These worms travel unknowingly into the digestive system and lay its eggs in the skin folds near the anus area.

In general, the pinworm crawls out of the anus at night to lay its eggs for its growth. However, the transmission occurs easily among children those who often place their fingers in the mouth.

The eggs of pinworm become lodged under the fingernails during scratching and thereby re-ingested into the body while eating. Thus the cycle of infestation continues. The first thing you should know about the causes of this infection to prevent its recurrence.

So, let’s have a look at some of the causes and symptoms of pinworms.

Consuming unsanitary foods, contaminated drinks and wearing unclean and unhygienic sheets or clothes are the main causes for pinworms. Sharing personal items and foods with the infected person will also cause this infection. Always be cautious while handling the contaminated sheets or cloths.

If this infection is not treated completely or well them it can result in some serious complications. The infected person should experience certain symptoms like itching, urinary tract infections, insomnia, bladder infections, irritation, poor sleep, bleeding from intense scratching, etc.

Pinworm infections in its severest form will lead to vomiting, irritability, insomnia, weight loss, appendicitis, nausea and bed wetting. The usage of over the counter creams or lotions, which are used to kill the adult worms but the eggs still remain in the rectal region and hatch again to cause the infection.

The Mother Nature has given many natural remedies to clear various health and skin problems completely, including these pinworms. Use these natural remedies with proper skincare hygiene and consuming healthy diet will help to get rid of pinworms easily.

Home Remedies to Get Rid of Pinworm:


Here are some best natural remedies which are easily available at home that treat your pinworms along with the eggs to get complete relief from the infection in a safe and effective way.

Let’s get started…

Remedy – 1: (Diet Plan)

Here is the diet plan for the people those who are suffering from pinworms. Include them in your daily diet for getting quick relief from the problem.

    Include fresh fruits and vegetables & always remember to rinse them thoroughly before consuming.
    Avoid the foods that are high in sugar and carbohydrates, as it will enhance the growth of pinworms.
    High fiber foods like whole wheat, bran, and raisins will add bulk to your stool and thereby flush out the impurities and pinworms from the system.
    Probiotics help to keep the intestinal tract healthy by stimulating the healthy bacteria and makes it unfriendly for pinworm. So, include probiotic-rich foods in your diet. Or consume 2 probiotic supplements (or 1 cup of yogurt) after consulting your doctor.
    Drink plenty of water and other healthy fluids that help to keep you stay hydrated and to get rid of pinworm from the body.

Remedy – 2: (Garlic)

Garlic exhibits antimicrobial, antiseptic, anthelmintic and anti-inflammatory properties that help to clear the intestinal parasites along with relieving your itching and irritation. It removes the pinworms straight from the intestines and also destroys the eggs to prevent its recurrence.

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Here are few ways of using garlic for treating pinworm infection.

    Take few garlic cloves and make a paste by crushing it thoroughly. Then mix some petroleum jelly (or base oil) to this crushed garlic paste. Stir well and apply it directly on the anal areas of the skin. Leave it for few minutes and rinse the area with water. Dry the area gently to get relief from intense itching. Regular follow up of this application will clear the pinworms & its eggs.
    Include garlic in your diet like adding garlic to the soup, sauces, pasta, sprinkling on bread, as a seasoning or consuming garlic clove directly to clear this infection.
    Blend few garlic cloves with raw organic apple cider vinegar for a couple of minutes and pour this mix in an airtight container. Consume this concoction by adding some honey to get relief from pinworm.
    Taking garlic capsules or supplements for twice daily will also help you to get rid of the pinworms but make sure to consult your doctor before using garlic capsules to know the right time and proper dosage.

Note: Don’t use garlic especially if you have sensitive skin or broken skin or suffering from hemorrhoids or inflammation.

Remedy – 3: (Grapefruit Seed Extract)

Grapefruit seed extract (GSE) has antiparasitic nature that helps to kill all the pinworms in the intestine and thereby removes the infection quickly and effectively.

    Pour 10 drops of grapefruit seed extract in 8 ounces of water.
    Stir well and drink this mix for thrice a day to flush out these parasites from the system.
    Regular intake will help you to get fast results.

Note: Also, take grapefruit seed extract in capsule form and the recommended dosage is 100 mg that divided into three times a day.

Remedy – 4: (Coconut Oil)

Coconut oil has antibacterial, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties that help you in dealing with a pinworm infection. It has healthy fats and essential nutrients that help to eradicate all types of microbes and worms causing infections.

Here are few ways of using coconut for treating pinworm infections.

    Grate some coconut and consume 1 teaspoon in the morning time while having breakfast. Or simply add tender coconut in your daily diet. Make sure to consume 1 tablespoon of castor oil after 3 hours of taking a coconut to flush out the pinworms and its eggs.
    Swallow 1 teaspoon of pure coconut oil in every morning and apply enough coconut oil on the pinworm affected areas at night before bedtime. Massage gently and leave for overnight. Repeat it regularly.
    Mix 1 teaspoon each of warm coconut oil and castor oil and stir well to apply it on the anus area to reduce the redness, itching, irritation, and inflammation. Continue it for thrice daily to get better sleep.

Remedy – 5: (Carrots & Cabbage)

Both carrot and cabbage contain natural sulphur and fiber compounds that help a lot in removing the pinworms from the intestine. They help to improve proper digestion and thereby promote bowel movement.

    Take a carrot (or shred a cabbage) and grate it properly in the morning time.
    Consume this carrot or cabbage in every morning.
    Regular intake of this food for 2 – 4 days will help to destroy the pinworm and its eggs in the body.
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Note: Onions has a rich source of sulfur. Slice a medium onion and soak it in a pitcher of water for overnight. In the next morning, drink this liquid thrice daily to get rid of pinworms from the intestine.

Remedy – 6: (Bitter Gourd)

Most of us, know that bitter gourd is very effective medicine used to reduce diabetes but do you know that it is used to treat pinworms and all other worms as well in the intestine. The intake of bitter gourd will help to flush out the pinworms and its eggs from the body.

    Take 2 bitter gourds and extract its juice by using a food processor or blender.
    Pour this juice in a glass and consume it to get rid of pinworm infections.
    Regular intake of this bitter gourd juice for a week will help you to get complete relief from pinworms and its eggs on the skin along with its recurrence.

Remedy – 7: (Pumpkin Seeds)

The presence of an anthelmintic substance in pumpkin seeds will help to flush out the intestinal parasites. These seeds have high levels of cucurnitins compounds which are used to paralyze the pinworms. So, pumpkin seeds are another effective remedy for treating pinworms and its eggs from the body.

Here are few ways of using Pumpkin seeds to clear pinworms.

    Take a handful of pumpkin seeds and crush them properly. Then take 2 cups of water and heat it on a low flame. Add these crushed seeds in this water and heat it for 2 hours. Let it cool completely and consume 1 tablespoon of this water for every hour. Remember that it should be taken by a laxative after 2 hours and oatmeal after another 2 hours.
    Blend 1 cup of pumpkin seeds and mix it with 1 cup of plain yogurt (or coconut milk or coconut water) to make a fine paste. Consume this in a bowl as a breakfast with your empty stomach in the morning. After an hour of consumption, make sure to drink 1 glass of water.
    You can also get the same benefits by using squash seeds. Simply boil 50 grams of crushed or smashed squash seeds for about 15 minutes and filter the water. Let it cool for few minutes and drink a small glass in between meals throughout the day.

Note: The dosage of pumpkin seeds for adults will be 300 grams, for children 50 – 150 grams (depending on their age).

Remedy – 8: (Wormwood)

The active ingredients like santonine, thujone and isothujone that help to remove the parasites from the body. The water obtained from gulping wormwood from the throat will reach the intestine and thereby weakens the membranes of the parasites and thereby kill them completely.

    Pour 1 teaspoon of wormwood in a cup of water and boil it for few minutes.
    Let it cool for few minutes and drink it in the morning on an empty stomach.
    Continue drinking this wormwood tea for every 2 hours for complete removal of parasites (including pinworm and its eggs) from the body.
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Remedy – 9: (Apple Cider Vinegar)

Apple cider vinegar (ACV) is another perfect solution for treating pinworms. It doesn’t kill the worms in the intestine but helps to get rid of the body with continuous applications.

    Add 2 teaspoons of organic and unfiltered ACV in 1 glass of water.
    Stir well and drink it to lower the pH levels in the intestine and makes it as a hostile environment for worms to thrive in the body.
    Regular intake of ACV will help to prevent the worm from getting multiplied into the system and also prevents its recurrence.

Other Effective Remedies:

    White Willow Bark is effective in treating pinworm with its rich content of salicylic acid. So, use it regularly to get rid of the problem.
    Food grade diatomaceous earth can dehydrate the pinworm and kill them slowly. All you need is to apply it on the affected area and rinse off with water after few minutes.
    Grind 1 part of clove with 10 parts of flaxseeds until it forms a fine powder. Add this mix to your meal for a month by simply consuming it for 3 days and then three days off on regular basis.

Tips and Precautions:

    Proper hygiene is the key to prevent these pinworms. Follow these hygienic tips to stay away from the infection of pinworms.
    Rinse your hands before and after using the bathroom, upon awakening, consuming foods with mild soap and warm water.
    Trim & clean your nails regularly to prevent the eggs gets into the nails and causing infections. Also, stop the habit of biting your nails, as it is the main way to get the eggs into the body.
    While washing infected sheets or clothes, make sure to wear gloves and wash them in hot water to prevent the inhalation of the eggs.
    Make sure to consult your doctor when your symptoms persist or experiencing stomach cramps or blood in the urine (stool) for proper diagnoses and treatment, as any delay in treatment can put you at risk.
    Pinworms are contagious, so if any of your partner or family member suffering from pinworms, you must take proper care that it should not be spread to other family members.
    Rinsing your underwear in hot water will help to prevent the eggs and infection.
    Changing your sleepwear regularly will help you to sleep without getting into any infectious parasites. Rinse the linens and bedding in hot water to prevent the infection causing pinworms entering into the body.

Final Word:

Other than following these natural remedies and tips for treating pinworm, you can also observe personal skincare hygiene and consume a healthy diet. Do you know any other successful remedies for clearing pinworm infection? Then share it with us in the below comments box.

Source link wallx.net

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