how to turn into a fairy

Little fabulous faces are often hiding from the usual world. To see and feel their presence, only the most worthy, people who are distinguished by kindness and responsiveness. And the girl who believes in the existence of Fei with all his heart and makes good actions, may not only get acquainted with them, but also become a real fairy.

How to become Fueey Winx?


Each fairy, such as Winx, is distinguished by wisdom and a sense of style. Such fairies, besides what they have magical abilities, are also good owners and fashionista. Therefore, in order to become the same wizard as Stella, Flora or Roxy, it is enough to learn how to invent beautiful outfits, read a lot of smart books and always remove your things. Moreover, all this must be accompanied by a special spell (“Cracine Mana Ste, Flo, Rock, Cracin Man”).Reading: how to turn into a fairyBut to become the Fai of Bloom, just above will not be enough. You will also need to find a special cache, about which no one will ever know, and decorate it so that all over the world there is nothing more beautiful. Such a secret place enhances any magic phrase and gives her hostess the power owned by Fairy Bloom.

How to become a fairy with wings?

There are fairies that can fly. Little shiny wings help them in this. But far from every fairy they get at birth. Many make them themselves from the clouds and wind breath. In one of the magical books, it is described how to become a fairy that can fly and how to make a magic wings at home.The flying fairy is all owner of homemade wings. You can make them from the remedies: a transparent tight film, scissors, paints and tassels, an old strap, threads with a needle and a lacquer with sparkles for hair. First, the shape of the wings of the desired size is cut and paints in different colors. After it dries, it is sewn to the strap (strictly in the center). Everything! – Wings are ready. The last stroke will be the spray of their varnish to impart brilliance.Magic wings will be only a week later, provided that during the day they will be constantly being in the daylight. However, it should be remembered that in real life Fairies fly only at night so that others do not see the beauty of the magic wings and did not want to pick them up. If the magic wings will be stolen, then all the magic will disappear into one instant, and it is no longer possible to become a new wizard.

How to become the Water Fairy?

Being the Water – means to be able to command this element. Water sorceresses can cause rain, change the direction of river flows, and, peering at the most lakes, predict the future. To become a fairy that the aquatic element is subject to, you need to use proven ways, namely:

Learn to talk with water

To do this, it is necessary to come to any water source (river, lake), choose a tree that will like the most and hang a silk color tape on it. This is done so that the nature itself helped the magic transformation. Then sit near the water, throw away all the extraneous thoughts to the side and start listening to the noise (language) of the stream.As soon as the feeling appears that you are part of nature, you can ask any questions that interest. Water will answer them. However, at first, it is better to ask questions to which you can give a simple answer (“yes” or “no”). If, after a given question, the noise of water has become louder, the fish jumped out of the river or another phenomenon occurred – it means that the water responds to a question positively.Spell to become the fairy for 1 second. As becoming in real life, the values u200bu200bof water, fire and all the forces of nature at home. Let's try to call the fairy

Get water strength

It is possible to become fairy water, carved by the power of this element. To do this, I need exactly at midnight to scream over a pre-prepared pelvis with water: “Water-Mother, shall share with your silhuk, so that I am also strong as you”. The hair should be flushed, all the decorations from the body are removed. After all the words are pronounced, you need to dial the bath, pour all the contents of the pelvis and swim there.

How to become a fairy with transformation?

To become a fairy that knows how to turn into someone or anywhere, you need to have a well-developed imagination, since the transformation process occurs only in the case of a detailed idea of u200bu200bits presentation. Fairy, which is endowed with the transformation forces, once was the fairy with wings. She just grew up, and nature endowed her more serious forces.Now in order to fly such fairy wings are not needed. They simply imagine how they turn into a bird (which which is more like), then the moment of transformation and flight takes place. The wizards turn not only in birds, but also in animals, plants and different items. This process occurs in the same way as during the transformation described above.Therefore, to become a fairy that owns the transformation forces can only be the wings who made his wings and learned to fly. But to quickly master the technique of various transformations will help the following exercises for the development of imagination:

  • Every day draw pictures of the magical world. Magic world can only be seen in a dream. But some manages to reproduce it with congenital abilities by inventing different animals, unusual trees, stars that you will not meet in everyday life.
  • Writing fairy tales. All the authors of fairy tales are wizards, only they do not speak anyone about this. In order not to forget the transformation skills, they write stories that describe worlds where only magic creatures and strong magicians live. If a fairy tale read more than 1000 people and she will like it, then the most important queen of Fay gives the authors new forces.There is one important magical rule: a fairy tale needs to be written by itself. The text of the fairy tales should be multi-colored, so before writing you need to be settled with colored handles and markers. Each page will need to draw pictures.
  • How to become the Fairy of Nature?

    In fact, the Fairy of Nature is born, only with age it is forgotten. In order to awaken the strength that were laid at birth and become the Fai of the real, you need to spend more time on nature and carefully treat it. That is, to do everything that is responsible for fairies of nature: help people, sick animals, make sure that the trees and flowers do not break without the need, do not litter in any case, but on the contrary, take care of the safety of the environment.If nature faces do not fulfill their obligations, they will nowhere to take the magic forces that the universe gives them.Spell to become the fairy for 1 second. As becoming in real life, the values u200bu200bof water, fire and all the forces of nature at home. Let's try to call the fairyIt is possible to arouse the strength of nature relatively and easily, if you do the following:

  • Every day do a lot of good deeds.
  • Grow houses or in the garden yourself Flowers.
  • Meditate (like yoga: sit in the lotus position, close your eyes, distract from everything and think only about your desire to become the FEE).
  • All these three items must be accompanied by special words (“boats, start, boats, strength, boats, wake up Dzinc”).

    How to become animal fairy?

    Animals feel and understand no worse than other people, which means that they have consciousness. Therefore, we will command them quite difficult. To do this, you need to be able to penetrate animal thoughts and replace them with your own. This can be done only in one way – to clearly reproduce the necessary action in the imagination, which should perform an animal, and imagine how it performs (where it goes, which feels). At the same time, it is necessary to think, as if the mind of the animal is a personal mind.Quickly become fairy animals do not work out. First you need to learn to love them and not be afraid. It is not only about all your favorite cats and dogs, but also about crocodiles, lions, bears, wolves and tigers. And just to love animals little, the most important thing is to get reciprocity from them, otherwise they will block the entrance to consciousness and tame them will not work.Spell to become the fairy for 1 second. As becoming in real life, the values u200bu200bof water, fire and all the forces of nature at home. Let's try to call the fairyLearn to command animals better on our pets. As soon as it starts, it is necessary to carry out a special magic rite. For this, paints can be drawn on the skin (sold in children’s stores). They need to draw some animal (beloved) on his face.Then you need to get up on the chair, turn on the music in which there are sounds of animals and die 15 times “Trust Morley, Kwast Morley, Morley, come Queen Fay. Trust Morley, Kwastor Morley, Morley, make me too simple. ” You need to sing on the motive that will come to mind. After that, near the open window, put the chocolate and go to sleep. If the chocolate will not be in the morning, then the queen Fey heard the song and everything turned out.

    How to become the fate of all forces?

    It is very hard to own all the forces at once, so it is impossible to become such a fairy right now without prior training. The wizards who own all their might have studied not everything immediately, but gradually. At first they mastered the flight technique, then they received the forces of nature, after – water, etc., such students endow the Queen of Fay. So she encourages them for the efforts. Therefore, becoming the fairy right now.Spell to become the fairy for 1 second. As becoming in real life, the values u200bu200bof water, fire and all the forces of nature at home. Let's try to call the fairyTo become a strong and experienced magician, you really need to learn lessons, just not as in an ordinary school, but magic (flights, magic tongue, magical account, fizmagculture). They are very similar to school, so you can combine one with another. There are several magic techniques for this:

  • Before each school lesson, it is necessary to talk about yourself the next phrase “lesson, lesson, a lesson to start and quickly in the magical you turn. Kraken, Bowek, Krush, I will quickly turn into the fairy now. “
  • In the lesson of mathematics, all the tasks turn into magical. For example, if we are talking about a girl in a problem, then you need to represent the fairy, if about an apple – come up with him magic properties etc.
  • In every notebook, put a small leaf, where it is written that its owner is a fairy, and listed, what kind of forces she owns. For example: “My name is Masha. I am a fairy. I can fly and talk with animals. ” This leaf must be decorated with colored pencils, and from the opposite side to draw a small fairy with wings and a magic wand.
  • Make yourself a magic wand. Better from the usual handle, which you can write in school to constantly wear it with you. To do this, take the color tape, turn it into a bow and attach to the knob cap. Let him lie on the windowsill at night so that the Queen of Fei turned her into a magic wand. Just talk about what it is magic object Nobody cannot, otherwise the wand will again become a conventional handle.
  • All your school textbooks turn into magical. To do this, every morning on the backpack you need to hang magic klyakazist. This is such a special key chain. It can be done at home. You need a little toy with a ring. A ribbon is hanging on the toy with the inscription “Klyakazustra” and all together behind the ring clinging to the backpack with the words: “Klyakazra Montte, Kusto, Rikko.”
  • Currently, many young girls have a single dream – to become Fai. This is a very frank and really noble desire. But it may be not every wishes to become a fairy, for this you need to behave well, to be an obedient and smart girl. Therefore, try to meet these requirements. There are many ways to help you become the Fai of this.

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    How to become the fairy per second

    The first way is very simple, you need to do just a few more actions, after which you will become a fairy. First, find a small piece of paper and write your desire on it. Do not skimp on words, as long as you can describe who you want to become (for example, water, fire or air). Then pour a full glass of water and drink the contents to the bottom, and throw a sheet with a desire to the window. It is important that the leaf flies as far as possible from you. By the way, the sheet does not necessarily throw out, you can simply eat it and drink it with water. After that, go to bed and fall asleep with a strong sleep. In the morning, when you wake up, you will become a fairy.

    How to become a fairy house

    The second way is no less bad, pay him enough attention. To turn, you need a bowl cold water, paper sheet of a specific color (decide in advance what kind of elements you want to possess: love, nature, water, etc.) and the mirror. To become the front of love – cut the heart of red paper, nature is a wedge sheet of green, water – a wave of blue sheet. Next, set fire to your craft and put it in a plate with water, do it so that it reflects in the mirror. Then look at the mirror and clearly tell me: “I want to become a fairy!”, Repeat my words three times. Remember, it should be a clear. If the fire goes out very quickly, it means that you have turned into a fairy.

    How to become a fairy with wings

    Spell to become the fairy for 1 second. As becoming in real life, the values u200bu200bof water, fire and all the forces of nature at home. Let's try to call the fairyFind the container of medium sizes and put ice into it, then wait until it melts. Next, drop one hand into the ice water and close your eyes. For 1-2 minutes, imagine who you want to become in your head. It is important to know what kind of elements you want to have.After you do these steps, go to the bathroom and soda shampoo hand, then wash it. Wipe your hands with a towel and start rubbing them about each other, the procedure should last 1-2 minutes. A few days later you will become the fairy.

    How to become Fey Winx

    Find the old bottle from under the toilet water or cologne. Fill it with water and add 3 pinching sugar, 3 pinching salts and one spoon of liquid soap. After that, set aside the filled vial on the windowsill, there it should be a bit at least two weeks.After the time has passed, the magic perfume will be ready to use. Sprinkle the content within a few days, at the same time imagine how to turn into the fairy. A few days later your desire will be.

    How to turn into fairies forever

    This transformation is possible only with the full moon, so you take care of patience and wait for the right time. Prepare a glass with water and a small piece of paper. On the sheet, describe with details what fairy you want to become. At the time of the full moon, go to open window So that the moon reflects in a glass with water, then lower the leaflet with the contents into the glass and pour water on yourself. After that you will become a fairy.

    The surest way to be the fairy

    To get something easier to ask for this in someone in our case, you can turn to the real Fayam. To do this, you will have to call these wonderful creatures. To become a fai of the water – sit by the lake or river, the fire of fire – by the fire, and if you want to be the fuel of the moon – you have enough to look at the moon. In the latter case, there is a prerequisite, the moon must be complete.Then I call myself a fairy that you want to see (for example, “Fairy Fire, come to me!”). If you are hearing a little rustling, or you will feel a cold breeze, it will mean that Fay is near. Be sure to behave friendly, otherwise the fairy may think that new abilities are needed to you for doing bad things, and then your desire will never be fulfilled. If everything goes well, you will stay home and lie down in your bed. In the morning you will already wake up with new abilities and wings on the back.

    How to become the fairy of any element

    Read more: How to Prime a Well PumpYou will need an ordinary toothpaste and a little patience. Take a tube in your hands and learn some contents on the index fingers of the hands. After 45 minutes, the tooth paste can be washed away. After that, they say out the cherished words out loud: “I am a fairy!”, Repeat this phrase five times. An hour later you must hear the wonderful voice of the fairies – after that you can ask her about what you want. Go to bed, and in the morning you are already wary of the Fairy.

    How to really become a fairy

    This method is suitable only if you spend the night at home alone. You should not distract anything, concentrate all attention on your purpose. Close up and raise hands up. After that, say this phrase out loud three times: “I am a fairy!”. Take this operation within a few days, and your desire will be fulfilled.

    The best way to become a fairy

    You need to make a very simple thing – to inspire yourself that you are fairy. To do this, believe the whole soul and heart in your dream. Very soon you will learn that the magic and the truth exists, only faith needs. Give the kindness and positive everyone around, take care of loved ones and relatives. Always smile, speak pleasant, kind and magical words. Do not learn your friends in difficult moment – After all, what would be the Fairy, you need to learn the main things. It is absolutely necessary to make magic rituals and spells. All you need is faith and kind heart. Only possessing these qualities you can become Fairy.Do you like flutters, charming, magical fairies that have a wonderful power? Surely, secretly dream of becoming one of them, at least for a minute. We guessed? But this dream is real. There are ways how to become a fairy, however, you should seriously treat the rituals described and be very attentive if you decide to hold a magical rite. After all, the fairies take to themselves only those who sincerely believes in magic.

    Proven methods

    If someone told the girl that Fay does not exist – he is very mistaken. History describes a lot of examples when conventional people met the wizard and even talked to them. The mysterious cases are stated in the books, they are retelling from generation to generation. If the girl decides to turn into a wizard, then it should be aware that there are no magic for reverse transformation. Therefore, think carefully before applying the proposed methods.


    Write on a piece of paper phrase: “I want to become a fairy (and add, what – land, water, nature). Depending on what you chose, put the paper into the water, kiss and let in the wind, go into the ground. After that, it is impossible to talk, otherwise magic will not work, so go to bed immediately. Nutro wake up the beautiful fairy. Just leave the window ajar – so magical creatures will be able to fly into the room. Here is another paper way to become a fairy.


    Are there any other ways to become fairy? For the second method, cool water will be needed. Take a bowl, mirror, candle and sheet of colored paper. To keep in mind that the color of the paper should correspond to what fairy you want to turn into. For example, the magician of love loves red and pink, nature – green, water – blue and blue. Light a candle and her flame to google paper. Immediately lower the leaf in a bowl with water and reflect the mirror. Then look at the mirror and say about myself: “I am a wizard”. Bring the wet leaf to the flame of the candle, if the light will immediately go out – you should be congratulated with the transformation into the fairy!Spell to become the fairy for 1 second. As becoming in real life, the values u200bu200bof water, fire and all the forces of nature at home. Let's try to call the fairy


    For a sugar way, an empty bottle from the perfume will be needed. Fill it with water, add some liquid soap, three slices of salt and as much sugar. Then leave a jar with a magic solution on the windowsill, let it stand for two weeks. When time passesOne day should be fed up with this miraculous solution, representing how to turn into a beautiful fairy. Three days later, the desire will be fulfilled, and will appear magic force!

    How to become Fey Winx

    To turn into a fabulous wizard, you need to become a good friend for those surrounding people, plants, animals. It is impossible to swear and even more so fight, otherwise the magic wings do not see. Fairy is the power of good, do not forget about it. If for a month you can perform the specified requirement, start preparing for the conversion ritual. Choose what specifically the FEE WINCs you want to become.

  • To turn into Bloom – the wizard, which is subject to the magic of the Dragon Fire, you need to do simple actions. Take such items: red paper sheet, black felt-tip or marker, magnifying glass. Summer sunny day go to the nearest park (but do not go deep into the landing, the fairies never expose themselves danger), write on a sheet of felt-tip pen your name and words: “I get the FEEY Bloom.” Then with the help of a magnifying glass to direct the ray of the sun on paper and set fire it. A few days later you will feel what has changed.
  • To transform into an excellent stella, owning the magic of the sun, the moon and stars, a special ritual in full moon should be performed. To be part that it is necessary to make it usual during the day, not at night. Take a glass or a cup of dark color, fill with water and look into it. You should see your own reflection and say: “I am beautiful as Stella. I am helping the sun, the moon and the stars. ” Then for a few hours put the vessel with water on the windowsill so that the moonlight falls into it, sun rays, stars. When water will behave their magic, begging her. After performing the ritual correctly, you will become a full-fledge fairy.
  • To become Flora, you need to cooperate with the forces of nature. The ritual should be held on March 1, when a wizard was born. Cook in advance beautiful flower pot Green and earth. On the specified day, put the seeds of any plant that likes. Do not forget to care for him, walk on time, saying: “My assistants are the forces of nature.” When sprout appears, you know that you have gained the magic of the Flora itself and has become the fairy.
  • To transform into Leyl, it is necessary to use the easiest spell. You will help you the elder of Fairy – Pixie Piff. Find a pillow with the image of butterflies. Look to bed, call the wizard, for which they say three times to voice: “Pixie Piff, come. Become a leulet help me. ” Fall asleep and wait, soon dreams with Leila. In the morning, look at your reflection: if you find several sequins on the face, you visited miracles at night. Congratulations, you became a beautiful fairy!
  • To become a wizard named Muse, write to the disk favorite songs from the Winx cartoon. On the box from the disk marker, write: “Muse from (your name). I want to become a wizard. ” After that, the disc should be hung on a tree branch higher from the ground, and after a few days it will disappear. This means that Musea visited here and took the message. Expect the speedy transformation that starts when you feel that you hear even the most quiet music.
  • Become a tek wizard you will succeed, if you have a lot of knowledge. You will have to spend efforts, make friends with the computer and find the component you need to turn – some dust from the system unit. But you should not disassemble the computer’s dad or climb under the lid. Only dust applied from above. It must be mixed with sparkles and store in a small box. When the street is windy, go to the balcony and, blowing on this magic powder, twist it in the wind. Make a ritual right, you will turn into a computer fairy. Soon you will notice that playing on the computer has become easier, a traction will appear for knowledge, and school rates will be higher.
  • How to become Fey Roxy? Apply fantasy, draw on a sheet of paper a fictional dog or cat. Let the drawings be plausible. Next, faster drawing on the wall using a button or a magnet to the refrigerator. Go for a walk, finding out a similar animal on the street. When you find, mentally say: “Thank you, Roxy, that heard me. I want to become like you. ” After a short period of time you will feel that it has become closer to the animals.
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    Spell to become the fairy for 1 second. As becoming in real life, the values u200bu200bof water, fire and all the forces of nature at home. Let's try to call the fairyYou already know how to become a fairy. Some methods of turning are complex, but by completing them, it is not difficult to gain magical power. Do not violate the rules and do the same as it is written, then the forces of good will give you magical abilities. But remember, if you quarrel with someone or fight, the magical power will disappear, and you will have to start a ritual again.

    How to become water

    This method of turning is more complicated by some others, but the most efficient. Wait full moon, try to throw extra thoughts out of my head. You are smart, so everything will work out! Prepare a note with the name of the fairies you want to become. Then put down the paper into the glass filled with water, but become so that the moon is reflected in the water. It is necessary to drink this water and go to bed. When the morning comes, and the moon will change the sun, you will turn into a magical fairy.

    How to become fairy fire

    If you wish, you can become Fire Fire. It is worth approaching the fire and present that you get the ability to glow. Mentally say that you want to be a light, try to feel it, but do not touch! If you feel uncomfortable near the fire, climb the candle and do the same near her. From now on, you know how to become the beautiful Fier Fire.Spell to become the fairy for 1 second. As becoming in real life, the values u200bu200bof water, fire and all the forces of nature at home. Let's try to call the fairy

    Fairy with wings for 1 second

    Wait when parents won’t be at home, sitting in front of the mirror. Carefully pepper in your reflection and imagine that you already have magical abilities. Someone: “I – Fairy”. Let any object of the wizard, which would like to be in front of you. A week after the ritual, the kingdom of beautiful winged wizards will take you into their ranks.


    Transformation into a fuel of snow and ice

    How to become the fay of snow and ice? Prepare a magic essence: Mix in a beautiful jar pinch of the earth, a couple of flower petals, a handful of snow and a little sugar to attract a wizard. Touch the miraculous mixture with your finger every evening, saying nothing. Imagine that the fairy you want to become. When the night of the seventh day passes, the desire will be fulfilled.

    Video: Watch how to become a fairy in real life

    Can you become a wizard? Only one who sincerely believes in miracles can feel them. Learn to see the magic in the most ordinary things, give the joy to others, smile, speak around the surrounding words – it is necessary to every person. No magic rituals Will not help become an excellent magical creature, until you dumping kindness. Magic is already in your hands. Right now start to make good actions, it is pleasant to surprise others and delight parents. The video below will help you become a beautiful fairy. Found in the text error? Highlight it, press Ctrl + Enter and we will fix everything!Each girl dreams to be special and possess the abilities that are beyond its peers. How to become a fairy and learn to create magic? To make favor and good people, please them and surprise them? Become a real wizard is a real adventure that will transform the life of any girl or a girl!However, it should always be remembered that it is not only a huge gift, but also a big responsibility. The girl who envies, is angry with others, lies to parents, makes Caverza and other bad deeds, will not get to get extraordinary abilities. For this you will have to change the harmful character. After all, the Fairy is first of all – a very good creature, so she will give his power only sincere and good person.In this article:

    Club Winx: how to become the same?

    These magical creations came to us from the “Winx Club” animated series, telling about unusual girls with magical abilities. Six beautiful fairies, each of which has its own magic, became a real sample to imitate. Is it possible to learn how to have such talents right now? Yes, it is quite possible to transform into Fairy Winx. The main thing is to believe in the magic and be a kind person.To have the abilities of one of the villas of Winx, you should remember several important rules:

    • they will never harm a person and make bad acts;
    • the wizards are not only beautiful, but also carefully following themselves: wear well, the teeth are brushing on time and combed;
    • if you really want to turn into a girl with the abilities for magic, it is best to tell anyone about it. Even close friends!

    Flora: Queen Flowers

    Will possess the magic of Winx – Flora – it means to be able to talk with flowers and plants, to love nature very much. To become a similar to flora, you need to go for a walk in the summer on a sunny day on nature and find the most beautiful flower. In no case cannot be disrupted!Sitting near the flower and stroking his stems, these words should be pronounced:“Flora, be my girlfriend! Give me strength! I love flowers and believe in magic. Thanks to you, I can become a real Fairy nature! “.Magic spell must be pronounced three times. Now magical abilities will increase every day.

    Muse: Sound Energy

    Becoming Fairy Music is to learn how to control the sound of sound. To possess the talents of the muse, it is necessary in the evening before bedtime, quietly rush to myself the most beloved song and pronounce the real plot:“Muza, give me magic of music, the magic of sound! Let them help me create good for all people! “.After that, try to fall asleep. In the morning your secret abilities will be much stronger.

    Fairy of the Sun and Moon

    Those girls who like to admire the moon and the lunar light can enjoy Magic Stella, and for a long time walking on the street on sunny days.Spell to become the fairy for 1 second. As becoming in real life, the values u200bu200bof water, fire and all the forces of nature at home. Let's try to call the fairyTo become a lady of the energies of the Sun and the Moon, you need to hang two threads on the wrists of your hands. On the right hand Yellow thread – it will symbolize the energy of the sun. On the left – white thread. It will become the conductor of the energy of the moon. But before conspiring threads-talismans in the hands, say:“The sun and the moon, help me to become a real good sorceress! I will make only good acts and no one causing an evil! “After that, through threads, you can feel the sunny and lunar power, which will be awarded with extraordinary talents and skills. The sun will help you to learn well, always in good mood And help others, and the moon is to be a very beautiful girl and not afraid of anything.

    Lady of light and fire

    In the Cartoon “Club Winx”, the Bloom magician enjoyed magic of light and fire, which gave her almost unlimited abilities. Become a lady of the elements of fire and light can be with the help of a magic conspiracy and a small secret rite.In a clear sunny day you need to go to nature and find a small clearing. You need to make sure that no one has seased right now. Then get up on the middle of the clearing and stretch your hands up, straight to the sun. In this case, pronounce the words of the magic conspiracy:

    Leila: how to subordinate water

    To have the abilities of the wizard leyla, you need to hold a magic rite. For this evening, in front of bedtime, when the moon will shine out the window, put a glass with water in the room on the window sill. Here are the words of a conspiracy that will help to gain the strength of the water element:“From now on, I will learn to manage water, draw a magical power out of it! Leila, make me a real fairy, Odari for your magic! I swear that I would use it only for the benefit! “.Spell to become the fairy for 1 second. As becoming in real life, the values u200bu200bof water, fire and all the forces of nature at home. Let's try to call the fairyRead more: how to fix connection timed out on androidAfter that, you need to go to bed. If in the morning you felt a large tide of strength – it means that you have become a powerful wizard, which from now on can manage water elements. However, you should not immediately throw to the nearest reservoir to test your strength. Your abilities will be disclosed gradually, day by day.

    All technologies will be subject to

    The sixth wizard – techno – had a skill that allowed her to subjugate all the well-known technologies. How to make it so that you have never broken the phone in your hands, and the remote from the TV did not disappear when it is most needed? To do this, seek help to magic and spend a very simple rite.You need to take any home gadget, for example, a cell phone or tablet that belongs to you. Then in the evening, before bedtime, take it in hand and quietly say:“From now on, the whole technique becomes subject to me! Now I have nothing to break and work badly! I own powerful magic – magic technology. From now on, any technology is conquered! “.After this secret rite, the phone or tablet, over which magic words were delivered, should not be included overnight. In the morning you will see that they have become much better to deal with any technique in the house, and it has become better and faster.

    How to become a fairy with wings?

    Many girls dream of real lung wings. It’s so cool to learn how to fly! Unfortunately, your transformation will pass unnoticed to others. According to magical laws, the wings will not be visible to anyone of people, but only representatives of the magical worlds. They can be seen in the lunar reflection of the lake once the wizard itself.However, it never stopped special girls who know that magic is a serious thing, and boasting your friends that you have invisible wings with the help of transformation, it is definitely not worth it. Otherwise, all the magic will disappear, and it is not always possible to return it.Spell to become the fairy for 1 second. As becoming in real life, the values u200bu200bof water, fire and all the forces of nature at home. Let's try to call the fairyTo become a fairy with wings in real life, exactly at midnight in the dark will need to open the window and, looking into the sky, tent times a magic spell:“I am crawling your wings! I fly to the stars! “After that, within seven days, it is necessary to represent that the wings grow behind your back. A week later there will be a transformation, and the girl will turn into a powerful sorceress with the wings that she will feel behind his back, when he wants.In real life, the fairy with wings will not fly. But at night, in a dream, you fully experience your transformation and can enjoy the wonderful feeling of flight and fascinating communication with good creatures from other worlds.There is another way to turn into a walled wizard with transformation. This will help such a ritual:

    • draw on a clean sheet of paper such a fairy with wings in which you want to turn;
    • on the reverse sheet, write the magic abilities you want to master. For example: “I want to fly,” “I want to treat animals” or “I want people to be drawn to me” and any others. The main thing is that they are not evil and could not hurt anyone;
    • then put a piece of pillow on the night (you can bend it). How to sleep;
    • the next day, buried the leaves in the ground so that no one saw him and did not dug.
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    How to turn into a fuel per second? Ritual at home!

    This is the easiest way to apply to the wizard at home. To do this, you need to stay alone in your room, close your eyes and give magic words three times:“Fairy power is now with me!”.First you will not feel anything, but then every day they will start to happen amazing Adventures. It is always worth remembering that now you are special. Therefore, you can feel people, their desires, dreams. It is necessary to help people and animals so that your strength has increased. If you do not do this, magical abilities may disappear.Another way to quickly become a fairy house will require a courage of character. At night, you need to wake up when it is still dark, go to the mirror and say such words:“Magic, put me with the beauty and magic of fairies!”.After that quickly return to bed, close your eyes and fall asleep until the morning.The next day, a girl who decided to gain extraordinary talents in this way, will feel much more confident in their power. If earlier she was a timid, now it will feel more bold and decisive, she will have good real friends.

    How to understand what happened to become special?

    After a mysterious rite of initiation, many girls are looking forward to instant magic abilities. However, home magic is not working in the way, and it will not be possible, for example, to become the Fairy nature or fire.Spell to become the fairy for 1 second. As becoming in real life, the values u200bu200bof water, fire and all the forces of nature at home. Let's try to call the fairyMagic talents will manifest every day in a little bit. Magic changes can be felt every time you commit a good act: feed the hungry kitten, comfort the crying baby, support good word Lonely man. After each such act, you physically begin to feel like magic in you becomes stronger.It is necessary to walk as often as possible in nature. The real magician spends most of the time among flowers and trees, helping them to grow and protect them. Instead, natural elements will give a special girl wisdom and power, which will allow her to repeatedly increase their extraordinary talents.Becoming Fairy means living in harmony with people, nature and animals. Never offend them, but always help and maintain. Then you truly feel the wings behind your back and realize that they turned into a powerful good wizard.Modern Internet space is filled with various instructions and recommendations on how to become a fairy, and this is not just the miscarios of the girl’s fantasy, it is Present lifestyle, Observe which is not only interesting, and is useful.After watching the “Winx” animated series, young girls dream about how to become a fairy right now and look for various ways to help them make their cherished dream. We have collected the most popular recommendations on how to become the fairy instantly or how to find magic power In just 5 minutes.Separate methods will require more thorough preparation, because there are different fairies, and for reincarnation, for example, in the fairy with wings or in the FEY of all forces, needless different conditions and different instructions . We will try to reveal you the most the best ways turning and tell about the fairies interesting Factswhich you have never even guessed.Before you decide to become a fairy with wings for 1 second, let’s figure it out who are such fairies, in which environment live and what abilities are possessed.Fairies are such elegant girls who can fly, talk with water, transform into various animals and make magic.They are miles, kind and very charming. Of course, we are talking about good fad. After all, we are confident that you dream to become just such a fairy fluttering on transparent wings and creative good deeds. However, it is necessary to do it imperceptibly, because no one except you should guess that you are a fairy. Simply it is necessary to sincerely believe in yourself, be responsive, good, sincere, stylish dress up, strive for knowledge and follow your appearance. This is how real fairies come and more experienced sisters give them real wings.Who knows, perhaps you, by following these recommendations, deserve the favor of older fairies and can become a fairy with wings for 1 second. But if the wings still do not appear, you can make them yourself. For this you need cut out of a thick film Elegant wings, paint them into favorite color, and then sew In the center of the construction of an old strap. Sprinkle ready-made wings with sparkles – and they are ready!

    How to become Fueey Winx?

    Another reason in order to forget the gray weekdays and plunge into the fantasy world, became the most popular animated series “Winx”. Millions of girls across the planet, enthusiastic adventures of charming cartoon wizards – Bloom, Stella, Roxy, Flora, Texa, Muses, and Leila, day and night only dream of how to become Fam Winx.These wizards good, raised, beautiful and very friendly. They know how to sympathize with someone else’s grief, love nature and never go past injustice. Therefore, if you decide to become Winx, you should necessarily have these qualities. But in order to turn into that fairy from a cartoon that you like most of all should be compliance with individual recommendations.For example, in Stella should turn into a full moon. After all, this Fairy has magic heavenly Tel. The rite can be held at home: prepare a black cup with water in advance and after midnight, say: “I want to become the same beautiful as Stella.” After that, put a cup on the windowsill so that the moon light reflects on the surface of the water. Leave the cup on the window until the morning, so water will be able to charge not only lunar, but solar energy. After that drink water. Over time, you will begin to notice positive changes in your appearance. So the power of the Fairy is manifested.In general, Winx Fairms are known to us not only for seven seasons of the series. The full-length cartoons as “Fairy: The Mystery of the Winter Forest”, “Mystery of the Pirate Island”, “Fairy: Magic Salvation” and “Fairy: Lost Treasure” also came to the wide screens. In them, brave wizards struggle with evil and experience the exciting moments of their rich life. Each of them has its magic power and is responsible for a certain element. For example, there is a fairy of water, fire, nature, animals and even a supermodule fairy of all his might.If your favorite heroine “Winx” is Bloom, try to turn into it. To do this, you need to take a sheet of color red paper or orange color, magnifying glass or magnifying glass and marker or marker. With all these accessories, go to the nearest park. On this day, the sun must be shining. Find a secluded corner and write your name on paper, and then such words: “I turn into the fairy of the fire.” After that, adjust the leaflet, sending sunlight on it with a magnifying glass. When the paper is completely harboring, entee the ashes in the wind. After this ritual, you will notice that you can control the elements of the fire and control the direction of smoke.Of course, this is not all ways to become fairy. With the help of such recipes you can also try to become Winx Leyla or Winx Muse. More detailed video It will help you to reincarnate to your favorite heroine, and you will learn how to control it with magical power.

    How to become the Fai of this?

    Certainly “Winx” is just a beautiful plot of a popular cartoon. You can only learn from the young heroine of their courage, purposefulness, style and kindness. But in order to become the Fai of the truly, you should work a little.

  • Firstly, learn how to combine school and teaching magical strength. For this, before each lesson, on a change, mentally tell yourself that you are fairy. Imagine that this lesson is not simple, but a magical and he will bring you a lot of magical knowledge.
  • Secondly, love mathematics. Of course, it is necessary to love all items (after all, the fairies are smart), however, mathematics can bring you more pleasure from studying what you think. For example, during the solution of tasks, you can show fantasy. Carefully read the condition, and if there is a speech about the girls, imagine that they are real faces and you help them make a magical task. When the task is solved – it means that the fairy coped. And you helped them!
  • Take care of your notebooks, keep them in order. In each notebook, put on a small leaflet, in which it will be written that you are a fairy with a real force.
  • Each fairy has a magic wand. You can make it yourself, for example, from a conventional ballpoint handle. Take a beautiful colored bow on the cap and leave a handle for the night on the windowsill. Queen Fay will come and turn your handle into a magic wand. Externally, it will look like an ordinary handle and you can write it at school and at home. Only do not say anyone that this is a magical subject. No one should guess about it, otherwise the magical power will disappear.
  • Make your tutorials magic. To do this, make a special key chain on your school backpack or Klyakazist. It can be made of a small toy with a fastened ring.
  • How to become a fairy with transformation?

    To become a fairy with transformation ( that is the fairy capable of turning into various creatures), you need to have a good fantasy and be able to draw beautifully.Only fairies are capable of transform having wings and able to fly. It is very important. For example, you want to soar in the sky, like a bird. Imagine that your body becomes much easier that feathers appear and wings begin to grow. In order to become a fairy with transformation and turn into animals and even in the plants, you need to train the imagination. This will help you simple exercises.Read more: How to prevent poop stains in toilet

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