How to train your horse to lay down

Video Tutorial on Tuning Horses Reclining training is an extremely difficult trick that requires patience, practice, and a horse of the right temperament. , teaching your horse to lie down on command can be an impressive, fun, and even useful riding trick. In this article, we will talk about the steps to teach your horse to lie down on command.

Why teach a horse to lie down on a sign?


In the past, this trick was often taught using negative or positive training techniques, and was often used to demonstrate human control dominance. For some of these riders, proving they have enough dominance to get their horse to lie on the ground (usually on top of a prone horse) has been a dominating performance on the stage. – however, there are plenty of good reasons to teach horses to lie down on signs.

Some reasons that you might want to teach your horse this trick:

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  • For fun! (Building up a real arsenal of tricks may not be there for horses and humans to bond and have fun together.)
  • For teambuilding! (Intentionally training your horse with gentle methods of commanding is a deliberate way of helping the horse learn to trust you more – this will translate to better communication when you’re in the saddle.)
  • For accessibility! (Not all writers are able to ride from the ground or even from a pylon, and many trainers have had success teaching a horse to withstand being ridden while on the ground, and then gently lift their writers as they stand)[/su_list]

To teach your horse to lie down, First lay the “foundation”

Before trying to teach your horse to lie down, first build trust between you and the horse. If your horse jumps on their feet every time you enter a stable or pasture while they are lying down, this is a sign that you may need to work on the fundamentals of trust before teaching. Your horse lies down. Build trust with your horse. By studying the principles of riding and working with your horse, not mounting and mounting on a round pen or pasture, you can develop more confidence that will help you in your horse’s training. for command. a rifle sling You will need patience. Horses are stiffly wrapped for battle or flight. When you ask your horse to lie down in your presence, you are asking them an incredible amount of trust, so be patient and try not to get discouraged during training. rely on clicker training. Just like my post on teaching your horse to pose for a photo, this method uses positive reinforcement (research has shown to be effective with horses) and a click tool to “hit the horse.” hide” desired behaviors so that they can be repeated more easily. However, with a click machine, you will need to introduce horses to click training. An introduction with simple tricks can help teach them that the sound of a click means a reward is coming. Usually (with all kinds of animals ranging from puppies to zoo animals), the basics of clicker training are taught with this simple trick: hit the target. , they quickly learn to follow that goal – tap it and get rewarded. Laying this groundwork for clicker training is a great way to build trust, have fun during the race season, or even keep a horse entertained during rest periods at the stables.

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How not to train a horse to lie down:

Some of the older methods of teaching horses to command involve using ropes to force the horse down or exhausting the horse in submission. it. For a positive experience that can be repeated on command in the future, you’ll want the training experience to be enjoyable, not scary, or painful.

Two methods of teaching horses to command

(Slower) Method 1 to teach the horse to lie down on command:

In the first method of teaching a horse to lie on command, you simply hold down the convenient pusher while you are with your horse and look for “teachable” moments when the behavior you want to train (in this case, lying down) happens For example, if I want to teach my horse to lie down on command and I know that my horse always falls to the ground to roll after they are unwrapped after riding , I have a clue how I am If my horse has been introduced for clicker training through the target training introduction above, I can simply stay nearby and pay attention to my horse after uncouple. As soon as their knees drop and they hit the ground, I’ll use the click tool to mark the desired behavior and provide a reward to my horse. Horses are unpredictable when putting down and standing up. Don’t stand too close or in the way – especially if your horse is not used to collapsing in your presence. Instead, use your mouse and voice tool to highlight the behavior, combine it with a command word (i.e. “Lie down!”) and offer a treat – if you so choose – when you and the horse already clear. Some horses will learn within 1 to 2 sessions how to repeat the behavior and get the treatment – making it easy to string it together with a command word – but other horses will take a long time than. Be patient and if this method doesn’t start to yield results, try the more deliberate method below.train a horse to lie down on command

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Faster. Method 2 to teach a horse to lie down on command

If your horse is used to clicker training through target training or learning to stand on command, you may have good luck quickly teaching your horse to lie down by training and then chaining the behaviors. small lead to a horse lying down. If you’ve ever observed a horse lying in their stall or resting in the pasture, you know that their natural pattern for calving tends to be as follows:

  • nose to the ground
  • knee lock
  • whole body fell to the ground

Knowing this natural progression, you can begin training your clicker step-by-step: mark and reward your horse for head-down, then withhold the reward or click until it lands. lower upper body or knees Then, gradually, require lower body. Since lying down is a rather intense physical act and difficult to do “halfway through”, training this donkey can require a great deal of patience and many short training sessions. As with the previous training method, you should take care to stay away from your horse when they are putting down, standing up or negotiating between two positions! Being too close or in the wrong place can be very dangerous.

Prefer to have a horse that will lie down under command

This elite trick is sure to impress anyone you show it to. If you are able to train this trick and a horse trusts enough to lay down for you, this can be a really great trick. While it may not be for every trainer or every horse, you can start with the basics of jockey training and work your way up with this advanced trick. Click to share: Read more: how to get the spark back in your relationship

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