how to zoom out in bluestacks

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This detailed article will show you how Zoom in and out with precision in Rise of Kingdoms with BlueStacks 4,260 or later. Download the latest version of BlueStacks.This feature is very useful when you are trying to keep track of the smallest details on the map and it can make a huge difference to your progress in the game. Read: how to minimize in bluestacks.

What’s new in the latest version of BlueStacks?

With BlueStacks 4,260 or later, you can now zoom in to where the mouse pointer is located by pressing Up and down arrow keys on your keyboard. Watch the video below to know more.

How to zoom correctly in Rise of Kingdoms?

You can zoom in/out a specific point in Rise of Kingdoms, based on where your cursor or mouse pointer is located. There are two ways to do this:

  • Zoom with scroll wheel precision
  • Zoom with precision with keyboard controls

Zoom with scroll wheel precision You can zoom in precisely in Rise of Kingdoms using CTRL key and your mouse wheel. The steps below will guide you on how to do this: 1. Zoom Rise of the Kingdom on BlueStacks 4.Read more: How to bind and set up your Flysky radio for a Quadcopter2. When Rise of Kingdom begins, place your cursor or mouse pointer at the point you want to zoom in. Now press and hold CONTROL and scroll your mouse wheel. These keyboard controls cannot be changed.Scrolling Mouse wheel down will zoomwith your cursor as the focus.2.jpgRoll mouse wheel up will zoom outwith your cursor as the focus.3.jpgZoom with precision with keyboard controlsYou can also zoom with precision at a specific point in Rise of Kingdoms by using the Up or Down arrow keys. The steps below will guide you on how to do this: 1. Zoom Rise of the Kingdom on BlueStacks 4.4.jpg2. When Rise of Kingdom begins, place your cursor or mouse pointer at the point you want to zoom in. Now press Up arrow key will zoomwith your cursor as the focus.5.jpgPress Down arrow key will zoom outwith your cursor as the focus.6.jpg

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How to edit keyboard controls to zoom with precision?

Read more: How to Green Text on 4chan? You can replace the Up and Down arrow keys with any other key control of your choice, to zoom in at a specific point in Rise of Kingdoms. The steps below will guide you on how to do this: 1. After launching Rise of Kingdoms on BlueStacks, click on it. Game Instructions Icon on the side toolbar, as shown below.7.jpg2. This will open the Game Guide window. Here, scroll down to find Launch , as shown below. This section allows you to view the keyboard controls available for the zoom feature.8.jpg3. To edit these controls, click Edit available in the bottom right corner.9.jpg4. Now click on the existing controls for Zoom feature and press new key for which you want to perform the function instead.10.jpg5. To save the changes, click Save in the bottom right corner. You can now use the newly assigned key to perform that specific function.Second brother 11.jpgThank you for choosing BlueStacks. We hope you enjoy using it. If you have any other questions, feel free to contact us at [email protected]. Wish you happy gaming! Last updated on January 14, 2021. Read more: how to make origami paper balls open

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