Why Does God Allow Child Suffering

Video Why God allows me to suffer Sometimes she takes me away, but most of the time, I’m at home, alone with him and vulnerable. He would tell me to take a shower and show up in the bathroom in his robe, and the sick feeling was indescribable. I prayed for a long, long time – with a child suffering, it seemed forever, but I knew. God sometimes tests people’s faith. God also punishes people, so I tried to remember if I had done something bad that deserved to be punished, but I couldn’t think of anything. No one has ever done anything bad to deserve what’s happening to me. Santa will see”. Many times he promised me that he wouldn’t hurt me again, and I thought, maybe, God has finally answered my prayers. But the monster always relapsed, and in the end I decided that God wouldn’t help. What god wouldn’t help someone like me? Everyone has made a terrible mistake. She called the police, and when they arrested him, he had unauthorized guns in his truck and a collection of girls’ underwear (they were loot from his other victims). , I only found out later). , and someone in my family said the monster would be lucky if they didn’t kill him. I was very disappointed when they didn’t, it turned out that he was a bigot, had a wife in another state so his marriage to my mother was illegal. The police detained me that day and brought in a woman – presumably a child psychologist – who interviewed me before they returned me to my mother. When she brought me back, she told me I was lucky they didn’t take me away for it, and she wanted to know why I didn’t tell her about the abuse instead of telling another family member. . I have no answer for her. The monster is also violent and abusive to her, but I can tell that she loves him. To this day, I still have not forgiven her for her poor judgment and I doubt I ever will. We live in a small town, and everyone knows what happened. I didn’t care because I was too young to be ashamed, and it didn’t happen anymore. I’ve been brought from hell, as far as I’m concerned. I am so happy the monster is in jail, and my family told me they will never let him out again. Read more: why do I smoke fortnite | Top Q&A There was a trial, and I had to tell the whole story, everything that happened, so they could put it on tape for the judge. I was six years old at the time, but they still had to teach me the proper words for the private parts in order for my testimony to be legitimate. My mother and I were both sent for court-ordered counseling. I was never told how long he would be in prison, but for the next several years we received an annual letter from the parole board asking if we thought he should be in prison. are not. The answer was always yes, he sent cards, letters and even a decorated t-shirt, and my mother stupidly gave these to me. I wish she had thrown them in the trash. I thought she still loved him for a long time, but she ended up marrying a wonderful man, a family friend who turned out to be a terrible husband, but he is a great father to me. He once told me that he didn’t believe a word I said about the abuse, and that telling stories like that could ruin a man’s life. He’s afraid I’m lying about him, so he doesn’t touch me – no hugs, no pats on the head – and that suits me very well. I don’t want anyone to touch me. I am now a grown woman, happily married to a wonderful man who helped me overcome my past, have children of my own. My mother is not a part of our lives. I still have flashbacks of the abuse from time to time, and I doubt I’ll ever get over it completely, but that misery has the potential to consume my life. Instead, I have so many fond memories that I choose to think of me, I can’t understand how people think teaching a helpless child that God, whose existence is completely unproven, capable of helping them or saving them from real harm. . I have no doubt that God is real and that he will help, and because I have faith, I have suffered much longer than I would have had if I had known I was independent. I have wasted so much pain and suffering on faith. Children with cancer and other terrible circumstances inevitably have to pray, like I did, for help that will never come. It is cruel to teach children to have faith, when it is possible to teach them to rely on themselves and real things. to church, but I would never let that happen. Religious people don’t realize that some people have very good reasons to hate religion. Some religious people might be interested in helping me find God again, and to them I would say, “Damn it. You’ve done enough damage already. “A previous reader in our religion series also contributed a story about excruciating pain as a child — a school bombing left him severely disabled for life — but to the contrary. to the reader above, his beliefs For the previous Notes discussion on policy – the age-old question of why a benevolent God let the world suffer – see here. This is an unsolicited email from reader Joseph: Reader feedback on the policy has been very interesting (and it’s always a pleasure to meet Sully [former Atlantic writer Andrew Sullivan] create appearance). One thing that I haven’t seen mentioned is resistance among many theologians to get involved in policy. The questions of the scriptures often try to rationalize suffering or offer some explanation for why it exists. In its most puzzling forms, it makes friend Pat Robertson say that Haiti has made a pact with the devil. In its more common forms, it causes you to have ideas like “God uses everything for good.” Karl Barth is perhaps the best representative of the school of thought that says that since evil exists and is not created by God, its existence is a scandal. , an improbable possibility. The human response to suffering is not trying to explain why it exists, but resisting its manifestation in the world. To interpret suffering is to minimize it or justify its existence. Some of your readers interested in how suffering is related to creation and the cross may enjoy a sermon that Barth scholar Bruce McCormack gave last year. The argument is essentially that in Christ, God chose to die on the cross as a way of accepting responsibility for creating a world in which there can be suffering. It’s as fascinating as it is unorthodox.Read more: why do cats pounce on water | Top Q&AA Another unsolicited email from that point in the discussion came from Bert Clere, a longtime Atlantic reader and frequent contributor to Notes (and the wider web): I think, Theodicy is the great question at the root of all religions. Back in 2007, you and Sullivan published this email of mine about God and Einstein. That was nine years ago, and I can’t say I’m better or worse than anything related to my severe anxiety. Some days are fine, others not so much. I don’t know why we are suffering. Sometimes you can associate it with original sin and understand that. Other times, it feels completely pointless and makes you question everything. [a 1993 film about C.S. Lewis and Joy Gresham]. CS Lewis thinks he has answered the question. Then he watched his wife die of cancer and realized that all the theology in the world failed to take away from its sense of pain and meaninglessness. If CS Lewis can’t solve it, then I don’t think any of us will. All you can do is go back to the mystery of the cross and say we see through a glass in the dark. I realize for some it’s the police. But for me, it is the only sign of suffering and the divine goodness we have. At least, what the cross tells us is that God chose to suffer as we do. [reader Elizabeth write] “He is a God who suffers with us. And I love Him for that.” I feel stupid repeating what others have said, but at the same time it’s an example of how all we can do is go back to the cross. scary and fascinating. It will explain a lot. But it still raises the same question about God’s almighty goodness. Because even if we let Satan in, why would God allow a world in which that could happen in the first place? And how do we address that idea with what we know about creation and evolution? There is no Adam and Eve, the literal Tree and the Snake. Was there ever a time when we chose to accept the bad and thus let suffering? I think science would argue pretty fiercely about that. Update from one reader, Ryan:No Taoist can even comprehend the question that perplexes Christians inculcating the idea of ​​an almighty, benevolent, omnipresent, and almighty God. The symbol of the East, the Yin/Yang circle, clearly demonstrates that good exists in evil and vice versa. The cross symbolizes suffering, death and deliverance… Read more: Why is the price of gas rising

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