12 Effective Remedies to Treat Mange in Dogs

Mange – A common skin disease caused due to external parasite called mites in pets (like dogs, cats and birds). Most of the pet lovers like me will face this problem, especially in dogs. In general, the veterinarian will treat this problem with the usage of some heavy chemical based poisons to clear these pathogens and thereby to treat mange in dogs. Some people worry about using these chemical based medicines or ointments on their beloved pets.

Demodectic mange (red mange) and sarcoptic mange (or canine scabies) are two main types of mange in dogs in which sarcoptic mange are contagious to humans and canines.

Sarcoptic mange is a light colored and oval shaped that caused by microscopic mites and demodectic is tiny mite which we can’t be seen without the help of microscope and non contagious. However, puppies can be recovered from mange but the adult dogs will require some longer time to control this problem.

What causes this Mange in Dogs?


Knowing what causes mange in dogs will help you a lot in treating this problem. Have a look at some of the causes of this mange in dogs.

    Infection from a mother to the puppy in an unhygienic breeding conditions.
    Sharing some objects like quarters or blankets with an infected dog, even though if it doesn’t show any symptoms.
    Hereditary condition.
    The usage of dirty trimming towels and shears in pet salons.
    Unclean fur and lack of improper skin care like timely baths.
    Insanitary caging in puppy mills, pet shops or shelter houses.
    Exposure to the infected animal in the park or on the road.

Primary Symptoms of Mange in Dogs:

When your dog gets affected with this mange then it shows some of these primary symptoms which we have mentioned below.

    Eventual weight loss and general lethargy
    Severe itching (depends upon the kind of mange infection)
    Hair loss
    Formation of scab at localized areas such as especially at the elbows, chests, armpits, ears or belly.
    Attack of other infections by bacteria and yeast due to sores that causing strong musty odor.
    Formation of red pustule in the later stages with yellow pus like crust.
    Sores, if left untreated then it results in constant scratching or itching.
    Red pustule formation with yellow pus like crust in the later stages.
    Ear itching that result in bruised ear tips and swollen ears, skin darkening and enlargement of lymph nodes along with formation of wrinkles, skin pigmentation and skin thickening in advanced cases.

Remember that intensity of the discomfort will vary and finally, results in restless, nervous, or agitated behavior in the dogs. So, do first aid by isolating your dogs to prevent it from spreading to other pets or humans.

Although, there are various treatments available in the market but the natural ways will definitely help you in getting relief from your beloved pets.

Here in this article, we are providing you some of the best natural remedies that help in treating mange in dogs. Have a look at some of these remedies and follow them to get relief from mange in your beloved dogs.

Home Remedies to Treat Mange in Dogs:

These are some of the clever and time tested natural home remedies that help to get rid of mange in dogs.

Let’s get started…

Remedy – 1: (Borax and Hydrogen Peroxide)

Both borax and hydrogen peroxide acts as natural disinfectant that used to kill the insects, worms and fungi. They cleanse the dog’s skin and make the mite unable to survive by simply creating a hostile environment.

What you need:

    Hydrogen peroxide (3%) – 2 cups
    Borax – 3 tablespoons
    Water – 4 cups

What you have to do:

    Mix hydrogen peroxide (natural cleanser) in water and stir well.
    Then add borax to this hydrogen peroxide water and stir well to dissolve the borax completely.
    Now use this mixture to soak your dog’s skin thoroughly.
    Let it sit for about several hours and rinse it off with water.
    Continue doing the same process daily for 2 – 3 days and then repeat it once a week to reduce the risk of getting this mange infestation again.


    Use this solution to rinse the toys, bedding and other washable items that are used by your infected dog.
    Also, remember that ingesting borax will make the dog sick. So, keep this borax reach out of the dog.

Remedy – 2: (Apple Cider Vinegar)

The usage of raw, organic and unfiltered apple cider vinegar (ACV) will help you a lot in controlling and treating this mange infection in your dogs. It exhibits antiseptic, antimicrobial, analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties that help to clear the infection causing microbes.

It also balances the pH of your dog’s skin and thus clears the itching, irritation and infection along with preventing the risk of re-infection.  Here are a few ways of using apple cider vinegar to treat mange in dogs.

Method – 1: (Apple Cider Vinegar with Water)

Diluted apple cider vinegar will kill the worms, fungi and insects on the dog’s skin.

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What you need:

    Apple cider vinegar – 1 cup
    Water – 1 cup
    Empty spray bottle

What you have to do:

    Combine equal quantities of apple cider vinegar and water and stir well.
    Pour this diluted apple cider vinegar in an empty spray bottle.
    Use it to spray on the dog’s fur but make sure to comb in between the spraying to saturate its skin completely.
    Let it to dry for a few minutes and leave it.
    Repeat the same process regularly for twice or thrice a week that depends up on the severity of your dog mange condition.

Method – 2: (Apple Cider Vinegar with Borax)

The topical application of apple cider vinegar will reduce the itching and irritation caused due to mange in your dogs. Borax acts as natural disinfectant that controls the infection causing microbes and treats mange in dogs.

What you need:

    Apple cider vinegar – 1/2 cup
    Borax – 1/2 cup
    Warm water – 1/2 cup
    Clean sponge

What to do:

    Mix equal amounts of borax, apple cider vinegar, and warm water in a bucket.
    Stir well and take a clean sponge to dip it in this solution.
    Use it to rub all over the dog gently and let it dry naturally.
    Continue this process for 2 – 3 times a week regularly till your dog gets complete relief from this mange.

Method – 3: (Apple Cider Vinegar with Dog’s Food)

Internal intake of apple cider vinegar will also help to give a complete relief from this mange in your dogs. Here is the recipe.

What you need:

    Apple cider vinegar
    Dog’s food

What you have to do:

    Pour some raw, unfiltered apple cider vinegar in your dog’s food.
    For proper dosage – 1 teaspoon for dogs which weighs up to 14 pounds, for dogs between 15 and 34 pounds, 2 teaspoons and for those 35 – 85 pounds should take 1 tablespoon.
    Continue the intake of this mixture till you find your pets free from this mange infection.

Note: Always remember that never ever apply or use undiluted form of apple cider vinegar on the dog’s body why because it causes irritation and stinging sensation.

Remedy – 3: (Sulfur Soap)

Sulfur is a mineral alkaline nature which helps to keep this mange under control. It not only kills the insects or parasites but also reduces the irritation and inflammation on the dog’s body caused due to mange. You can easily find this sulfur powder or soap in most drug stores.

What you need:

What you have to do:

    First of all, dampen your dog’s fur thoroughly with tepid water.
    Then start rubbing sulfur soap all over the dog’s skin until it is foamy.
    Allow it to sit for about 30 minutes so that it will move up to the dog’s surface and control this mange infection.
    Wash the body with water until the soap is removed completely.
    Finally, let the dog shake itself and allow it to dry its skin naturally.
    Repeat this sulfur soap bath to your dog for once or twice a week till you find no sign of this infection on the dog’s skin.

Remedy – 4: (Indian Lilac)

Indian lilac (neem) exhibits antiseptic, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties that help a lot in clearing various skin problems for both pets and humans. It not only clears this infection but also soothes and nourishes the skin to give faster relief from the infection and growth of fur.

Here are a few ways of using Indian lilac for treating mange in your dogs.

Method – 1: (Neem Spray)

What you need:

    Neem leaves – 1 handful
    Empty spray bottle

What you have to do:

    Pour a handful of Indian lilac leaves in a pan filled with water.
    Allow it boil for about 10 minutes and turn off the heat.
    Let the water cool and strain this neem water.
    Pour this neem water in an empty spray bottle and use it to spray onto the dog’s fur.
    Leave it like that and repeat the same process for once daily until the infection has cleared.

Method – 2: (Neem Oil with Coconut Oil)

Both Indian lilac oil and coconut oil will act as excellent ingredients for clearing this mange infection in the dogs.

What you need:

    Pure neem oil
    Coconut oil

What you have to do:

    Combine equal quantities of coconut oil and pure neem oil.
    Stir well and apply this oil mixture on the affected areas.
    Let it sit for about a few hours or overnight.
    Repeat the same process for 2 – 3 times daily until the dog’s infection gets cured completely.


    Also, use neem oil along with borax or apple cider vinegar or along for treating this mange in dogs.
    Or use an over the counter neem shampoo to bathe your dog regularly in every week.

Remedy – 5: (Vegetable Oil)

Vegetable oil, with its sticky nature will help to kill and clear the mites to reduce mange. It will soften the wax like deposits and scabs which left behind by the mites and thereby gives relief from this scratching and irritation. You can use any kind of vegetable oil to get rid of mange.

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What you need:

    Vegetable oil – 1 cup
    Clean sponge

What you have to do:

    Pour vegetable oil in a bowl and soak a clean sponge in this oil.
    Squeeze it and use this sponge to rub all over the dog’s fur.
    But concentrate more on the areas where you found dry & patchy, so scrub the area gently.
    Repeat the same process for twice daily till your dogs are free from infection.

Remedy – 6: (Honey)

Honey exhibits antioxidant that helps to give relief from painful itching and scratching. This natural ingredient will help to relieve your dog’s discomfort and irritation. The natural antiseptic and antimicrobial properties create a hostile environment for the mites survival on the dog’s skin.

Regular follow up of this honey will help to heal the skin quickly and thereby prevent the risk of getting the re-infection.

What you need:

What you have to do:

    Take some raw honey and spread it directly on the mange affected areas of the dog’s skin.
    Leave it for about a few hours to keep the mites (worms, fungi or bacteria) under control.
    Finally, wipe it off with water to prevent the attack of ants or other insects on the honey applied areas, which may be attracted to the sweet honey.
    Continue the application of raw honey for twice daily till your dogs are free from infection.

Remedy – 7: (Lemon)

We all know that lemon helps to treat several skin problems but do you know that this lemon treats skin problems in animals as well. The acidic nature along with antimicrobial and antioxidant properties will help to kill the microscopic parasites and heal the damaged skin.

What you need:

    Lemon – 1
    Clean sponge

What you have to do:

    Take a lemon and cut it into small pieces.
    Pour this lemon pieces in a pan which is filled with water.
    Turn on the heat to bring this lemon water to a boil.
    Then turn off the heat and cover the pan.
    Let the solution steep for overnight and in the next morning apply this lemon water to the pet’s coat with the help of a sponge.
    Leave it to dry naturally and repeat the same process for once daily.

Note: Never ever apply lemon juice directly on the open scabs why because it causes a burning sensation on the dog’s skin.

Remedy – 8: (Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth)

The internal intake of food grade diatomaceous earth will help to control this mange infestation and it is nontoxic and safe for the dogs. Here are some recipes which help to clear mange infection in your dogs.

Method – 1: (Diatomaceous Earth)

This recipe will help to clear the mange in medium sized dogs.

What you need:

    Food grade diatomaceous earth – 1 tablespoon
    Dog’s food

What you have to do:

    Mix 1 tablespoon of food grade diatomaceous earth to their food.
    Stir well and feed your dogs with this DE mixed food.
    Continue this process daily for a month to see the reduction in the symptoms of mange in your dog.

Note: For small puppies, the dosage should be 1 teaspoon per day on regular basis.

Method – 2: (Diatomaceous Earth with Neem Powder and Yarrow Powder)

All these ingredients will help to clear the infection causing parasites on the dog’s skin.

What you need:

    Diatomaceous Earth (food grade)
    Neem powder
    Yarrow powder

What you have to do:

    Mix equal quantities of diatomaceous earth, yarrow powder and neem powder.
    Stir well to prepare a dry powder and use it to rub on the dog’s skin gently.
    Continue this process for twice daily till your pets get a complete relief from the problem.

Method – 3: (Diatomaceous Earth with Water)

This diatomaceous earth paste will help to clear the infestation quickly along with reducing the itching and burning sensation.

What you need:

    Food grade diatomaceous earth

What you have to do:

    Combine diatomaceous earth with enough water to make a fine paste.
    Apply this paste on the pet’s fur and leave it like that without rinse it off.
    Repeat the same process for twice daily.


    Make sure not to get diatomaceous earth around the dog’s eyes and mouth why because it irritates the mucosa and worsen the problem.
    Also, use food grade diatomaceous earth but not the one which we use for the yard and garden.

Remedy – 9: (Yogurt)

Yogurt helps a lot in reducing the crusting discharge from the dog’s ear, which is caused due to mange. It reduces the discomfort and clears the symptoms of mange infestation with its acidophilus bacteria.

It also soothes the skin and thereby cleanses the affected area and relieves your affected dog from the itching, sores and irritation.

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What you need:

    Plain yogurt – 2 tablespoons
    Lukewarm water

What you have to do:

    Spread plain yogurt gently on the inside part of your pet’s mange infested ears.
    Leave it like that and rinse off with lukewarm water at the end of the day.
    Continue doing the same process for once daily till there is no crusty or discolored discharge from the ears.

Remedy – 10: (Aloe Vera)

Aloe vera cures various skin problems in both humans and pets with its natural antiseptic, anti-parasitic, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that help to soothe the mange infested dog’s skin. It gives an instant relief from the irritation, itching, burning sensation and other discomforts.

What you need:

What you have to do:

    First of all, give your dog a nice soapy bath by using lukewarm water and mild antiseptic soap.
    Let the dog’s fur air dry and then apply freshly exacted aloe vera gel on its skin by concentrating more on the affected areas.
    Leave it like that without rinsing and continue doing the same process for once daily till you get rid of this mange infestation.

Remedy – 11: (Listerine and Baby Oil)

Listerine contains antifungal, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties that help to treat various skin, hair and health related problems. The baby oil soothes the irritated skin and thereby gives an instant relief from the itching.

What you need:

    Listerine – 1 tablespoon
    Baby oil – 1 tablespoon
    Water – 1 tablespoon

What you have to do:

    Combine equal quantities of these three ingredients in a bowl.
    Stir well and pour this mixture into an empty spray bottle.
    Shake it well and use it to spray on the affected areas of the dog.
    Re-spray the mix for twice daily till the infection cleared completely on the pet’s skin.

Remedy – 12: (Benzoyl Peroxide Shampoo)

Benzoyl peroxide shampoo, also called as mange shampoo is a deep cleansing shampoo that clears the mites and other microbes causing mange with its antimicrobial properties.

It cleanses the skin pores and hair follicles to clear the mites and mange, especially effective in treating demodectic mange by simply creating a hostile environment for mites to survive.

What you need:

    Benzyol peroxide shampoo

What you have to do:

    Take benzoyl peroxide shampoo and use it to clean the dog’s skin and coat.
    Leave it for a couple of minutes and rinse off with water.
    Continue shampooing your pet with this mange shampoo for once daily till 1 – 2 weeks to eliminate this mange completely.

Tips and Precautions:

    To prevent this infection further, you have to rinse your dog’s bedding with warm water regularly to clear the mites, fungi and worms causing this mange infestation. Also, rinse the dog along with its surroundings.
    Make sure to bathe your pets regularly with a mild soap (which has alkaline nature) that helps to prevent the spread of this mange in dogs. Also, scrub their skin gently for a few minutes.
    Check whether your dog (or pets) is suffering from any signs of mites while combing or brushing their fur and thereby treat their problem.
    Feed your pets or dog with a healthy diet, which is enriched with vitamins (A, B complex, C & E) and minerals (zinc, iron and lecithin).
    Never ever allow the dog to get in touch with another dog which is infected to keep the disease at bay.
    Take your dog to the veterinarian doctor for regular checkup to test the skin scrapes and thereby to ensure the mites have been eradicated completely on your dogs.
    Garlic has antiseptic and antimicrobial properties that help to clear mange in your dog. So, simply add a small slice of garlic in your pet’s meal to get rid of these blood sucking mites. Or add some chopped garlic to the lemon bath to clear your dog’s fur.
    The usage of natural herbs like arnica (treats scabs, swelling and bruises) and calendula tea (calm down the skin’s inflammation). All you need to boil these herbs and use it to rinse the pet for several times daily.
    The thick coating of olive oil on the skin will help to block out the air supply and clear the mites inside the dog’s ear along with killing the parasites and soothing the affected areas.
    The vinaigrette like property of colloidal silver will help to treat mange in dogs or other pets. All you need is to apply colloidal silver directly on the affected areas and rinse off with water.
    Avoid feeding the canned or packed products to your dogs, as it may worsen the infection. For best digestion and mange resistant skin, add 1 tablespoon of fish oil which has omega – 3 fatty acids to your dog’s diet.

Final Word:

Try these amazing natural home remedies for treating mange in dogs. Do you know any other successful natural remedies for mange in dogs? Then share your experience with us in the below comments box.

Source link wallx.net

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