14 Best Natural Remedies to Treat Bacterial Infections

Having a health problem and got diagnosed in hospital and then came to know that you’re suffering from bacterial infections. Most people know that bacterial infection is caused by a bacteria and that has negative effects on the body.

Many people don’t have clarity about this infection and came up with several questions like what is a bacterial infection and how to treat it, especially whenever they face this problem.

Bacteria are microscopic and single cell organisms that live in almost everywhere, either in the air, soil or water. They can live on and inside the animals, plants and even human bodies. Don’t get a bad impression on bacteria, as they are essential to perform vital functions for organisms and environment.

This infection is defined as a proliferation of harmful bacteria inside and on the body that can be categorized into two types – gram positive & gram negative. They are highly contagious that can easily be transferred from one person to another through close contacts. One can observe symptoms like vomiting, fever, inflammation, cramping, coughing, diarrhea, sneezing, fatigue, etc.

The bacterial infection can be divided into several forms like food poisoning (Escherichia coli, Clostridium botulinumis, salmonella, vibrio, etc.), pneumonia, respiratory tract infections, meningitis, urinary tract infections, sexual transmitted disease (bacterial vaginosis, Chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis), etc. in which human face these problems.

In general, bacterial infections are treated with antibiotics as a course. There are various types of bacteria that affect each and every part of the body and this is a common health issue which we face throughout our lives.

But do you know that the intake of antibiotics all the time will make the bacteria more resistant to this medicine and can easily survive even taking the course of antibiotics without clearing from the body?

Don’t worry as the Mother Nature has given so many natural remedies for treating various skin, health and beauty ailments, including bacterial infection. Here, in this article, we will discuss some effective natural remedies to treat various types of bacteria affecting one or the other parts of the body.

Home Remedies for Bacterial Infections:


Discover the below mentioned natural ways to get an idea on how to treat bacterial infection naturally with simple home remedies.

Let’s get started…

Remedy – 1: (Probiotics)

Probiotics are generally used to increase the number of good bacteria and reduce the bad bacteria to prevent the bacterial infections. Regular intake of probiotics will strengthen your immunity to fight against the bacterial infections. It is effective in treating bacterial infections like urinary tract infection, stomach or intestinal infections, bacterial vaginosis, and other bacterial skin infections.

Do you know that yogurt is the best source of probiotics? So, include yogurt with live culture in your daily diet to get essential probiotics and thereby to prevent the infections.

    Consume 2 cups of fresh plain yogurt that has live cultures daily.
    Or simply consult your doctor for probiotic supplements and its dosage as per your health condition.
    Also, include other probiotic-rich foods in your daily diet to get rid of these bacterial infections.

Know More on Natural Probiotic Foods

Remedy – 2: (Aloe Vera)

Aloe vera has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that help to strengthen the body to fight against the bacterial action and also cools the body. Freshly extracted aloe vera gel from an aloe leaf will work as an excellent remedy for treating internal infections like vaginal infections, bacterial skin infections, and urinary tract infections.

    Take out the aloe vera gel freshly from an aloe leaf.
    Apply the gel directly on the affected areas of the skin.
    Leave it for few hours to overnight and then rinse off with water.
    Dry the area gently and repeat the application regularly for 2 – 3 times daily.

Note: Or simply consume 1/4 cup of aloe vera juice to get rid of bacterial skin infections.

Remedy – 3: (Turmeric)

Turmeric is a golden herb that works well in treating various skin problems, including cancerous tumors and bacterial infections. The curcumin is an excellent compound in turmeric that exhibits antibacterial, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties which are essential for treating bacterial infections.

    Mix enough water in freshly ground turmeric to make a fine paste.
    Apply it on the bacteria affected skin areas.
    Let it sit for few minutes and rinse off with water.
    Pat dry the skin and repeat the same process for once or twice daily until you get relief from the problem.
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    Or simply mix turmeric powder in 1 glass of warm milk (or warm water) and drink it to get rid of internal bacterial infections (including respiratory infections).
    Turmeric can be used as a preventive medicine for treating many bacterial infections. So, include at least 1 teaspoon of turmeric in your daily diet.
    Consult your doctor to consume curcumin supplements for getting rid of bacterial infections.

Remedy – 4: (Apple Cider Vinegar)

Apple cider vinegar (ACV) has acidic nature and it contains antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that treat a host of bacterial infections along with reducing the pain and irritation. It helps to maintain proper pH levels to make a hostile environment to the bacteria and prevents its growth.

    Take some raw, unfiltered and unpasteurized ACV and apply it directly on the skin where it is affected with bacteria by using a cotton ball.
    Let it sit for few minutes and rinse off with lukewarm water.
    Dry the area with a soft towel and repeat the same process for once or twice daily until you get complete relief from the bacterial infections.


    Or if you have sensitive skin or observe any irritation due to direct application of ACV then don’t forget to dilute it in water before every application.
    For treating internal infections, mix 1 teaspoon of ACV and few drops of raw honey in 1 cup of lukewarm water. Stir well and drink it to counteract the bacterial action in the body. Drink it twice daily for best and faster relief from the infections.

Remedy – 5: (Tea Tree Oil)

Tea tree essential oil has antibacterial, antimicrobial, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that help to treat a host of skin and vaginal infections that are caused by bacteria. Never ever apply tea tree oil directly without diluting on the skin and also avoid internal consumption, as it causes some serious side effects.

    Pour few drops of tea tree oil in coconut oil and stir well.
    Apply it on the bacteria affected skin areas or smear inside the vaginal canal to destroy the bacterial action.
    Leave it for few minutes and rinse off with water.
    Do the same application regularly to get rid of bacterial infections.

Note: Or simply mix tea tree oil in water and use it to rinse the affected area to get rid of bacterial action.

Remedy – 6: (Garlic)

Garlic is another potent and easily available home remedy for treating many bacterial and fungal infection of the body. It exhibits antibacterial, antiseptic, antifungal and anti-inflammatory properties that help to keep away from all kinds of bacterial infections that attack the skin, digestive, respiratory and urinary tract.

The allicin compound in garlic will work effectively in treating these bacterial infections. Here are few ways of using garlic for curing bacterial infections.

    Take a garlic clove and chew it thoroughly. Intake of 4 – 5 garlic cloves will help to combat the bacterial action in the body.
    Prepare a garlic tea by steeping few garlic cloves in 1 cup of boiling water for 10 minutes. Strain the water and drink this garlic tea for once or twice daily.
    Include garlic clove in your daily diet by adding it to your curries, soups, sauces, rice items, etc.
    Take garlic capsules after consulting your doctor for proper dosage as per your health condition.
    Simply apply garlic oil directly on the bacteria affected skin area. Massage gently for few minutes and leave it for another few minutes. Finally, rinse the area with water and dry it.

Remedy – 7: (Baking Soda)

Baking soda is another effective remedy that helps to regulate the pH balance of the body and skin and thereby prevents the bacterial action causing infections of the skin, respiratory, intestinal tract, etc. It exhibits antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that strengthen the immune system and fights off the bacteria to clear the infection.

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Here are few ways of treating bacterial infections using baking soda.

    Consume 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda along with 1 glass of water to get relief from the stomach & respiratory infections.
    Apply a paste prepared by mixing baking soda with little water on the affected areas of the skin will help to treat skin infections.
    For treating bacterial vaginosis and urinary tract infections, use baking soda as a soaking or rinsing agent by simply mix 1 cup of baking soda in a bathtub filled with warm water. Soak in this water for about 20 minutes and rinse your body thoroughly with water. Do it regularly until you get complete relief from these bacterial infections.

Remedy – 8: (Coconut Oil)

The strong antibacterial, antimicrobial, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that make it as an effective natural remedy for treating bacterial infections. It is effective in treating skin, vaginal, respiratory and intestinal bacterial infections. It also soothes the irritation, itching and other discomforts caused by bacterial infections.

Here are few ways of using coconut oil for treating bacterial infections.

    Apply melted warm coconut oil on the affected skin areas. Massage it gently for few minutes and leave it for another few minutes. Wash the area with water and dry the skin. Repeat it regularly.
    Soak a tampon in melted coconut oil and insert this tampon in the vagina for 2 hours. After that, take it out and wash the area with water. Continue doing the same process for once daily until you get rid of bacterial vaginosis.
    Pour some coconut oil in a bathtub filled with warm water and stir well. Soak in this water for few minutes and rinse your body thoroughly with water. Dry the skin and do it once a week to get rid of the problem.

Remedy – 9: (Ginger)

Most of us know that ginger is used to treat stomach or respiratory infections caused by bacteria. It has heating nature that heats up the body and thereby encourages proper blood circulation to reduce the action of bacteria in the body.

It exhibits antibacterial, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties with its two essential compounds called shagoals and gingerols. Here are some ways of using ginger for treating bacterial infection in the body.

    Prepare a ginger tea by chopping 1 – inch piece of fresh ginger root (or 1 teaspoon of dry ginger) in 1 cup of boiling water. Steep for 10 minutes and strain it to add some honey and fresh lemon juice. Stir well and drink this ginger tea to get rid of the stomach or digestive disorders and respiratory problems.
    Chew a slice of fresh ginger root or ginger extracts (like ginger cookies, ginger snaps, ginger lozenges, ginger ale or ginger tincture) will help you to keep away from bacterial infections.
    Include ginger your daily diet and make sure to take a stalk of ginger daily to get relief from infections.

Remedy – 10: (Honey)

Honey has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and antibacterial properties that help to treat respiratory and skin infections which are caused by bacteria. It helps to soothe and heal the affected area to clear itching or irritation.

    Pour 1 tablespoon of raw honey in 1 glass of warm water.
    Stir well and drink this mix to soothe the irritated throats caused due to a cough and cold.
    Alternatively, consume 1 teaspoon of honey to clear the bacterial action in the body.
    Application of raw honey on the affected area will clear the bacteria and soothe the itching and irritation and thereby helps for a faster healing of the skin.

Remedy – 11: (Fenugreek)

Fenugreek not only used to boost the immune system but also helps to balance the pH levels in the vagina. The usage of fenugreek seeds will help to improve the general health and treats bacterial infections. Regular consumption of fenugreek is very effective for health that prevents bacterial action, aids in proper digestion and clears the damage of free radicals on the skin.

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Here are few ways of using fenugreek for treating bacterial infections.

    Add 1 teaspoon of fenugreek powder into 1 cup of fresh yogurt and stir well. Consume this mix for twice daily until you get relief from the bacterial vaginosis.
    Stir 1 teaspoon of fenugreek seeds in 1 cup of hot water and let it steep for 5 minutes. Strain the tea and mix some honey with it. Consume this drink for 3 times daily until you strengthen your immunity and clears infection caused by bacteria.

Remedy – 12: (Fresh Juice)

Consuming fresh juice like cranberry juice will help to treat vaginal and urinary tract infections. It is safe to consume by pregnant women those who are suffering from bacterial infections. But make sure to use fresh cranberry juice not canned or sweetened for several times daily to combat the bacteria in the body.

These berries will inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria inside the body with its powerful antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties and thereby clears the infection quickly and naturally without any side effects.

Remedy – 13: (Lemon)

Lemon acts as an excellent remedy for treating bacterial infections, especially respiratory infections. It effectively reduces the buildup of mucus inside the respiratory tract and thereby removes the bacteria that were trapped inside the mucus and causing infections.

Remedy – 14: (Hydrogen Peroxide)

Hydrogen peroxide is a natural disinfectant that decomposes into water and oxygen and clears the infection causing bacteria and other microbes on the skin. It removes infection by oxidizing the harmful bacteria and an easy to follow the process.

    Mix equal parts of hydrogen peroxide (3%) and water in a bowl. Stir well and soak a tampon in this mix for a couple of minutes. Insert this tampon in the vagina for 20 – 30 minutes. After that, take out the tampon and repeat it regularly.
    Simply, administer the hydrogen peroxide solution by a douche to clear that bacterial infection.
    Also, applying hydrogen peroxide on the affected skin areas will help to clear the infection-causing bacteria.

Tips and Precautions:

    Make sure to consult your doctor for proper diagnose and treatment and use these natural remedies as an adjunct treatment for getting rid of bacterial infections.
    Pregnant or nursing women, old age people and children should not use these remedies without prior consulting their doctor or natural healthcare provider.
    Bacterial vaginosis can spread between sexual partners. So, avoid sexual intercourse or use a condom during the sexual intercourse. Also, urinate immediately after intercourse and rinse the vagina and vulva with clean water to get rid of the spread of bacterial infections.
    Always use safe hygiene practices like avoiding scented products and douching, rinsing the vagina with water, wearing breathable cotton underwear, avoid tight pants, keep the vaginal area dry completely and wash your hands before touching a vagina.
    Drink plenty of water and other healthy fluids to stay hydrated and to flush out these harmful bacteria from the body.
    Insert boric acid capsules into the vagina area at night before bedtime to get relief from bacterial vaginosis. Never eat this boric acid, as it is toxic. Pregnant women and children should not use this remedy.
    Always dry your skin thoroughly after taking shower (or bath) by wiping from front to back after using the bathroom.  Also, change your tampon or pad several times during your period to avoid the spread of infection.
    Consume a healthy diet that helps to strengthen your immune system and thereby to combat the action of these bacteria in the body.

Final Word:

Try these natural remedies to get rid of bacterial infections rather than using antibiotics every time. Do you know any other successful natural remedies to treat bacterial infections? Then share it with us in the below comments box.

Source link wallx.net

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