7 Best Remedies for Wrinkle-Free Hands

Wrinkles represent either damaged or aged skin and if not taken proper care then it will be caused at any early age. There are many factors like constant exposure to sun’s harmful UV rays, excessive washing, environmental pollutants, cleaning agents, pollution, poor diet, hormonal imbalance, etc. will form the wrinkles.

Do you know that hands are more susceptible to wrinkles than other parts of the body? Most of the people will ignore that hands and feet by concentrating more on the face. Cleansing, exfoliating and moisturizing has to be a regular skin care routine for those who want to maintain wrinkle-free skin.

Are you suffering from wrinkles on your hand at an early age? Then don’t panic and stop rushing to the parlor or buy expensive creams, lotions for clearing wrinkles on hands. There are many natural remedies available at home which makes your hands look smooth and wrinkle-free.

Here in this article, we will relieve you some natural remedies that help you in removing wrinkles from your hands.  Have a look at these remedies and try them at home to enjoy wrinkle free hands.

Let’s get started…

Home Remedies for Wrinkle-Free Hands:


Here are the best remedies to include in your daily skin care routine for enjoying smooth hands which are wrinkle free.

Remedy – 1: (Deep Conditioning)

As we already said that scrubbing, exfoliating and deep moisturizing will keep your hands wrinkle free. So, here we will see how to condition your hands with lemon juice, sugar, and milk.

Steps to be followed…

    First of all, mix 1 tablespoon of baking soda in warm water and soak your hands in this water for 10 – 15 minutes.
    This process will soften your skin and make it easy to absorb.
    Secondly, squeeze the juice of 1/2 a lemon in 1 tablespoon of sugar and mix well to use it as a scrub paste.
    Scrub your hands gently in circular motion and wait for 15 minutes to get dried completely.
    This process will remove the dirt, tan, dead cells and other impurities from the skin.
    Finally, soak your hands in milk for 10 minutes to retain the moisture with its antioxidant and fatty acids.
    This process will moisture the hands and prevents you from wrinkle formation.
    Wear cotton gloves at night to provide warmth and moisture to your hands.
    Regular follow-up of this process will definitely help you in clearing wrinkles on the hands.
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Remedy – 2: (Pineapple)

The rich content of vitamin C will help to tone the skin and the acidic content will help to remove wrinkles.

Steps to be followed…

    Apply fresh pineapple pulp (or juice) on your hands and massage gently to get absorbed into the skin.
    Leave for 15 – 20 minutes and wash the hands with cold water.
    Repeat the application regularly to get rid of the premature wrinkle formation.

Remedy – 3: (Olive Oil)

Olive oil nourishes your skin and the vitamin E content along with essential fats will help to stimulate the collagen production to remove wrinkles.

Steps to be followed…

    Spread some extra virgin olive oil on the hands evenly.
    Massage it gently for 5 – 10 minutes to penetrate the oil deep into the skin cells.
    Wait for 30 minutes and take your bath to get rid of wrinkles.
    Or apply the olive oil mix at night before bedtime and leave it overnight.
    Continue this process to prevent wrinkle forming and to make your hands look young and beautiful.


    Also, mix 1 tablespoon of sugar and olive oil to make a paste. Apply this paste on the hands and massage it in circular motions for few minutes. Rinse off with lukewarm water after few minutes. Dry your hands and massage it with olive oil.
    Or use coconut oil, sesame oil, castor oil or almond oil instead of olive oil for removing wrinkles on the hands.

Remedy – 4: (Rice Treatment)

Rice with its grainy texture will exfoliate the skin. Rose water cleanses the skin and the milk in this treatment help to moisture the area and this combination will reduce the wrinkles on the hands.

Steps to be followed…

    Mix 1 teaspoon of milk in 2 tablespoons each of rose water and rice powder.
    Stir well to make a paste and apply it on the hands by massaging gently.
    Let it sit for few minutes until it dries and then rinse the area with lukewarm water.
    Do this treatment for once a week to observe the difference in clearing wrinkles on the hands.
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Remedy – 5: (Banana)

Banana has all essential nutrients like vitamins (A, B & E), iodine, iron, magnesium, zinc, potassium, etc. which helps a lot in rejuvenating the skin along with fighting wrinkles.

Steps to be followed…

    Mash 1/2 a ripe banana with a fork till you get a smooth paste like consistency.
    Then apply this banana pulp onto the hands and massage gently for few minutes.
    Wait for few minutes until it gets dried completely and then rinse with warm water followed by cold water.
    Application of this banana pulp for twice a week will help you to prevent the formation of wrinkles on hands.

Note: If your hands are wrinkled then mix some mashed avocado and honey in the banana pulp and apply it on your hands.

Remedy – 6: (Tomato Soak)

Tomatoes are a rich source of lycopene that protects the skin against harmful UV rays of the sun. It has an antioxidant property that tightens the skin along with preventing the damage of free radicals on the skin.

Steps to be followed…

    Drink fresh tomato juice or consume few slices of freshly chopped tomatoes.
    Application of fresh tomato pulp will help to clear wrinkles but you should apply moisturizer (or) sunscreen before stepping out.
    Regular follow-up of this tomato will help you to get rid of wrinkles on the hands.

Remedy – 7: (Oatmeal with Egg Yolk)

This is a hand mask that requires oatmeal (exfoliates the skin), egg yolk (moisturizes the skin), honey (nourishes the skin) and olive oil (stimulates collagen production and enhances the skin’s elasticity). So, this combination will help you to get rid of the wrinkles on the hand.

Steps to be followed…

    Add 1 egg yolk and 1 tablespoon each of honey and olive oil in 1 – 2 tablespoons of ground oatmeal.
    Stir well to make a fine paste and apply it over the hands for 5 – 7 minutes.
    Massage gently for few minutes and rinse the lukewarm water and then with cold water.
    Dry the skin and apply a natural moisturizer to remove wrinkles from the skin.
    Repeat the same process regularly for getting quick and effective results.
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Other Effective Remedies:

    The malic acid content in Aloe vera will reduce the wrinkles by improving the skin’s elasticity. So, apply fresh aloe vera gel on the wrinkles affected hands and rinse with lukewarm water after 15 – 30 minutes.
    Drink plenty of water to keep your body stay hydrated and to maintain the proper moisture level in the skin. Also, avoid alcohol and carbonated drinks, as they dehydrate your body and lead to wrinkle formation.
    Include more of vitamin C and omega – 3 fatty acids in your diet to promote collagen formation and keep your skin young and plump.
    Cucumber has skin soothing and skin tightening properties. So, apply cucumber slices or its juice on your hands. Wait for few minutes and rinse it off.
    Watermelon has refreshing and hydrating property to clear wrinkles. Cut a small slice of watermelon and rub it all over the hands which are affected with wrinkles. Wait for 5 – 7 minutes and rinse off with cold water. Repeat it twice a week to enjoy wrinkle free skin.

Tips and Precautions:

    Cleansing, toning, and moisturizing of your hands have to be included in your daily routine to prevent the wrinkles and it’s premature formation on the skin.
    Always wear gloves while doing any household work, so that they keep your hands free from any dust and thereby wrinkles.
    Limit your sun exposure on the hands by wearing long hand clothes and also apply sunscreen lotion before stepping out in the sun.
    Quit smoking and manage your stress levels, as they damage the collagen and accelerate cellular skin aging.
    Regular exercise will improve your blood circulation in the hands and thereby to clear wrinkles.

Try these natural remedies to enjoy wrinkle – free hands. Do you know any other effective remedies to maintain your hands as wrinkle-free? Then share your experience with us in the comments box.

Source link wallx.net

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