19 Effective Natural Home Remedies For Abortion in Early Pregnancy

For couples, pregnancy is one of the best movements in a couple’s life but only when both are prepared from it. However there are a lot of reasons for these accidental pregnancies and at that cases, they don’t want to have baby and choose to abort their child.

Always remember that abortion is really an offence in the perspective of humanity. However if you decided for an abortion then here in this article, we are explaining you some safe and effective natural remedies that result in abortion without any side effects.

Abortion is generally an incomplete pregnancy, induced or naturally. This abortion can occurs in the first trimester, in some cases second trimester but in rare cases, it occurs at third trimester. In these days, there are plenty of natural ways to induce abortion. Abortion can be result of the complicated pregnancy (which referred as therapeutic abortion) or an induced (which referred as an elective abortion).

Most of the women who had early abortions has reported that they suffers from mild to moderate pain in the abdominal areas and feel like menstrual cramps. Abortion is safe for only women who are in first trimester rather than second and third trimesters which can use effect to both the baby and the pregnant women. It also has the risk of vaginal bleeding during early pregnancy, preterm birth, low birth weight, placenta previa, etc. will occur after doing abortion.

Women who have surgical abortions will suffer from higher incidence of Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID) that may lead to infertility and also high incidence of breast cancer. So, there are many risks involved at any time of abortion, during the procedure or afterwards. Choose proper abortion method with careful consideration with a health practitioner.

Home Remedies for Abortion:


Here are some effective home remedies that effectively treat the abortion without much side effects means a safe process of abortion. Follow it whenever needed to terminate the pregnancy (but don’t misuse these remedies for unnecessary abortions).

Remedy – 1: (Angelica Quai)

Angelica Quai (or Angelica Sinensis) allows rest to the womb and helps to activate the late monthly periods and also contractions. It contains essential oils that work effectively in relaxing your uterus and acts as a strong remedy used widely for abortion. So, take it daily until you have periods to clear the fetus that formed in the womb.

    Take 5 – 15 falls of angelica quai (or some angelica sinensis powder) and add it to 1 cup of hot water.
    Mix it well and consume this for every 4 hours until you get the period.
    Regularly do this to get abortion and have regular periods without any problems.

Note: The fresh root of angelica sinensis should not be consumed internally, as it contains some oil which causes some serious side effects to the body.

Remedy – 2: (Black Cohosh)

Black Cohosh is a natural product that you have to follow with the intake of red cohosh. It is used to mature the cervix before beginning that means it getting ready for abortion but not in the later stages of pregnancy.You can use tinctures and supplements which give quick action for abortion. Use this daily to get rid of the pregnancy problem.

But remember that it reduces your pulse amount so avoid this remedy if you’re suffering from any cardiovascular illness. It also has adverse reactions like throwing up and nausea, vomiting, faintness and other diarrhea complications. Make sure that the dark cohosh will not generate an abortion.

Remedy – 3: (Pennyroyal)

Pennyroyal has an advanced level of pulegone which is a very toxic material. You can use entire plant, broken up or dried. It has the properties of emmenagogue that aids for gall bladder and digestive tract.

    Take a teaspoon of pennyroyal and add this to a cup of water.
    Mix it well and drink 3 cups per day for a maximum of 6 days to get rid of the unwanted pregnancy.
    Make sure that drink this tea for limited amount of time will give you safe results.
    Remember that not to use extracted pennyroyal oil which is most toxic and potentially lethal.

Remedy – 4: (Sesame Seeds)

Sesame seeds are one of the safe natural remedy that widely used for abortion. It considered as one of the miscarriage foods and be cautious while taking this seeds why because it causes overheat in the body and thereby results in the spontaneous abortion.

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Here are few ways of using sesame seeds for abortion.

    Take a handful of sesame seeds in a bowl filled with water.Then let it soak for overnight without any disturbance. Finally, drink this sesame seeds soaked water in the next morning with an empty stomach to induce naturally.
    Fry 1 teaspoon of sesame seeds and add it with 1 teaspoon of raw honey. Stir well and consume this mix slowly. Regular intake will enhance the induce process and results in abortion.
    Simply add sesame seeds in your dishes and consume it regularly to induce safely without any side effects on the body.

Remedy – 5: (Blue Cohosh)

Blue cohosh (Caulophyllum Thalictroides or blue ginseng or blueberry root) contains oxytocin which is commonly used in the medical community as a drip to speed up the desultory labor. It also contains caulosaponin that stimulates the uterine contractions.

You can use this herb in any way like tea, tincture or any other supplement form. Regularly follow taking this process will clear the fetus and lead to an unwanted abortion. But make sure that not to use this for longer time.

For best results, prepare the concoction of black cohosh or blue cohosh and consume it with water or honey to increase the chances of inducing and bleeding.

Remedy – 6: (Common Rue)

Common rue contains an active compound called pilocarine which is a potent abortifacient that both in farm animals and humans. Common rue is an ornamental flower grown in the garden. The oil extracted from common rue can be applied on the vaginal area and leave it like that as it helps to clear the fetus.

Remedy – 7: (Cinnamon)

Cinnamon is a powerful spice used to abort at home. It helps to enhance the uterus and thereby induce abortion along with lowering the pain. Take cinnamon supplements that help to complete the miscarriage without any complications.

It prevents bleeding and thereby promotes the healing process because of its strong effects on the blood platelets.  So, consume cinnamon supplements regularly until it induces labor.

Remedy – 8: (Tansy)

Tansy contains an essential oil called thujones. It is a perennial herbaceous flowering plant i.e. potent abortifacient and is very dangerous. You can take it in tincture form by adding few drops of tansy and dilute it in water is said to induce abortion. But remember it should never be taken internally as it can be life-threatening even when taken in tiny amounts. Also pregnant women should not take this herb as it leads to abortion.

Remedy – 9: (Vitamin C)

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) when taken in high doses i.e. up to 6000 mg (500 mg in every hour) in a day can induce abortion even for the women who have already 3 weeks late in their periods. Estrogen levels will rise and bring down progesterone, which is a hormone that is essential to facilitate menstruation, when vitamin C is taken regularly.

Consume 10 – 12 grams of vitamin C daily until it starts bleeding, as bleeding will generally start within 3 – 4 days of consuming vitamin C. Also, look for other natural remedies for abortion along with the intake of vitamin C.

But make sure to take vitamin C that contains pure ascorbic acid (something that many cheap brands can offer) rather than rosehips. This excess vitamin creates a hostile environment for the fertilized egg not to implant. Remember to take this in the morning rather than other time of the day.

Remedy – 10: (Parsley)

Parsley actually induces contractions of the walls of the uterus and cause abortion when taken in high amounts. It loosens the cervix and thereby induces the uterine contractions and thus results in menstruation.

    Take a few stalks of fresh parsley and place it inside the vagina to induce the contractions.
    Or simply you can drink the juice made from parsley to get rid of the problem.
    Prepare parsley tea by steeping 1 tablespoon of dried parsley in 1 cup of hot water for about 5 – 10 minutes and strain it. Drink this parsley tea for 2 – 3 times daily until you get your periods.
    Do it till you get your regular periods.
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Remedy – 11: (White Rose Petals)

White rose petals helps to induce the process of natural abortions with its natural properties.

    Take about 10 – 20 grams of white rose petals and wash it thoroughly.
    Confection them at the area to clear the fetus.
    Continue doing this regularly until you get your period.

Remedy – 12: (Raspberry Tea)

Raspberry tea helps to strengthen the uterus but many experts say that avoid taking raspberry leaf tea during the second and third trimester of pregnancy as it leads to abortion. So taking raspberry tea helps to prevent the unwanted pregnancy and helps you to stay happily.

    Take a cup of boiling water and pour this into a mug which you’re going to drink.
    Allow it to cool for a minutes and then add about 2 – 3 teaspoons of tea either in reusable tea bag or tea infuser.
    Cover it and leave it to steep for about 10 – 15 minutes and then add sweetener to the tea.
    Take out the tea bag or strain the tea if you used dried raspberry leaves in it.
    Drink this tea once or twice a day to clear the fetus in your uterus.

Remedy – 13: (Nutmeg)

Nutmeg has active pharmaceutical ingredients like safrole, myristicin and elemicin in certain amounts which can stimulate abortion. So, take it daily at a dosage up to 10 mg (200 times more than normal dosage of 0.05 mg) in order to cause interruption of pregnancy.

    Take a teaspoon or two of nutmeg powder and mix it with a cup of hot water.
    Stir it well and place it on the stove over medium heat for at least 10 minutes.
    Remove it from the heat and strain the tea.
    Allow it to get cool for few minutes.
    Drink this tea regularly to get rid of the pregnancy.

Remedy – 14: (Thyme)

Thyme acts as an emmenagogue (promoting menstruation) and abortifacient (promoting abortion) which also have negative effects on fertility. You can try thyme in your diet in any known way like tea, tincture, bath, syrup, applying thyme oil, etc. to clear your womb.

    Take a cup of boiling water and then add a tablespoon of fresh chopped thyme or 2 teaspoons of dried thyme in it.
    Let it steep for few minutes and the strain the tea by adding lemon juice in it.
    Drink this tea regularly 2 – 3 times a day to get rid of the unwanted pregnancy.

Remedy – 15: (Dandelion)

Dandelion with its natural properties help to clear the fetus when taken daily. You can take it either in the form of tea, tincture or any other supplement form. You can make tea by using dandelion flowers, leaves or root of it.

    Take few fresh flowers or leaves or root of it.
    Wash it well and leave it to steep for at least 15 – 20 minutes in boiling water.
    Strain it off to drink this tea and have this tea by adding any sweeteners.
    Drink this tea regularly for 2 – 3 times a day will help for abortion process.

Remedy – 16: (Cotton Root Bark)

Cotton root bark has emmenagogue and imitates oxytocin properties that help to clear the fetus in your uterus. You can use bark of the root, cut and broken up of the tree.

    To prepare a decoction, take a teaspoon of bark and add this to a cup of boiling water.
    Allow it to steep for few minutes and then strain the tea to drink it.
    For best results, take 3 cups per day for a maximum of 6 days.
    Remember that it’s better to use only organically-grown cotton root bark but not cotton with heavily sprayed with pesticides.

Remedy – 17: (Pineapple)

The rich content of vitamin C and bromelain enzyme will cause many miscarriages in women. It aids in softening the cervix and thus results in miscarriage. Over consumption will induce but it may affect your health.

    Take a fresh pineapple and remove its skin completely.
    Then chop the pineapple into medium size chunks.
    Pour these pineapple pieces in a blender along with some water.
    Blend it for a couple of minutes until smooth.
    Pour this mix into a glass and consume this fresh pineapple juice daily until you satisfied with the results.
    Also, consume a bowl of this fruit everyday for best and quick results.
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Remedy – 18: (Unripe Papaya)

Most of the doctors suggest staying away from papaya during pregnancy why because it results in inducing early labor. The two powerful enzymes in papaya called as chymopapain and papain are teratogenic and abotifacient.

Unripe papaya contains a lot of vitamin C and latex which has abortifacient potential that clears the fetus but ripe papaya fruit does not contain it. So be sure to have unripe and raw papaya for abortion. Eat this every day until you get your regular periods.

Remedy – 19: (Mugwort)

It contains the emmenagogue and antispasmodic properties. You can use entire plant, broken up and dried parts of the plant.

    Take a teaspoon of dried mugwort and add this to a cup of water.
    Steep it for about 10 minutes and then strain it.
    Drink this tea thrice a day for a maximum of 6 days.
    But make that not to take overdose i.e. more than 40 gm per liter cause hepato-rental disorders and convulsions, contra-indications for uterine inflammation and recent pelvic inflammation.

Tips and Precautions for a safe Abortion:

Every woman who is going for an abortion should follow these tips to avoid the side effects and other problems associated with the abortion.

    Try some oral medications like Mifepristone (Mifepex) in early stage of pregnancy to abort the fetus. You have to take this separately or in combination with abortion pills Misoprostol.
    Make sure to take care after the abortion as it leads to nausea, sweating, cramping, feeling, lightheaded, heavy or prolonged bleeding etc. will result as side effects.
    To lessen the bleeding after abortion, try to use nutmeg tea and corn silk.
    It is necessary to expel the placenta, for this you have to take thyme mostly in the form of tea.
    Always have fresh juices made from red raspberry, hawthorn and from fresh fruits to provide the better immune system to the patient who went for abortion.
    Always have natural ways to prevent the problem as this helps to relax the uterus like rose hips and chamomile, etc.
    Use rose hips, alfalfa, St.John’s wort, Myrrh, Mistletoe, cramp bark with wild yam or hawthorn, kelp, etc. in any known form to prevent the pregnancy.
    Include bay berry, red raspberry and other forms of berries, fresh fruits, whole grains, fresh dairy products, cod liver oil, iron, fish oil, sprouts, yogurt, etc. in your daily diet to get rid of the pregnancy and also to improve the immune system after having abortion.
    Always consume plenty of water and liquids which helps to remain moisturized. If you have had excessive swelling then it’s important to consume more liquids and feed your whole body to rate your restoration.
    Make sure to consult the doctor while using the herbs like dark cohosh, red cohosh, black cohosh, pennyroyal, etc. as this may cause little bit of side effects.
    Always take rest as much as possible by you as physically and psychologically your whole body has been through a difficult experience and that needs to recover by taking complete rest.
    Consult the doctor and take all the medications and drugs as prescribed by them. Also make sure to finish the whole course of medications without failing either for abortion or after abortion to recover yourself.
    Prevent doing exercise or hard work for 2 weeks to rate post-abortive restoration.
    Taking hot shower bath along with the combination of herbs mentioned above will help you top aid in a safe way to get the best results.
    Acupuncture, evening primrose oil (massage on the cervix or consume as a pill), aspirin, safe sex, etc. will help to abort your baby safely without any side effects.
    While all these techniques are not certified, you should keep in mind that the health hazards associated with abortion improves as with the maternity developments.
    Also remember that most of these natural techniques are safe but always important to get yourself examined by the physician after the abortion has been induced otherwise the failed pregnancy may remain within the uterus and make it prone to the risk of infections and other complications.

Hope you’ll give a trial to any of these home remedies for a safe abortion. If you tried then please share your experience with us.

Source link wallx.net

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