6 Natural Remedies to Treat Swollen Fingers

Fingers will play a crucial role in doing any of our daily activities. So, even a slight pain or swelling will result in a lot of discomforts and troublesome.

A swollen finger is an extremely uncomfortable situation that makes us difficult to bend or touch the affected fingers. It occurs due to fluid buildup (edema caused by medications or pregnancy) or inflammation on that particular area.

Some common causes include insect bite, injury (jammed or sprained finger), rash, infection, edema, high intake of salt, obesity, exposure to extreme temperature, hormonal changes, etc.

In some cases, it also occurs as a result of any underlying health problems like cellulitis, bursitis, nail fungus, arthritis (osteoarthritis, septic or rheumatoid arthritis), CTS, ganglion cyst, etc.

Redness, pain, swelling, lumps along the fingers, stiffness, fatigue, bruising, swollen joints, tingling sensation or numbness around the affected area or reduced motion are some symptoms of swollen fingers.

If you’re suffering from the swelling with severe pain, fever or a weak grip then immediately consult your doctor for proper diagnose and treatment, as it can be due to any other health problem.

There are many natural remedies that help you to reduce the pain and swelling at home. Have a look at these remedies and follow them regularly to get rid of the problem.

Home Remedies for Swollen Fingers:


Here are the best home remedies that reduce your pain and swelling. Let’s get started.

Remedy – 1: (Hydrotherapy)

We generally use a warm or cold compress to treat any pain or swelling but here we are using both i.e., using a contrast hydrotherapy for treating swollen fingers. This will helps to improve blood circulation and reduce the swelling or inflammation.

    Take 2 bowls – one with cold water and other with warm water.
    Soak the affected fingers in warm water for about 3 – 4 minutes.
    Then take out your finger and place it in cold water for 1 – 2 minutes.
    Continue this hydrotherapy for few times till it covers about 15 – 20 minutes.
    Do the same process for 3 – 4 times daily until you get complete relief from the problem.
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Remedy – 2: (Exercises)

Exercise will be beneficial for treating swollen fingers that are caused due to poor blood circulation, fluid retention, stress or strain. Regular exercises like flexing the fingers will reduce the buildup of fluids and also reduces the strain on your muscles.

    First, close your fingers into a fist and hold this position for a minute.
    Then slowly open your hand fist and stretch out the fingers.
    Do the same cycle for few times.
    Repeat this exercise for several times daily.

Note: Or go with hand squeezes with a stress ball to get rid of swollen fingers.

Remedy – 3: (Warm Oil Massage)

Warm oil massage will relax the sore muscles, improves blood circulation and drains out the excess fluid to get rid of swelling and stiffness.

    Slightly warm some olive oil or mustard oil or castor oil.
    Apply it on the affected fingers and massage the fingers gently for 5 minutes by using other hand fingers.
    Make sure that you start the gentle massage at the tip of the affected finger and move it towards the heart.
    Continue this massage (gently not vigorously) for few times daily.

Note: Or warm 20 ml of mustard oil and add 2 – 3 crushed garlic cloves in it. When the cloves turn brown then mix 1/4 teaspoon each of ginger powder, turmeric and carom seed powder to it.  Rub this warm oil mix on the affected fingers to get rid of the infection and pain.

Remedy – 4: (Epsom Salt)

Magnesium sulfate in Epsom salt will make it as the best remedy for treating swollen fingers. It relaxes your muscles and relieves your pain and stiffness.

    Stir 1 – 2 tablespoons of Epsom salt in a large bowl of hot water.
    Soak the affected fingers in this water for 10 – 15 minutes.
    Follow the same process for once or twice daily till you get complete relief from the swelling in your fingers.
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Note: Or soak a clean cloth in this water and wring it remove excess water. Place it over the swollen fingers for few minutes.

Remedy – 5: (Turmeric)

Curcumin in turmeric has antioxidant, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties that treat certain problems like swollen fingers, muscle sprains, arthritis and other injuries along with the pain.

    Add 1/2 teaspoon of turmeric powder in enough olive oil and mix it to make a paste.
    Spread this paste all over the affected fingers.
    Leave it on for few minutes to get dry and wash your fingers with lukewarm water.
    Do the same for twice daily till you get rid of the swelling and pain.

Note: Also, consult your doctor to get suggestions on taking curcumin supplements.

Remedy – 6: (Black Tea Bags)

Black tea bags are enriched with antioxidants and tannins that prevent the fluid retention and swelling.  Tea bags tighten your skin by shrinking the blood vessels.

    Prepare a black tea using a black tea bag as normally.
    Take out the tea bag and squeeze it to remove excess water.
    Refrigerate it for 15 minutes and place the cold tea bag over the swollen fingers.
    Hold the tea bag for about 10 – 15 minutes.
    Continue the same process for 2 – 4 times daily for getting a quick relief.

Tips and Precautions:

    Elevating your hands or fingers above the chest level will help for proper blood circulation and clears pain and swelling. So, place few pillows under your hands while sitting or sleeping.
    Compressing the hand and wrist will clear the fluid retention and improves blood circulation to prevent swollen fingers. Wrap an elastic bandage or ace wrap around the wrist and palm using an even pressure during day time and remove it at night before bedtime.
    Potassium and acidic nature of apple cider vinegar treat swollen fingers. Soak a cloth in a mixture prepared by mixing equal parts of warm water and ACV. Wrap the cloth all over the affected finger for 10 minutes (or) drink vinegar and honey mixed in 1 glass of warm water.
    High intake of sodium (or salt) will allow the body to retain excess fluid and then edema. So, try to eat less salt (of about 1 teaspoon daily in any form) and use herbs or seasonings instead of salt to reduce swelling.
    It’s best to maintain a moderate temperature in your office or home for proper circulation.
    Avoid exposure of the affected fingers to either cold or hot temperatures, as they worsen the swelling.
    Give plenty of rest to the swollen fingers and avoid playing games or lifting weights with that hand.
    Include anti-inflammatory rich foods like garlic, cayenne pepper, ginger, cinnamon, cloves and also include omega – 3 fatty acids rich foods in your diet.
    Drink plenty of water and other healthy drinks to stay hydrated and to prevent water retention and thereby swelling in your fingers.
    Remember to follow RICE (Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation) as your first aid to treat swollen fingers.
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Try these natural remedies and tips to get relief from a swollen finger. Do you know any successful remedies for swollen fingers? Then share it with us the below comments box.

Source link wallx.net

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