Iowa girl eats potato salad

Video of Iowa girl eating potato saladIn case you attend a BBQ at my mom or dad’s house in the summer, there’s a 99% chance you’ll be served. Judy Baked Beans, BEST Pasta Salad, and Dust Cake, or any combination of the three, however, all the time, all the time, all the time Mom’s Traditional Potato Salad. This is a summer staple. Read: Iowa girl eats potato saladCreamy classic potato salad in a bowlMy mother (she told me. Sure, Mom, I know who you are!) Has created this recipe so many times that it has become ingrained in her memory, however lately I have fallen in love with this recipe. Ask her to write down the delicious ingredient by ingredient, easy step by step. I don’t actually make this recipe myself – despite everything, Mom always shows up to make it the best – and was shocked to find that there wasn’t actually as much mayo as I thought it would, plus the recipe with secret marinade My mom has tweaked this recipe over time to suit our family’s tastes – eliminating extras like chopped onion and celery, which we don’t love – so have fun listening to this jazz recipe with any combination you want. The bottom recipe, which I’m sharing right here, is a traditional, creamy, clear Potato Salad. Food that I will eat. It’s so good!!!Moms Classic Potato Salad Recipe |

What potatoes to use for potato salad?


Potato Russet makes the best traditional potato salad. You heard it right here first. We’ve tried many different types of potatoes on this salad over time, but russian potatoes are our favorite, tried and true.

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Can I Make Meals This Way Over Time?

You should be able to make this potato salad completely within the next two days. The taste will simply be higher because it is in the fridge and the flavors are combined.overhead photo of a classic creamy potato salad bowl

Tips on how to make this recipe

Read more: Salad stuffing Start by scrubbing and peeling. 2-1/2 lbs russian potatoes, that’s about 4 medium sized potatoes. Make sure they’re all roughly the same size to prepare dinner evenly. Again, we’ve used a variety of potatoes in this recipe over time, and the potatoes are the best. Trust.Moms Classic Potato Salad Recipe | iowagirleats.comScrub the potatoes, then put in a bowl of cold water, bring to a boil, then prep dinner for 20 and a half hours or until a knife simply inserts into the center of each potato.Moms Classic Potato Salad Recipe | iowagirleats.comUse tongs to remove the potatoes and let cool. When they’re cool enough to deal with the heat, use a paring knife to peel them (it should be very simple), then cut the potatoes into large chunks and place in a large bowl.Moms Classic Potato Salad Recipe | iowagirleats.comIn the meantime, combine as a dressing for the potato salad. One part of this sauce can be mixed on top of nice and cozy potato chips, and half can be stirred in when finished earlier than serving. 1/4 cup canola or vegetable oil, 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar (same as apple cider vinegar) and 1 teaspoon lemon juice. Then add 1/2 teaspoon sugar, one chopped 1/2 teaspoon dry mustard, 1/4 teaspoon salt, and a lots of paprika sprints.Moms Classic Potato Salad Recipe | iowagirleats.comStir a little with a fork to combine.Moms Classic Potato Salad Recipe | iowagirleats.comRead more: How to make a tortilla taco salad. Pour 3/4 of the sauce over warm potatoes, then stir well and refrigerate for at least an hour or up to overnight. This is the “marinating” step to make the potato salad more flavorful!Moms Classic Potato Salad Recipe | iowagirleats.comWhile the potatoes are still cooking, bring them to a boil 4 large eggs. Just put them in the pot, then rinse the tops 1 with cold water. Bring to a boil, cover, then simmer for 12 minutes.Moms Classic Potato Salad Recipe | iowagirleats.comSoak the eggs in a bowl of ice water or under cold running water for a few minutes, then lightly beat each egg on a cutting board, roll to crack the shell around the center, and then peel. I find that eggs that are still warm are easiest to peel. Cut the eggs then put them in the fridge.Moms Classic Potato Salad Recipe | iowagirleats.comBefore distributing, add remaining sauce, 1/2 cup light mayonnaise, the hard boiled eggs chopped, and a salt water Add in the marinated potatoes, then stir to combine, including about 1/4 cup of the lighter mayo to achieve a creamy consistency.Moms Classic Potato Salad Recipe | iowagirleats.comThat’s it! Traditional, niche?! Refrigerate until ready to eat, then enjoy. Creamy and dreamy, I hope you enjoy this salad as much as we do – have fun!Classic creamy potato salad in a serving bowl

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Comparable recipes

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