7 Effective Ways to Induce Labor Naturally

Did you crossed 36 – 40 weeks of pregnancy period and waiting for your little one to come out? Are you going to become a mom in few days?

In general, a woman who passes her due date of delivery then it is considered as an overdue pregnancy. However, it is not dangerous for both mother and child if this delivery is delayed for up to 5 – 10 days but the main problem occurs when the overdue exceed for about 2 weeks of time.

Then you need to follow some natural ways to induce labor quickly and make yourself get for the delivery. Make sure to consult your doctor before following these natural methods to induce labor safely.

The below-mentioned points should be remembered before using any natural remedy to induce labor.

    If the pregnant woman is having any notable medical conditions then avoid these methods and consult your doctor for delivery suggestions.
    Take utmost care to the pregnant woman while inducing labor naturally, especially in the case when the water breaks and always keep the doctor informed and take her to the hospital immediately without any delay.
    Always take the advice of a certified therapist or an experienced person (old wise lady) while continuing these methods to induce labor.
    Never ever repeat the process or try another method at once why because it will cause the pain and other discomforts to the pregnant lady.
    Avoid inducing these methods before 40 weeks of the gestation period, as the fetus is not completely matured and not yet ready for birth.

Now, let’s know all about home remedies to induce labor naturally without any side effects or harm to the pregnant woman.

Home Remedies to Induce Labor:


Here are some natural remedies that help you a lot in inducing labor and thereby help you in getting safe and normal delivery without any side effects.

Remedy – 1: (Castor Oil)

Castor oil will stimulate the gut and uterus to cause the first contraction at the proper time without any side effects. It is a traditional remedy used to induce labor effectively.

    Take 40 – 50 ml of castor oil and drink it to induce the labor pain.
    Make sure to use castor oil in pure form to prevent side effects.
    Never ever take more than 60 ml of castor oil why because it causes severe diarrhea and leave the pregnant woman dehydrated with loss of energy.
    In certain cases, the intake of castor oil will result in fetal bowel movements and causes nausea and diarrhea but not labor.
    You can find castor oil in the form of capsules, oil, juice or a solution used in colonic irrigation.

Remedy – 2: (Acupuncture)

Acupuncture is another ancient remedy that widely used to induce labor since many years. In this process, thin needles are gently inserted into the specific points of the body that in turn, triggers the uterus activity.

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This process also helps to reduce the pain which is involved in the natural parturition but make sure to consult your doctor or midwife before trying this acupuncture labor induction method. Also, remember that you have to follow this method only after your due date has passed (but not earlier) why because the possibility of labor induction is very high by using this acupuncture.

Remedy – 3: (Dates)

In a research, it is revealed that consuming date fruit at the later stages of pregnancy will help to induce labor naturally. The women who consumed 6 dates a day for a period of 4 weeks in the last trimester will help to get their labor early when compared to women to those who didn’t consume it.

Date fruit will make the contractions longer and thus higher cervical dilatation happens to shorten the first phase of labor. So, consume 6 dates per day but nor more than that, as it causes stomach upset. It is not recommended to consume dates in the first or second trimester why because it produces a high amount of heat in the body.

Also, drink a glass of boiled milk after consuming dates to reduce the heat produced by consuming dates and thereby to induce labor in a natural way.

Remedy – 4: (Walking)

Walking will definitely help you to induce labor naturally. Whenever you experience the first contraction then you have to start walking immediately to shorten the time interval between the contractions. This exercise will encourage the baby to get through the cervix on time, as walking will make the baby’s head to press hard towards the cervix to ripen it and thereby encourages on-time delivery.

Make sure that not to exhaust by walking fast, as it causes loss of energy and you have to save your energy levels for other stages of labor. Perform walking and other simple exercises to stay fit, energetic and healthy.

Remedy – 5: (Evening Primrose Oil)

Evening primrose oil (EPO) is an excellent agent that helps to ripen your cervix and thereby induce labor. The intake of EPO tablets is recommended twice a day after the 36th week of pregnancy for those who are expecting labor on time.

If this doesn’t work then insert 2 EPO capsules (each 50 mg) directly near the cervix at night before going to bed. This process will ripen the cervix and breaks out when you get up in the next morning. Always remember that you should stay near to your midwife while using this EPO for labor induction.

Remedy – 6: (Sex)

The labor induction involves after ripening of the cervix through which the water releases or dilation happens faster. So, a pregnant woman can continue to have sex with their partner for increases the chance of ripening cervical.

The sex will trigger the release of oxytocin (a hormone) that helps to induce labor and the semen has prostaglandins that ripen your cervix and thereby dilate to induce labor in a natural way. Hospitalize the woman immediately after the water breaks.

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In case, the pregnant woman having placenta previa or vaginal bleeding or any other complications with her pregnancy then avoid using this process to induce labor. Nipple stimulation is another way to induce labor, as it also helps to release the oxytocin to cause labor contraction. Massage it for at least 15 minutes for thrice daily after intervals.

Remedy – 7: (Herbal Teas)

Drinking various herbal teas like ginger tea, thyme tea, cumin tea, etc. will help to induce your labor contractions and help you to give delivery to the baby. But make sure to check to consult your doctor or midwife before consumption of any herbal tea to get the proper advice of your doctor on when to drink and how often to consume this herbal tea.

Here are some ways of preparing and drinking herbal teas that help for faster labor induction.

    Cumin Tea – This tea will help to contract the uterus and enhance the labor process. Mix 1 tablespoon of cumin seeds in 1 cup of boiling water. If you feel a bitter taste then add a small chunk of raw potato to reduce its bitterness and then strain the tea. Drink this herbal tea regularly for best results.
    Ginger Tea – Ginger contract the uterus and ripen the cervix to enhance your labor. So, drink ginger tea by simply steeping 1 – 2 inch crushed raw ginger in 1 cup of boiling water for 5 – 8 minutes. Strain the tea and drink it. Also, consume spicy ginger cookies to get rid of delays.
    Cinnamon Stick Tea – Consuming cinnamon stick tea at the due date of a pregnant woman will help to ripen the cervix faster and thereby causes early water breakage.
    Thyme Tea – Thyme acts as a popular herbal medicine for pregnant women to enhance their labor. All you need is to steep some fresh thyme leaves in 1 cup of boiling water for few minutes and strain it. Drink this tea regularly to induce labor pain.
    Cotton Root Tea – This tea will increase contractions during parturition and induce labor. It also boosts up the production of milk in the nursing moms. So, consume this tea to grab these benefits.
    Fenugreek Tea – It encourages uterine contractions and proves to be beneficial to induce childbirth. So, consume fenugreek tea regularly.
    Red Raspberry Leaf Tea – It acts as a uterine tonic to stimulate labor and helps a lot in softens the cervix and thereby helps you to get natural labor. Some midwives often recommend drinking red raspberry leaf tea as the due date nears will help to have natural labor without much pain or discomfort.

Other Effective Remedies:

    The Bromelain enzyme in pineapple helps to soften the cervix and neck of the womb to enhance the labor faster. So, consume pineapple (2 fruits) to induce labor quickly without any side effects. Make sure that not to consume more pineapple (or pineapple juice, especially canned), as it causes diarrhea.
    Eating spicy food will help to ripen the cervix and thus induce labor naturally. But be sure that not to consume too much of this spicy foods, as it will affect your baby’s health.
    Motherwort helps a lot in preventing false labor or any irregular contractions. You can easily take it in the form of pill or tea to onset labor.
    Sour balsamic vinegar will help you in triggering labor. So, add it to your salad and have it for at least 5 days.
    Acupressure will also help to start and restart labor along with alleviating your pain and discomfort during labor. But make sure to get proper instructions from a trained acupressure professional.
    Basil helps to stimulate the blood flow to the uterus and thereby stimulate menstruation to induce labor. So, throw some in your cooking to grab this benefits.
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Tips and Precautions:

    Drink plenty of water and other healthy fluids to stay hydrated and to induce labor in a natural way.
    Climbing stairs will help the baby to set in the right position and helps for a normal delivery why because it gives pressure to the cervix and causes water breakage. But don’t exhaust yourself by climbing stairs often, as it makes you get tired easily.
    Massaging the area will help to relieve the pregnant women from the stress and energy loss during the labor. It keeps the vomiting or nausea sensation at bay and induces the labor but take this massage from an expert masseuse for getting best results.
    Taking warm bath not only relax your body but also helps to induce labor. The only thing you should consider is to check that water that it should not be very high why because it will affect the baby and causes stress. For best results, pour 2 – 3 drops of lavender oil to the bath water.
    Certain exercises like dancing, swimming and squats will help to induce labor without any problem. It also helps to relieve your stress (caused due to being overdue) and thereby help you to stay fit and healthy.
    Consult your doctor before using any of these natural remedies why because pregnancy is sensitive and any little effect will definitely cause harm to both baby and mother.

Final Word:

Although, all these natural remedies and tips will help in inducing labor without any side effects but consult your doctor before consuming or applying these natural remedies or tips. Do you know any other natural ways to induce labor? Then share your experience with us in the below comments box.

Source link wallx.net

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