3 Effective Lemon Methods to treat Dark Neck

Dark patches on the neck areas of the skin are really an embarrassing skin pigmentation problem. Aging and prolonged sun exposure are the main reasons for dark discoloration on the neck area.

Other causes include genetics, PCOS, sudden changes in weight, poor hygiene, hormonal changes, diabetes, etc. However, there are many cosmetic treatments or products available for treating dark neck but the usage of natural remedies will yield best results in lightening the dark (or black) skin on your neck area.

Lemon works best among those natural remedies for the dark neck. In this article, we will know all about how and why lemon for dark neck skin. Let’s get started.

Does Lemon treat Dark Discoloration on the Neck?


    The citric acid in lemon acts as a natural bleaching agent that helps to lighten up the dark neck.
    Vitamin C content in lemon helps to remove dead cells, dirt, and impurities with its antioxidant property and also helps to lighten the skin to make it grow with an even tone.
    It has an excellent cleansing and exfoliating properties that help to break down the layer of dead cells and clear the dark, thick and velvety patches of the skin on the neck.

How to use Lemon for Dark Neck Skin?

There are several ways of using lemon for treating the dark complexion of the neck area. Here we are going to know about 3 best lemon methods that are widely used to treat dark discoloration on the neck.

Method – 1: (Lemon Juice)

Lemon juice can be applied directly or with the combination of other natural ingredients for treating dark neck. Here are few ways of using lemon for lightening the dark or black skin. All you need is to follow these remedies daily for getting best and quick relief from the dark neck.

    Extract fresh lemon juice into a small bowl and apply it all over the neck area using a cotton ball. Let it sit for 10 – 15 minutes and rinse your neck area with cold water. Repeat it regularly.
    If you’ve dry or sensitive skin then dilute lemon juice with water and apply it on the affected area. Rinse off after 15 – 20 minutes.
    Olive oil has a powerful antioxidant effect on the skin and thus lightens the neck area. Mix equal quantities of olive oil and fresh lemon juice. Stir well and apply it on the neck area at night before bedtime. Rinse off in the next morning with water. Repeat once daily till you get satisfied results.
    Rosewater has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that clear dark neck. Mix equal parts of fresh lemon juice and rosewater in a bowl and apply it on all around the neck at night before bedtime. Rinse off with water after 30 – 40 minutes.
    Cucumber has a soothing property that repairs skin cells, removes dead cells and thereby enhance the glow to the skin. Mix equal parts of fresh cucumber and lemon juice. Spread it on the neck area using a cotton ball. Wait for 10 – 15 minutes and rinse off with cold water.
    Both lemon juice and honey are the best combinations for treating dark neck. Mix few drops of fresh lemon juice in 1 teaspoon of raw honey. Stir well and apply it on the dark neck area. Dry it for few minutes and rinse off with water.
    Both lemon and tomato have citric acid and vitamin C that help to lighten your black part of the neck. Mix 2 teaspoons of fresh lemon juice in 1/2 cup of tomato puree and spread this mix on the darkened neck area. Wash the area after 20 – 30 minutes and continue the same process twice daily.
    Turmeric has a natural skin lightening property that removes dark discoloration on the neck. Mix a pinch of turmeric powder in 1 tablespoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice. Spread it on the dark neck area and massage it for a couple of minutes. Rinse off with lukewarm water after 10 – 15 minutes.
    Yogurt has lactic acid that exfoliates the skin layer to clear dead cells and lighten the dark patches on the neck. Mix few drops of fresh lemon juice in 2 tablespoons of yogurt and apply it on your neck. Massage gently for a couple of minutes and rinse off with lukewarm water after 15 – 20 minutes.
    Potato juice has natural bleaching property along with catecholase (enzyme) that helps to lighten up your skin color.  Mix potato juice and lemon juice and apply it on the neck area using a cotton ball. Wash the area with water after 15 – 20 minutes.
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Method – 2: (Lemon Juice with Milk and Almond Oil)

Almond oil has essential nutrients that nourish your skin and thus removes dark discoloration of the neck. Milk acts as a natural cleanser that removes dead cells and other impurities on the skin. Honey helps to maintain the skin’s health with its amazing properties.

    Add 2 teaspoons of fresh lemon juice, 2 tablespoons of milk, 1 tablespoon of raw honey and 1teaspoon of almond oil in a bowl.
    Stir well and apply it on all around the neck area.
    Massage gently for a minute and leave it on for 15 – 20 minutes.
    Finally, rinse off with water and do the same process till you get complete relief from the dark neck.

Method – 3: (Lemon Juice with Egg White and Olive Oil)

Egg white provides all essential nutrients and proteins to remove the dull and dead skin cells and thereby gives a natural glow.  Olive oil lightens up your skin tone and honey moisturizes the skin.

    Mix 1 tablespoon each of fresh lemon juice and raw honey, egg white (separated from 1 egg), 1/2 teaspoon of olive oil in a bowl.
    Stir well and apply it all over the neck.
    Massage gently for a couple of minutes and let it sit for about 30 – 45 minutes.
    Rinse off with warm water and continue the same process for 3 – 4 times a week till you lighten up your dark neck.

Tips and Precautions:

    Never apply lemon juice on any part of the skin before stepping out and also apply sunscreen on the neck while going out in sun, as it even darkens the neck area.
    The best time to apply lemon mix on the skin is at night before bed time.
    Also, you can add few drops of fresh lemon juice to your face mask (or pack) mix before applying, to make it more effective for treating dark neck.
    Make sure to take proper care to your neck as your face regularly to get rid of dark patches on the neck area. So, regularly cleanse, exfoliate and moisturize your neck for best results.
    Use freshly extracted lemon juice rather than bottled juice, as the concentration of vitamin C will reduce with time.
    Drink more of water and healthy fruit or vegetable juice along with a well-balanced diet to detoxify the skin (or body) and thereby to enhance the skin with an even tone.
    Never ever forget to rinse your neck thoroughly with mild soap and water when you applied oil or any hair color, as they clog the pores and darkens the skin.
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Try these lemon methods for black neck and let me know which method works well in lightening your dark neck area by sharing your experience with us in the below comments box.

Source link wallx.net

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