Laundry Tips for the Potty Training Family

The following was written by LifeasMOM’s contributing writer, Prerna:Readings: how to wash furry underwear Our daughter has switched to toddler underwear and while we’re excited about her ditching diapers, the switch means an extra load of laundry clothes to deal with accidental messes and odors. Tips to help you deal with the laundry during toilet training.

1. Remove stains and odors


One of the biggest challenges we face is dealing with fecal and urine stains and odors. In the early days of potty training, accidents are common and getting rid of stains and odors is a top priority. So this is what worked for me:

To remove stains

Read more: how to get an even beard without darkening your skin | First Q & AF First, get rid of solid waste by flushing it down the toilet. Next, rinse the dirty underwear in a half-full bucket of water, rinse, and repeat if necessary. Discard dirty water. Apply a mixture of laundry detergent, oxygen-based stain remover, and water, and let sit for ten to fifteen minutes. Use a scrub brush to scrub away the stains. Put in washing machine or wash by hand.

Eliminate Odor

Soaking underwear in a vinegar-water solution before hand washing will not only remove stains, but also odors. as usual. I’ve also found that sprinkling bicarb soda on shoes that got wet in an accident works very well to get rid of the urine smell.

2. Laundry Hygiene and Underwear Toilet Training Toddlers Clothes and Underwear

I wanted to keep her underwear separate from our laundry for two big reasons: One was that the thought of washing poop and dirty underwear with our usual clothes was too dirty. Second, washing her underwear with ours and underwear was also too difficult. So I might be paranoid but I do separate laundry with just her underwear and maybe a mattress or two.

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3. Have a Toilet Laundry Plan

Since switching your baby to cotton underwear will add loads of laundry, especially if you haven’t used cloth diapers before, it’s a good idea to have a laundry plan in place. You’ll also have to hand wash clothes that are soiled by “accidental” so they don’t stick to odors and stay dirty for a long time. So, hand wash clothes like shorts, socks, or dresses that get wet right away, and spend a day washing your toddler’s underwear. underwear on the day I made our underwear and underwear. So find out what works for you and make a plan. Otherwise, you’ll end up with a pile of dirty toddler underwear before you know it.

Are you a potty training mom?

How do you stay on top of the pile of clothes when potty training? – Prerna Malik is a mother, a wife, a writer and a woman who believes in loving parenting, working hard, and creating a home that invites you to step foot in. and relax. Find her sharing simple tips and easy ideas at The Mom Writes or follow her on Twitter.To read more:Potty training in 10 days or less a smart potty seat A travel potty seat – Don’t leave the house without taking it Read more: A Beginner’s Guide to How to Use a Crystal Ball | Top Q&A

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