5 Best ways to Remove Upper Lip Hair Naturally

Hey you have moustache!

Tired of hearing this comment and want to get rid of it?

It is obvious that woman feels low confident if she is having hair on her upper lip. Almost 5-10% of the women across the world are suffering with this problem. Before studying about how to get rid of upper lip hair, let us find out why do they occur?

The growth of upper lip hair occurs due to the condition called as Hirutism where body produces excessive amount of androgen and leads to various health problems. Sometimes, PCOS, crushing syndrome or congenital adrenal hyperplasia joins hand in hand with Hirutism and produces unwanted hair growth on the upper lip.

Normally people prefer waxing and threading methods to remove the upper lip hair which gives instant results. But to permanently get rid of it you can use natural home remedies, which are less painful and economical. If these methods are used regularly they provide permanent relief from this problem.

So, in this article we have mentioned few of the best remedies for upper lip hair removal. You can follow these methods by following the detailed procedure mentioned below.

Top 8 Best Home Remedies to Get Rid of Upper Lip Hair :

Here are the 8 methods which are proved to be helpful in removing the unwanted hair from the upper lip:

Method 1: (Turmeric with Milk)

Turmeric has various different applications such as medicinal, kitchen and beauty. It helps in tightening the skin and removing hair from the roots. Turmeric can also be used as a skin scrub. The lactic acid present in the milk acts as exfoliator and provides moisturization to skin. So, combination of turmeric and milk removes hair and prevents further growth.


    1 tablespoon turmeric powder
    1 tablespoon water

Preparation method….

    Take a small bowl and add 1 tablespoon of each milk and turmeric powder.
    Stir well and form a paste.
    Now, apply this paste on the upper lip region and gently massage for a minute.
    Allow it to sit for 5 minutes until it dries completely.
    Then, you can take a cloth dipped in warm water or scrubber to remove the paste from the applied areas.
    Rinse it off using cold water and pat dry your skin.
    You can repeat the procedure till you are completely free of unwanted hair.
    If needed, you can also add 1 teaspoon of flour to the above mixture for best results.


    Instead of milk you can add water also, which moisturizes the skin.

Method 2: (Egg Whites)

Egg white has astringent property that tightens the shrink down the pores and tightens the skin. Thus, it is helpful in removing unwanted hair. Combining it with sugar and corn flour will help in getting of upper lip hair.


    1 egg
    1 tablespoon sugar
    ½ tablespoon corn flour

Preparation method…..

    Extract egg white from an egg and pour it into a bowl.
    Now, add sugar and corn flour to the egg white and mix thoroughly.
    Mix it well and apply the paste on the upper lip area.
    Then, leave it untouched till it dries completely.
    Beginning from the corner you can peel off the mask and get rid of upper hair.
    For permanent results you can repeat the process for 3-4 times a week.
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Method 3: (Sugar and Lemon)

Sugar is commonly used for waxing purpose because it removes hair effectively and permanently. Lemon has astringent property which tightens the skin and removes hair from the roots. So, combining lemon and sugar you can get rid of unwanted hair.


    2 lemons
    1 tablespoon sugar

Preparation method…..

    Take a bowl and squeeze out the juice of 2 lemons.
    Add a tablespoon of sugar to it and mix well to form a thick paste.
    Now, apply this mixture on the upper lip area and leave for 10-15 minutes.
    Then, rinse it off using cold water.
    You can repeat it till you get rid of upper lip hair.

Alternative method:

    Sugar wax:
    Take a sauce pan and add 2 tablespoons of lemon juice and water along with 1 cup of sugar.
    Heat the mixture till sugar dissolves and a thick paste is formed.
    Turn off the heat and transfer it into a bowl. (Do not use glass or plastic).
    You can use this mixture as wax and use for removal of unwanted hair.
    Sugar mask:
    You can directly pour some sugar in a pan and start heating till it melts down.
    Then, add lemon juice to it and stir well till it forms a thick paste.
    Allow the mixture to cool down and apply it on the upper lip region using cotton or a piece of cloth.
    Now, remove the mask by peeling it in the opposite direction of hair.
    This method can be used in removing unwanted hair.
    Honey and lemon:
    Take a tablespoon of honey and add ½ tablespoon of lemon juice to it.
    Apply it on the upper lip area and leave it for 15 minutes.
    Then, take a piece of cotton cloth and soak it in warm water.
    Use this cloth as a wipe to remove the mixture along with hair.
    Rinse off thoroughly and use it whenever necessary.

Method 4: (Gram Flour)

Gram flour or chickpea flour has exfoliating property and removes dead cells from the skin along with unwanted hair.


    1 tablespoon gram flour
    ½ teaspoon turmeric powder
    2 spoons of milk/water rose/plain yogurt

Preparation method…..

    Mix all the ingredients thoroughly and make a paste.
    Now, apply this paste on the upper lip till it gets dry.
    Wet down your hands and scrub the upper lip area in the opposite direction of hair.
    For best results you can repeat the same process regularly.

Alternative method:

    Mix equal quantities of gram flour, yogurt and turmeric powder to form a thick paste.
    Apply this on the upper lip and massage gently.
    Leave it for 15-20 minutes and rinse off thoroughly.

Method 5: (Wax at home)

Waxing is popular technique used in beauty parlour to remove unwanted hair. You can also follow this method at home without spending a penny. Let us go through the detailed procedure.


    4 chamomile tea bags
    1 cup water
    2 tablespoons lemon juice
    1 teaspoon sugar

Preparation method…..

    Take a pan and keep 4 chamomile tea bags into it and pour 3-4 cups of water.
    Start heating and bring it to boil. Now, turn off the heat and allow the tea bags to steep down there for 30 minutes.
    Remove the tea bags and then pour ½ cup of chamomile tea into a sauce pan.
    To this you should add a cup of water, 2 tablespoons of lemon juice and 1 teaspoon sugar.
    Stir it well and boil for 2-3 minutes until all the sugar melts down.
    Then, turn off the heat and allow it to cool down.
    You can now apply it on the upper lip area using a Popsicle stick.
    Take a wax strip and put it on the applied area and pull it in the opposite direction.
    You can repeat the same method regularly to get rid of unwanted upper lip hair.
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Method 6: (Gelatin and Milk)

Gelatin has sticky nature so it is very helpful home remedy that is useful in removal of hair. It is found to be used as peel off mask which can used in removing black heads.


    1and ½ tablespoons milk
    1 tablespoon unflavoured gelatin
    2-3 drops lavender oil

Preparation method…..

    Take a microwave safe bowl and mix all the ingredients properly to make a paste.
    Heat the mixture in microwave for about 10-15 seconds.
    Then, allow the mixture to cool down and apply a thick layer of it on your upper lip.
    Allow it to dry and then peel off the mask in opposite direction of hair growth.
    You can rinse off with cool water.

Method 7: (Potato and lentils)

Potato juice and lentils together unclog the skin pores and removes the upper lip hair from root. Potato acts as bleaching agent and is one of the best home remedy to remove upper lip hair.


    2 tablespoons yellow lentils
    1 tablespoon potato juice
    1 teaspoon honey
    1 tablespoon lemon juice

Preparation method:

    Soak the lentils in water overnight.
    Next day morning strain the water and keep the lentils outside.
    Now, grind the lentils to make a paste and add lemon juice, honey and potato juice to it.
    Mix well and apply on the upper lip area and allow it to sit for 15-20 minutes.
    Leave it to dry and then scrub the face with hands.
    Rinse off with cool water.

Alternative method:

    You can simply take a piece of potato and rub it on the skin. Leave it overnight and wash with cold water next day morning. Repeat this process to get rid of unwanted hair.

Method 8: (Red lentils)

Red lentils are traditional method used in removal of unwanted hair. it opens up the skin pores and removes hair from the roots.


    1 tablespoon red split lentil powder
    3-4 tablespoons of milk

Preparation method…..

    Take a bowl and add both the ingredients to it.
    Mix them well and apply directly on the upper lip area.
    Leave it to dry and you can scrub once it dries completely.
    Rinse it off using cold water.

Tips and Precautions:

    Do not shave your upper lip hair because shaving leads to thicker growth of hair in the future and may damage the skin.
    We all know that threading is very famous method used in removal of unwanted hair but it is a temporary method. By this the hair comes back again after 15 days.
    Do not use scissors to remove the upper lip hair because this method is very risky and you don’t get results from it.
    To balance your hormones you should improve your lifestyle, diet, exercises and have a sound sleep that relieves your stress levels.
    If you find any irritation or increased growth of hair after using these home remedies then you can consult dermatologist.
    It is very important to wash your face before applying any of the masks. So, that skin will clean and clear from dust or any small micro organisms.
    Do not use any hair removal creams as they may tend to darken the area and the hair growth increases with these creams.
    Regular using of these methods is helpful and you can permanently get rid of unwanted hair growth.
    It is very important to take a shower after waxing as the skin pores are open and you can also use tea tree oil and essential oils for moisturizing skin.
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Frequently asked questions:

1. Is it okay to use tweezers to remove upper lip hair?

If you have less and countable hair on your upper lip then you can use tweezers to remove the hair. However, waxing is one of the safest methods because it removes several hairs at a time and pain is negligible.

2. Can you get rid of upper lip hair permanently?

Actually there are various methods used to remove the upper lip hair but these methods don’t last long and hair grows back again. By using the home remedies repeatedly you can see the growth becomes thinner and goes away with time.

3. Can a woman shave her upper lips?

Yes, a woman can shave her upper lips as it is one method used for painless hair removal. Many women don’t follow this method because it is said that shaving leads to thickening of unwanted hair growth. Shaving just cuts the hair above the skin and the root is left out beneath the skin so, it is not recommended to use shaving technique.

4. Can i use baking soda for upper lip hair removal?

No, baking soda is used for bleaching or whitening of the skin but it doesn’t helps in removal of upper lip hair. Baking soda clogs the skin pores and may lead to skin irritation.

5. Is toothpaste beneficial in removing hair?

Yes, toothpaste combined with lemon juice and salt can be used as scrub and applying this to your face will remove the hair from the unwanted area.

6. How often should i wax my upper lip hair?

Usually it is observed that hair grows back after 5-6 weeks so, you can wax your upper lip hair once it is grown. For some people growth may be fast and they can observe hair immediately after 3-4 weeks.

Few words to note…..

Upper lip hair is very annoying for a woman. So, you can get rid of them using these natural home remedies. Through these methods you can observe that hair becomes thinner and growth will be slow.

Which method did you use? How was your experience? Kindly share them in the comment section below.

If you have any queries you can write to us in the comment section below. Our team of experts will clarify them as soon as possible.

Source link wallx.net

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