How To Tame A Budgie In 30 Minutes

Video How to tame a macaw in 30 minutes

Guide to Make Your New Pet Budgie!


First, the easiest way to train your new pet is to start with a puppy. Newborn babies have black button eyes, with no easily distinguishable pupils or irises. They sometimes have a black tip on the beak, and often dark stripes on the head feathers. The brain meat (the flesh just above the tip of their beak) will be soft and smooth. Preschool children are ready to leave their parents when they are about 7-8 weeks old. Any doll under 16 weeks of age is an infant and would be good candidates for finger training and teaching speaking. Ask for its flying feathers to be trimmed so they can’t fly out and hurt themselves while the two of you are getting to know each other. Women can talk too! Adult males and females have different colored brains, males have bright blue brains, females can have pink or beige or even very light blue brains. You cannot accurately tell the sex of a doll by looking at its brain until it is about 20 to 24 weeks old. An older bird can be much more difficult to train and it will take longer for that old bird to bond with its new family.

Start by bringing the pet to its new home and placing it in a cage.

Baby macaws need to feel comfortable in their surroundings. Let it settle for a day or two. You can sit quietly by its cage and talk to it, give it sprays and just observe its behavior. Your dog should eat, drink and explore its cage and get to know its toys before you start working with it.

Once it’s settled, you can start hand training your dog Budgie!

There are many ways to do this. One way that works for many people is as follows:

  • Choose a quiet time during the day – one where you won’t be interrupted or rushed for at least 30 minutes.
  • Stay calm, grab a small handkerchief and approach your dog’s crate while talking softly.
  • Open the cage door and place the hand towel on the dog.
  • Use a towel to gently hold the bird as you remove it from the cage. Right hand to play and cuddle, don’t chase your little bird around the cage. He’ll associate the scarf with being grabbed, not your hand. He won’t know what you’re doing and will hang around. Just pick him up, gently hug him – hollow-bones bird – you don’t want to crush or hurt him!
  • Take him to a small, confined space, away from his cage. It may seem silly, but getting into the tub works really well. Put down towels/cushions for your comfort, plug in so your bird won’t slide down the drain, and pull the shower curtains closed. With the wings cut off, your bird won’t be able to soar and fly away from you.
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The happy budgie’s body language includes body fluff, cheerful tail wagging, tall and upright sitting posture, and chirping.

Training Fingers or Perch

Now you have two choices – you can start training your doll right away or you can use a perch to start training. Toddlers may bite your finger out of fear, if you are worried about being bitten use a small wooden perch to train it.

  • Place the perch or your fingers under its feet and release it from the towel. He’ll be confused when he doesn’t know what you want him to do.
  • Just drop the towel over him again, lift him up again and place him back on the perch/fingers. You may have to repeat this six or seven times before he thinks you want him on the perch.
  • Speak softly when you are working with him.
  • Once he is sitting on the perch without taking off, praise him! Using a high-pitched voice, let him know he’s a smart bird. He won’t understand your words, but will understand that you’re happy to be with him. Once he gets the idea, you’ll know! Cheerful Budgie’s body language includes full body fluff, cheerful tail wagging, a high upright sitting posture, and chirping.

“Stepped up”

You are now ready to start “advanced” training.

  • When the dog is sitting on a perch/finger, gently push another perch or finger into its belly, just above the top of its paws while saying “step up”. He can squirm around, but if you’re persistent, he’ll eventually lift one leg onto the new perch.
  • Continue doing this gradual lifting motion three or four times until the tilapia steps onto the new perch when it is offered for sale.
  • Remember to keep talking to him and complimenting him. Again, you’ll know when he’s got the idea because he’ll puff up and look so proud of himself! Consistency is key!
  • Always use the same verbal commands (step up) and the same physical clues (fingers/perch in the same place every time).
  • Once you’ve taken a few steps in a row, take a minute to pat your pet’s head/cuddle. Tell him what a wonderful bird he is and then take him back to his cage for rest and treatment. He has a lot to think about now!
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Bird_GingeredMaleWithBudgie_shutter_97207484Repetition is the key to successful Budgie training!

You should repeat the training sessions two or three times per day. The goal is to get to the point where you can open the cage, put your finger in, and ask your dog to step on your finger. He shouldn’t hesitate to do so, because “out-of-cage time” will be play and cuddle time. Most young shoots only take a week or so to practice fingering. Don’t just leave the cage door open and let it in and out at will! A doll that can decide when to go in and out is more difficult to train, and if it wanders the floor looking for friends, they could be stepped on or lost.

Training After “Step Up”

Read more: How to power a sump pump without electricity Once he’s happy to step on your finger, you can continue training your dog to teach him new tricks! The macaw will happily lie on your arm to rub your chin (playing “dead bird”), explore your pocket (become a “pocket parrot”) and ride on your shoulder (like a “robber parrot”) ocean”) Remember, birds need a clean, safe environment to feel fit and healthy. Wash and change water bowl twice daily, change and replenish food daily, change cage paper daily, bathe birds several times per week. An unwell bird makes a poor student!

Talk to your bird – Use a cheerful tune

The stronger your bond with you, the more motivated your bird will be to want to learn the language of its new flock leader (that’s you!). Baby birds, like all babies, need plenty of time to sleep and eat. Keep your coaching sessions short, upbeat and fun for both of you.

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