13 Best Home Remedies to Get Rid of Skin Pigmentation

Are you suffering from dark spots or ugly patches on the skin? Is these dark spots or patches on the skin lower your self-esteem and confidence? This is so-called skin pigmentation.

Skin pigmentation or hyperpigmentation causes uneven skin tone with dark patches on the skin that caused due to excessive production of melanin (a color pigment). It occurs in every part of the body, especially on the face, neck, arms, hands, and legs.

The skin gets its natural color from pigment-producing cells called melanocytes and these, in turn, will produce melanin to give skin its unique color. Whenever these melanocytes are damaged or unhealthy then they start to produce excessive melanin in the certain areas and thus makes those areas look too dark than actual skin.

Although there are a number of factors that result in the development of hyperpigmentation in the skin, some of the most common reasons include excessive exposure to the sun’s harmful UV rays, hormonal imbalance, genetics, aging, allergic reactions, improper hair removal, certain skin problems, skin injuries or burning, emotional stress, contact with certain chemicals, etc.

However the condition isn’t harmful or life-threatening but in certain cases, it can be symptoms of any underlying medical issue and can make your skin look unhealthy and uneven.

Most people (especially women) users color correctors, concealers, BB creams, foundation, etc. to cover up their uneven skin tone. Usage of cosmetic creams or makeup and treatments are expensive and may harm your skin if used regularly. So, why don’t you choose some natural remedies which make you never feel shy to step out into this world with a bare face?

Home Remedies for Skin Pigmentation:


Here are some effective natural remedies that help you in getting rid of the hyperpigmentation. Have a look at these natural home remedies and follow them regularly to make your skin glow with even tone without any dark or brown patches.

Let’s get started…

Remedy – 1: (Lemon)

The citric acid and vitamin C content in the lemon will make it as an excellent natural skin bleaching and a lightening agent that helps to prevent hyperpigmentation. It has antimicrobial and antioxidant properties that reduce the melanin production.

Regular application of lemon will fade these dark blemishes on the skin effectively. Here are few ways of using lemon for skin pigmentation.

    Squeeze lemon juice freshly in a small bowl and apply it on all over the pigmented skin by using a cotton ball. Let it sit for about 10 – 15 minutes and rinse off with water. Continue doing the same process for twice daily for few months to get complete relief from this hyperpigmentation.
    Prepare a face mask by mixing equal quantities of raw honey and fresh lemon juice in a small bowl. Stir well and apply it on the face and other affected skin. Then cover the applied skin with a warm towel for about 15 minutes. Finally, rinse off with lukewarm water and repeat it once a week regularly.
    Turmeric has antimicrobial, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that make it as an effective skin lightener. Mix 1 tablespoon each of turmeric powder and fresh lemon juice until it forms a fine paste. Apply on the affected skin areas and wash off with lukewarm water after 15 minutes. Do it once daily until you get relief from pigmentation.
    Mix an egg white and 1 teaspoon of fresh lemon juice in 2 tablespoons of brown sugar to make a paste. Apply it on the face and rub it gently in circular motions by concentrating more on the pigmented areas. Do it for 10 minutes and rinse with water. Dry the area and apply moisturizer. Repeat it twice a week.


    Remember that direct lemon juice should not be applied on the open wounds, dry or sensitive skin areas, as it causes burning sensation or irritation. So, dilute lemon juice with a little water (or honey or rose water or aloe vera) before using it for treating skin problems.
    Avoid stepping out in the sun immediately after using lemon on the skin, as it causes photosensitivity and make your skin look dark.

Remedy – 2: (Raw Potato)

The catecholase is an enzyme present in raw potato that helps to inhibit the melanocytes and thereby prevents the excess production of melanin. Potato is enriched with vitamins (B & C), potassium, calcium, magnesium, and zinc that helps to lighten the hyperpigmented skin and other dark blemishes.

Here are few ways of using potato for lightening skin pigmentation.

    Take a potato and peel it off thoroughly. Cut it into thick slices and pour few drops of water on the surface of potato piece. Use it to rub on the affected skin for 5 – 10 minutes and rinse with lukewarm water. Continue doing it for 3 – 4 times daily for a month to get rid of the hyperpigmented skin.
    Take a medium size potato and grate it properly to squeeze out the juice. Mix it with an equal amount of lemon juice to it. Apply it on the pigmented skin areas and let it sit for about 20 – 30 minutes. After that, rinse off with water and repeat it twice daily.
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Remedy – 3: (Vitamin E)

Vitamin E will help to neutralize the effects of harmful UV rays of the sun and protect your skin from the effect of free radicals with its antioxidant property.

Here are few ways of using Vitamin E for treating skin pigmentation.

    Take 2 – 3 vitamin E capsules and puncture it into a bowl. Then add 3 – 4 drops of castor oil and stir well. Apply this mix on the affected skin areas at night before bedtime and rinse off with water in the next morning. Continue this application for once daily for 2 – 3 weeks.
    Prepare a homemade mask by mixing 1 tablespoon of blended papaya and content of 2 vitamin E capsules in 1/2 cup of fuller’s earth. Stir well to make a thick paste and apply it evenly on the affected skin areas. Leave it for 20 minutes and rinse with lukewarm water. Do it once a week regularly.
    Simply apply vitamin E oil directly on the hyperpigmented skin and massage gently for 10 minutes. Leave it for few hours to overnight and rinse off with lukewarm water followed by cold water. Repeat it for twice daily to reduce hyperpigmentation.

Remedy – 4: (Apple Cider Vinegar)

Apple cider vinegar (ACV) is an effective remedy for treating dark spots and ugly patches on the skin. It exhibits antioxidant, antimicrobial, astringent and anti-inflammatory properties that help to restore the skin’s natural color.

It contains beta-carotene that clears the damage caused due to the free radicals on the skin. It balances the skin’s pH levels and even tone up your skin.

Here are few ways of using ACV for treating skin pigmentation.

    Mix 1 tablespoon of organic, unfiltered ACV in 2 tablespoons of water. Stir well and apply it on the affected skin areas. Let it sit for about 5 – 7 minutes and then wash off with lukewarm water. Dry the skin properly and repeat it twice daily to get rid of the problem.
    Mix 2 teaspoons of ACV and 1 teaspoon of raw honey in 1/2 a glass of warm water. Stir well and drink it for twice daily – once in the morning and once at night before bedtime for a couple of weeks until you get rid of the problem.

Remedy – 5: (Aloe Vera)

The presence of mucilaginous polysaccharides in the aloe vera helps to remove the dead skin cells and thereby promotes the regeneration of the new skin cells. Regular follow – up of this aloe vera application will definitely help you to get complete relief from the dark spots and ugly patches on the skin.

    Mix 1/2 teaspoon of raw honey in 2 tablespoons of aloe vera gel to make a fine paste.
    Let it sit for about 10 minutes and then apply it on the pigmented areas of the skin.
    Leave it to dry for about 20 – 25 minutes naturally and wash the area with lukewarm water.
    Dry the skin and follow it once daily until you enjoy healthy even tone skin.


    Or simply apply freshly extracted aloe vera gel on the hyperpigmented skin at night before going to bed and leave for overnight. Rinse off in the next morning and repeat it daily for best results.
    Alternatively, mix 1/2 tablespoon each of raw honey and aloe vera gel in 1 tablespoon of seaweed(kelp powder) to make a paste. Apply it on the pigmented areas and rinse with lukewarm water after 15 – 20 minutes. Do it thrice a week to get rid of uneven tone with dark patches on the skin.

Remedy – 6: (Orange Peel)

The citric acid in orange peel is a natural source of alpha hydroxy acids (AHA) that exhibits bleaching properties and thereby helps to get rid of dark patches on the skin. The vitamin C content will lighten the skin darkness to glow with an even tone.

    Mix 1 teaspoon each of fresh lemon juice, milk and honey in 1 tablespoon of dried orange peel powder until it forms a smooth paste.
    Apply it on the affected skin areas as a pack.
    Allow it to sit for about 20 minutes and massage gently for few minutes.
    After that, rinse the area with lukewarm water and repeat the same process for at least 3 – 4 times a week regularly to encourage the cell renewal and thereby reduce the dark patches on the skin.
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Note: Make sure to sun-dry the orange peels till it is completely dehydrated and blend it to a fine powder. Store the powder for regular usage.

Remedy – 7: (Avocado)

The healthy fatty acids, oleic acids and vitamins (E & C) content in avocado will help to reduce the appearance of pigmentation on the skin. The presence of various enzymes in avocado moisturizes the skin and forms a barrier on the skin surface to protect it from the effect of harmful UV rays and other pollutants.

It not only clears the skin pigmentation but also maintains skin firmness and nourish it to make it glow with an even tone. Here are few best ways of using Avocado for treating hyperpigmentation on the skin.

    Take a ripe avocado and mash it until it forms a smooth paste. Apply it on the skin where you’re suffering from hyperpigmentation. Let it sit for 30 – 45 minutes and then rinse off with lukewarm water. Continue this application for twice daily until you enjoy healthy even toned skin.
    Take 1/2 a ripe avocado and mash it to make a smooth paste. Then add 2 teaspoons of honey and 1 teaspoon of milk to it. Stir well and apply it on the affected skin areas. Leave it for few minutes to get dry naturally. Finally, rinse the area with lukewarm water and repeat the process for once daily.

Remedy – 8: (Sandalwood)

Most people think sandalwood is a cooling agent but do you know that it is also used to treat various skin problems? It enhances the skin complexion and clears hyperpigmentation or other types of skin blemishes. It acts as a blood purifier, skin cleanser and thus reduces the dark spots on the skin to give an even tone to the skin along with youthful appearance.

Here are few ways of using sandalwood for pigmentation.

    Add enough rose water to 2 tablespoons of sandalwood powder in a bowl. Stir well to make a fine thick paste and apply it as a mask on all over the affected skin areas. Let it sit for about 30 – 45 minutes and rinse with lukewarm water followed by cool water. Regular follow up of this remedy for twice daily will help you to get rid of the hyperpigmented skin.
    Alternately, mix lemon juice or Gramflour with rose water or raw milk (instead of rose water) to sandalwood powder till it forms a fine paste and apply it on the skin as a mask.
    Simply mix 1 tablespoon of turmeric powder and 2 tablespoons of sandalwood powder in 3 – 4 tablespoons of raw milk. Stir well to make a fine paste and apply it on the affected skin areas as a mask. Let it dry naturally for few minutes and rinse with lukewarm water. Do it once daily.
    Mix 2 – 4 drops of sandalwood essential oil with 1 – 2 teaspoons of any carrier oil. Stir well and apply it on the pigmented areas of the skin. Leave it for few hours to overnight and then rinse off with water. Dry the skin gently and repeat its application regularly.

Remedy – 9: (Almonds)

Almonds have a great source of vitamin E that exhibit antioxidant property, which in turn, used to protect the skin from the attack of free radicals and also moisturizes the skin to get rid of hyperpigmentation. Regular application or intake will definitely help to keep the skin healthy.

    Pour 5 – 7 almonds in water at night before bedtime.
    Soak it for overnight and in the next morning, take out the almonds and grind them by adding some milk to it until it forms a fine paste.
    Then add 1 teaspoon of raw honey along with few drops of fresh lemon juice to it.
    Stir well and slather this paste on all over the pigmented areas of the skin at night before bedtime.
    Leave it for overnight and rinse the area in the morning with cold water.
    Continue this application on every night for first 2 weeks and then do it for twice a week until you get complete relief from this pigmentation problem.

Note: Regular application of almond oil at night before bedtime with gentle massage will definitely provide you the best relief from this pigmentation.

Remedy – 10: (Cucumber)

Cucumber helps to rehydrate and rejuvenate the skin to prevent dryness and dark blemishes. It helps to improve the skin’s complexion with an even skin tone.

    Add equal quantities (1 tablespoon) each of cucumber juice, raw honey and fresh lemon juice.
    Stir well and apply it on the skin where you’ve hyperpigmentation.
    Leave it on for about 10 minutes and rinse with lukewarm water.
    Continue this application for twice daily to get rid of pigmentation on the skin.
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Note: Or simply apply the freshly extracted cucumber juice (or consume cucumber) on the skin regularly for best results.

Remedy – 11: (Tomato with Oatmeal and Yogurt)

Tomato has natural bleaching and skin rejuvenating properties that help to clear this pigmentation and dark spots on the skin. Oatmeal is a well-known exfoliator that scrubs the skin to remove dead skin from the inner layers of the skin and reveals your young and healthier layers.

Yogurt has lactic acid that tightens your skin to reduce blemishes and the combination of these excellent natural ingredients will make an effective remedy for treating hyperpigmentation.

    Take 2 teaspoons of oatmeal and grind it to make a powder.
    To that, add the juice of 1 tomato and 1/2 teaspoon of yogurt.
    Stir well to make a fine paste and apply it on the affected skin areas.
    Wait for 20 – 30 minutes to wash the area with lukewarm water.
    Do the same process for thrice a week to get rid of hyperpigmentation on the skin.

Remedy – 12: (Banana)

Banana is a natural moisturizer and exfoliator that cleanse and moisturizes the skin to treat skin pigmentation. It has rich content of potassium or vitamin K that helps to keep your skin healthy.

    Mash 1/2 a banana without any lumps and then add 1 teaspoon of raw milk and 1/2 teaspoon of honey.
    Stir well to make a smooth paste and apply it on the affected areas of the skin.
    Let it sit for about 30 – 40 minutes and rinse the area with lukewarm water.
    Twice a week application will help you to grab the banana benefits on the skin.

Note: Or simply mix the pulp of banana (exfoliate the skin) and guava (rich content of lycopene treats dark spots) and apply it on the face. Rinse with water after 15 – 20 minutes to remove all kinds of pigmentation.

Remedy – 13: (Papaya)

The papain is an enzyme present in papaya is used to exfoliate the skin and regenerate the new skin cells by removing the pigmented layers of the skin. It also moisturizes the skin to combat dry skin and to make it soft and supple.

    Grate papaya piece and extract its juice freshly.
    Apply it on the pigmented areas of the skin.
    Leave it for few minutes to get dry and rinse off with water.
    Pat dry the skin and repeat the same process regularly to get relief from the problem.

Note: Or mix 1 tablespoon each of aloe vera gel, honey, and milk in 2 tablespoons of papaya pulp to make a paste. Apply it on the skin with pigmentation and dry it for 20 – 30 minutes. Rinse off with lukewarm water and repeat the same process once daily for best results.

Tips and Precautions:

    Applying a sunscreen with a minimum SPF of 30 while stepping out in the sun will help to protect your skin from the harmful UV rays.
    Always remember to follow proper skin care routine of cleansing, exfoliating, toning and moisturizing will help to prevent the skin from getting this hyperpigmentation.
    The usage of other natural remedies like red onions, milk with honey, strawberries, cocoa butter, natural oil massage (olive oil, coconut oil, almond oil, jojoba oil, castor oil, neem oil or the combination of these oils), plain yogurt, turmeric, etc. will help you to get complete relief from the skin pigmentation.
    Avoid direct sun exposure, as it worsens the hyperpigmentation problem and make the skin to take a lot of time to heal this problem.
    Drink plenty of water and other healthy fluids to stay hydrated and to cleanse the skin to get rid of these problems.
    Consume a healthy diet that includes fresh fruits and vegetables, leafy greens, vitamins (A, C & E) rich foods, antioxidant-rich foods, etc. to rehydrate and rejuvenate the skin.
    Practice yoga, meditation and deep breathing exercises to control your stress levels and to have a proper sound sleep.
    Never ever bathe with extremely hot water, always use lukewarm water and also maintain proper skin hygiene like rinsing your face for twice daily, steaming your face and exfoliating regularly.
    If you didn’t find any relief or reduction in your skin pigmentation (or occurring often) after using these natural remedies then consult your doctor for proper diagnose and treatment why because it can be a cause of any underlying skin problem.

Final Word:

Try all these natural remedies regularly to get relief from the hyperpigmentation and to make your skin healthy and glow naturally. Do you know any other successful natural remedies for skin pigmentation? Then share your experience with us in the below comments box.

Source link wallx.net

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