9 DIY Remedies to Get Rid of a Double Chin

Double chin is an extra layer of fatty tissues under the chin area that was caused due to overweight or aging and in certain cases, due to heredity. This condition will result from the musculous mylohyoideus muscle lying underneath the chin loses elasticity.

However, it is not a harmful health problem but it makes you look unattractive and lowers your self – esteem. Usage of cosmetics or clothing to hide a double chin is a not a perfect solution, results in temporary relief.

There are many natural ways which you can prefer at home without spending more money on parlor or spas or cosmetic treatments for preventing the double chin.

Home Remedies to get Rid of Double Chin:


Here are the best and effective natural home remedies that are widely used to treat double chin. All you need to do is to select the best one, which suits you in reducing double chin.

1. Cocoa Butter:

The high antioxidant content of cocoa butter will make it as an excellent emollient, skin softener and a moisturizing agent that removes free radicals along with sagging skin and dead cells. It is rich in fatty acids that deeply hydrate the skin to make it more elastic.

Steps to be followed…

    Take 2 tablespoons of cocoa butter and warm it slightly on indirect heat or in a microwave.
    Apply it on the double chin and neck area and massage gently for 15 – 20 minutes.
    Make sure to massage from the bottom of the neck to moving upwards to the chin.
    After that, rinse off or take your bath to remove cocoa butter on the skin.
    Continue doing the same process for twice daily i.e., once in the morning before bath and at night before bed time.

2. Wheat Germ Oil:

Wheat germ oil has a real goodness of vitamin E oil that nourishes your skin and tightens it to get rid of double chin. It has vitamin B6, E, vitamin B complex, folic acid, potassium, magnesium and phosphorus that help to prevent sagging and aging skin. It also helps to reduce extra fat from the body to prevent this extra fat layer called double chin.

Steps to be followed…

    Apply enough of wheat germ oil on and around the chin area at night before going to bed.
    Massage it gently in an upward direction from the bottom of the neck to the chin area for 15 – 20 minutes.
    Leave the oil on your skin for overnight.
    Repeat it regularly till you observe some reduction of the double chin.

3. Egg White:

Egg white is fully loaded with proteins and has an effective skin tightening property. It tightens the skin pores to prevent sagging skin, dead cells and fine lines, which in turn helps to get rid of a double chin. Regular application will give a natural face lift along with a young and glowing skin.

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Steps to be followed…

    Add 2 egg whites, 1 tablespoon each of raw milk, organic honey and fresh lemon juice in a bowl.
    Whisk well by adding few drops of peppermint oil in it.
    Then apply it as a mask on the skin around your chin and neck area.
    Let it sit for about 25 – 30 minutes and rinse with lukewarm water.
    Dry your skin and repeat it once daily till you cleared double chin.

4. Glycerin:

Glycerin acts as an excellent skin moisturizing agent and also improves the stratum corneum barrier to protect the skin from dead cells or infections or chemicals. It enhances the skin’s elasticity, prevents sagging skin and wrinkles. It is suitable for all skin types and helps to hydrate, cleanse and moisture the skin to prevents double chin.

Steps to be followed…

    Mix 1 tablespoon of glycerin, 1/2 tablespoon of Epsom salt and 2 – 4 drops of peppermint oil in a bowl.
    Stir well and apply it on your double chin area using a cotton pad.
    Let it sit for 20 – 30 minutes till it absorbs into the skin.
    Wash off thoroughly with cool water and pat dry the skin.
    Regularly follow the same process for 3 – 5 times a week till you get best results.

5. Green Tea:

Green tea has potent antioxidants, polyphenols and other various amazing components that help to speed up the metabolism rate, which in turn help to burn your extra calories and lose weight. It has rich content of amino acid L – theanine that clears water retention and sagging skin.

Steps to be followed…

    Place a green tea bag in 1 cup of hot water.
    Let it steep for few minutes and drink it by adding a little of lemon juice and honey in it.
    Regular intake of green tea for several times a day will help you to get relief from the double chin and overweight.

6. Milk Massage:

Milk has lactic acid and other nutrients like vitamins A, B6, B12, D, Biotin, protein, calcium, selenium, magnesium, etc. will prevent free radicals, protect the skin from sun damage, maintains firmness and elasticity of the skin. It boosts the collagen production and improves cell function to make the skin tight. Massaging your skin around the chin with milk will not only tighten or tone it but also makes it soft and beautiful.

Steps to be followed…

    Pour some milk (prefer raw) in a bowl and apply it on the chin area.
    Massage gently for few minutes and let it sit for another few minutes till you feel tight in that area.
    Then wash it with lukewarm water and repeat it several times a day to get rid of double chin.

Note: Alternatively, apply a mask prepared by mixing 2 tablespoons of milk and 1 tablespoon of honey all over the chin area. Rinse off with lukewarm water after 15 minutes. Repeat once daily.

7. Melon:

Melon contains a high amount of water along with some vitamins, proteins, calcium and phosphorus that alleviates water retention. It has an excellent antioxidant and anti-aging properties that promote skin elasticity and prevent the double chin. Vitamin A clears free radicals formation and keeps the skin young. Vitamin B acts as a toner for the skin.

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Steps to be followed…

    Freshly extract the melon juice and apply it on the skin around the chin and neck using a cotton ball.
    Let it sit for about 15 – 20 minutes to get dry and rinse off with water.
    For effective results, repeat the same process for regularly.


    Alternatively, mix melon juice with apple juice (or milk) and apply it. Massage gently on the soft tissue around the jaw line.
    Or include more of melon in your daily diet to flush out the toxins from the body and also to get rid of weight loss along with double chin.

8. Chin Exercises:

Chin exercises help to stretch and tone your neck, jaw muscles and face which in turn relieves you from a double chin. It not only strengthens your chin and neck but also relieves you from stiffness. You can simply do these exercises either sitting or standing but make sure to keep the spine erect.

Exercise – 1: (Lift your Chin)

    Keep your spine straight and slowly tilt the head back (upward direction) till you’re looking at the ceiling straight.
    Then pucker up your lips in a pout and hold this position for 5 counts.
    Now loose your neck and again pucker your lips.
    Hold this position for 5 counts and then release.
    Repeat this exercise for 5 – 10 times in a row on daily basis for at least few weeks to get rid of double chin.

Exercise – 2: (Rotate your Head)

    Keep your spine straight and turn your head gently in clockwise and then in anti-clockwise.
    Make sure that your head has to touch the below neck area and shoulders while rotating it.
    Continue doing it 5 – 10 repetitions for 3 times a day until you get relief from the double chin.

Exercise – 3: (Platysma Muscle Exercise)

    Platysma muscle is there at the front of the neck and under the chin. If it begins to sag then it causes an ugly double chin called turkey neck. So, follow this exercise to tone your platysma muscle.
    Stand straight and then pull your lips backward and forward against the teeth.
    Make sure that the corners of the mouth will turn downwards.
    Now open your mouth slightly but the lips should remain pressed tightly against teeth.
    Wiggle the lower jaw up and down for 5 – 10 times.
    Do this exercise regularly for few times a day till you get rid of double chin.

Exercise – 4: (Jaw Movement)

    Wide open your mouth and start moving your lower jaw from right side to left for 5 times.
    Then do the same from left to right.
    Continue doing the same for 4 – 5 times daily for best results.
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Exercise – 5: (Say Vowels)

    Saying vowels (A, E, I, O, U) will help to have some chin and mouth exercise that helps you to maintain proper single chin but not the double chin.
    Pronounce vowels loudly and widely.
    Repeat the process for 10 times daily to get rid of a double chin.

9. Chin Wraps:

Chin wraps is another effective remedy used to reduce the baggy skin and give immediate results. You can prepare this chin wraps at home and use it regularly.

Steps to be followed…

    Apply some mineral oil (or any natural oil) to your chin using a cotton ball.
    Massage gently and wrap your chin area with a plastic wrap or use a gauze-like material.
    Then cover the wrap with a towel soaked in lukewarm water (wring out excess water).
    Leave it on for about 45 – 50 minutes and remove it.
    Continue this process daily until you get rid of double chin.

Tips and Precautions:

    Chew a sugarless gum several times a day to keep your facial muscles toned and give a workout to your muscles in the jaw line which in turn helps to get rid of double chin.
    Vitamin E is very essential for increasing your skin’s elasticity, maintaining healthy skin along with reducing double chin. So, include vitamin E rich foods like wheat germ oil, nuts and seeds, liver, dairy products, brown rice, green leafy vegetables, soybeans, beans, barley, legumes, etc. in your diet.
    Drink plenty of water and include more of water content foods like cucumber, celery, lettuce, etc. in your diet to get rid of toxins and to reduce the storage of fat in the body.
    Limit or avoid the consumption of tea, alcohol, coffee, carbonated and fizzy drinks which cause puffy face and double chin.
    Always remember to improve your sitting posture like keep the head up, neck erect and body straight to prevent getting a double chin.
    Maintain perfect weight by doing some exercises, weight training in your workout, consuming a healthy diet, restrict your calorie intake, etc. should be included in your weight loss regime.
    It’s better to use some tricks like a beautiful and strategic hairstyles like long bob, angled haircut, layered waves, etc. till you get rid of the double chin to make your double chin less noticeable.
    Always keep your spine and neck in a straight upright position to get rid of the double chin. Also, wear a broad and open neckline to draw attention away from the chin.
    Slouching will increase double chin and also make it as a permanent problem. So, avoid slouching to get relief from chin fat. Also, use a thin pillow while sleeping.

Practice these remedies and exercises in your daily life to prevent a double chin. But don’t forget to share your experience with us.

Source link wallx.net

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